Roy’s Jaguar

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Roy’s Jaguar Page 12

by AM Halford

  Calisto just shrugged his words off and set to helping Roy make lunch. All was going smoothly, until Roy opened the pickle jar. Nexus saw the color drain from his face instantly, and a second later he was covering his mouth and running for the powder room.

  Keeping close, Nexus rubbed Roy’s back as he emptied his stomach for the third time today. Pickles were off the shopping list for a while it would seem.

  “Want me to get you another cup of tea?” Nexus asked. It was the only thing at present he knew Roy could honestly handle.

  Roy just nodded as he stood and moved to the sink to wash up. Kissing the top of Roy’s head, Nexus gave him a gentle hug, his hand rubbing his stomach. He didn’t know if touches would help at this stage, but it couldn’t hurt to try.

  Returning to the kitchen, Nexus filled the electric kettle and set it back on its base. Flipping the switch, he waited for the water to heat as he searched out a mug in the cupboard.

  “Here, try this,” Calisto said, presenting a basket of foods. “I had Stylianos fetch it from the car. They’re a few foods I managed to keep down during my morning sickness stages. Seeing as the little one is also a carnivore, meat-based foods are his best option. And, seeing as all cats like fish, I made him a tuna sandwich, sans pickles. I’ve also added a few species-specific foods.”

  “Thank you.” Nexus smiled at the Imperatrix.

  As the tea kettle started whistling, Roy rejoined them. “I swear I’m dying,” he complained as he slid onto a stool and rested his face against the countertop. “This sucks!”

  “You aren’t dying.” Calisto sighed. “I’ve lived through four pregnancies, trust me on it. Here.” He slid the tuna sandwich over to Roy. “Try this.”

  The suspicious glare Roy gave the innocent meal had Nexus stifling a chuckle. He turned and busied himself with making his mate’s tea.

  “I don’t like tuna,” Roy admitted.

  “Yes, and I don’t like liver.” Calisto grimaced. “But I still devoured it like candy while I was pregnant. Just, try it.”

  Nexus set Roy’s tea down in front of him and watched as his mate shrugged, picked up the sandwich, and bit into it. A moan of pure delight left him, and before any of them could blink, it was gone.

  “Here.” Calisto smirked victoriously and slid the basket down the counter to Roy, who eagerly started looking through it. He frowned and mumbled a few things and then looked back to Calisto with a wide stare of disbelief. “Trust me.”

  “But smoked frog legs?” Roy pulled out the package and waved it around. “There’s no way I’m eating these.”

  “Jaguars are the third largest cat species,” Calisto said, “and will eat almost anything they can get. Above all else, they are predators, meaning they eat meat. Vegetables, though good for you, are not going to make that little cub happy. Want to stave off the morning sickness and bouts of vomiting? Eat what the cub wants.”

  Roy looked ready to throw the entire basket in the trash, but he put the frog legs back, grabbed a can of sardines, opened them, and started snacking while sipping on his tea. “I can’t live without vegetables,” Roy complained. “I love my fruits, too.”

  “And you can still eat them,” Calisto acknowledged. “Just make sure you eat plenty of meat with them. That little one is going to grow fast, so high-protein foods are okay. You’ll get more info on dietary needs during your first prenatal. When is that?”

  Roy shrugged as he licked his fingers, much like a cat licking his paw after finishing a meal. “Dr. O’Hare said his nurse would call me sometime today and set up my first appointments.”

  “Okay. Just take it easy, and remember, do not hesitate to call me!” Calisto emphasized. “We’ll be in town for a few months, so I should be close to help out. The first is the hardest to adjust to, which is why I make it a point to offer my help when and where I can.”

  “Have you ever thought to put together a support group of sorts?” Roy offered.

  The grin on Calisto’s face had Nexus’s interest piqued. Not that he wasn’t already interested in the conversation. There was just something extra to that look that had him intrigued.

  “Why do you think I offer my services to the mates of higher-ranking members of our community? I can’t be everywhere, as we travel constantly to keep updated about everything, but mates of local Regulus and alphas, such as yourself, don’t go far from your territories.”

  “Meaning, by helping us, you’re establishing support for future mates.” Roy caught on quickly.

  “I see it as part of our job, as figureheads in our world,” Calisto said proudly.

  Roy’s hand went to his stomach, and Nexus beamed. He might not be thrilled with the idea, but it was obvious he’d already grown attached to the child inside him. “I think I can do that.”

  “I know you can.” Nexus reached over the counter and held Roy’s other hand, giving his mate an encouraging smile.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Nexus stretched his arms above his head as he finished up his work for the day. Even if he was technically on his honeymoon, there were still things he as the Regulus needed to take care of. He did still have one item on his agenda, a meeting with Tyrese this afternoon. After yesterday’s news of Roy being pregnant, it was imperative that things be put into motion to keep their child safe.

  Especially with his crazy-ass sister still lurking.

  No matter how many times he wracked his brain he couldn’t figure out what that phone call had been about. Nowhere in his memory could he recall ever doing something to his sister that would warrant such insanity. Whatever her end game was, it had become crystal clear that she didn’t intend to honor the original agreement.

  “Hey.” Roy tapped him on the shoulder, drawing Nexus from his thoughts.

  “Hey.” He smiled at his mate.

  “I’m going to the grocery store. Do you want to come with me?” Roy asked.

  “Again?” Nexus stood. “What happened to all the food you already bought?”

  Roy leveled him with a are you serious look. “I’m pregnant, and the little one doesn’t seem to like anything normal. So, I have to find things I can eat, without unbalancing my diet.”

  Oh, right. Nexus doubted they had too many packages of smoked frog legs in the pantry. Considering how quickly Roy had devoured the pack Calisto had given him, it was probably a good idea to get some more.

  “Here.” Nexus wrote down the address to a specialty store run by a pair of fox shifters. “Go here and tell them who you are.”

  Taking the paper, Roy read the address and frowned. “This is all the way in the city. Isn’t that kind of far just to get some groceries?”

  “You want more of those frog legs, right?”

  Grimacing, Roy bowed his head and nodded. “I can’t believe I ate those so easily.”

  Nexus chuckled softly. He understood Roy’s discomfort. Even he thought eating frog legs was a bit gross, despite his jaguar disagreeing.

  “It’s shifter-run,” Nexus explained. “They specialize in foods geared toward our needs.”

  “Oh, okay.” Roy nodded with a bit more enthusiasm. “Thank you. So, does this mean you aren’t going?”

  “Unfortunately, no.” Nexus apologized and kissed Roy’s forehead. “I have a meeting with Tyrese in an hour.”

  “Who’s Tyrese?”

  Right, he hadn’t introduced Roy to his friend and lawyer. “He’s our lawyer.”

  “We have a lawyer?” Roy frowned, and then nodded his head. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Should I wait until he gets here before going?”

  “No. Go do what you need to. I’m sure he’ll still be here when you get back.”

  “Okay.” With a small smile, Roy left him alone in his office. A few seconds later Nexus saw Roy get in a car with Iago and then leave. His hands fisted at his side as he reined his jaguar in. His beast wanted to go with their mate, and keep him safe. The man knew Iago would do everything required to ensure Roy got home. There was no reason to cancel
his plans.

  He was going with him to the appointment on Monday though. Nothing was going to keep Nexus from going with Roy. Nexus already planned to ensure he was at every single appointment. That child was just as much his as it was Roy’s. They both needed to be present.

  Once his nerves calmed, Nexus headed for the kitchen and turned the coffee pot on, making a fresh pot. The only current downside to Roy’s pregnancy. He had to wake up early and make coffee, and quickly turn the pot off as soon as it was done. He also kept the fan on over the oven, which he’d moved the pot closer to, to help draw the smell out.

  Roy had gotten sick again this morning, but he’d managed to keep eggs and bacon down. That was good. He’d even had some yogurt with it. Judging by the face he made while eating the yogurt though, it hadn’t tasted all that amazing.

  It was going to be an interesting couple of months at this rate.

  Pouring himself a fresh cup of java, Nexus returned to his office. Pulling a legal pad out of a drawer, he started writing down the things he needed to discuss with Tyrese. Maybe he could hire a private investigator to follow his sister and find out why she was so focused on causing him trouble? He’d ask Tyrese about the legality of that.

  The crunch of gravel under tires had Nexus looking up and sighing. Tyrese was early. How unusual.

  Frowning, Nexus stood and met the snake at the door. “You’re early.”

  “I’m aware.” Tyrese nodded. “And hello to you, too, Regulus.”

  Nexus rolled his eyes and shook his friend’s hand. “Thank you for coming on a Saturday.”

  “I had nothing else on my schedule. I will admit that part of my reason for my early arrival was to meet your mate, but I see I needn’t try.” Tyrese moved directly into Nexus’s office. “Where is the new Dominus?”

  “On his way to Bashir Specialty Foods.” Nexus directed Tyrese to sit. “Coffee?”

  “Water,” Tyrese responded.

  Of course. What was it with Tyrese and caffeine? Nexus couldn’t ever recall seeing the snake drink anything with caffeine in it. Getting him a glass of water from the tap, he returned to the office and sat opposite his lawyer.

  “So, you wanted to discuss your coming child.” Tyrese grinned dryly. “Are we adding the cub to the will, estate, and setting up the usual accounts?”

  “That, and I want protection in place if something should happen to me,” Nexus explained.

  Tyrese frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Maria hasn’t backed down.”

  “Oh, I see.” Tyrese didn’t sound surprised by the news, but then again, he never sounded surprised. “And?”

  “And, what? My sister still intends to cause harm. I’m just not sure how or when,” Nexus snapped. “She’s entirely unstable. Yesterday she claimed I knew why she was doing this.”

  “Do you?”

  “Of course not!” Nexus threw his hands in the air and leaned back on the sofa. “You think I’d be so damned worked up about all of this if I knew why she was doing it?”

  “Probably.” Tyrese smirked. “To be honest I think you’d worry whether you knew or not. The main issue is, what do you plan to do about it?”

  “Hire a private investigator?”

  “A good idea. Costly, but a good idea. I know a few. I’ll get you their numbers, and I’ll let you decide which you want to use.”

  Nexus was a bit stunned that his friend wasn’t going to talk him out of using that method. “I might use a couple of them,” he admitted. “I want one to investigate her reasons behind all of this, and another to tail her and report on her activities. Also, make sure whoever you recommend, it isn’t someone she already knows. Don’t want to tip her off.”

  “Of course.”

  * * * *

  Car sickness. This was new. Roy wiped his mouth as he turned around and closed the car door. Iago, upon Roy saying he was going to be sick, had pulled over to the side of the road. All Roy had managed to do was open the door before regurgitating his breakfast.

  “You sure you’re okay?” Iago asked as he carefully merged back onto the road and continued down the windy mountain. “We can turn around if we need to.”

  “No.” Roy shook his head and concentrated on looking directly in front of them. Maybe it was because he’d been watching the trees that he’d gotten sick so quickly. “I’m fine.”

  “Need anything?” Iago glanced at him from the corner of his eye. “There’s a gas station just a few miles up ahead. We can stop there and get you something to drink.”

  “No need.” Roy reached behind him to a bag he had placed in the car and pulled out a bottle of water. “Thankfully the little one doesn’t reject basic water.”

  Iago smiled. “I bet it’s difficult, being pregnant.”

  “With my limited experience, my answer to that is going to be a resounding duh.”

  The pair laughed, but before either could add to the conversation, Roy’s phone went off. Swiping the green icon across the screen, Roy brought the phone to his ear and answered the unknown number. “Hello?”

  “Roy. I’m glad you picked up.”

  “Juaquin?” Roy frowned. Pulling the phone away from his ear, he looked at the number displayed. He could be wrong, but it didn’t seem to be his ex’s number. “How did you get my number again?” Roy demanded. He remembered deleting it from Juaquin’s phone when they parted ways.

  “A mutual friend.” Juaquin sounded pleased. “I just wanted to see how you’re doing.”

  Roy’s hand rested on his stomach. That was a loaded question, half of which—if not more—he couldn’t answer. “I’m fine.”

  “You happy with that fancy guy you brought to dinner?”

  “Nexus? Yes, I am.”

  “You sure about that? How do you know that sugar daddy isn’t just playing you for a fool?”

  “Juaquin, I don’t know what you’re getting at, but I don’t want to listen to this,” Roy snipped. “Nexus isn’t like you. He’s loyal to me.”

  “How can anyone be loyal if you don’t put out?” Juaquin snarled viciously. “You forced me to find my pleasures with someone else. When I finally thought you were ready to let us be together, properly, you fucking rejected me! You damned slut.”

  “That entire statement is an oxymoron.” Roy sighed. “And my sex life with Nexus is none of your concern.”

  “What?” Juaquin growled, and Roy’s eyes widened when he heard what sounded like a bottle shattering against a wall. “Sex life? You’re fucking putting out for that bastard, you damned bitch?”

  “I’m not going to listen to this. Good-bye, Juaquin.” Ending the call, Roy fumed as he glared at the phone in his hand. How dare that prick make such accusations! So what if he hadn’t slept with him when they were together? That didn’t give him any right to behave in such a way.

  As it was, Roy was happy he’d held on to his virginity. With it he managed to get a second chance at life, and meet Nexus. Who, he’d admit, he might be falling for already. The man was so sweet, and attentive. It was hard for him not to feel something. Then there was the fact that Nexus was a god in the looks department. Darkened tanned skin, those golden eyes, and that black hair was just the start. Having slept with the man, Roy knew his husband’s body was a work of Grecian art. When it came to just the looks department, not too many men got even close to Roy’s jaguar.

  “Can I ask who that was?” Iago interjected into Roy’s private thoughts.

  “An ex-boyfriend.” Roy sighed, setting his phone in the center console.

  “Oh?” Iago looked surprised, but left his response with just that.

  “Yeah.” Just because his bodyguard wasn’t going to pry didn’t mean Roy wasn’t going to talk. He could use someone to vent to right now. “Seems he’s upset because I’ve found Nexus. A man’s jealousy is a terrifying thing.”

  “That it is,” Iago agreed.

  The rest of the trip was pleasant enough, with Roy turning on the radio and belting out the lyrics to th
e latest hits. Iago, to his credit, was a good backup singer. When they pulled up to the store, Roy frowned at the simple, everyday building. He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting, but the normalcy before him wasn’t it.

  With a deep breath to center himself, Roy got out of the car and walked with a confidence that he didn’t quite feel into the store. Bashir Specialty Foods had a red and white striped awning out front, with their shop’s name scrolled across it. A fox stood at each end of the name. There was nothing odd or out of place about the store.

  Until he stepped inside.

  The second he crossed the threshold a pair of gentlemen converged on him, grinning. “Welcome to our store, Dominus Roy. How can we help you?”

  He obviously didn’t need to introduce himself. Roy guessed that was a good thing. “I’m…well.” He set his hand on his stomach and gave the pair a small smile. “And it seems my usual diet isn’t cutting it.”

  “Say no more!” the smaller of the two men said. Roy said smaller, but really there was only maybe an inch difference between the two. “We have everything you and your cub need.”

  Iago stepped in soon after, and they were quickly shown to a section of the store that Roy was certain normal humans didn’t visit often. The listed foods were so bizarre. Still, as he looked at the exotic items, he couldn’t help but feel his mouth water and his stomach grumble.

  * * * *

  Nexus was just finishing up with Tyrese when they heard Roy and Iago return. Roy’s energetic voice filled the house as he entered, making Nexus smile. Judging by that sound alone, Nexus could tell his mate’s shopping trip had been a success.

  “Just put the bags in the kitchen, I’ll put it all away later,” Roy was saying, his voice getting louder. “I’m home,” he announced, coming into Nexus’s office and hugging his shoulders from behind the couch. “Thank you for suggesting Bashir’s. They were wonderful.”

  “I’m glad.” Nexus kissed Roy’s hand. “While I’ve got you here, Roy, this is our lawyer, Tyrese. Tyrese, this is Rodrigo, my mate.”


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