The Demon Who Loved Me (Big Bad Bite Series Book 4)

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The Demon Who Loved Me (Big Bad Bite Series Book 4) Page 1

by Jessie Lane

  He’s a gambling man…

  One brunette bombshell with a devious mind and a potty mouth has thrust Kent smack dab in the middle of where he never wanted to be—his family. He has spent most of his life avoiding his familial duties, especially the one that requires him to join the Ninth Circle Council—the demon society’s equivalent of judge, jury, and executioner. Now one lost bet with the little Amazon has flipped his entire life upside down. With worries about retaliation from the remnants of a rogue pack of wolves in Germany, he doesn’t have time to deal with his family, or his obsession with Chloe Demos.

  And she’s the biggest risk he has ever taken…

  After her mother’s death, Chloe’s world crashes down around her—a secret Amazonian heritage, aunts and a long-lost brother she never knew about, supernatural beings. With all the sudden changes, she’s decided it’s time to step out from behind her façade of an air-headed, materialistic bimbo and show her sisters she truly does love them—she only hates their wardrobes. What better way to show she cares than to help prove someone close to them is innocent of the bogus murder charges from some ridiculous council? And Chloe has no scruples about calling in the marker the demon Kent owes her in order to do just that. It’s only too bad she’s underestimated Kent’s intelligence, and his playboy charm.

  Raves for the novels by


  Big Bad Bite

  “If you like funny paranormal romance with crazy but endearing characters, Big Bad Bite will be for you.”

  - Swept Away By Romance

  “I enjoyed the crisp, fast paced writing style that flows smoothly through the story. Within the pages, humor, action, suspense, and romance all mix together for a laugh out loud story that keeps you hooked to the very end. It’s not completely lighthearted though. Some intriguing subplots balance well against the humorous situations to reveal a serious side to the story… All in all, Big Bad Bite is steady and action packed with plenty of twists and turns that delighted me. I enjoyed the light and dark aspect that is brought into play-they blend well together… Jessie Lane is definitely an author to watch for those who love zany, adventures, romantic PNR.”

  - Smexy Books

  “Big Bad Bite was one of those books that was hard to put down. There was action, mystery and plenty of heat. There were also more than a couple of tense moments along with even a few tears. I love a book that keeps me on the edge of my seat and this one definitely did that. The world building was also great. Just the way I like it… familiar enough to make ‘sense’ yet unique enough to make it the authors’ own.”

  - Creative Deeds Reads

  Walk On The Striped Side

  “…this series is building to be a go to for PNR fans!”

  - Little Read Riding Hood

  “Seriously y’all if you’re looking for a fun and sexy paranormal romance you need to pick up Walk On The Striped Side, I’ll never look at cat toys the same way… Fans of Shelly Laurenston and Jessica Sims will fall in love with Jessie Lane’s Big Bad Bite series.”

  - The Book Nympho

  “Not only did Gage fulfill my alpha male, hot guy requirement, but this book had so many times when I was reading it that I was literally laughing out loud or giggling… This book is so good, the writing is flawless, it’s seriously highly, highly recommended.”

  - Book Boyfriend Reviews

  “Fans of outrageous, snark filled, sexy paranormal will enjoy Jessie Lane’s latest release-Walk on the Striped Side-book two in her Big Bad Bite series. A lightweight paranormal filled with lots of action, sarcasm, threats of bodily harm, and that’s just in the first few pages. Heavily character driven, our hero and heroine go balls to the wall as they fight their way through love, loss, reconnection, and annoying siblings. Per usual, Lane offers the reader a crisp, fast paced writing style that flows smoothly through the story. Humor, action, and romance all mix together for a laugh out loud story that keeps you hooked to the very end.”

  - Smexy Books

  Lone Wolf Wanted

  “Jessie Lane writes fun, sexy characters with a bit of sass.”

  - Patricia A. Rasey, national bestselling author

  Bears Do It Better

  “This is my first book by Jessie Lane and most definitely will not be my last. I have not laughed this hard at a book in a while. The quirky humor was great.”

  - Reading in Sarah’s Corner

  Sassy and a little Bad-Assy

  “Absolutely hysterical! Really enjoyed the playfulness of the characters and their word play. While not completely comedic it had just the right amount of emotion to make both H/h feel real. I do love my HEA's. Thank you Ms. Lane for bringing a little laughter to my day.”

  - Amazon Reviewer

  The Demon Who Loved Me

  By Jessie Lane

  Copyright © Jessie Lane

  Published by Whiskey Girls Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by: C&D Editing & Shannon Webb

  Cover Design by: Mina Carter

  Cover Model: Colby Lefebvre

  Photographer: Scott Hoover

  For more information on Jessie Lane:

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  Copyright © 2017 by Jessie Lane

  The purchase of this e-book allows you one legal copy for your own personal reading enjoyment on your personal computer or device. You do not have the rights to resell, distribute, print, or transfer this book, in whole or in part, to anyone, in any format, via methods either currently known or yet to be invented, or upload to a file sharing peer to peer program. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. Such action is illegal and in violation of the U.S. Copyright Law. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. If you no longer want this book, you may not give your copy to someone else. Delete it from your computer. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders. The authors acknowledge the trademarked status in this work of fiction. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  This book contains mature content not suitable for readers under the age of 18. This book contains content with strong language, violence, and sexual situations. All parties portrayed in sexual situations are over the age of 18.

  Other Titles From Jessie Lane

  Ex Ops Series

  Secret Maneuvers

  Stripping Her Defenses

  Mission Delivery

  Sweet Agony

  Sweet Recovery

  Sweet Eternity

  Bullets and Bluebonnets

  Regulators MC Series

  (co-written with Chelsea Camaron)




  Big Bad Bite Series

  Big Bad Bite

  Walk On The Striped Side

  Big Bad Bite Returned

  The Demon Who Loved Me

  Star Series

  (co-written with M.L. Pahl)

  The Burning Star

  The Frozen Star

  Standalone Stories

  The Alpha’s Secret Family

  Kindle World Stories

  Lone Wolf Wanted

  Sassy and a little Bad-Assy

  Bears Do It Better


  This book is dedicated to every reader who waited so long for it.

  Thank you for your love and support.


  I have two very special ladies I would like to thank for helping me tremendously while writing this book: Abbie Zanders and Chelsea Camaron. Thank you so much for picking up the phone when I had questions or was slightly hysterical.

  I would also like to thank Shannon Webb and Kristin Campbell for all the magic you work on my stories. I love you ladies long time!

  The Demon Who Loved Me

  Big Bad Bite Series Book 3


  Jessie Lane

  Note to the Reader

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you all for patiently waiting for The Demon Who Loved Me. It means the world to me that there are such fabulous readers out there who stuck with me through my medical issues and the difficult times while I have played catch up on all my projects.

  I want to give you a little fair warning. Kent and Chloe’s story backtracks a bit in the Big Bad Bite world. It was inevitable as I hinted to them already being involved in some way in Walk On The Striped Side. So, if you see some familiar material, just hang on, the new stuff is coming directly behind it! I had to tell the story the way it spoke to me, so I hope you understand.

  Thank you again for being fabulous! I love and adore each and every one of you.


  Jessie Lane

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Note From The Author

  About The Author

  Connected Books

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  November 2013 – Wilmington, North Carolina

  “Three sisters walk into a wolf owned bar—”

  “Again with the jokes, Chloe?” Elena shot a dirty look at Delta, who was giggling at Chloe’s antics. “Okay, it’s time for the rules.”

  “Again, with the rules?” Chloe mocked.

  “Yessss,” Elena hissed back at her. “Because, without rules, my airheaded, oldest sister tells vampires bad jokes, which nearly gets the life sucked out of us! If Aunt Thea hadn’t been there with her freakin’ piece of maple two-by-four, you probably wouldn’t be here now! And because of that, the vampire refuses to be an informant for her anymore.” Elena turned her glare to Delta, who was still giggling. “And, without rules, Delta walks around to any Other she meets and asks them inappropriate questions all in the name of ‘research.’ ”

  Delta stopped giggling to sputter a defense. “I only wanted to know! It’s not like I can go check out a book at the library to learn more about them!”

  “God, it’s a miracle nobody’s managed to kill you two yet.” Elena ran her hand through her hair in frustration. “No jokes. No questions. This one is important for me and you know it. Don’t fuck it up.”

  “Are you ready to talk about it, Elena?” Delta spoke the question softly and with compassion, which made Chloe want to puke. While she hated that Elena had had her heart broken by some oversized alley cat who had apparently only thought of Elena as a piece of ass, she didn’t believe in women wallowing in their pity over a man. She definitely knew that their poor, departed Amazonian mother wouldn’t have approved of it, either.

  Aggie Demos, who had only died a few months ago, had raised her three daughters to be strong, independent women. And in a way, Chloe and her sisters, Elena and Delta, were. In other ways, they weren’t.

  For instance, her little sister Delta, who was only twenty-two, had the fierceness of a mouse. She was meek and quiet, and if a man gave her the time of day, she sputtered before excusing herself to go back to stick her nose in her books.

  Elena, who was twenty-six and thought she was the wisest of the three of them, was quite the opposite of Delta. She had gone in the military and had thrived there. If it weren’t for their mother getting sick then dying, Chloe was pretty sure she would have continued her military career.

  Where Elena had failed to be a strong woman was—in Chloe’s opinion—because she had fallen in love with the wrong man, Gage Ivanov, who apparently was a tiger-shifter, and the very man who broke her heart. He, of course, was the other reason Elena had chosen to end her stint in the military, and was currently in the McPhee pack run bar, named McPhee’s Pub, totally unaware that he was about to be ambushed by the three sisters.

  Elena needed to learn how to make men kneel before her so she didn’t get her heart stomped on again. That was how Chloe had decided to live her life after a previous boyfriend had hit her when she was seventeen years old. Now at twenty-seven, she didn’t need a man to love, help, or even give her the time of day. She was happy with herself and loved her life. Really, both her little sisters should aspire to be more like her. Why couldn’t they understand that?

  A noise behind them caught Chloe’s attention, and she turned to see their aunt Thea finally getting out of the SUV they had driven there in. The woman joined their huddle behind the vehicle.

  Chloe watched as Elena took a deep breath, trying to get her shit together.

  “I’m good.” Chloe snorted, but Elena ignored her as she kept talking. “Don’t worry about me. All I’m asking for, is that you two not start shit while we’re in there. I want to go in, do what we have to do, and then get the fuck out of here. Okay?”

  The vulnerability in Elena’s voice both killed Chloe and grated on her nerves. As a big sister, she never wanted to see either of her sisters hurting like this. However, nor did she want to see them vulnerable to a man. Therefore, Chloe chose to keep her mouth shut as she followed Elena into the bar. It was time to confront this asshat Gage Ivanov and knock him down a peg.

  As the four of them settled on bar stools, Chloe crooked her finger at the bartender, who had been watching them with interest.

  The handsome man shuffled over to where she was sitting. “What can I get for you ladies today?”

  She held up her hand with four fingers up. “Four beers please, and a side of Gage Ivanov.”

  The bartender tensed, warily eyeing her as she asked for the man they were there to see. “What do you want with Gage?”

  Already tired of this conversation, Chloe told him the truth. “That’s for me to know, and Mr. Ivanov to find out. Now, chop-chop; get us those drinks and the man, and I’ll give you a nice tip, sugar.”

  Did she sound condescending? Yes.

  Did she care what the bartender thought? Not one bit.

  She wasn’t there to pick the man up or make him happy. She was there on a mission with her sisters. A mission he apparently figured out rather quickly as he shot her a nasty look while delivering their beers.

  Mouth open, he was seconds from saying something to Chloe, when a door slammed against the wall, drawing her a
ttention to a tank of a man who was followed out by a small group of people. In no time at all, the tank of angry, muscled man was stomping in their direction, then stopping on the other side of the bar in front of Elena.

  Elena picked up her beer bottle and took what looked to be a few fortifying gulps as the man snarled at her, “What the fuck are you doing here, Sergeant Demos?”

  Yeah … she was pretty sure this was the infamous Gage Ivanov, breaker of hearts and overall asshat.

  Chloe watched as Elena set her bottled beer back on the bar and pasted a smile on her face. Then she leaned forward and rested her elbows on the bar. “I take it you haven’t heard, Master Sergeant Ivanov, but I’m out. As for the reason as to why I’m here in this bar … well, that’s easy. I was looking for you.”

  Movement out of the corner of her eye had Chloe’s attention turning to what must have been Gage Ivanov’s twin. The man looked just like him in facial features and body structure but, whereas Gage had dark hair, his brother was the opposite. His hair was white and in a mohawk, his eyes a weird arctic blue, his arms covered in tattoos, and there was a smug, panty-dropping smile plastered on his face.

  While Gage was glowering at Elena, his brother was eye-fucking her. He was pretty to look at, but there was nothing there that interested Chloe. Didn’t mean she couldn’t give him a smile and a friendly finger wave.

  Movement off to the side attracted her attention again—Chloe had a short attention span like that—and she turned her head to see what, or who, it was this time. Only, she wasn’t prepared for what her eyes were about to see.

  The man who had shifted his weight from one foot to the other was damn near perfection. Incredibly hot in a Henry Cavill kind of way. Tall, dark, and handsome didn’t do him any justice. And the stubble on his strong jaw? Total yum factor. If she had a man of her dreams, that would be him.

  Guessed it was a good thing she didn’t believe in dream men. That didn’t mean she couldn’t look at the man candy and daydream about him. He was just that damn pretty.


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