Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1) Page 7

by D. Griffith

  "Come in." I shout,

  “Hey, babes! Are you nearly done?"

  "Yeah Andi! Almost! I just need to get dressed."

  "Are you ok?"

  "Yeah, I’m good thanks, a bit disappointed about leaving though..."

  "Because of him?"

  "Yeah!" She gives me a hug.

  "Well, you never know, you might get to meet up again sometime soon. I mean you guys aren’t like stepping up from just dates then?"

  "No, nothing like that, but to be honest, it probably wouldn't be best. He’s very high profile and I really don't need to be in the public eye right now, I’d like to get my life back on track first. I was going to talk to him about it last night, but then he just did something that was completely unexpected and I didn't think it was possible."

  "And that was?"

  “He made me feel again.” I started to tell her about last night and she’s in awe and says.

  "So, you guys didn't have sex then?" Ah, my darling sister. No brains, to mouth filter that one.

  "Nope, we didn't even make out, well, I don't count the scars, but it was magical. I’ve never felt such a connection with anything, so I’m shocked it was that." She looks at me shocked.

  "Well, maybe you guys will keep in touch, I’m sure you don't just forget this week. Especially the one you two shared."

  "Maybe! Well, he’s taking me to the airport, so I won't be getting the coach with you guys, so we might talk then."

  "Well, I think that’s the best idea you’ve got. When we get back, we need to get booked in with the midwife. I can’t wait until we get the date for the first scan."

  "Awe, that’ll be great Andi, It’s so exciting eh?"

  "Yeah!" She says with a huge grin on her face. I could tell that she has drifted off into a daydream, where she was seeing her newborn for the first time. She eventually snaps herself out of it. "Well, we’re leaving shortly; I’m guessing the coach will be here soon as it has to stop to pick other people up as well. You’ll be there before us, so I’ll see you at the airport. Danni, by the way, you’re doing well, letting Jared in was a big step, it’s a step closer to recovery, keep it up." Andi says as leaving. Shortly after she leaves I hear a deep voice.

  "Are you ready, Danni?" Jared shouts,

  "Yeah, I’m coming." I take one more glance around my room and as I’m walking down and passing each room, I take a last look at the house to say bye and I walk out the door, feeling as if I’m finally a new person.


  We’re in the car heading to the airport. I notice that Jared has not said a single word since we left. I can’t help but think that I’ve pissed him off somehow?

  “What’s wrong Jared? You’ve not said one word since we got in the car, have I done something to upset you?” He’s quick to react and straight away reassures me that I haven’t.

  "No, not at all Danni, you could never do that. It’s just; I know what you’re thinking about us, that you’re not going to want anything further. Don’t get me wrong, I respect it, but I’m still disappointed." I grab his hand and it’s soft and warm. I turn to him as I speak.

  "I did want to talk to you about it last night; I just didn't want it to end. It's not you, I can promise you that. You have given me more this week, than anyone ever has in my life and I couldn't thank you enough, but until I’ve sorted my life out and get myself back on track. I don't think being with someone who is constantly in the public eye will help me at this moment in time; my head still needs a good sort out."

  "I know… That’s understandable; hopefully after you have overcome everything you’ll reconsider giving us a shot one day?"

  "Of course, I promise! I’ll come looking for you. I’m pretty sure your every movement would be on the news anyway." I laugh.

  We get to the airport late, as we got stuck in traffic. We rush through security and everything else, Jared was able to come past with us through it all, without hesitation of any of the guards, suppose that’s the perks of being him. He wanted to watch us get on the plane. We’re off to gate seven; it’s all such a rush. We’re getting called for our departure point and we’re all saying our goodbyes to him. I don't want to say goodbye, I don’t want to go. My chest feels heavy with sadness; I’m going to cry like a baby, when it comes to my turn to say goodbye. Everyone else boards to give us space as he says to me.

  "Well, I guess this is it? Here’s my card, it's got my email and my cell number. I’d like to keep in touch and I don't need yours, as I already have it, I’ve got great connections." He gives me a hug. "Goodbye, Miss Shaw! You’ve given me an unforgettable week and remember no fear. I mean it.” He pulls me closer towards him and kisses me on the forehead. I look up into his eyes, trying not to get lost in to them.

  "Thank you for everything you’ve done for me this week Jared, I owe you everything, I really do, see you soon." I kiss him lightly on his smooth, warm cheek and go to walk off. I don’t know what makes me stop, but I do. I drop my bags, it takes me a couple of seconds to build up the courage for what I’m about to do next. I turn around to face him and tell myself, screw it, no fear right? I run straight to him and wrap my arms around his neck and start kissing him. He returns the kiss and lifts me up off the floor. I’m lost in the kiss. It feels so good, I can’t get enough of it, I don’t want it to ever end, it feels like it’s just the two of us in this room, everything has gone white around us; my heart is racing, my heads spinning. Wow, why didn’t I do this sooner? I ask myself as all of our feelings are colliding and rushing through our bodies, I can't describe these emotions, but I do know that I don't want them to go and I can’t bear to part from his lips. But we’re knocked out of our trance, by the last call to board. I realize and let go. I flash him my best smile and wave as I’m running to get on board. My legs have turned to jelly and I feel like I’m going to fall over, somehow I managed to make it onto the plane, where I’m still trying to come back down to earth. I get seated ready to take off, I lean back and close my eyes and keep replaying the scene over and over again in my head, not wanting to lose any tiny detail.

  Chapter Seven

  It's been a month since Rome and I can't help but think how much I’ve come along since that week. I’ve got a job interview today with a fashion magazine, it’s only for the advice column,but it’s better than nothing. I’m pretty nervous as well, as I’ve not been for an interview since…Well, I can’t even remember. Well there was the statement to the police, when I woke up from the coma, but you don’t count that. I need to make sure I have something smart to wear, so I don’t look untidy. Hmm, I pace back and forth in my room thinking what would look best. I got it! I want a black pencil skirt, I already have a white blouse and black heeled shoes. I wonder if Andi has got one.

  "Andi." She comes rushing upstairs.

  "What is it, what is it?" She panics.

  "Calm down, what are you doing rushing silly? You’re pregnant, you can't be doing that."

  "You shouted, it sounded serious."

  "No, I was just going to ask you, have you got a black pencil skirt I could borrow for today, for my interview please?"

  "Oh right, then instead of shouting, come and get me next time, alright? Like seriously Danni, I thought there was something wrong; don't make me kick your ass." She snaps. Oops pregnancy hormones, I didn’t think it would make her this crazy.

  "Sorry hunni, forgive me? I’ll remember next time." I reassure her. "So anyway, do you have one I can borrow?"

  "Yeah sure, I will go get you it."

  "Thank you!" Shortly after she comes back with one, I quickly slip in to it. It fits perfectly and it goes to just below my knees, it’s exactly what I wanted. I throw the blouse on; it’s a little see through, but not too much. I fix my hair and decide to put it up, which is a big step for me, as normally I’d keep it down to hide my scar. But I’m feeling a lot more comfortable in my own skin again these days. A smile occurs on my face; in reminisce of that moment in his bedroom where it all changed.
It still gives me chills and I still can’t get him out of my head. Right! I check myself over one last time in the mirror, take a deep breath then run down stairs. I throw my black smart trench coat on and head out the door. Just as I leave, I get an email notification come through on my mobile.

  [email protected]: Miss Shaw! Good luck on your interview today.

  From J

  How does he know about my interview? I didn't tell him about that, I’ve not spoke to him for a week. I reply back, feeling curious on how he knows.

  [email protected]: Mr. Hall! Are you spying on me? I don't remember telling you about my interview. How did you find out?

  From D

  I carry on walking towards the train station, I don't want to be missing the train, otherwise I’d miss my interview. I really need to learn to drive; it’ll be so much easier. My email goes off once again.

  [email protected]: I told you, I have great connections and I check in from time to time. How come you didn't tell me? Could it be the reason why you’ve been ignoring me for the past week?

  From J

  Oh! What do I say to that? I have my reasons why I‘ve not replied to him. Oh I will reply to him in a minute, here is my train. I get on and go look for a seat. It stinks on here of sweaty people and it’s not nice at all, I hate trains. Finally, a perfect one near the window, it’ll make me feel less sick. Although, it’s next to a man who looks untidy and hasn’t washed in like a week, but there is no other seats and I really want a window one. Luckily it’s a four seater with a table, so he’d be opposite me. Damn that was my email again.

  [email protected]: Miss Shaw! I’m waiting for an answer? I have missed you, so this cold shoulder you’re giving me, is kind of hurtful.

  From J

  Oh bless him, I really should reply, erm what to say? I got it.

  [email protected]: I have missed you too; I’ve just been really busy

  From D

  I want to tell him the real reason, but that’s something we can deal with another day. It’s my stop already; I didn’t realize it’d be a five minute journey. I rush quickly off the train and it’s only a little walk from the station to the building, so it’s not that far.

  As I’m approaching the building, it hurts my neck just looking up, it’s that tall. It must be five stories high; please say there is a lift, too many stairs to climb.

  I walk into the building and head to reception, there stands a young girl, she has long thick jet black hair, green eyes and a really bad fake tan, that makes her look orange. I look her in the eyes and notice that she has thick drawn on eyebrows. She must only be in her twenties. She’s behind a big black desk, that she can barely look over. She looks at me, as if she knows me.

  "Hi, how are you? Can I help?" She looks at my scar and quite rudely just stares at it; I’m starting to feel uncomfortable, I cough to get her attention. "Oh! Sorry, so can I help?"

  "Yes you can, I have an interview at one thirty, and the name is Danni Shaw."

  "Right, let me check.” She starts typing up on her computer and starts looking confused; “Oh ok, you’re heading to the main office, it’s on the fifth floor. Very strange, no one is ever allowed up there, apart from the boss. Lifts are on your right."

  "Ok, thanks." I walk to the lift and jump in and press five. The lift is small and suffocating and all you can see is silver mental, I hate lifts. I wonder why I have to go to the main office. I wonder if I’ve went in for the wrong job? Geez, I’ll look like an idiot, I hope not. I get to the fifth floor an get out and head down a corridor, till I hit another desk. Another young lady at the desk who’s even ruder, she doesn’t even give me any eye contact. She’s blonde, what did I expect?

  "Hi! I’ve been sent up here, I’ve got an interview at one thirty, the names Danni Shaw."

  "Ok, hold on." She rings for her boss and I listen in.

  "A Miss, Danni Shaw to see you sir, Ok bye." Great, it’s a dude, I didn’t know that. A bit of fear overcomes me as I feel my stomach start to sink. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths saying to myself. It’ll be ok, you don’t need to be wary around every male, no fear. The lady from behind the desk interrupts me. "Go right in." I smile; wow, the nerves are kicking in even more now. You can do this Danni. No fear, remember? I walk in and there’s someone in a chair, facing out the window with their back to me, it’s kind of rude. Although his office is huge, it’s very sophisticated. Black all over, wide windows to look out, black sofa, television, marble desk. You can tell it’s only new, because it needs finishing, it’s missing a little something.

  "Take a seat." This deep voice demands me, I do as I’m told and walk over to the seat.

  As I sit, the person in the chair turns around with a big grin on his face. Oh my god, seriously? A bit of joy jumps inside of me, like I’m a little school girl and I’m trying not to show it. I also feel a little irritated.

  "Hey, Miss Shaw."

  "Jared, what are you doing here?"

  "Oh right, I’m interviewing you." He says, pretty proud of himself.

  "Are you kidding me, is this a set up?"

  "No! But I do own this new magazine and when I saw that you had applied for it, I couldn't resist. Plus it’s probably the only way; I can get you to talk to me. By the way, you look great." I smile.

  "So, how’s the blonde bombshell your with?" I say, It weren’t meant to come out like that, I wasn’t even supposed to say it, the bloody jealousy had consumed me.

  "So that’s what’s wrong? That’s why you’ve been avoiding me?" I hesitate to answer at first, damn I got caught out.

  "Maybe… You know that I’ve got strong feelings for you and its not easy seeing you with someone else, even when I started dating someone."

  "Wait, your dating someone? You wouldn't date me, but you would someone else? How contradicting is that." Oh crap, he sounds really hurt, I feel guilty now.

  "It's not like that and I only started dating him once I saw you all over the news with that blonde chick. Plus, I thought if I dated someone else, it would stop the feelings I have for you." I shrug.

  "Oh… I only started seeing that girl, to keep you out of my head. After you left, I was pretty down, especially after are last encounter. It doesn’t work; you’re still always in there. It’s strange, you have some sort of hold on me, I don’t get it. Oh well." He says coming towards me. "Can I at least have a hello hug? I’ve not seen you since Rome." I stand up and walk towards him and give him a hug. I love being in his embrace, he still smells so good and there you have it, all the feelings that I thought I had kept at bay, come rushing back. I look up at him not letting go, as he’s towering over me and say,

  "You know, the only reason I said then about us not being together, was because I needed time to get myself sorted and it wasn’t you. I hope you know that and you know it worked, as you can see, I have my hair up now and that’s a big step. I came for an interview and I also sent off for driving lessons; I’m just waiting for my license to come through." I say quite proud of my little accomplishments.

  "I know that, you made the right decision, but you can't get pissed at me for seeing someone else."

  "True! So … Shall we get back to the interview then?"

  "No, just another minute please." He says not letting go of me. I sink deeper into his firm chest. How can someone be so powerful and this adorable at the same time? "Ok, back to business." He finally lets go and starts fixing his shoulders, so there up right. "Right, I know that you applied for the advice columnist position, but I actually have a manger position available right now and I would love for you to take it Danni, I think you’d be absolutely amazing for the position." My eyes have just popped out of my head, I did not expect that. I pause for a minute, still looking shocked.

  "No! I don't need your help to get to the top, I would like to do it all by myself." I tell him.

  "It's not that I’m trying to help you, it's just that, I need someone I can trust. There have
been a few people who have stabbed me in the back lately and have tried to take me down, by running a few of my business into the ground. You have the qualifications for the position that are needed. Plus, I really believe you could bring so much to this magazine. You can still have the advice column as well. You would be helping me out a lot, Please?" I’m still in shock; it takes me about five minutes to reply.

  "What if I mess up? I don't want to ruin your business, especially a new one. We’ve been talking since Rome, how come you didn't tell me? I still owe you a lot for what you did for me and I’m always here for you no matter what is going on in my life, don’t you ever think for a second you can’t."

  "You won't mess up! Anyway, I’ll be around to help and when a new business starts, I like to stay around for a while, to make sure it’s doing well. You’ll be so great at this Danni, please?"

  "Ok, I will. So is this your in game than Mr. Hall? Hire me and then have to spend so much time with me?" He winks at me, as his phone goes off.

  "Excuse me for a second." I know that I shouldn’t, but I can’t help but ear wig. "What is it? Are you fucking kidding me? Well, fix it! No, I pay you to fix these things, so do your job and fix it or you’re fired." He slams the phone down and runs his hands through his hair, he looks aggravated.

  "Is everything ok?" I ask concerned.

  "No! But, it’s nothing for you to worry about. You start tomorrow, get here for eight, we’re interviewing people tomorrow and you’ve also got to find a personal assistance alright?"

  "Ok, see you tomorrow."

  "Oh Danni" I turn around to say yes. "Do you want to meet up later, for a catch up?"

  "I would love to, but I have this thing tonight and I can't blow it off."

  "A date?" He asks, with something in his voice that makes me think that he’s kind of pissed off at me now.

  "Yes actually."

  "What’s his name? I’d like to do a check on him."


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