Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1) Page 4

by D. Griffith

  “Awe!" they both say, in unison.

  "Of course we knew who he was, how could you not? He’s forever on the news, what are you like, you're so oblivious sometimes.” Andi laughs,

  "Anyway! As I was saying, all in all, I’ve had a wonderful day. It was kind of him taking me out so I wasn’t by myself, I wouldn’t look too much into it. Plus, he is far too hot for me; he could do so much better." I exclaim,

  "Well, that’s true! What would he see in the likes of you?" Katie snarls,

  "You know what Katie, back off from my sister! Just because you are jealous of her and friend or not, I will hurt you." Andi snaps, Katie puts her head down in defeat.

  I hear Jared and Alex talking outside the lounge door, so I start to listen in. I know I shouldn't earwig, but I can't help myself. I hear Alex, saying.

  "Look dude, don't be messing with Danni’s head, she’s been through enough, she doesn’t need any more shit in her life and she isn’t one of these flings that you have all the time, she’s a lovely girl and deserves much better." I can’t believe I’m hearing this, how dare he say that, It just makes me sound like a helpless little girl, which I’m not; I am so offended right now.

  "Dude, it's not even like that, trust me when I say I’m not. I was trying to be nice showing her around; to save her going around by herself, as you guys left her on her own. I was being the nice guy here. If you were that worried, then why even leave her alone with me?" I knew I wasn’t good enough, I feel disappointed hearing that.

  "Good and don't be leading her on either, ok? And for your information, we didn’t leave her by herself, she a big girl and she hates Katie, so she wouldn’t have went with us either way. I didn’t leave her with you, you just happened to be around. Plus, regardless of what I know, I know you would’ve kept an eye on her for me and wouldn’t let me down." I stop listening, just in time as they walk in.

  "Right, we’ve got all different types of wines, red, white, rose, different spirits and liquor and a special bottle of champagne for the happy couple. I didn't know what anyone liked to drink, so I had to guess. Well, apart from you Danni, you ordered a martini and lemonade when we were out, so I brought that up for you."

  "Thank you." I reply.

  For the rest of the evening, we all just share stories from our childhood and laugh and joke. I look up at the time and it's hitting twelve a clock, I yawn and say.

  "Well guys, I think I’m going to head up, Goodnight all."

  "Goodnight." They all shout, I head upstairs and I don’t know if it is all the drink inside me, but they seem to be a lot of stairs, it’s like never ending. Finally, I get to my room and Jared comes out of his.

  "Off to bed?" He asks,

  "Yes I am! I’m feeling really shattered, it has been a really busy and interesting day."

  "Have you enjoyed yourself?" He asks, with his deep eyes not moving from mine. Every time he looks at me, it’s like he is staring deep down into my soul.

  "Yes, thank you! It has been great."

  "Well, you know what makes it end with a bang right?" He suggests, heading towards his door.

  "Excuse me? I don't know about you, but I’m not that type of girl who will just jump into bed with you, just because of who you are, maybe the other girls but not me."

  "No, no, no! Not like that, I meant.. I told you about the view from my balcony, I was inviting you to come and take a look. There’s supposed to be a meteor shower tonight and I was wondering if you would like to come and join me to watch it? No funny business, I promise." He laughs at my accusation.

  "Oh.. Ok. Sorry about that." I say putting my head down in shame, I can’t believe I thought the wrong thing. "Well.. I’m tired, but alright let’s go, not like I can say no now anyway." He opens his door for me to walk in and wow his room is enormous. Black and white decor all over, black thick carpet, which looks soft, some random paintings around his walls and another chandelier. His bed is massive; it’s one of them where the television comes out from it. He really does know how to over indulge.

  We walk to his balcony and they’re two seats and a table with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. "Did you plan this? What would you’ve done if I had said no?"

  "Well, I thought I’d take the chance and if you had said no, I would have watched it by myself, or I would have asked Alex and I would never hear the end of that one. I would have jokes coming at me left, right and centre." I laugh and sit down; we look up into the sky, as the shower starts to fall. It’s so magical, such an amazing opportunity to witness. There shooting through the sky, I feel as if I should make a wish. They look like shooting starts, beautiful! The shower only lasts for a few minutes, but every second took my breath away. Once the shower ended, we stand and now I’m left feeling kind of awkward, what do I do now?

  "That was magnificent." I say He smiles and stares at me once again, drawing me in. I shyly look away as he starts to walk towards me and he places his palm onto my cheek for me to look up at him.

  "Why do you always look away, like you’re ashamed?" He asks. I step back, away from him and hale a deep breath and reply.

  "I better head to bed; you know I need to get the beauty sleep and all."

  "You’re a very mysterious woman, Danni; I’m going to enjoy trying to figure you out." I look back at him and smile, still trying to catch my breath, as I’m kind of overwhelmed with all of the events of today.

  “Goodnight Jared and thank you for today, I really did need it. I fully enjoyed myself; you really do know how to show a girl a good time." I walk out his door and head to my room and I’m finding it hard to remove this massive smile from my face, I feel like I’m a little girl once again.

  Once I’m all settled for bed, I check my phone and I have a text of that random number again, saying. ‘I’ll be seeing you.’ I really need to text that number back, but I will do that when I get back home, besides it would cost loads doing it from here. I quickly go through my pictures from today that were taken and I can’t help but stare at the pictures of me and Jared, it brings joy to me and I cannot stop smiling at them. I put my mobile back down on the bedside table and turn the lamp off, thinking of that tall, handsome man, who has some sort of strange power over me, damn it. I close my eyes and go back to my safe place; I like to call my dreams.

  Chapter Five

  The next couple of days flew by. We did all the normal outings, exploring the place. Rome is so interesting, I can’t believe that we’re actually heading home in a few days, I’ll be sad to leave this place, its stress free here and no one knows me, which is a bonus. We’re all eating our breakfast and then we’ve got to get ready to head to the beach. The beach is only just outside the villa, so it’s not far to go at all.

  We head to the beach, where the girls and I, lay down on the sun beds. Darla has on a lovely DG baby pink bikini, Andi has a black lace one on, with a sarong wrapped around her hips and Katie has a red one on. I have my pink costume on, as I hate showing my belly off and makes me feel more comfortable.

  The boys are playing on jet skis, we got asked if we wanted to have a play, but we’re all too chicken, they look far too scary, plus I’m not the best swimmer.

  I look out towards the boys and they seem to be having a great time and I’m pretty sure that’s Jay falling off his jet ski. We’re all in hysterics laughing! Darla, Katie and Andi start exchanging stories about their boys, what they like to do in the bedroom, what sort of weird things their into; some of the things are just weird. The story Katie is telling us right now makes me cringe, something to do with licking ass? I can’t help but say.

  "Like seriously, why would you do something like that? Ewe.”

  "It's called, trying new things, which you would know, if you could actually get a man, let alone keeps one."

  "Katie!" Andi and Darla snap.

  "Listen! I’m sick and tired of you grilling me all the time and being a complete bitch towards me. What, over something that happened years ago? I couldn't help that Jay had a
thing for me back then. Now if I wanted him, I could’ve had him but I didn't, so how about you get over it already, you hard faced bitch." I lay back down, trying to hide the shakes and the anger in my eyes. My legs have gone like jelly, because I don't normally outburst like that, but how dare she? Who does she think she is? I don't need her crap, I’m already trying to enjoy myself and forget about everything, but she always has to say something that is completely out of line and uncalled for.

  “Hey, where’s my sun gone?” I look up and there is a very tall, muscular tanned man hovering over me, dripping wet. I slowly lift my sunglasses off and look up at him, wow, he is just dreamy. His hair is dripping wet, his vest top and shorts are soaked and the way the vest clings to his chest, oh god… I want to fondle him right now. Not like he would want me too though, but hey, a girl can daydream right? I gradually squirt out, acting like I’m not affected by his sexy appearance. "You’re in my sun, why is that?"

  “I wanted to make you wet.” The girls spit out their drinks in shock, and start laughing, they have such dirty minds. “I meant with my dripping hair and clothes, it’s called sharing, you dirty minded women and I thought us men were the bad ones." He jokes.

  "How about you just sit next to me instead and dry up." I say, patting my hand on the sun bed next to me.

  "Ok, spoilt sport." He takes his top off and lies down. Don’t look Danni, you will look desperate my subconscious shouts at me. I can’t help but sneak a quick look.

  "I’m going to run back to the house quickly, I need my sunglasses." Katie suddenly pipes up.

  "Hold up, I will go with you." Andi offers, next thing I know I’m getting disturbed by Darla nudging me and whispering.

  “Check him out, you lucky girl, he is flipping hot. Get in there! I’ve heard that he’s supposed to be a sex god." She winks at me and we both giggle. Typical Darla, always has to think dirty.

  "No, he’s not interested in me like that, he’s just being friendly and he wouldn't go for someone like me anyway, I’m no super model." I struggle to hide the disappointment from my voice.

  "Well, if you ask me, No friendly guy would just take you to a romantic meal on top of a building and then invite you to his balcony to watch the meteor shower. A guy just does not do that, just to be friendly. Give yourself some credit sweetie and open your eyes for once. You do deserve to meet a decent guy like that, you know." Before I could reply, we’re interrupted by the rest of the boys. "Did you guys have fun?" Darla asks.

  "Damn right we did, now we’re just going to park our butts next to you guys and dry up.” Carl says, as he jumps on Darla and he makes them fall off the sun bed. Oh my goodness, that was hilarious.

  I grab the sun cream and start topping myself up, because I’m faired skinned and I know I will just burn if I don’t.

  "Do you need help with your shoulders?" Jared sits up and offers.

  "Su...sure..." I stutter. He squirts the cream onto his long tanned hands and then places them onto my back; soon as he touches me I can’t help but flinch.

  "Are you ok?" He asks.

  "Yeah, sorry! I just got a little shiver." I can’t tell him the truth that I don't like getting touched by other people, as it freaks me out. All though, he has such a soft touch, it sends chills up my spine and gives me butterflies; I can feel my hairs on my body all raise up. "Feel free to massage that left shoulder, it’s a bit sore." I cheekily say, trying to get rid of the awkward feeling I am getting inside.

  "Ha-ha! Well, aren’t you a cheeky one, you should feel honoured that I’m doing this for you, if it was anyone else, I’d say fuck off." He smiles. "All done!"

  "Why thank you Mr. Hall" Darla looks at me and smirks.

  "See." I shake my head at her, to say stop being silly and lay back down.

  It’s been over an hour now; the sun is about to set and Jay turns to us and says.

  “Shall we all go in now? The sun is going down.”

  "I'll follow you guy’s up in a bit, I’d like to watch the sunset." I say.

  "Ok." He replies and runs back to the villa. Shortly after Jay leaves, Carl, Darla and Alex get up to follow.

  "Are you coming dude?" Alex asks Jared, he looks at me, then back at Alex and shakes his head.

  "No man, I think I’d like to watch the sunset too." Alex looks at him with an evil gaze, if looks could kill. He shakes his head to say don't man. But it doesn’t work, because Jared doesn’t move his ass. He gives in and walks away muttering something under his breath.

  it’s just me and Jared alone now. I try to control my breathing, through all the nerves and butterflies, all the different types of feelings which I don’t really understand. God, why am I so lame? We don't actually talk at all, we sit in silence, you can hear the waves flowing into the sea, the soft breeze of the wind blows over our skin and the sand grazing over our feet, all whilst watching the sunset, it's beautiful! It feels therapeutic.

  Once it's gone down, we both finally get up and start walking back to the house. We just talk normal boring chit chat, with a little laugh here and there, taking our time and neither one of us wanting this moment to end, so we try to drag it out for as long as we can.

  When we get to the house, one of them has left the door slightly open. Jared and I can hear them from the other side of the door.

  "Oh, my god! She is going to freak out if she sees this. Should we tell her?”

  “No! We can't, we need to burn it or try and hide it from her”

  “But she’s going to find out one way or another, it’s the fucking newspaper! You can pick them up everywhere.” I walk in and ask, startling them all.

  "What’s going on?"

  "Nothing!" They all say in unison, they’re lying to me, while they’re clearly trying to hide something behind their backs.

  “What is it? Tell me now.” I demand,

  “Sorry baby girl, we just can’t.” They keep passing it back and forth to each other.

  "Give me it now." I can feel my temper rising, moments away from snapping at them all, reaching boiling point, I go and snatch it from Jay’s hand.

  "No Danni! Trust me; you don't want to look at that." Andi says. I ignore her and take a look. You have got to be fucking kidding me; my face drains from whatever little color that’s left. Oh my god, I can feel myself welling up. I’m trying to hold back my tears, but I can’t. It’s the front page news, in the paper. There’s a picture of me and Jared with the title.

  Mr. Hall himself, has gone from supermodel, to victim. Do you think he is trying to up his publicity? Even this is too low for him. Turn to page two now, for her full story.

  I can't breathe.

  "Why…” My voice cracks. I wet my lips and try again. “Why would someone do this?" I say, trying to catch my breath. "This can't be happening.” I shake my head. “No, just no. How I’m I suppose to forget about this, if it just keeps getting thrown back in my face?" I start walking back and forth in the lounge mumbling to myself; it’s not fair, why can’t they just leave me alone?

  "Danni! It’s ok, don't worry, it’s just the paper." Andi says trying to calm me down.

  "How is it ok, seriously?" I walk to the fireplace and throw the paper in to it and run upstairs to my room, locking the door behind me. I don't ever want to show my face again. I fall into my pillow and just cry. I’m crying for what feels like forever, saying to myself why? Just, why? I was feeling happy and I was getting somewhere, I was having fun, why now? Why are they doing this? I should have known better. Why did I honestly believe that things could ever go back to how they were? I don't deserve to be happy; I’m a, nobody, I will never live this down, not ever. Nobody will ever let me forget this.

  After sometime, I hear everyone knocking at the door, saying things like.

  “Come on Danni, open up, don’t lock yourself away. It’ll be ok.” I ignore them all; I don't want to see them anyway. I just want to be left alone. I curl up into a ball where I feel like I’m hibernating, like I can stay where I can to keep myself
safe, without judgment. As my tears fall down my face, temporarily letting my demons torment me, where they refuse to give up and let the light shine in, forever holding me in this moment in time, where I feel like I’m drowning and I feel my soul dying bit by bit.


  As the night goes on, I eventually calm down. I cannot sleep, my head is pounding from being on overload and I just keep thinking to myself, why me? I really must be such a bad person, for this to keep happening to me, I’m really not worth anything. I look at my phone and it shows that it’s ten thirty. I decide I want a drink, as my mouth has gone become dry. I’ve still not changed from my beach clothes, so I quickly put on my pyjama bottoms and a vest top and head to my bedroom door.

  I open the door slowly and listen out to make sure no one is around; luckily, they’re all in their rooms, it seems. I can’t face them all just yet.

  I quietly head down the stairs and go into the kitchen. I hadn’t yet noticed how enormous it was, just as everything else in this house. I love the marble work tops. I could cook tons in here, there is so much space and the cooker is massive, I’m in love with it. I’m looking around the cupboards for a cup, I decide on some hot chocolate and cream.

  After looking around for about five minutes, I finally find them. This always reminds me of when I was younger, how my dad would make hot chocolate for me, when he’d seen that I was upset, or stressed, anything like that. He would sit with me and he would make sure he had one himself. It use to really cheer me up a lot, I miss him! I could really do with my dad right now.


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