Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1) Page 10

by D. Griffith

  "Were to mam?" He’s called me a mam, I’m not a mam, the cheek. I’m only twenty six.

  "It's Danni and twenty four Walk Avenue please." There’s an awkward silence between us both, I hate when it's like that, I must try and make conversation. "So Andrew, have you worked long with Mr. Hall?"

  "Yes mam, I’ve worked for him since he started off making his first million, I’m his personal bouncer, security and driver, all of it."

  "Wow! That’s impressive; you must be really excellent at your job and also a good friend."

  "I do like to thinks so mam. Here we are, is this your place?" Wow, we got here quick, I didn’t realize we even left; I should really pay more attention.

  "Yes and please don’t call me mam, it makes me feel old, and just call me Danni and thank you for driving me home, I guess I’ll be seeing you around, bye." He nods and drives off. Soon as I walk in to the house, Andi and Alex are still up waiting for me.

  "Where have you been?" Andi snaps,

  "At work, it ran late sorry."

  "Alex and I were worried, why didn’t you call?"

  "I didn't think I had too, plus I didn’t want to disturb you guys, sorry."

  "It's ok, just call next time, you know how much we worry about you. So how was your first day? Are you able to still come my scan tomorrow?"

  "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world and afterwards, I have my driving test, don't worry; I’ve cleared it all with Jared. I made a deal, I said I’d make it up to him by inviting him over here for a three course meal on Saturday, when you guys are out."Alex stares at me with concern in his eyes and says.

  "Are you sure about that?" I look at him confused, wondering why he would say that.

  "Well yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

  "Nothing, just be careful ok." He says once again in worry.

  "Alex, is there something you’re not telling me? Tell me why you wouldn't want me too? Because Jared’s been nothing but great to me since we’ve met and he’s the first guy since Dillon, were I actually have feelings for, that are pretty strong and also trust. I feel safe around him; I can't keep hiding away can I?"

  "I know, never mind aye, I’m allowed to be protective aren’t I? You’re like my baby sister you know."

  "I know, anyway! I’ve got to head to bed, early start tomorrow, we’ve got a big meeting! Goodnight." I head to my room and start getting undressed and I notice a white envelope on my bed with my name on it, I open it up. Oh my god, it’s a drawing of a stick man, holding a knife, with red dripping on it and big letters saying ‘SOON.’ What the fuck? I start to hyperventilate, what is with the sick jokes again? That’s the second time today? I scream down to Alex and he comes rushing up, I ask.

  "How did this get here?" I pass it to him and he looks puzzled.

  "It came through the door for you today, so we put it on your bed. This is sick, who would do this?"

  "Something like this happened earlier at work, there was an application with his name on it. We couldn't find who it was. Why would someone play these sick jokes?"

  "I don't know Danni, but don't let who ever this is bring you down, you’re doing so well getting your life back together.” He walks towards me and welcomes me into a hug for comfort. “Don't let this ruin it for you ok. Throw it to the back of your mind, you should tell Andi, you know." He suggests.

  "No Alex! She does not need this stress; we keep it to ourselves aright?" He agrees and let’s go of his tight grip.

  "Get some sleep alright." I nod as he walks out the room. I bin the letter, jump in to my pyjamas and go to the window to shut the curtains and to make sure the window is securely shut and I notice a dark figure staring up at me. I can’t make a face out or anything, as it’s too dark to make out. I look away quickly and hide my face into the curtains, as a huge shiver shoots through my spine, as the fear I once tried to hide, comes rushing back. I get the urge to look again, in hope it’s my imagination and yes he has gone. Get it together Danni, it’s your imagination. I quickly shut the curtains and get into bed to go asleep, in hope I can forget these horrible sick jokes.

  Chapter Nine

  The next couple of days, where crazy busy. We have to make the first issue the most excellent to get it on the map, so everyone is working their butts off. At least we have a month for it all to be done. Jared made me take charge in the meeting, it was nerve wrecking, I thought they would all ignore me, but they didn’t, I did well. I didn’t even choke, which I expected, as I hate speaking out loud to a group of people. I told them all this has to be an exquisite first issue, that anyone has ever seen and I want great ideas. One of the ideas is ‘how to make a guy fall in love within three days.’ I loved that idea, it seems impossible and challenging. It’s a must do, the readers will thrive on it. So I’ve got one of the girls undercover to do the article, sounds great. I’ve just got to get us a celebrity to go on the cover, luckily, Jared has great connections, he can sort that department out. Andi’s scan went amazing as well, she having twins bless her. Her face was in sheer shock, but the way her and Alex’s face lit up when they seen their two darlings on the scan, was priceless. I’m so pleased I was there to be a part of it all, the love in their eyes, they were proud and they both wanted to cry but held it together. I envy them. I’m so delighted for them both, its why there out tonight, to celebrate having twins. Me on the other hand, I’m trying to figure out what to cook for this meal tonight. I’ve decided on bruchetta for a starter and an ice cream sundae for pudding. Just can't think of a main. I so need to go get the cook books out, but then that’s cheating; I need to come up with my own dish, hmm decisions. Before I go on a roll, my mobile starts to ring. Do I ever get a minute?


  "Yo bitch, are we still on for tomorrow?"

  "Hey, Darla! Yes of course, not like I’m going to miss wedding dress shopping with you, am I?"

  "Good girl, so is tonight the night, you’re finally going to give in to all your temptations?" Darla mischievously asks, I just laugh; I’m too innocent for the accusations.

  "No! Not at all, it’s just me being nice, that’s all. Have to say thanks one way."

  "Yeah right, a romantic night in by yourselves, with the chemistry you guys have? And you won't give in to temptation? Hmm, you are kidding right? You’re getting laid, see you tomorrow bitch, I want all the dirty details." She hangs up before I can say anything, I nod my head at her bluntness, she’s a nutter that one. Right, I need to move my ass and head to the shops. I grab my bag in a quick flash and head out the door, with my head running a hundred miles an hour, going through a list of what I need. New outfit, get all my ingredients, some wine and martini. I’m going to need loads of martini. I’m knocked out from my thoughts with a bing, which means that’s my email. I quickly scatter inside my bag, it’s a small clutch, so should be able to find easily amongst everything else. I could really do with a big one, but I hate them big ones you get. They look so tacky. Got it, oh surprise, surprise it’s him.

  [email protected]: Miss Shaw, I’m really looking forward to tonight, I hope you don't plan on poisoning me ;-)

  From J

  I burst out laughing, my laugh resembling that of a hyena. The Cheeky shit.

  [email protected]: Hey, cheeky! Just for that comment, I’m going to consider so now ;-)

  From D

  I carry on laughing and talking to myself, he’s so going to get it. I stop in my travels, as I am starting to get the feeling that I’m being followed? I turn around and they're two huge, bulky built men in suits, walking behind me. I’m pretty sure they’ve been there since I’ve left the house. My heart starts to race and I’m feeling the urge to run with fear. I try and reassure myself, it has to be my imagination playing up again. But as the paranoia keeps kicking in more and more, I’ve realized that my pace has picked up and I’m spiriting. As I turned around to give them a quick glance and turn back, they didn’t seem to follow, chill Danni. My email goes off again, I’m glad it actually
went off for a change.

  [email protected]: Mean! Ha-ha, oh by the way, don't be mad but if you see two men following you, don't freak out ok, I sent some of my security to watch over you. After what happened at the office and at your home; I want to make sure you are safe.

  From J

  Seriously, I’m going to kill him, how dare he think I need babysitting, I don't need protecting. I email him straight back. I can’t believe he would do such a thing.

  [email protected]: Jared! How dare you without even consulting me first about it. How long have they been following me for? You’re not even my boyfriend, so why even do that? You have no right.

  From D

  Wow! Straight away he emailed me back. He must be upset with me now, oh just great.

  [email protected]: Ouch, baby! That just hurts. See I would be your man if you would let me, but you always seem to push me away, because you’re too scared to face what you really feel. Look! Be mad at me all you like, I care for you and you’re a friend, so if I want to make sure you are safe I will, I need no permission. So please don't make this a big deal and just accept it please? :-( <<<< see, I’m even giving you my puppy dog eyes, it don't show well through email, but it’s the best I’ve got.

  From J

  Damn, I can't resist them puppy dog eyes; I can just imagine them in my head. But anyway, how dare he say he does not need my permission, he’s so pig headed.

  [email protected]: Firstly, Mr. Hall! I push you away with good reason, in which you should be understandable, which I’ll explain later and for the record, I’m not scared. Secondly! You do need my permission, as it is my life and I’m a big girl. Where you may get your own way with others doesn’t mean you will with me, no matter how charming you are ok. So next time, I would appreciate it if you tell me about it first please and thirdly! I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, you know I would never do it intentionally. Now stop emailing me, I’m shopping for a new outfit and ingredients for tonight, so I’ll see you later. Be at mine for seven thirty.

  From D

  Right, off to affinity! I’ll get my outfit from there, love that shop. For fuck sake, there’s my email again.

  [email protected]: Is that including some kinky lingerie? ;-) Ok, ok I’m kidding, please don't kill me. See you later beautiful.

  Love J

  Aww he said love J, he’s never said love before. It’s always been from and he must be in a great mood. Right, last time I’m replying because I’m running late now.

  [email protected]: Behave yourself Mr. Hall tut, tut, see you later.

  From D

  Right, I’m here! Before I head into affinity, I turn back at the security men and shout.

  "Oi! I know you two are following me, your boss has just come clean and told me, come here." They walk straight to me. "If you have to be by my side than fine, but you both can make yourselves useful. I’m going to make you help me pick an outfit out and the best part about it is, you can't say no. Come on." Feeling all proud of myself, I stick my tongue out at them; they just look down to say, oh god help us. I try not to laugh through my cruelty, I’m going to make them work there buts off.

  I love inside this shop; it’s really girly, so many different outfits for all occasions, even better, its pink decor my favourite! To the carpet, to the curtains, even the walls, it’s amazing.

  In the shop, I try on numerous types of outfits, all different sizes, sending the guards back and forth to change the sizes for me. In all honesty, I’m doing it on purpose.

  "Right, last one! What do you guys think?" I’ve got a strapless, baby pink, knee high tight dress on, which has open gaps were my sides are. They’re just staring, is that a good sign? "Is that a yes than?" They’re nodding yes, I guess that means there speechless, that must be a good sign then.

  "Yes mam." They say,

  "Hey, Danni!" I swirl around to see who it is. Its Katie, that’s the last person I’d thought, would say hi to me.

  "Hey, Katie! How have you been?"

  "I’m good thanks, you? Dress looks great by the way."

  "Thank you, I need something for tonight, I’m cooking Jared a three course meal to be nice, so thought I’d best look good you know."

  "So, are you guys together now?"

  "Oh no, we just work together and stuff has been happening behind the scenes. So I’m helping him out, plus I still owe him. Lots has happened since Rome, plus.” I pull her towards me and start pointing towards the guards. “You see them over there; Jared has got those two following me, to keep me safe. How bad is that? So I’m making their life hell, by making them shop with me, watch this." I walk to the lingerie section and pick up two lovely sets. "Hey, you two!" I shout too them, they turn towards me and I hold up the two lovely sets. "Which one do you reckon your boss would prefer? The pink one, with the white stockings and suspenders, or do you reckon, the black ones, with the black stockings and suspenders?" I’ve not seen eyes widening in shock like that before, they quickly face the other way, as their faces turned bright red. That’s hysterical and Katie and I burst out in laughter. "Come on guys, I haven’t got all day." I can't help myself, it’s too funny.

  "Any mam err, err just any." They both say in unison. Katie and I look over at their awkwardness an giggle, she says,

  "Well, that has just made my day, if I was you; I’d go with the pink one, as it goes with the dress. So it would blend nicely together."

  "Thanks Katie."

  "No problem, have fun."

  "Thanks! See you around." The pink one it is, so I head to the tills and pay.

  After running around all the shops, I finally got what was needed. I’ve decided on making a slow roasted, minted lamb shank, with garlic and herb new potatoes and fresh steamed vegetables, with my special olive oil dressing.

  I rush home quickly, as I’m running out of time; I shove the shanks in the oven, an start peeling the cherry tomatoes and chop them up, ready for my bruschetta. Once finished making the topping, I cover it up and put it in the fridge ready to dish out just as he gets here. Oh, I hope he likes it.

  After preparing it all, I start on the table. Couple of candles and some wine glasses. I’ve even tried to attempt to make fancy napkins, but looked terrible and went completely wrong, never again. I look up at the clock, oh crap; I’ve only got forty five minutes to get myself dressed. The nerves have started to kick in; I think tonight I’m just going to give in to all of my temptations. I’m tired of being such a scared little girl, but it’s hard as I’m very timorous person. What if he thinks I’m crap? He has a lot more experience than me in that department. Or what if he doesn’t want the same thing? Get it together Danni. Let’s not go down that road.

  I get a quick shower and get dressed. Katie was right; this underwear goes great with the dress. I’ve blow dried my hair and straightening it and do my makeup. I finish just in time for his arrival, as I can hear the door. Right! Take a deep breath, one last time and walk over and open the door, oh wow, I feel like a young girl, waiting on her very first date. My poor heart is thudding. My legs have gone like jelly and weak through these nerves. I turn the knob slowly, as if once I open this door I can’t go back.

  "Hey boss! Come in." Oh god that sounds lame, did I really just say that? Idiot! He looks good, he’s wearing light blue combat jeans, with a few rips in them, a striped shirt with a few buttons undone, as he always wears them, his hair is waving with the breeze of the wind. He’s hot as always.

  "Wow! You look amazing Danni, beautiful as always, these are for you." He hands me a big bunch of pink flowers and kisses me on the cheek and walks straight through the door, brushing past me.

  "They’re beautiful, thank you." We walk through to the dining area, I tell him to sit.

  “This looks great Danni, are you trying to woo me this time?" He compliments with a huge smile.

  "Hardly! A romantic meal in the house, which I’ve cooked myself, does not compare to what you did for me in Ro
me, but this was the best I could do."

  "Well! If you ask me, I think this is better."

  "Well, you pour us both some wine and I’ll dish out the first course. I head towards the kitchen and quickly put the topping on the base of the bruschetta, hoping he’s going to approve on it.

  As I’m walking through to the dining area, holding tightly on to the serving plate and placing it on the table, you can hear the rattling of the serving plate through my shaking. Pull it together Danni.

  "Mmm bruschetta, they look delicious."

  "Thank you! Now eat." I demand,

  "So, I’ve heard you gave my two guards the run around earlier, did you enjoy that?" He smirks,

  "Well, what can I say, I had to make there day hell, after you assigning them to me, without even consulting me first. So if you think about it, that was their bosses fault."

  "Fair enough! This is scrumptious by the way and it’s just the starter, can't wait for the last two. What is it you’re making?"

  “Way to change the subject. Well, I’ve done a slow oven baked minted lamb shank, with steamed vegetables and garlic and herb new potatoes. I hope you like lamb?"

  "Off course, I’m a man you know."

  "Well! I’ve worked hard on it, so you better eat it all, you don't want to offend me now do you?" I wink, while placing the food down and cracking open the martini. I bloody need one. We sit and get stuck right in and I have to pat myself on the back for this, it’s delicious.

  "Mmm this is good Miss Shaw; I love how it just falls of the bone, just the way I like it. So, not only are you beautiful, amazing, smart and funny, but also you can cook. I have to say, you’re turning out to be the perfect woman." I just chocked on my food with a laugh, as I’m embarrassed with the compliment, I never do well with compliments.


  After dessert, we head in to the lounge to watch a film. He brought the original, clash of the titans, a very old film. He says it’s his all time favourite and he’s making me watch it. It’s crap in my eyes.

  "So, is this revenge for giving your guards hell?"


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