Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1) Page 12

by D. Griffith

  "Ok, let me get my drink first."

  "Here!" Jared says, as he comes in and passes our drinks. He has worry in his eyes, he knows something. "Danni, can I talk to you for a second please? Over here."

  "Jared, whatever it is, you can say in front of Darla, because I’ll end up telling her no matter what and she is part of this."

  "I just got a call, my guys have got hold of the men behind the other car, they where three. Apparently, they were taking someone’s orders, to come for you Danni." The sound of that makes my heart start pounding.

  "Wait, what? Me? Why? What have I done to piss someone off, which makes them want to send guys after me?"

  "I don't know yet, my guys are still on them. We should find out shortly."

  "When you say on them, do you mean physically beating the crap out of them?"

  "Danni, let’s not get into this and you know what, damn right they are. They came for you, do you have any idea how pissed off that makes me? You’re my girl. I will not have any one hurt you and if they did, they get what they fucking deserve."

  "So great, more violence, just what I need in my life. Not like I’ve seen enough of it already."

  "Look, Danni! I’m not getting into this with you and this is different, It’s not like I’m doing the violence is it?"

  "So getting people to do your dirty work for you, is better? It just makes you as violent." I snap.

  "Danni." He walks over to my side and places his hands on my shoulders and looks straight in to my eyes. "Look, I wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone, but if they target, harm, or go after anyone I love. Friends, family and especially you, then damn right I’ll be violent with them, but don't you ever think for a second I’d be violent with you."

  "I never said you would, did I?" I snap.

  "No you didn’t, but you applied it and I know what you’re thinking. Am I wrong?" I just look away. "See! Look, are you saying if it was me or Andi or even Darla, you wouldn't want to go kill the people?"

  "True, I wouldn't let anything happen to them."

  "Exactly, so can we stop this?" He asks.

  "Sure, how is it you understand in how I feel about violence and that?"

  "I will tell you another time, not right now."


  "I promise." His mobile starts to ring. “That’s my cell; it's my guys, I have to get this." As he answers, he walks in to another room. I throw myself down on the sofa; I place my head in between my knees, thinking seriously? Why? Honestly, can't I catch a break? Maybe it’s something to do with Jared and his past, I don't know. Darla parks her butt next to me and asks.

  "Are you ok babe?"

  "Yeah thanks, it’s all just crazy, do I have a sign on my head saying target? Because it feels like I do.”

  "I know, but don't think it’s to do with you. Not like you have done anything to anyone, you’re far too kind."

  "Thanks, just gets to me you know, I just started a new job that I’m actually good at, finally gave in to being with someone I see having a future with, too good to be true, aye." Before she can reply, Jared interrupts us. His teeth are grinding together like they do, when he is about to hit the rails.

  "Erm Danni, I’ve just got off the phone to my men, you’re not going to like this." He hesitates to tell me.

  "Jared, go on." I ask, really not wanting to know the outcome.

  "Well the guys sent for you were on the orders of your ex Dillon." My face draws from its entire colour; my mouth has drawn wide open in shock. I can’t believe this; I need to sit back down, shaking my head in disbelief. I want to cry but I don't want to sound weak.

  "Oh right, ok, but why? He’s in prison? He can't do that. Yes, they get a phone call, but they can't do that, can they? No, no, why can't he just leave me alone?" I start walking up and down the room, as I don't know what to say. This can’t be happening.

  "Danni, that’s not all of it, can you come here please?" I walk over to him; he’s looking at me feeling sorry for me and also l see the worry in his eyes, this can’t be good. "Danni, he broke out of prison." The words just push me to the edge, I’m in hysterics hyperventilating, I can’t breathe.

  "He can't, he just can’t. He’s going to come for me and finish me off. I can't have that, shit, no, just no." I say sobbing my heart out. Darla and Jared are both trying to comfort me and they’re saying.

  "Don't worry; we won't let anything happen to you."

  "How can you be a hundred percent sure? And what I don’t understand is, how the hell did he find me?" Jared has got hold of me so tightly trying to comfort me.

  "Baby don't worry, I promise you with all my heart I won't let him. I’ll have security with you at all times. I’ll help you through this, you need to trust me. I even have private guys who can hunt him down, please babe, you’ve got me now and I’m not letting anything happen to you. Look, even come and stay with me, I have the top security system; it’s the best security in the country. You will be nothing but safe, I promise." His words don’t help, the fear inside me has taken over and I can’t stop the water works from flowing.

  After about five minutes, I eventually calm down and ask him to get me another drink, so he does.

  "Darla, what do you think I should do?"

  "Honestly? I think you should stay with him; he can protect you more than anyone. Yes it’s too soon, but if you think about it, if he tracks you down at Andi’s anything could happen and Andi, doesn’t need that while she pregnant."

  "But.. I don't want to leave them high and dry; they’ve been great since all that happened."

  "I know, but if you explain to them, I’m sure they would understand."

  "But, what if he goes there and harms them? I can't protect them, no I can't."

  "Look Danni, they’re more in danger with you there and Danni, I think you’re putting yourself in even more danger if you’re there. He knows where they live and there is no security at their place. Like you said, someone already got a letter there to you, at least here its top notch."

  "I can't." I can see in her face that she’s getting frustrated with me, as she huffs and turns her back to me. Jared walks back in.

  "Jared, knock some sense into her will you." Darla snaps,

  "Why? What she doing?"

  "She won't take your offer up. I’m telling her it’s safer here, but she’s worried about Andi and Alex, Their more in danger with her there."

  "Darla, why are you getting all pissed at me? When all I’m trying to do is make the right choice?"

  "Danni, last time you where left for dead and you know how hard it was seeing you in hospital, all hooked up to a machine. Getting told that you’re not going to come back from it? Andi and I, Adam, Alex and Carl were all devastated and you really think we want you back in there, seriously?"

  "Yeah, well I won't! It’s different now."

  "Oh my god! Jared, sort it." She snaps again.

  "Darla, can you just stop it please? I don't need you on my case right now and don’t you think I’ve had enough on my plate? Not like it was you left for dead." I say, starting to cry again, I hate this. Jared wraps his arms around me and as Darla goes to say something, Jared snaps.

  “Back off, Darla! Baby, look at me. Darla is right; I know this is kind of sudden you staying here for a while, seeing as we only just started out, but it is the safest place possible for you. Andi and Alex are safer without you there. If it makes you feel better, I’ll even send security to watch over them ok? I’ll even let you have your own room, so you can have your own space."

  "Oh, I don't know and we’ve only just started out, what if it causes friction between us both?"

  "In all fairness, if you count Rome, we haven't just started out! You just ran away and we’re both adults and I’m irresistible; you won’t be able to resist me." Such a smug git, trust him to use that as a bargaining chip. Once he stops talking, he grips my face and randomly starts kissing me. It sends me to cloud nine every time. "As I was saying.. You feel that in our ki
ss, I can't say for you, but that feeling, I’ve never had before with anyone. So if something is right, why fight it?"

  "Haha, you’re a soppy git, stop trying to smooth your way to persuade me. But ok, it worked! I’m holding you to the own room thing and its only temporary and I need to tell Andi myself."

  "Deal." He smiles for getting his own way, sometimes I swear it’s like he’s a kid in his head.

  "Well, we need to get going now than; do you think it's safe?"

  "Well, we’ll all go. I’ll drive and my security will follow, let’s go." We all head for the door, security go out first to check if it’s safe and we follow.


  As we pull up to Andi house, Alex comes rushing out and shouts at us to get in here. Oh no, I hope it’s not the baby, please say it’s not. I run in and luckily Andi is fine, she just looks major pissed off.

  "Alex! What the hell man, I thought there was something wrong with Andi and the babies, the way you called us all stressful and panicking."

  "No! Sorry, but have you seen the news? Why didn't any of you call straight away? I’ve had Carl on the phone worried sick. Andi and I where stressing."

  "How do you guys know? Plus, I thought it’ll be best telling you face to face."

  "Well, look!"He turns the television on and of course the events of today, has already hit the news. We all look at the television.

  “Welcome, to the six o’clock news. This just in! We have some breaking news for you. Dillon Haze has escaped from Haltonbridge prison. We spoke to Haltonbridge’s Prison Governor, Jamie William this morning, who told us that Dillon escaped from Haltonbridge Prison a couple of days ago. Mr. Haze, as you may remember got sentenced to life in prison, for brutally attacking his girlfriend Danni Shaw, back in June 2013 and leaving her for dead. Miss Shaw was left in intensive care for over a month and as you can see from the following pictures that Miss Shaw’s family released at the time. Miss Shaw was stabbed in her stomach, had a slash to her neck where Mr Haze has attempted to slit Miss Shaw’s throat. She also ended up with broken ribs, a broken jaw and a dislocated eye socket. Scotland Yard’s metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Alan More, has released the following statement. There’s a man hunt out for him, as you know, Dillon Haze is a very highly dangerous man, if you see him do not confront him, get away from him as soon as you can and call 999 immediately when you get out of sight. The Commissioner went on to say that Scotland Yard has spoken to a number of resources this morning, who are believed to be previous associates of Mr Haze’s, who say that he is heading up north to possibly, what some may believe to be, to finish what he started. The unknown associates went on to say that Mr Haze is armed and extremely dangerous and will take anyone down that gets in his way. We urge all our viewers today to stay safe and we will report all updates as soon as we receive them.”

  I just put my head down.

  "I can't believe this is happening, how I’m I suppose to have my normal life back with that Bastard running around." I say, punching the door. "Ouch, that hurt."

  "Danni, protective services has been in touch, they want to take you to a safe house. Protective custody, you need to go. I don't want anything like this happening to you again." Andi says, wrapping her arms around me.

  "No! I’m not going, I have a job and I’m getting my life back together, if I let this hold me back, than he wins anyway."

  "Danni! Think straight for a moment. I know your head must be spinning around with everything right now, but you need to do this, please." Andi pleads.

  "Look! I’m not going into protective custody, but I was going to stay at Jared’s. Me, him and Darla had a good chat about this before we came here. We come to the conclusion, that he has the top security and I’ll have someone on me at all times. Only temporary though. I didn't want to leave you guys unsafe in case he comes for you, but they think you both are much safer without me here, but I said, I’ll only go if you have security watching over you guys, only way I’ll do it."

  "Danni, do you really think Jared’s is the safest option, compared to protective custody? You barley know the guy." Alex says, looking at Jared giving him the dirtiest looks. I’m sure they’ve got some sort of secret going on.

  "Actually, yes I do! He loves me and he’s not going to let anything happen to me is he? And I can still work and see you guys."

  "Danni, listen! Just because he says he loves you, how do you know he means it?" Alex snaps,

  "Hey, dude! What the hell? Of course I mean it, how could you even say that? You’re supposed to be my mate and her brother in law and you’re trying to confuse her? And for your information, I meant every word. Seriously dude, all the time you’ve known me have I ever acted like this with any girl? And be honest?" Jared snaps.

  "No, you’re right you haven't! But can you honestly stand there and say that knowing what I know? So I have every right to question what you say, she’s like my little sister too man, just like you said."

  "Right, Alex! Let’s take this into another room; I don't think Danni needs any more stress alright." Alex nods and they walk off into the kitchen. I throw my head into my hands in defeat. I can’t keep this brave act anymore. Darla, walks over to Andi and I over hear her asks.

  "What did Alex mean when he said to Jared, Knowing what I know?" Andi pauses for a minute than says.

  "I don't know, they’ve known each other for years, near enough as long as you and Danni have known each other. So it could be anything."

  "So if they’ve known each other for years, does that mean, Alex told Jared before I met him about what happened?" I ask.

  "No! Not at all, that was your business and why would he tell him? You told him remember?"

  "I know I told him, I was just wondering was he playing dumb, because he said he went to see that girl in hospital all the time. He sent money to keep me on the machine, to help that girl get better and sent flowers there all the time."

  "Really? I thought they came from Carl and the money came from mum, as we couldn’t access your account. But suppose, I’d like to think mum would actually have a heart. At the time, I told Alex not to mention a word to anyone, yes it hit the news but in family matters, we kept our faces out of it."

  "Yeah, that’s weird! Never mind." I say, putting my head down, because it has become too heavy to keep it held high.

  "Wow, that’s mad how he seen you at hospital, but didn’t know you, then later on you both meet in Rome, then again after Rome. How random is that? Kind of romantic too, got to be a good sign." Andi says, before I could say anything the boys walk back in.

  "Everything, ok?" I ask them both, they nod. "Look, no one is going to get anywhere by scratching down each other’s throat, so this is what’s going to happen. I’ll go and stay at Jared’s, Andi and Alex, you will accept having security watch you both and Darla, ring Carl an no arguments, my minds made up, weather any of you like it or not, alright?" They don’t argue the matter, they all just agree. "So tonight, we’ll all have some Dinner here together and we should stay under the same roof tonight. As I’m guessing, Jared! You’ll need to send your people to sort out the house ready for me, because not like you’re going to do it yourself and Darla, you need to stay tonight as well, after today, I’d rather you be safe. Get Carl over to, if you want and tomorrow, I’ll go to Jared’s. I think tonight, I’ll need lots of wine to calm down ready for tomorrow. As something tells me, there is going to be press everywhere I go and that’s the final say alright?" They all agree. Darla goes off to call Carl! Alex and Andi head to the kitchen, I go upstairs as my head is banging with all this drama. I feel a moment of release, when I get to my room and been able to just lay on the bed with no sound, just the thoughts and screaming words in my head. Why now? Last night was one of the happiest I’ve been and now today, it’s all crashed down. Am I not meant to be happy? I’m removed from my thoughts, with the knocking on my door. "Come in."

  "Hey, babe!" Jared says, trying his best not to look sympathetic.

ey, you." He walks over to me.

  "May I?" He gestures to lie next to me, I nod and he comes behind me and wraps his arm around my body and snuggles into the back of my head and Kisses it.

  "Do you want to talk about it?"

  "No! Well maybe, I don't know." I can't think straight. I turn around to face him and huff. "It’s just, I feel like every time I get a bit of happiness, it comes crashing down, or I push it away. Like last night, it’s been one of my happiest moments that I’ve had and then today, it's like bang, hit the floor, start from the bottom again. It’s like I’m not supposed to be happy, guess I don't deserve it." I look away from his soothing eyes and drown my face in sorrow. He pulls my face back up to him; he pecks my lips slightly and says.

  "Look, babe! If anyone deserves to be happy, it's you, after everything you went through and how far you’ve come from then. You’ve started getting your confidence back; you’re feeling comfortable with your scars and in your own body. If you think of the girl I met in Rome, you where ashamed of your scars, yourself, and you stuttered a lot. Don't get me wrong, I thought you were amazing no matter what, but if you think from then, to how you are now, it’s a great accomplishment. It’s something you should be proud of and don't let this drag you down. Yes he may be out, but you’ve got something you never had back then, you have me and I’m certainly not going to let anything happen to you, I might have to fire your ass though, just to keep you safe." He laughs.

  "I don't think so, I still want to work. How are you so amazing and so understanding? And none of this, that’s a story for another time. You said you’d tell me, so please say."

  "Well, the reason why I understand about it all is because it use to happen to my mum. My father, he was a monster, just like your ex. Not as bad like, he would beat on her a lot. If we tried to help, he would just crack us one as well. He was a nasty drunk. One day he was just out of it, he must have taken something else with the alcohol, because he went crazy. He trashed the house and he bottled my mum, it was horrible. I just wanted to kill him you know, he got sent to prison and then someone killed him inside. Bastard deserved it if you ask me, but from then, I’ve always said that I couldn't help my mum, but I will try my best to help others. It’s why I sent money to the hospital, I wanted to help you so much and hey it worked didn't it. I even have a charity all over, where they’re places for abused woman, even men to go too. They can call up and if they want to get out, one of my team will go pick them up and bring them to a house, where they have somewhere to sleep, eat and get help. It helps a lot." Wow! He is amazing; does this mean I remind him of his mum?


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