Roy’s Jaguar

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Roy’s Jaguar Page 9

by AM Halford

  “Yes.” Roy’s forced smile turned genuine. “Grandpa, this is Nexus Nahuel, a good friend.”

  “Jaguar, huh.” Roy’s heart sped up as his grandfather sneered at them, almost like he was saying he knew their secret. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “Rodrigo, my boy.” His grandmother gushed as they entered the dining room. She wiped her hands on her white and daisy apron, and hugged him tightly. In her bright sundress, she was the perfect image of a grandmother. Like his grandfather she was healthy and spry, always radiating with happiness. “And you must be Nexus.” She hugged his husband. “I wish I could say I’ve heard so much about you, but sadly, it seems Rodrigo has failed to mention you.”

  “He sure has,” his mother remarked dryly.

  “Let’s all just sit down, and eat.” His grandfather sighed. “Before the food turns bitter.”

  Oh yeah, tonight was going to be so much fun.

  It didn’t even take five minutes after they were all seated for the entire mood to go from awkward to hostile. All it took was one sentence.

  “So, Roy, are you seeing anyone?” Juaquin smirked at him.

  The air around Nexus seemed to physically darken and thicken at the same time while Roy tried to quickly figure out how to answer that question without coming out to his grandparents.

  “I’m still single.” Juaquin continued to talk. “Since things didn’t work out between us, I’ve struggled to find someone as amazing as you. So, what do you say?” He leered, and Roy’s heart plummeted as his grandparents both looked at him with an unreadable mask in place. “Want to give it another go?”

  Roy glanced to Nexus, and a new spike of fear pierced through him. He didn’t know him well, but it did appear that Nexus was losing control of his judgment. His eyes were yellower, and the grip he had on his fork revealed long, sharp, fingernails.

  “I can’t,” Roy said, still looking at Nexus. “I’m not single.”

  “You aren’t?” His grandfather’s voice was cold, devoid of emotion. It hurt to hear that tone even more than the strict lash from earlier. “Who exactly are you seeing? The jaguar?”

  “Yes,” Roy answered without thinking. “Nexus and I are dating.”

  His mother didn’t look happy. His grandmother returned to eating her dinner. His grandfather put his fork down and stood up. “You two, outside now.”

  Roy and Nexus shared a look before following his grandfather out the back door to the small yard Roy had spent many days as a child playing in. An old wood picnic table sat off to the side with an equally old round barbeque. The elm tree he’d gotten stuck in, fallen out of, and scraped his shin on multiple times still stood proud in the back corner opposite a rickety shed. It was all so familiar, and that made standing there all the more terrifying. Whenever his grandfather needed to lecture him, he brought him out here, away from the women. Said they didn’t need to hear a man-to-man talk. Those lectures also usually followed after Roy had just gotten in trouble.

  “So, you’re gay?” His grandfather cut right to the heart of the matter, without looking at Roy.

  Holding back tears, Roy nodded. “Yes, Grandpa.”

  “And this is how you tell me?”

  “I wasn’t planning to, not like this.”

  “Sir,” Nexus spoke, “we didn’t mean to hurt you by hiding our relationship. We just thought it was better to wait.”

  “Until when?” his grandfather demanded. He finally turned, and Roy couldn’t help but cry at the sight of the pain in his grandfather’s tear-coated eyes. “When did you plan to tell us?”

  “I’m so sorry, Grandpa,” Roy sobbed.

  “Why? Were you afraid of what we’d say? As if we could ever reject you.” His grandfather closed the distance between them and wrapped Roy in his strong arms. “You’re my grandson, and there’s nothing about you I don’t accept. I just wish you’d have told us yourself.”

  “I’m so sorry.” It seemed to be the only thing Roy could say. The fact his grandfather wasn’t rejecting him was amazing. He’d always imagined when he came out to them that it would happen like some tragic drama. This acceptance was more than he’d ever hoped for. Which, considering his family, was probably his fault. Yes, they were traditional, but they’d always supported him in everything. “Now, about the jaguar.”

  “He isn’t—” Roy started to deny his grandfather’s words, but a sharp glare cut him off.

  “I know a cat person when I see one.” His grandfather talked right over him. “What are your intentions with my grandson?”

  “Well, sir, forever,” Nexus answered with a confident upturn of the corners of his lips.

  “I see.” He sighed deeply. “Then I guess we should return to dinner, so my daughter can get a better opinion of you.”

  “What about Juaquin?” Roy hedged. He really didn’t want to take Nexus back into the house as long as the threat of his ex saying something was still present.

  “You have my permission to break his jaw.” His grandfather grinned. “Just please, keep the beast chained. My wife and daughter don’t believe in the legends. Insane ramblings, they call the stories my father told me of your people.”

  “I can respect that.” Nexus nodded.

  Roy was a bit lost, but followed his husband and grandfather back into the house and reclaimed their seats. Nexus boldly grabbed Roy’s hand above the table and smiled at his mother and grandmother. Juaquin’s good mood deteriorated quickly, while Roy’s night improved. Having his secret out in the open was a weight off his shoulders he didn’t know was affecting him so much.

  The night wound down naturally after Juaquin excused himself once dinner was done. Even Roy’s mother had started to warm up to Nexus by the time they were saying their good-byes and getting back into the car. As they drove Roy couldn’t help but think that good food and a wonderful family really did make all the difference at times. It was a shame he was giving up his job as a cook.

  A notification came in on his phone, and Roy opened it to see that one of his favorite food vloggers had just uploaded a new video. With that came a spark of genius. He might have to give up his job, but that didn’t mean he needed to give up cooking professionally. Perhaps he could turn his passion in a different direction. Maybe to a blog and a future cookbook of his very own?

  Chapter Eleven

  Roy was typing away on his laptop while drinking his coffee at the kitchen counter. He’d called his boss earlier that morning and resigned from his job. Despite what Nexus had said though, Roy still planned to continue pursuing his cooking. He was just changing platforms. He loved food blogs, and vlogs. With all the spare time, he was now going to have on his hands, and in a rush of inspiration while Roy was making breakfast this morning, he decided to start a blog of his own today. He’d gotten the idea last night, but it was vague. Today it had formed into something concrete.

  Using some of that allowance Nexus said he had, Roy purchased a domain and was in the works of getting the foundations for what would be his website set up. Right now he was keeping it simple. A home page that had a small bit about himself and his cooking credentials was easy enough. Next, a tab for recipes. Roy wanted to make sure his readers could find all of his attempted recipes easily. Finally, the blog itself.

  Now, Roy wasn’t sure exactly what he was going to blog about. Traditional cooking? DIY cooking tips? House husband cooking? That could work. Or, maybe, a blend of it all to keep things interesting? He was going to need to figure it out before launching everything.

  “Hard at work I see.” Iago entered the house through the back door and waved at Roy. “Anything of interest?”

  “I’m starting a food blog.” Roy declared proudly. “If I can’t work outside the home, then I can at least keep myself busy with a decent hobby.”

  “Sounds like a wonderful compromise. Does Regulus know?”

  “I mentioned it to him last night on our way home from my family’s house.” Roy shrugged. By mention it, he meant he had brought it up
in passing.

  Iago laughed. “I’m glad you found something to do. So, a food blog, does that mean we’ll be having more grocery trips soon?”

  Roy chuckled. “Most likely.”

  “Am I missing something entertaining?” Nexus asked, walking into the kitchen and kissing Roy on his pulse. “Hello, Iago.”

  “Regulus.” Iago took a step away from Roy and bowed to Nexus.

  “What are you two talking about?” Nexus asked again, his arms wrapping around Roy. He loved the feel of his husband’s arms holding him close. Out of all the new things in his life, the sensation of Nexus being near was the easiest for him to grow accustomed to.

  “My new food blog.” Roy smiled at him over his shoulder.

  Nexus frowned for a second before his eyes took on a light of recognition. “Right, you said something to that effect last night. So, I guess I won’t have to suggest my option then to keep you happy.”

  “Which was going to be?” Roy queried.

  “Dinner parties here, hosted by you.”

  “Well, maybe. But for now, the blog is enough.”

  “I understand.” Nexus kissed Roy’s temple before releasing him. “I’m sorry to say I have to break up this happy moment. Danyal will be here in a few minutes, and he’s bringing my uncles and sister with him. It’s time you met the family, minha alma.”

  Quickly, Roy saved his progress on his website, closed the laptop lid, and moved to stand at Nexus’s side. He smoothed his hands down the front of his black shirt and tried to get the crease out of his left pant leg. Despite his nervous hands, his heart rate was fairly calm. Maybe it was because after last night the idea of facing Nexus’s family didn’t seem so bad. Of course it could also be the fact he was almost looking forward to seeing his sister-in-law again. If only to mess with her some more. He enjoyed their verbal exchanges in a weird, demented kind of way.

  The sound of several cars pulling up preceded Danyal walking through the front door. As usual he didn’t look happy to see Roy at Nexus’s side. What was wrong with him?

  Roy was seriously starting to consider the possibility of Danyal being in love with Nexus. He couldn’t just hate Roy for no reason. Right?

  “Brother! And the little sister.” Maria entered with a dramatic flair as she gave them a false smile.

  Roy grinned. “Here kitty, kitty. I’ve got a treat for you.”

  “Hold your tongue, young man,” an old gruff man demanded as he walked into the house behind Maria.

  “Uncle Miguel,” Nexus cut in before Roy could respond. “You’re looking well.”

  “Wish I could say the same about you. When Maria told us you’d found a mate, I was expecting someone dignified. Not this.” He waved his hand to gesture at Roy. “I do believe Lord Cupid is slipping. This human is obviously not fit to be the mate of our Regulus.”

  “Excuse me?” Roy snapped, his temper flaring.

  “Roy,” Nexus warned him.

  “No, be quiet, Nexus,” Roy demanded as he released his husband’s hand and stepped up to the older man. Uncle Miguel had a good six inches on Roy, but that wasn’t going to stop him from giving the overgrown pussy cat a piece of his mind. “I don’t really care what you think, you walking mouse trap. But if you think I’m going to stand here and let you speak to me that way in my house, you’ve got another thing coming.”

  Maria chuckled. “Told you my brother’s human had claws.” Was she defending him?

  “Uncle, I’m going to ask you politely this time. Step down and stop insulting my mate.” Nexus stood directly behind Roy, his hand resting on Roy’s shoulder. “If you do not, you’ll be leaving.”

  “Now, now.” Another man walked in. There was a definite family resemblance between the newcomer and Miguel. “No reason to spill blood this early in the day. Right?”

  “Uncle José,” Nexus growled.

  Roy instinctively took a step back as eyes devoid of any emotion settled on him. This uncle was fundamentally different from Miguel. His vibe alone sent shivers down Roy’s spine. For once his desire to live overrode his mouth, and Roy just nodded.

  José grinned coldly, his eyes passing to Nexus. Something seemed to transpire silently between the two, but Roy wasn’t sure what. “We’re here to remind you of the deadline, tomorrow.”

  “A deadline I no longer have to care about thanks to my mating with Roy,” Nexus reminded him. “Or are you planning to go back on that and challenge me regardless?”

  Glancing between his husband and the intimidating José, Roy wondered which of them would win in a fight. Surely Nexus would. He was the Regulus after all. Then again, this José looked fucking formidable with his shaved head, tattoo creeping up his neck from beneath his tailored suit, and those blank eyes.

  José smirked. “I do recall something about that loophole. Well, I guess congratulations, and enjoy your peace and quiet. While it lasts.”

  “Get. Out. Now!” Nexus growled.

  Maria giggled. “See you later, brother.”

  He might be afraid of José, but that didn’t mean Maria frightened him. As he watched her go, all Roy wanted to do was throw a catnip mouse at her. He resisted, only because he didn’t have any catnip mice around. Maybe he should add that to his shopping list the next time he went?

  “Does catnip affect you?” Roy found himself asking as the door closed behind their so-called guests.

  Iago snorted behind them, and Roy turned to see his bodyguard attempting to muffle a laugh with his hand. Danyal gaped at him. Nexus just blinked and shrugged. “Minutely in human form, but my jaguar loves the stuff.”

  “So, it would work on your sister if I, say, laced some cookies with it?” Roy grinned evilly.

  “I guess.” Nexus acted as if he was pondering the mysteries of the universe before returning Roy’s devilish grin. “Why not make some for the next time they come over and see?”

  “Regulus!” Danyal balked.

  “It’s a joke.” Nexus laughed. “See, Iago isn’t taking it so seriously.” As a matter of fact, the guy was losing it behind them he was laughing so hard.

  “This isn’t the time to be joking. José and Miguel could still pose a serious threat, and you want to joke about catnip cookies?”

  “Lions don’t like catnip?” Nexus suppressed a chuckle.

  “He’s a lion?” Roy startled and looked at the head of security in a different light. “Why aren’t you asleep then?”

  That did it. Iago fell over cackling like a hyena.

  Danyal just growled at him before turning his attention back to Nexus. “I implore you, Regulus, take this newest threat seriously!”

  “I am.” Nexus sobered up quickly. “I’ve always taken José’s words seriously, but he’s not the one we have to worry about.”

  “Maria is harmless.” Danyal seemed to toss the idea of the woman being a threat aside rather easily seeing as she’d already threatened Roy and Nexus once.

  “Stop underestimating my sister.” Nexus sighed. “She’s tenacious.”

  “It’s your uncles I worry about,” Danyal pressed. “Now that you’ve mated…him, they’re going to be even more insistent.”

  “What the fuck?” Roy snapped. “Why do you hate me so god damned much?” he demanded.

  “I don’t hate you,” Danyal replied.

  “Then drop the bitchy fucking attitude. I didn’t do shit to you.” Roy stepped up to Danyal and poked him in the chest. Seemed his stupid courage when angry had decided to rear its head again. “Or is this because I’m with Nexus?”

  “Roy.” Nexus pulled him back. “Calm down.”

  “No,” Roy extracted himself from Nexus’s hold. “I refuse to be at the mercy of this lion just because he’s got a hang-up about me. I don’t care what he feels for you, you’re my husband now, so I hope everyone can respect that! Especially you, Danyal.” He said the lion’s name with the same amount of venom that Danyal and said him earlier.

  The blaze of irritation in Danyal’s eyes was unmistak
able, but he bowed his head and took a step back. “My Dominus is correct. I’m sorry. My attitude has been unacceptable.”

  Well, okay then. Roy blinked. He didn’t know why, but he expected more of a fight then that from the lion.

  “Apology accepted?” Shit! He hadn’t meant for it to sound like a question.

  “Danyal, let’s go outside and talk.” Nexus sighed. “Be right back, minha alma,” he said before kissing Roy on the cheek and leading a stunned Danyal out of the house.

  Strangely happy, Roy smiled and returned to the kitchen and his laptop. He still needed to finish the basics of his new website so he could start his blog soon.

  “Wow.” Iago whistled taking his seat back beside Roy. “You either have one hell of a death wish, or the biggest pair ever.”

  “As I said,” Roy grinned, “I just don’t have a filter between my brain and mouth. So, I guess you can say I don’t have any survival instincts.”

  “And yet you clammed up real quick-like around José,” Iago pointed out.

  “Yeah, well, he’s just frightening.” Roy shivered.

  “That he is,” Iago agreed.

  “What kind of shifter are you? If you don’t mind telling me,” Roy asked as he typed away.

  “Hyena.” Iago smirked. “If the laugh didn’t give it away.”

  “I just didn’t want to assume.”

  “What were you assuming?”

  “Wolf, because of the eyes.” Roy indicated Iago’s different-colored eyes.

  “I actually inherited them from my human father.” Iago’s sigh was almost longing. “It’s about the only thing I still have from him.”

  “Oh.” Roy bit his bottom lip and tried to avoid Iago’s gaze. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s all right.” Iago brightened. “That was almost two hundred years ago now, so you could say it’s old history.”

  “Two hundred years!”

  * * * *

  Nexus walked with Danyal down to his car and watched his friend closely. Roy’s confrontation with him made Nexus realize his friend had been rather off lately. He’d been so concentrated on finding a mate to avoid this duel, and then focusing on Roy, that he might have ignored a few signs directly in front of him. As for Roy’s accusations of Danyal having feelings for him, Nexus highly doubted that. They’d been friends for so long, the thought of Danyal harboring secret feelings for him felt so weird.


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