Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1) Page 18

by D. Griffith

  Love D

  Right, what to do in the mean time! I’m going to head to the gym. I shout out to Phillip.

  “Philip, are you ready for my training?” Philip is one of the guards who are assigned to watch my every move. I asked him to train me, to be able to defend myself ever since Dillon got out. He was quite resistant at first. He was like, ‘no mam, Jared will kill me for teaching you stuff like that, you might get hurt in the process and it would be my head on a stick.’ I assured him that I wouldn’t tell Jared, it will be between me and him. I don’t like keeping secrets from him; because he doesn’t deserve it, but he will talk me out of not doing it and I can’t have him doing that. I need to be able to defend myself! The other thing is, I’ve been having him teach me firing lesson and he was even more resistant to that! But I got around him.

  “Yes, I’m ready mam.” Its mad how months ago, I would be nervous around any man; apart from Jared, but anyone else I couldn’t do it! But now I can. Well Philip, I can trust, because he’s one of Jared top guys, that works for him for years and plus he would kill him otherwise. I never noticed how crazy Jared could be with people he cares for! Anyone else, he’s not bothered. I always thought he was this big old softie, but knowing what he had done to them men who came after me, it’s kind of scary.

  Today, we’re going through where the best parts of the body you go for to inflict the most pain and get away, he’s making me write this all down so I can study it as well, I feel as if I’m back in school, they are four that I need to learn and I start writing them down.

  Eyes: Gouging, poking, or scratching the attackers eyes with your fingers or knuckles would be effective, as you can imagine. Besides causing a lot of pain, this should also make your escape easier by at least temporarily interfering with their vision.

  Nose: If the attacker is close in front of you, use the heel of your palm to strike up under their nose, throw the whole weight of your body into the move, to cause the most pain, and force them to loosen their grip on you. If their behind you, you can strike their nose (from the side or front) with your elbow. Either way, aim for the nasal bones.

  Neck: The side of the neck is a bigger target, where both the carotid artery and jugular vein are located. You should possibly temporarily stun your attacker with a knife hand strike, (all fingers held straight and tightly together, with thumb tucked and slightly bent at the knuckle) at the side of the neck. (For even more injury, you could thrust your elbow into your assailant’s throat while pitching the weight of your body forward.

  Knee: The knee is an ideal self-defence target, vulnerable from every angle, and easily kicked without risk without your foot being grabbed. Kick the side of the knee to cause injury or partially incapacitate your attacker. Kicking the front of the knee may cause more injury but is less likely to result in imbalance.

  After I’ve wrote everything down, he’s making us act the moves out. It’s not that complicated once you’ve practiced a few times. Phillip goes behind me and wraps his muscular arms around my waste and arms. He towers over me because he’s tall, and has a massive figure, I look like a stick compared to him. What I have to try is to get out of his grip. Right after three! One, two..

  “Excuse me? What’s going on here?” Oh no, I know that voice, I look up and it’s Jared. His eyes have deepened like he wants to strike, that’s his angry look. He also looks hurt.

  “Babe, this is not what it looks like, I promise.” I say shrugging from Phillips grip.

  “Sir, she’s telling the truth.” Phillip squeaks out in fear.

  . “Did I ask you to speak? No! I didn’t, get out.”

  “Jared!” I exclaim, with his bitterness towards Phillip. He ignores me and keeps his eyes latched onto Phillip. “Jared! What the hell? You did not have to be that way with him, he’s just helping me.”

  “Ok, let me get this straight. I come home after a hectic morning at the office, to see a man with his arms wrapped around my women? But yet, you’re mad at me?”

  “No! It’s not like that.” He folds his arm and stares straight at me, waiting for an explanation and in a stern voice says.

  “Then go on, tell me.”

  “Well, if you let me finish what I was saying’ I’ll tell you. Right, as I was saying. I asked Phillip, to teach me some self defence; I’m stuck in all the time and I wanted to be able to learn to defend myself, if I ever needed to.” His face starts to enrage.

  “I’m going to kill him.” He squirts out.

  “Jared, let me finish. He refused at first because he knew you would disapprove on the matter, but I kept nagging at him until he gave in. I told him that I wouldn’t tell you because he thinks you would fire him.”

  “Well, I fucking am.” I’m starting to get pissed at him now, especially saying that. I speak back disapproving.

  “No! You’re not, he was helping me out. You know what, you should be glad that he was, every girl should know how to do defend herself alright. It was nothing like cheating or anything like that, so you can’t fire him ok? An how can you actually think I would cheat on you? Do you honestly think so little of me?”

  “I didn’t know what to think, I just walked in and seen him with his arms around you and the both of you were smiling and giggling to each other. Come on, if it was the other way around, you would have thought the same, would you not?”

  “True!” I say, in defeat.

  “Come here.” He says, opening his arms in a gesture so familiar. I walk over to him, a small smile plays on my lips and as I reach him, I wrap my arms around his muscular body feeling contentment only he can give. While I’m lost in thought, I can hear his heart and the deep rumble of his voice as he speaks. “You know, if you wanted to learn self defence, I would have been all up for it, I would have loved to teach you. I could teach you everything I’ve learned. I would have understood you know? I don’t want you thinking that you can’t come to me, or be afraid of me or anything like that alright?” I look up at him and place my hand on the side of his face, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath and kisses the bottom of my hand, as he’s inhaling my touch. He grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him, so he can press his smooth lips to mine; mmm he tastes better then chocolate.

  Once we part from each other, his deep dark eyes are locked to mine and the silence is broken with his words. “Don’t hold secrets ok? We should always be honest with each other, regardless of what it is, whether the other person will like it or not.” I look back at him and nod in agreement.

  “Ok then, there is something else I should tell you, but don’t go off on one alright? Self defence wasn’t the only activity I asked Phillip to help me with. I also asked him to teach me how to use a gun.” His eyes widen, he’s furious with me. A drip of sweat drips from my forehead with the raw that comes out of his mouth.

  “What! Are you insane?”

  “Jared! Please calm down, do not go all fanatical on Phillip. He was doing as I asked, ok? I promise, I won’t use or practice with a fire arm again.” His facial expression is outrageous. I know that look, it means he wants to go and do something crazy, like beat the shit out of someone. He as anger issues this one; you can always tell by the way he just stares into space.

  I glance up at him, grab his hand and force him to look at me. I pout my lips and I stand on my tip toes, so I can reach his nose to rub my nose against his. Now, that should work, he loves that touch. I rub again and again, until I see a side smile. “Jared! Please don’t be mad at me, I don’t want to argue.” He rolls his eyes, not been able to resist that touch.

  “Fine! You’re a hard girl to be mad at, but no more alright?”

  “Ok, I promise and if I want to be taught anything more in that matter; I will come to you first. On one condition, you have to promise me, you won’t say anything to Phillip alright? He was just helping me and I know you will go ahead and fire him and go all crazy Jared on his ass. I want your word that you won’t, deal?” His eyes turn from rage to a hunger, which ignites my
soul and means, I want you right here and now. He leans close and whispers in my ear.

  “Fine! It’s a deal, so you’re dirty and full of sweat? Shall we head up for a shower together?” I feel excited with that idea.

  “Not like I can say no to you Mr. Hall! Come on, follow me.” I grab his hands and we run upstairs, straight into the shower.

  The shower is steaming, its mist up the entire bathroom. Jared is already stood in the shower waiting on me; I love to admire his body. I step in, one foot at a time. He places me so that my back is facing him and he gets the sponge and starts scrubbing my back. I love the feel of his body next to mine. Each touch I have to clench my thighs together, to stop the urge I’m feeling. “Oh, babe! That feels so good.”

  “You know what else feels good?” He passionately starts Kissing the side of my neck and leaves a trail of kisses, round my neck and down my back. Each kiss sends tingles all over my body. He knows the spots, which drives me insane. The touch of his lips, the dripping of the water, the steam surrounding around us, immensely intense, that makes me want him more and more, the greed of love.

  “Oh.. Jared! Why must you tease me so much?” I squirm out,

  “Who said anything about teasing?” He swings me around, so that I’m facing him, he raises his hand and flows my hair through his fingers and grips it tightly, giving it a tug. He forces my face towards him and starts kissing me vigorously. With his free hand, he slips it slowly down my spine and up past my sides and starts caressing my breasts. His touch is raising goose bumps, over my entire body. He removes his lips from mine, towards my chest and positions my nipple to invade his mouth, which he grinds his teeth on them. Suddenly, he grabs my butt cheeks with his firm hands, picks me up and slams me up against the walk in shower and inserts into me. Through his heavy breathing he whispers. “This won’t be as gentle as last time, are you ready?” He thrusts again, but this time extremely hard, I let out a small groan. His thrusts, after thrust, gets harder each time. Oh wow! I feel like I’m about to explode. I moan in pleasure, the words.

  “Oh, Jared. Please, don’t stop.”

  “Oh, yeah baby! That’s the spot.” Oh my, it’s coming; I arch my back and dig my nails into his shoulders, clawing into his skin, as the explosion came. Wow! That explosion could have taken half of England out. I un-wrap my legs from around his waist, as he places me down. His grin has taken over his face, as if he has just accomplished the world. I put my head down in shame; he pulls my face up confused and asks. “What’s, wrong? Why are putting your head down, as if your ashamed? That was amazing.”

  “It’s just that, I’ve never really screamed or anything like that before, so I’m feeling kind of embarrassed.” I can’t believe this; soon as I said that, he bursts out laughing. “Hey, you ass hole, don’t laugh.”

  “I don’t mean to laugh babe, I just love your innocence, I’m sorry. That’s nothing to be ashamed of, that means I’m doing my job right.”

  “Oh right, ok.” I try and look around the shower to deflect my stupidity.

  “Come on, let’s clean ourselves up again and go and do some online shopping.” I smile, at the words shopping, its one out of two of my favourite hobbies, the other one is shoe shopping. I suppose they fall into the same category. I jump up and down and snap my hands together and blurt out. “Ok come on.”

  After our shower, we head to the lounge and curl up on the sofa. I adore this sofa its one of them that you sink right into and can’t get back up because you’re that comfortable. Jared hands me the laptop and a throw for us to relax and online shop. He said, I could decorate the house the way I want while I’m staying here, so it’ll make it homely for me, he is so going to regret this. “Can I have everything pink?” He raises his eyebrows and looks at me strangely to say, what the fuck?

  “Are you kidding me? Come on, I have to live here too, you can’t expect me to live in a full on pink house. I love you babe and would do anything for you, but no! I don’t think so, maybe I’ll let you have one room you can pimp pink, but not the whole house.”

  “Ha-ha, ok! Fair enough. You know normal people in relationships; actually wait at least a year to move in together. Yet, you and I move in after a couple of weeks? How strange are we?”

  “Babe! If you think about it, for me and you, it’s been like a year already. Ok, I’m exaggerating there; let’s say nearly half a year, if you count from when we met in Rome. We were connected from day one, even if we weren’t official then; It was like we both belonged to each other, It’s not like we gave our hearts to other people and dating, you don’t count.” I let out a little giggle with them words, as that is pretty sweet. It makes me love him more and more.

  “Aww, since when did you get all sloppy Mr. Hall? It’s not even nearly half a year; it’s like three, four months.”

  “Three, four months, are nearly half a year duh. Also, being sloppy must be the effect you have on me, Miss Shaw.”

  “Oh, god.” I say, putting my face down, as I’m thinking how unreal this is. When am I going to wake up from this beautiful dream? I hope I never do.


  After a few hours have passed by, we finally finished shopping; I can’t wait till it all comes. A big horn sound goes off, that’s the bell, it needs changing, as that will hurt my head after a while.

  “Who could that be?”

  “I don’t know, babe, why don’t you go and see.” I walk towards the door and I hear a very familiar sound of giggles coming from the other side. What the hell? I eagerly turn the door knob. I jump up and scream and a fair voice who I know very well, no other then my best friend Darla.

  “Well, well, well! Aren’t you living the life of luxury, at the moment?” Shut up, everyone is here, Andi, Alex, Darla, Carl and even Jay and Katie.

  “What are you all doing here? Are you sure it’s safe enough for you all to be in the same area as me?”

  “Well, dear sister, your darling man over there, rang us all up this morning, saying that you’re feeling depressed and moaning a hell of a lot. So he organized for us all to get together, to cheer your ass up. Something about you can’t play with yourself? I know, I thought that was kind of weird. Playing with yourself, really? Is he not getting the job done?” I choke on a sudden laugh with her dirty mind. Only Andi, could make up something innocent, into something dirty.

  “Ewe, Andi! Not like that, I meant the game room; it’s no fun by myself.” I do my rounds in embracing them all with a hug and march them over towards the lounge. Where Jared is waiting, I stroll towards him.

  “How did you pull this off? Without me even finding out? I find everything out.”

  “Why do you think I suggested we online shopped? To keep you busy. Plus, I wanted to make you happy; it’s not nice seeing you all depressed and not being yourself, it doesn’t suit you.” I lean up to meet his gaze and plant a kiss on him, with a smile I can’t shake because I’m that happy with what he has just done for me.

  “Doesn’t suit me? Cheeky! But I’ll let you off with that for calling them up, thank you, babe.” I swirl around towards the others to grab them all. “Come on guys, let me show you around.”

  “Not everyone is here yet, babe; I’ve invited my sister over as well. You’ve not met her yet, she’ll be bringing her two children too, they’re amazing. I’d thought it be nice for you to meet them finally.” My eyes widen in shock, I’m not ready for that. I glare towards Andi and Darla pleading with my eyes, holy fudge, what do I do? They’re not very helpful, there amusement on their faces is signalling out, ha-ha deal with it bitch, so lovely aren’t they?

  “Really, Jared, you’re only just telling me now? What if she hates me?”

  “Then I will probably have to remove you from my life.”

  “What? Are you kidding me?”

  “Baby, I’m joking, she will love you and so will her children.” His reassurance does not work, I nod in agreement then head towards Andi trying to hide the nerves, I feel meeting his sister.

bsp; “Can you believe he’s introducing me to his sister? They are extremely close, especially with her kids. Oh my god, is this too soon?”

  “Well if you ask me, not really. You’re forgetting that Alex and I, were talking about me and him with kids and marriage just a few weeks of being together, so to me it’s a no.”

  “Helpful, much!” Before I can even turn around and ask Darla, she already jumps up and down giving her opinion.

  “I don’t reckon it’s too soon doll, Jared, is obviously completely in love with you and your witty charm, from day one and it’s perfect.” She turn’s to Andi and they decide to try embarrass me more, by making silly awe noises and clouting their heads together pretending to smooch. Sometimes I wonder, if they’re even from this planet. I can’t help but nod and grin at their stupidity.

  “Seriously, you two! Can you ever be serious? Come on; let’s head to the game room.” I walk them towards the room and straight away the lads are astonished with it all, there is everything, a pool table, some fruit machines, pin ball, an area with all the consoles you could want and all the games to go with. Their being big kids because they’re conflicted on what to play, which is pointless because they will just stick with pool. Darla stops me from my thoughts and starts scooping information out of me about Jared.

  “So Danni, tell me what it’s like living with Mr. Hall himself? Do you know how many girls would kill for that right? So what’s the scoop? Is he messy? Does he sweat? As that’s the worst! Especially if they smell, what are his bad points? Come on, fill a girl in.”

  “Well, it’s kind of strange because I never thought I’d ever be in this situation; don’t get me wrong, it’s a good situation obviously, It’s like a dream; you never want to awake from. To be honest, he really doesn’t have any flaws; he’s not messy, as he cleans up after himself, even me for that matter. Although.. He does have servants who will clean up for him, but he mostly likes to do it himself. He doesn’t snore, which is a bonus! Jared is perfect. If I was to single one of his habits out, it would be his over protectiveness, but I’m guessing that’s normal right?” They smile and gaze up to the ceiling and start to daydream. I know that look, I invented that look. They’re daydreaming of Jared, the bitches. “Hey, you two, stop daydreaming of my man; otherwise, I will go all ninja on your asses.” They both let out a hyena like laugh and Darla exclaims.


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