Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1) Page 15

by D. Griffith

  “What is it man.” Alex asks, as he can see the wary look on my face

  . “Check this out, was this you? Some sort of ploy to get me to stay away from Danni?” Alex has a quick look and looks as puzzled as I do.

  “No! Don’t be fucking stupid man, how long have we been friends for? This is probably some press snooping around and might have paid someone to put this in here. Burn it man and rub it off ok, if Danni see’s that, she’ll freak out. Remember, this was buried years ago, let’s keep it like that.” I nod at him and head back up to the rest of them.

  Shortly after, while they’re all chatting away, I sneak of upstairs and set up out my balcony. I set up a table with two chairs and a bucket of champagne and glasses. I wonder if this is too much. I’m hoping she doesn’t say no, otherwise I’m going to look a fucking idiot.

  I hear footsteps coming from the hall way that must be her. As I see her, she lets of a bright smile, beautiful! I asked her, but my fucking words got crossed again. Damn she flipped out, she thought I meant sex. That was funny, I correct myself and luckily she says yes, that was a relieve.

  As the shower finished, we stand and look at each other awkwardly. She is really beautiful, her beauty is memorizing, it’s like an angel has been sent down and they’ve sent her here, to make the world a more beautiful place. She turns away from my gaze; I don't understand why she does that, maybe she shy? That or either playing hard to get, or she’s just not in to me. I’m memorized by this woman, she mysterious. I need to figure her out.


  The last couple of days I was quite busy, I was able to re arrange another meeting with the investors, luckily, it will be after they go home. I ordered a few Jet Ski for later, for me and the boys, I thought it’d be a bit of fun for the boys. It's all we’re doing today, is hitting the beach. I’m finally getting a peaceful, work free day. Plus, I’m kind of confused; I can't stop thinking about Danni, she’s not like the normal woman, she’s not all over me and sometimes quite dismissive and not normally my type and yet, she is on my mind twenty four seven. I get this funny feeling around her, which is frustrating and I don't even know how to act around her. Like seriously? I’ve lost all my mojo, how does that even happen? Why has this girl got some sort of effect on me? What’s that thudding? Oh! That’s my door.

  "Come in." I shout, through the door.

  "Hey, man!" A deep voice says, I turn around to face him.

  "Hey, Carl! What’s up?"

  "Alex, sent me up to see if you’re ready to hit the beach? We’re about to head down."

  "Yeah sure, let’s go." As we’re walking down, I start asking him about his relationship. "So, how did you and Darla meet? You two seem like a very strong couple, you know, the unbreakable type or whatever you call it." He chuckles.

  "We met through Danni! Danni and I have grown up together, from when we were babies and Danni and Darla, they met in preschool, so they were just kids themselves, so when all our mums decided to meet up nearly every day, we where shoved together. So basically, we all grew up together, but in secondary school, I got sent to a private academy as we moved house, not too far like but I hardly seen Darla, she was always busy. I still got to see Danni like, because both our mums worked in the industry, so they’d go that extra mile to meet up. I always thought me and Danni would end up together because we were inseparable, but I was never able to get out from that friend zone, once you hit that mark, you can’t get out, I’m glad I never did like. One day, Danni comes to me and says we’re having a house party, everyone is getting together; even the parents and I should come. At that age, I was all work and no fun, I was very school on, but you know Danni, she just wouldn’t take no for an answer. So I decided what the hell, I’ll go. That night, I got to the door and Danni dragged me in, she gave me a hug all excited and she dragged me straight upstairs into her bedroom. She was like, look who’s here and she turned around and wow she was stunning. Danni was like, Darla, do you remember Carl? I think you two have not seen each other in year. It was like; I was seeing her for the first time. Darla says, ‘oh my god Carl, you look great.’ She comes to me and gives me a huge hug and from then on, it was just love. I asked her out and here we are today. So I reckon it was Danni’s plan all along, to set us up. We’ve always called ourselves the three musketeers. Don’t laugh! But yeah, that’s it really."

  "That’s amazing that mate; you’re a very lucky man." I say, pretty amazed by that story.

  "Thanks, I know." I smile and you can see it in his face, how much of a happy love sick fool he is. "You think you’ll ever settle down and that? Or are you just happy with doing what you do, with your flings? Sorry man, I don’t mean to be abrupt; I see it on the news all the time, Mr. Hall's girls."

  "Hey, I don't ask for them to get call that. I hate it man, I really do, but sometimes it’s just easier having flings; relationships seem to be too much hard work." I say, as were about to walk in to the lounge.

  "Well, you never know dude, that one person who you want to go the whole nine yards with could be out there somewhere, you’ve just not found her yet." I look at him, I admire that and I smile.

  "Respect mate! That’s pretty awesome."

  "Truth though man, there’s got to be one for you." He states, as we step in to the lounge and I just see Danni, my face lights up, I stare immediately and reply.

  "Yeah, maybe dude." He notices me staring at Danni and whispers.

  "Baby girl? You never know, she is a gooden! One of a kind, she’s also one of the most caring, generous, kind hearted people I know. If anyone deserves to have it all, it’s her. Give us some love man." He bumps his fist out for me to bump it back. I laugh; I’ve not done that since I was a kid. He walks straight over to Darla and picks her up and swings her around. That’s pretty sweet, the corny shit. Then we all head the beach.

  Chapter Thirteen

  She has been in her room for hours, I hope she is ok! We had a great day at the beach, we went on the jet ski, we fell off a few times, we dried up in the sun, me and Danni watched the sunset and then when we got back to the house, she flipped out again, something to do with the news paper. I don't know what it was, but she threw it on the fire place and ran off. I’ve had the press calling, the lot; I had to turn my cell off. All though, I really should ring Andrew and ask him what all the commotion is about. I need to know why the press is constantly calling. I switch my cell back on and quickly call Andrew.

  "Yes sir, what’s wrong?"

  "Well Andrew, could you tell me why the press is on my case please?"

  "You’ve not saw the paper sir? It’s actually on the news as well?"

  "No! I’ve not, the news paper got burnt before I could see it and I’ve not listened to the news. I’ve just been locked away in my room, why?"

  "Well, sir! I would strongly request that you go speak to Danni; it’s not for me to say. All I can say is, they’re pictures of you and Danni, when you where both out the other day and the headline say’s. So Mr. Hall has gone from supermodel to victim, you think he’s trying to up his publicity? Even this is low for him; turn to page two to read her story. It’s pretty brutal sir."

  "Do you think she went to the press? She does not seem like the type to do that."

  "In all honesty sir, reading what I’ve read and seen, I don't think anyone would want to bring anything like that back up at all, It looks like whatever paparazzi followed you two obviously found the information on Danni and used it against you and leaked it all out again.”

  "Geez Andrew, she’s going to think this is my entire fault. Do you reckon it’s the same person who sent me that picture? How come you didn’t tell me earlier?"

  "Sir, your phone has been off and in all fairness; it’s not for me to say sir, sorry and I don’t know, possibly it could"

  "It’s ok, I’m going to go, I can hear Danni’s door open, I’m going to see if she wants to talk, or help her. Hopefully she will tell me, bye." I hang up; right I need to think how to go by this. I’ll sn
eakily follow her down, an ease my way in there.

  I follow behind her down the stairs, making sure there is a big distance between us both. She’s heading towards the kitchen and making herself a hot chocolate. Then she heads into the lounge, I won’t go in just yet, I’ll let her have that space. What do I do? How do I approach her? Ah! I know, I’ll go make a hot chocolate myself, then see if I can join her. That way, I don’t look like I’m stalking the poor girl.

  Right! How do I make hot chocolate? I normally have someone do this for me. Right! erm so I put a spoon full of coco powder in a cup, a bit of sugar and a bit of milk and add water from the kettle, an squirt whipped cream on top. Oh, naughty thoughts are popping through my head right now, what I could do with this with D... Focus Jared. Finished, that wasn’t hard. I take a swig, oh my god, I spit it back out, that tastes terrible; it’s lumpy and tastes like piss. What did I do wrong? Ewe, I’m going to be sick. I’m going to have to pretend to drink it now.

  I walk into the lounge, where she is curled up near the fire place. She said it’s ok that I join her and I’ve asked her what’s going on. She hesitates at first, and then she starts telling me. Wow, I don't know what to say, this is awful and she trying so hard not to cry why telling me. I just want to grab and hold her to help. No way, I use to send money to help her, that’s crazy; I can’t believe it was her. What the fuck, she just ran out the house shouting and screaming. What do I do? I’ve never been in a position like this before; she is going to do something stupid. I can hear every one running down the stairs; asking ‘what’s going on?’ I’m going to have to go after her. It’s too late, Shit! She’s now running into the sea, is she crazy, the tide is high. I need to go grab her before she goes under. Holy shit, she’s gone under. I run into the sea and feel around for her. Luckily I was able to get a grip on to her. She pushing me away, I’m telling her it’s ok but she not listening. I try and keep a hold of her but she wriggles away. Oh my god, she has just shown me her stomach scar, that’s revolting, it’s huge. She’s thinking it grosses me out, it’s unpleasant but I wouldn’t say that. This is completely emotional, the poor girl. I can feel, see her pain and how much this is eating at her soul. I don't know what to do; I’ve never been one for consoling someone. So I just go over to her and wrap my arms around her and tell her to let it out. She is trying to break free from my grip, she hitting me and everything. I’m not letting her go, she’ll do something stupid. I don’t want that happening, she sobbing into my chest; this is really upsetting that someone can be so hurt. I never want to let her go.

  The next day, I’ve asked her to go to the charity benefit with me tonight and I’m dragging my assistant Charlotte out with me. She’s only in her early twenties, her red hair, makes her look fiery and they match her dark brown eyes and tanned skin, I personally think she’s the devil in disguise. She helping me pick Danni something to wear, because I know she wouldn’t have brought anything fancy with her. Anyway, I want to after yesterday, I feel like she deserves to be pampered, or whatever it’s called.

  "So sir, what is it your looking for?"

  "Well, charlotte! It’s a charity night and a lot of high profile people will be there, so she needs to stand out. You know what I mean?" I say trying to explain.

  "Right, ok! So what does she look like, is it the girl from the paper? The one you were out with?"


  "Well, pictures don't go well, so just give me a quick description." So I tell her what she looks like and we head to Ja la francis. It’s the top place in Rome that makes the best gowns, they’re always limited edition, where you will only have the one in every size.

  “Charlotte, how about that pink one, she looks great in pink and I’m sure it’s her favourite colour, as nearly everything she has brought is pink.” She examines it and agrees, we check it’s her size and ring it up. This dress will look amazing on her. Wow, even in my head I’m sounding cheesy, it’s like I’m turning into a chick. What has this girl done to me?

  Where walking to get some coffee and we’re going through work arrangements, which I’m not paying any attention to at all, it’s boring the shit out of me. Her voice is also going through me, she won’t shut up talking. We walk past a jewellers and oooh I stop, as something catches my eye.

  "What is it sir?" Charlotte asks.

  "Look at that diamond set, its perfect. Give me a second." I walk in the shop and ask how much the pink set was. It’s a tall guy at the counter; he looks to be in his late forties

  “ Five thousand and five hundred sir.”

  “Oh, I’ll take it.”

  "Erm sir, hold on a second, you really think that’s a good idea?"

  "Well, why isn’t it?" I turn to Charlotte and ask, wondering what her problem is now.

  "If it’s for the girl, then don't you think you’re going a bit over board?”

  "Charlotte! You don't tell me what I spend my money on and if it was for you, you know you would take it in a heartbeat."

  "No I wouldn't.” She quickly defends herself and carries on speaking. “How do you know if this girl is just after your money?"

  "She didn’t even know who I was, so I think that’s not the case and stop questioning me, you sound jealous. I guess that’s what one nighters turns you into." I exclaim.

  "Not at all and just because we spent one night together, does not make me jealous. I’m just looking out for you."

  "Well don't and don’t kid yourself, jealousy is steaming all over you." I dismiss her. "I’ll take it, thanks. Lets head back, I’ve got to go put this in her room, before she gets out the Jacuzzi and get myself sorted."


  All I need to do now is gel my hair and I’m all ready to go, I’m nervous, I feel like I’m going on a first date. I go and knock on her door and as she opens up my eyes light up and I’m speechless, she looks absolutely radiant. I was right, the dress was perfect. I hand her the gift and she tries to refuse it at first, but I won’t take no for an answer, I want her to have this; it’s a symbol of my feelings because, I don’t understand how to deal with them.

  Once where out the house and reached our destination, I have to try and focus, because I’m needed to give a speech, which I can’t screw up, but my words go to scramble whenever Danni is in the same room as me, so I’m praying it flows perfectly.

  After the speech and our meal, the music starts to play. Now I’m not the best dancer but I really want to get close to Danni and dance with her. A slow song is playing; I’ve heard this once before, it’s pretty sweet. I’ve got Danni in my arms, my stomach fills up with, as woman call them, butterflies. I’m staring deep into her eyes and find myself lost within them, it’s like for the first time I can see her beautiful soul, full of love, kindness, beauty, this deep connection I have to her its unspeakable, I want more, I want to touch those, full shaped, pink lips of hers. I go in for the kill, but before I get to touch, the music stopped and she moved away. Damn! So close.

  The next day, I wake up at the crack of dawn and Danni is still sleeping, she looks so peaceful, I really hope last night helped her and she never found it inappropriate. I stare at her for a while as she sleeping. The amount of dribble coming from her mouth, that’s just disgusting and she snoring, it must be a good sign. Oh! I’ve just realized that she goes home today, wow! That’s a big disappointment. I’ll see if she wants me to take her to the airport and maybe have a talk about us. Although, I think she’s not going to want anything further, normally, I wouldn't even consider thinking about anything like this, but there is just something about her I just can't control, she’s simply amazing. The feeling's I have, they’re fucking with my head but I can't control them. I don't normally have feelings for women, it’s all new and I don't know how to deal. She seems to help fill that empty feeling inside me, which I thought could never be filled.

  "Morning." I hear as she opening her eyes with a slight smile. I start teasing her about her dribbling and snoring and oh my god the face is a picture, it’s g
one all red in embarrassment. I should stop, but I can't help myself. She jumps up and goes to get dressed; I’m going to take her to the airport! Do I tell her how I feel? Or shall I just leave it? I have not got a clue; I can never tell if she feels the same! Sometimes I do, but then other times, it’s like she distant, which is understandable, I know. But I don't know; great now I’m sounding like a chick again. I’m not even going to think about this, it will drive me insane.

  We’re approaching the airport finally, the journey took forever. In the car it was kind of intense, I was right though; she does not want anything to go further! Well not just yet anyway. I’m pretty pissed about that, but I’m not going to tell her that, I am a man after all, I can't be looking all miserable. I wait with her until she is getting on the plane and say my goodbyes. I didn't realize how hard this would be, I’m a dude and I shouldn't be like this. What the hell as she done to me? She gives me a hug, she smells so good, I don't want to let her go; I want to keep her in my arms! She gives me a kiss on the cheek and runs to get on the plane! I feel a bunch of sorrow take over my body! Wait a minute, a pinch of hope raises within me, she’s running back to me; oh, please say that means she staying, please. She just ran to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and before I know it our lips collide. I pull her close to my body and slide my hands, from her waste all the way to her back, I put my hands through her long soft hair, then cup her face and freeze them there. Wow, this is amazing, I have never felt so much affection in one kiss and it’s sensational. I think I’m in love with this girl; I don't want to stop kissing her, I want to be captured in this moment for the rest of my life, because if this is what it feels like, I don’t want to lose it. She pulls away and smiles and says.

  "No fear." Then runs back on to the plane! What, that’s it? I’m thinking to myself, trying to come back down from whatever reality plane that’s just put me on. Does that mean she does want more? Or what? Maybe not? I will see if she brings it up! We will be emailing hopefully. I head back to the limousine, the scent of Danni’s fragrance still lingers, that’s a smell I will never forget.


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