The Demon Who Loved Me (Big Bad Bite Series Book 4)

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The Demon Who Loved Me (Big Bad Bite Series Book 4) Page 16

by Jessie Lane

  She nodded solemnly, then looked over at Deo. “Can you get Rufus to come back now?”

  “He’s already on his way,” Deo replied.

  Turning her attention back to Kent, she asked the question that was now plaguing her. “How do we prove this to the Ninth Circle Council, Kent? We can’t just go in there and accuse him of it with no proof.”

  “I have an idea, but I won’t be able to get the council to convene until tomorrow.”

  It was a risk to wait that long, but it didn’t look like they had any other choice. Chloe just hoped that Kent’s idea worked, because now it wasn’t only Lulu’s life at stake, but an unborn child’s, as well.




  The Next Day…

  “You better have a good reason for calling this emergency session of council, Kent,” Lady Beatrice warned him.

  Somehow, when the old bitty talked to him that way, Kent got this feeling that what she really wanted to say was “Off with his head!” Since Kent really liked his head where it was—attached to his body—he hoped this plan of his worked. Otherwise, he could be looking at a death sentence for accusing a fellow council member of murder and false charges.

  He hadn’t told Chloe that he was risking his life to pull off this plan. Nor could he invite her into the council chambers, as a session like this had to be closed to non-council members. There was no turning back now as everyone stared at him where he sat in his seat at the table.

  “I have reason to believe that Councilman Holden killed his own brother for Andrew’s will and insurance policy.”

  A few of the members hissed in surprise, while one or two others gave him the evil eye. Kent held firm and left all emotions off his face.

  Lady Beatrice watched him coolly for a few minutes, then asked, “What evidence do you have to substantiate this claim?”

  Kent took a deep breath, knowing this was where shit was about to hit the fan. “None that I can present to the council in person. What I can give the council is my testimony that I saw Holden drop off a box filled with deadly coral snakes at Andrew Holden’s widow’s lover’s doorstep. I believe it was an attempt to make her miscarry her baby. Furthermore, I saw a copy of Andrew Holden’s will that listed Councilman Holden as the beneficiary if Marissa Holden was proven to be unfaithful during their marriage. Councilman Holden has pictures of Marissa with her lover taped to the wall in the office of his home.”

  Some of the council members started whispering amongst themselves, but Lady Beatrice chose to stare at him with a calculating gaze. “And you expect this council to just take your word for it, Kent? I don’t think so.”

  He shook his head politely. “No, ma’am, what I propose is we use the Veritas Serum on Holden. With the truth serum in his system, you or any other member of this council can question him. Then we’ll know once and for all if he murdered his brother.”

  Lady Beatrice tapped a nail on the table top while one of her eyebrows rose in interest. “An interesting solution since it is one we couldn’t use on Miss Ivanov herself since the serum only works on demons. You do realize that, if you’re wrong, I’ll condemn you to death for accusing another council member.”

  Kent nodded. “True. But if I’m right, we have Andrew Holden’s killer and Lulu Ivanov will be proven innocent.”

  The old woman kept him on edge, watching him with eagle eyes, until she nodded in acceptance. “If you’re willing to put your life on the line for this, Kent, then I’m curious to see what will happen.”

  Looking to one of the council’s servants, she ordered, “Go collect Councilman Holden yourself and don’t speak a word of what’s been said here. Tell him he’s been summoned to the council and must come.”

  When that servant left, she looked to another. “You go get the executioner. Tell him someone is going to die today.”

  The next forty-five minutes were the longest of Kent’s life.

  While they waited for Holden to show up, Kent thought about all the things he regretted not doing in his life. Telling Chloe how he was beginning to feel about her was at the top of that list. It would be a sad thing if he went to his grave without ever telling his mate that she was the one for him.

  Councilman Holden was finally brought in, and surprisingly enough, the man had a smug look on his face. He faced Lady Beatrice and proudly said, “Decided to drop my punishment, did you? I knew this council needed me.”

  This statement did not sit well with Lady Beatrice, who gave him a withering glare that made Holden slightly cringe.

  “Councilman Holden,” Lady Beatrice addressed him, “you have been accused of murdering your own brother and fraudulently charging Lulu Ivanov with the crime. How do you plea?”

  Holden’s features went slack in surprise before a stony mask slid into place. “May I ask who has accused me?”

  Lady Beatrice nodded her head in acquiesce. “You have been accused by Kent.”

  Holden shot him a murderous look, but it didn’t faze Kent one bit.

  “He’s just trying to save his friend’s life by falsely accusing me!”

  Pursing her lips, Lady Beatrice looked from Holden to Kent with speculation in her eyes. Then she turned her attention to the council as a whole and addressed them.

  “There’s a simple enough way to figure out who’s lying here today.” Turning her attention back to Kent, she ordered, “You will go down and join Holden on the floor. I sentence both of you to take the Veritas Serum. Denial to take the truth serum will result in an immediate death sentence.”

  He should have been scared, terrified to death even, but Kent knew he was telling the truth. However, if this plan didn’t work, it was still going to be the death sentence for him whether he was telling the truth or not.

  Knowing this was the beginning of the end for either him or Holden, Kent made his way down to the floor to stand next to Holden. The man’s face was flushed with rage, and if looks could kill, Kent would be roasting in the fiery pits of hell this very second.

  Ignoring the burning glare of the other man, Kent waited for their fate to be delivered. Long silent moments passed until one of the servants finally brought out two glasses of a clear liquid that could be mistaken for water. Only, it wasn’t water they were being served. It was the Veritas Serum. A liquid narcotic similar to the human’s truth serum, Sodium Pentothal, without all the unpleasant side effects. It was a magically induced liquid that made any demon incapable of telling a lie. Unfortunately, it didn’t work on any other species than demon, or Lulu Ivanov would have been able to take it and clear herself, something Holden had probably factored into his plans.

  Kent took the cup off the silver tray and drank the solution without batting an eye. He wanted all the members of the Ninth Circle Council to know that he had nothing to hide.

  As the liquid slid down his throat, he could feel it warming him from the inside out, much like alcohol. The sensation spread throughout his body, followed by tingling, and when Kent stood wavering slightly on his feet, feeling a bit drunk, he knew the solution was working.

  “Let’s see if your serum is in effect. Is your last name Kent?” Lady Beatrice wasted no time in questioning Kent.

  “Yes,” he answered automatically without thinking.

  “Is your first name Francis?”

  Kent cringed upon hearing that god-awful name that he hated so fucking much, then found his lips moving. “Yes.”

  He saw that bastard Julian smirking at him from his seat and wanted to throttle him. However, he didn’t have time because Lady Beatrice was still questioning him.

  “Was your testimony this morning truthful when you stated that you saw Jacob Holden dropping off a box of coral snakes to Marissa Holden and her lover?”


  The air shifted as Holden flinched beside him. The man must have realized that he was well and truly caught now. If not, Kent knew there was only one more question needed for Holden to realize just how much Kent knew
about his plan.

  Lady Beatrice paused for a second before asking the question that would end up being the proverbial nail in Holden’s coffin. “Were you telling the truth when you stated that you know of evidence of Andrew Holden’s will, along with pictures you believed Jacob Holden was going to use to discredit Marissa Holden as Andrew Holden’s beneficiary.”

  Turning to look Jacob Holden straight in the eye, Kent answered, “Yes.”

  All the color drained from Councilman Holden’s face as he looked away from Kent and back to Lady Beatrice.

  “Drink the Veritas, Councilman Holden, if you want to prove your innocence.”

  He watched as Holden slowly moved his trembling hand toward the remaining cup on the tray. Instead of grabbing the cup, though, he slapped the entire tray up and away, spilling the Veritas on the floor. Turning on his heel, Holden then bolted for the door, only to find it locked from the outside. That didn’t stop Holden from frantically trying to pull on the handles in the desperate hope that he would somehow get them to open.

  The executioner, who had been standing off to the side in the shadows, jumped into action, closing the distance between himself and Holden. Grabbing Holden by the neck, he put him in a headlock from behind, bringing him back to stand in front of Lady Beatrice who sat at her spot on the council table with poise and a displeased look.

  “Your actions speak volumes, Jacob Holden. You were warned, if you did not drink the Veritas, it would be a death sentence. I hereby declare your execution immediately.”

  With a nod to the executioner, the burly man forced Holden to the floor, putting his big, booted foot on the man’s back so he couldn’t get up. Then the executioner pulled the giant sword off his back, raised it high in the air, and brought it down on the squiggling Jacob Holden so fast he never knew what hit him.

  One second, Holden was in one piece, and the next, he was in two; head severed, body still twitching as blood poured and spurted from the neck and disconnected arteries.

  The executioner stepped away as Lady Beatrice’s voice rang out. “Jacob Holden is found guilty of false charges, murder, and attempted murder of a fetus. Let the record show that Lulu Ivanov has been cleared of all charges, and that Francis Kent passed his Veritas test.” Pinning Kent to the spot with her stare, she said, “I take it you’ll let Miss Ivanov know that she is no longer a suspect?”

  Kent nodded, and then she continued speaking to the rest of the council.

  “You are all free to go. Next council meeting shall be seven weeks from now, after the New Year. Council is closed.”

  Lady Beatrice got up, along with the other members of the council, and departed casually as if they had not just witnessed the death of one of their own, leaving Kent standing just feet from Jacob Holden’s body.

  When they were all gone, he let out a sigh of relief and pulled out his cell phone. The first person he called was Chloe.

  When she answered, he simply said, “We did it, sweetheart. Lulu’s cleared. You call Gage and Elena, then come meet me at my place.

  The next person he called was Captain Nelson. He knew his boss was ready for him to get back to work, but Kent needed a couple more days off. The Veritas truth serum would be in his system for at least the next few hours, and he wanted to avoid everyone but Chloe during that time. Besides, if he had it his way, he was going to be extremely busy for the next twenty-four hours.




  An hour later, Chloe stood on Kent’s doorstep, ready to ring the doorbell, when the front door was ripped open. Kent quickly grabbed her by the arm, dragging her in and pulling her in close to his body.

  He held her in a firm embrace and smiled down at her. “How did Gage and Elena take the news?”

  “They’re freakin’ ecstatic. They told me to tell you thank you and that they appreciate everything you’ve done to help Lulu.”

  Kent narrowed his eyes, and then frowned. “Did they thank you, as well? You did as much work as I did, sweetheart.”

  Her heart melted at the words. That right there was just one of the reasons Chloe found herself reluctantly falling for the demon. He understood her better than anyone ever had before.

  Reaching up to cup his face, she whispered, “You’re not just saying that, are you?”

  Kent shook his head. “I mean every word. You worked hard on this case, and without the two of us working together, we would have never gotten Lulu off the hook.”

  Feeling a bit playful, Chloe coyly asked, “How do I know you’re not just giving me pretty words to get into my pants, demon?”

  He looked a bit reluctant, but the words popped right on out without any hesitation. “I can’t lie right now. I have Veritas Serum in me and the effects will probably last another few hours. Plus, I can’t get into your pants because you’re wearing a dress. I’m not opposed to getting into your panties, though.”

  Chloe was a little shocked and confused. “What do you mean you can’t lie? And what’s this Veritas stuff?”

  He shrugged. “Veritas Serum is a truth serum for demons. It doesn’t work on any other species, so that’s why we couldn’t use it on Lulu in the beginning. I had to take it today to carry out my plan of indicating Jacob Holden responsible for his brother’s death.”

  “I could ask you anything right now and you would have to tell me the truth?”

  Wariness crossed Kent’s face. “Yes.”

  Feeling the need to fuck with Kent’s head just a little bit, she gave him a big smile, and then stepped back and turned around so her back was facing him. Looking over her shoulder, she asked, “Does this dress make my ass look fat?”

  Kent went cross-eyed, but answered, “Nothing you wear makes your ass look fat because it’s not fat. It’s the most perfect heart-shaped ass I’ve ever seen.”

  Chloe gave it a little wiggle. “Do you want to grab it?”

  Lust took over his features, his eyes burning with a smoldering desire. “I sure as hell want to do more than grab it. How about we go to the bedroom and you can find out all the things I want to do to that ass of yours.”

  Turning back around, Chloe wiggled her finger in his direction. “Now, now, naughty demon, why should I let you take me to bed again?”

  “Because I’m going to make good on that promise I made to fuck you for twenty-four hours straight.”

  She gave him a mock sigh. “I bet you’re a teaser and not a pleaser.”

  Kent reached over, grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her back into his body. She could feel his long, hard length pressing against her stomach.

  “I’ll make you a bet, Amazon. If I can keep you sweaty, pleased, and exhausted for twenty-four hours straight, then you have to give me your lucky panties.”

  “And what do I get if you can’t satisfy me for twenty-four hours straight?”

  “A sore pussy, because I’m going to be doing my damnedest to fuck you into a coma.”

  “Hm … I’m not sure a sore pussy is the prize I want.”

  “Then what do you want, Chloe?”

  This was the hard part—opening herself for hurt. But Kent had been trying so hard to prove that he wasn’t like the other men that had come in and out of her life. That deep secret part of her that was dying for romance whispered he could be the one. Now was the time to see if that might be true. If he turned down her offer, she would walk away now so as to not let herself get hurt.

  “I want you, demon.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked curiously.

  “I want you all to myself. You asked me for a chance, and now I’m asking you for monogamy. No other women while you’re with me.”

  The side of his mouth ticked up in a small smile before he crushed her to him in a strong embrace. Dropping his face so that his lips skimmed her own, he whispered, “Silly, Amazon, don’t you know you already have me.”

  “I do?” she asked carefully.

  Nodding, Kent said, “Um-hm. I’m all yours, sweetheart. More th
an you can possibly know.”

  He didn’t mean … There was no way she could be his.

  Taking a deep breath, Chloe went into the deep end with him. “Am I your mate, Kent?”

  “Yes,” he answered warmly, sincerity shining in his eyes. And she knew it was the absolute truth, because he was still on the effects of the Veritas Serum. Cautiously, he asked, “Are you going to go running from me now that you know?”

  Chloe didn’t stop to think. “Are you going to ever give me a reason to run?”


  Running her hands down his suit jacket, she then slipped them under the lapels and grabbed a hold of his red tie. “So handsome in this tie, Kent. Will you let me play with it … and you?”

  A wicked grin spread across his face. “Does this mean our bet is on, Amazon?”

  “Oh, it’s on, demon. Be prepared to work for it, too. I’m rather fond of my lucky panties. Just so you know, I’m wearing them now.”

  He gave an animalistic growl as she led him toward his bedroom by his tie, all the while feeling something bloom inside her heart. It wasn’t love, but it was hope. Hope that she had finally found the man who would treat her as a treasure. A man she could quickly see herself falling in love with.

  The first and only man she was willing to give up her lucky panties to.



  He took in her little blue dress and pearls as she walked him backward to his bedroom and nearly groaned. His cock was harder than it had ever been in his life, and he couldn’t wait to get inside of Chloe. This time, he was going to take it slow and make sweet love to her. He was going to show her with his actions how much he cared for her until she finally realized that he wasn’t going anywhere.

  When they stepped into his bedroom, Kent started stripping. His suit jacket went first, followed by his dress shirt, which Chloe unbuttoned for him. Wearing nothing but his pants, he wanted her naked before him.

  “Undress, sweetheart. Let me see all those sweet curves.”


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