Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1) Page 2

by D. Griffith

  As we enter, I’m speechless! It was a beautiful place, with a white interior in the lounge, a massive marble fireplace, an L shape sofa, with matching chair, a sixty inch flat screen 3d television on the wall and a chandelier dangling from the ceiling. It looks full on crystal and this is just the lounge? Wow, I’m blown away.

  "Are you ok there?" Alex asks, snapping me from my thoughts.

  "Yes! I’m just shocked at how stunning this place is, what is this guy, like a billionaire?"

  “Well, I don't like to brag and I wouldn't use those words exactly, but thank you."

  I turn around and I can't speak, it’s like a spark has lit up the room. I felt embarrassed as a tall man who must be over six foot, is stood in the doorway. His tanned skin makes his long, brown hair shine against the brownness of his eyes. His muscular body, made him look absolutely flawless. Another one with long hair, but yet looks perfect on him, it flows to the middle of his neck and I can’t seem to rip my eyes away from him. Andi, nudges me, to snap me from my daydream.

  “Oh. Oh... sorry, I was just admiring your home, it’s... It’s lovely.” I stutter.

  "Well, thank you." He says, quite pleased. I can hear the giggles next to me, with them all laughing at my actions. I want to kill them all.

  "Hey, Jared dude! Let me introduce you to everyone. This is my darling wife Andi, which you have already met!” He smiles,

  “Of course, it’s good to see you again Andi. Are you still keeping my boy in check?"

  "Hey, Jared! It’s good to see you again and of course, I have him under control." She winks. Alex carries on introducing the rest of us

  “This is Katie and Jay; they're good friends of mine and Andi’s. This is Darla and Carl and this is Danni. She is Andi’s little sister, well you could say mine too." I look up shyly, still blushing, he’s standing in front of me smiling. He has such an attractive smile and his deep brown eyes, they look like they’re seeing right through me and my god they’re hypnotizing. I hold my hand out and say.

  ”Hi.” He takes his long tanned hand and reaches out and grabs mine to shake it.

  "It’s nice to meet you, Danni!" I bite my lower lip and shyly look away, drifting back of into my thoughts. He must think I’m a loser, just gazing at him like that. Ugh, I bet I look a right state, I’m horrid. I think to myself getting frustrated. "So guys, they are five rooms, the master one is mine, so hands off, but go and find yourselves a room and make yourselves at home." Alex and Andi, pick up their bags and run for the stairs, shouting back.

  "Thanks, Jared!” He waves his hand to say no problem. Then Katie and Jay follow, afterwards Darla and Carl follow, and I’m left with this very tall, smoking hot man. I don’t understand why I’m so nervous; under any other circumstances he wouldn’t even be taking one look at me.

  I stand there like a lost rabbit, not knowing what to do. So I go and grab my bag, feeling awkward.

  "May I?" He offers, while grabbing my bag. So the back of his hand grazes across mine, which sends chills through my body.

  "No! It’s ok; it’s not that heavy to be honest." I lie, because it’s really heavy and I don’t want to look like a right fool.

  "I insist." He says, starting to pick it up. "You don't pack lightly do you?" He grins,

  “Well, what can I say? A woman can never have too much, even if it is mainly shoes." I reply, as we both laugh heading up the stairs. We get to the first room and of course it’s taken. Guess I’m not using the first three rooms then. As all you can hear, are the couples laughing and enjoying themselves. We carry on walking across the corridor, until we reach the last two doors.

  "Looks, like you’re going to be in the room next to mine then, seeing as all the others are taken up. It’s the smallest room in the house, but I’m sure you’ll make yourself comfortable.” He says, while opening the bedroom door for me.

  “Thanks!” I walk in to the room and its enormous, if this is the smallest, the over rooms must be gigantic. It has a big king size bed, with black and white bed covers, which look silk. There is a sofa, another fifty inch television, which is attached on the wall in front of the bed and straight across the room is two doors that open up to a balcony, it's a very modern interior, over all, it’s lovely. "Smallest?" I state, he smiles, wow, such a lush grin. His lips a fully shaped, it’s immaculate. Wake up Danni, you don't have a chance. My subconscious continually shouts at me.

  "If you need anything, feel free to knock, I’m only next door. It must feel awkward being a fifth wheel and all."

  "Excuse me? How dare you say that, how rude can you be?" I snap, He starts waving his hands in front of him, speaking fast, trying to defend himself but struggling to get his words out.

  "No, I didn't mean it like that, I’m bad with words. I meant it, as to say, if you feel awkward, just ask me." I roll my eyes towards him.

  “Look, thank you for your help with my suitcase, I appreciate it, now please just leave. I can't deal with disrespectful people, who are completely full of themselves.” I snap. I don’t do well with confrontation and I was soon shaking with nerves. He looks at me and says.

  “Feisty.” Then he shuts the door.

  Well done Danni, now he’s going to think you’re one crazy bitch, so stupid, you idiot. Feeling rather flushed after that bit of conflict, I head towards the bed and check my mobile. I have ten missed calls and a text saying ‘I’m back.’ Ok, that was strange; it must be someone with the wrong number. I shake my head and put my mobile on the wooden bedside table. Then I grab my suitcase and pull out my pyjama bottoms and top and slip into them quickly. I dive under the covers, which feel extremely soft on my skin and shortly after, I drift off into the safety of my dreams.

  Chapter Three

  “Noo.. Get off me, please, I don't want to......”

  "Danni, Danni! Wake up, Danni." I jump up in tears, hyperventilating, sweating from top to bottom.

  "Andi, what happened? Why are you in my room?" I ask, all confused, trying to catch my breath.

  "You where screaming in your sleep, tossing and turning, such fear in your voice. Are you ok?" I start feeling myself tear up, but I manage to stop myself.

  "I’m so sorry, I was having another nightmare. How did you hear me from all the way down the hall?”

  ”Jared, heard you; he came running down the hall, banging on the door. He couldn't wake you, he thought you where possessed or something.” She says, oh great, I bet he thinks I’m a bloody freak, can't blame him really can I?

  "What did you tell him?"

  "Nothing, I just said you get nightmares from time to time, but couldn’t tell him why. He just said, oh ok."

  "Good! I’m such a loser, can you leave me be please? I’m sorry for waking you all. I will see you in the morning, I’m fine, don't worry."

  "Ok! Try and get some rest and remember what I said; you’re safe, nothing will happen to you. Not anymore, goodnight." I smile and as she leaves the room, I curl up in a ball, cuddled in to my duvet and cry myself to sleep.

  I hear a beeping coming from the bedside table. Damn you alarm, I forgot to turn you off; I glance over and see that it says nine am. I pull the covers down from my face and I can barely see. I’m blind as the sun is shining so brightly through the balcony. I slowly roll out of bed and walk towards the balcony; I squint trying to look past the light. Oh wow! What an amazing view, you can see everything for miles. The way the sun is reflecting off the sea, it’s beautiful. I think I should wear something cool today, but I’m not sure what we’re all doing.

  I walk towards my suitcase and dig out a knee length, baby pink, summer dress, with little flowers on. I grab my matching white sandals, which have a small heal on them. They’re also comfortable, one of the reasons why I brought them. Usually, I don’t wear dresses, as I hate the way I look, but with us being on holiday, I think that I should make the effort.

  I walk into the en suite bathroom and take a quick glance around. I notice a Jacuzzi bath, walk in shower, both are completely al
l black marble, it's amazing. I look in the mirror to clean myself up and fix my hair to the right side of my neck; I always have to keep it on that side, it’s a good cover up. I quickly brush my teeth and slip into my dress ready to head down stairs.

  As I’m about to walk out the bedroom, a horrible thought comes to mind. I remember what happened last night, oh god; everyone is going to stare at me and think that I’m some sort of freak. I can't go down there, not now, I need to hide. I sit on the sofa, thinking about last night. Next minute, I’m startled by a loud knocking coming from the other side of the door.

  "Who is it?" I shout,

  "It’s Darla, babe! Open up." I walk over and open the door and wave at her to come in. She follows me towards the bed and stands a few feet away from me. “Are you coming down for some breakfast?"

  “I can't, everyone is going to think I’m a freak from last night, I can't deal with that." I say, throwing my head into my pillow. She walks closer towards me. She walks and looks elegant, you can’t fault her. She’s an extremely wonderful and loyal person. Like my sister, she’s the only other person that knows everything, well outside the family anyway and that’s not counting Carl, because he is a part of my family. As she sits next to me, she puts her arms around me for a hug.

  "No! They won't, they will understand and even if they did, they’ll have to go through me, and I will go all ninja on them, alright?" She says, flashing me her big grin and fluttering her long lashes. She wipes my eyes to get rid of the few tears that had escaped from them and made their way down my face. Smiling back, I say to her.

  "Ok! Come on, let’s go! I hope it’s a good old English breakfast." We both laugh and head out from the bedroom door.

  As we're walking down the hallway, we link our arms together and as we’re walking, I can’t help but put my head down in embarrassment. Darla nudges me and signals for me to put my chin up.

  As we walk into the kitchen, everyone is waiting on us to sit and eat together. We sit and they're all staring at me, except for Jared, he must be so pissed and freaked out from last night. First, I go crazy on him for saying the wrong thing and then him noticing me freaking out in my dreams, I’m so stupid. Darla speaks up to break the silence, between everyone.

  "So, how did you all sleep?" Seriously, she asks the one question everyone can comment on.

  “Great!” Everyone says, but not Katie, she rudely replies.

  "Not well, especially with all that screaming from last night."

  "Shut up Katie.” Darla snaps, Jay looks over at Katie with pure disappointment, as he can’t believe that she would make such a remark. Katie gives me a snarly glare. I look at her with disdain, but decide not to comment.

  Once we’ve all finished breakfast and everyone’s getting ready for the day, I do my runs, on asking what everyone is up to.

  "So, what are the plans for today?"

  "Well, Alex and I, are going to go on a tour ride around Rome and then go and find somewhere to eat. Maybe head to the beach afterwards."

  “Carl and I, are off to the museum and then we’re planning on doing some romantic things. But for some reason Carl won't tell me what it is.” Katie and Jay are going with Andi and Alex, so I refuse to go with them. I will probably end up smacking Katie by the end of the day.

  "What, are you going to do Danni? You’re more than welcome to come with us." Andi suggests,

  "No! It’s ok, I’ll pass and I don't know what I’m going to do. I might go and explore or something. I’m guessing we’re all meeting up later, for drinks?"

  "Yeah!" They all say in unison.

  "Cool, see you all later then, have fun." Andi runs over and gives me a hug and whispers in my ear.

  "Try and have some fun, you never know what could happen in Rome." She winks and nods towards Jared’s direction. I can’t help but laugh.

  "Yeah, right! Look at me, compared to him; he’s into the supermodel type, not the broken goods type. He wouldn’t take one look at me."

  “Don’t be silly, you’re beautiful and he would be lucky to have you. Look, maybe it can be the start of you getting yourself back out there, move on from your past. You know, you’ve got my blessing."

  "Your sweet, but men aren’t on my radar at the moment. Now quit worrying about me, I’m fine, I’m a big girl you know. Go and enjoy yourself." She looks at me sympathetically. She nods and waves as she walks out the door, followed by the rest of them.

  Great, it’s just me and the big Ken doll. I still haven’t forgotten how rude he was. I turn around; he’s standing there with a book staring straight at me. His gaze is strong and he doesn’t blink one bit, I can’t help feeling drawn to him.

  "So, what are your plans today?" I ask, trying to make polite conversation and break through the awkwardness between us both.

  "Not much, got a bit of work to finish off, that’s about it, you?"

  “I don't know really, I might head to the beach and try get some tan, but I tend to just go red, but still worth a shot." Raising an eyebrow, I ask, "Unless, you can recommend a few places?" He looks at me and places his tanned index finger to his chin and does what I call, a silly thinking face. I try my best not to giggle. He is hot; focus Danni, focus. "So?" I ask again.

  "Well, they have a few tourist places, but you need to travel there. Do you drive?"

  "No! I don't drive, I’m easily distracted, so I would probably crash, I’m that unlucky.” I laugh.

  "Fair, enough! Ok, so borrowing you a car is not an option. How about, once I’ve finished up here, I’ll take you?" he suggests,

  "It's... it’s ok, you don't need to bother and I can just go my... My... self." I stutter.

  "I don't bite! Besides, I really don't mind, it gets me out as well. So you’ll be doing me a favour. Plus, I feel like I owe you one for offending you last night. I’d like to show you I’m sorry, so please?" He says, giving of a puppy dog look. It makes me smile all the more because he just looks too cute. I feel uneasy around blokes most of the time, but I go against all my instincts, because I just can’t say no to him. Maybe it’s a sign of recovering. I take a deep breath and say. "Ok, why not! I suppose the company will be nice."

  "Ok! Well, give me an hour to finish some business and get myself sorted and we’ll head out." He says, as walking into another room shutting the door behind him. Ok,, breathe Danni breathe, you'll be ok. I keep trying to convince myself. I start Running back to my room to try and freshen up, which is pretty hard as I’m trying to control all my nerves shooting through my body.

  I Look into the mirror, I top my mascara and lip gloss up and I try and fix my hair, but it’s useless, there’s nothing you can do, especially if you only have the one style, at all times. I don't have it any other way, because on my right side, is my nasty scar and I use my hair to cover it up. I knew if he’d see it, it would just gross him out.

  As I take one more look at my reflection in the mirror, I start talking to myself. ‘Why do I even bother? I look hideous, my body is no way near as perfect as these supermodels he’s had in the past and I’m sure he would say the same. I just look horrible, he will never like you, you’re a freak.’ my subconscious starts to kick in shouting at me.

  While waiting for him, I decided to go look out on the balcony. I open it and it’s as if I’m stepping into another realm. Wow, I can't get over how amazing this view is. You can see everything for miles and the sound of the sea is relaxing. I would stand here for ages if I could, just thinking in peace, its’ very soothing. I jump as I hear a voice in the background.

  "It's beautiful, isn’t it? I’m sorry, I did knock but there was no answer." He starts walking towards me. He’s wearing a pair of smart black jeans, a white tight shirt, which is quite see through, as you can see his six pack showing. He has the first few buttons opened from the top of his shirt. His hair looks tousled and he has a bit of stubble for that rugged look. I could feel my temperature rising, as my body responded to his physical appearance. Did it just get hot in here?

/>   "Yeah, I’m sorry about that, I was just admiring the view and got lost in my thoughts, it’s really peaceful."

  "It's one of the reasons why I picked this place for its remarkable view. You should see the one from my room; it helps to clear my mind, when needed. This is one of my favourite houses I have, or villa, whatever you want to call it." He pauses for a moment, admiring the view.

  “Houses? So you have quite a lot then? A bit greedy, don't you think?" I grin.

  "Well, you can't have too many. It makes it easier when you travel a lot and yes, I’m ready, let’s head off."

  "Ok!" I grab my pink clutch bag and head out the door with him, followed with countless butterflies fluttering away in my stomach.

  We head out to his garage and whoa, he has loads of different types of cars. We’re heading towards his black Porsche.

  "Wow, that’s nice and I’m not even a car person, so that’s impressive."

  "Thanks! I do love my cars, they’re my toys." He says, sounding like a big kid with a massive grin, which takes up his entire face. He opens the car door for me saying. “Come on, get in.”

  “Thank you! So where are we going?" I ask,

  "Well, first I’m taking you to the Spanish steps, as that's a must do. Then we’re heading to the Capitoline museums and following from there, to the Roman Colosseum. Then afterwards, we’re going to find somewhere nice to eat. How does that sound?"

  "Sounds great, we’re going for coffee first then, as I think am going to need all the energy I can get, to keep up with that.” I smile, as he nods his head in agreement, easing my nerves as we drive away.

  Chapter Four

  The song fighter, by Christina Aguilera starts to blast from my mobile calling. I quickly take it out from my bag, to see a withheld number.

  "Hello?" Nothing. “Hello?” I say again, is that breathing I can hear? “Hello?” I say once more and still nothing.

  "Is everything ok?" Jared asks and then the phone hangs up.


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