Claiming Cooper (O'Loughlin Brothers Book 1)

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Claiming Cooper (O'Loughlin Brothers Book 1) Page 15

by A. F. Crowell

I watched as he left. I was chewing on my bottom lip, craning my neck, checking out his ass when he turned and looked over his shoulder.

  “Busted,” Anna whispered, moving closer and sitting in my mom’s chair closest to my left side. “What’re you up to?”

  “What’s going on with you and Ashton?”

  “Uhh,” she smiled like an idiot, “I’m not sure, but I really like him, Kins.”

  “I can tell.” I laughed. “You two are hilarious.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If you two think you’re hiding whatever it is, you’re sadly mistaken. It’s as obvious as a Clydesdale in a field full of Shetland ponies. Even Mom asked about you two.”

  “And . . . you’re okay with whatever this is?” Anna asked hesitantly.

  “Of course, Anna. I think you two are adorable together.”

  Cooper and Ashton came back in together as we whispered back and forth. Mom wasn’t but a second behind them.

  “The nurse said they’re waiting on your last set of labs before the doctor signs off on your release,” Mom said, sitting back down next to Anna. “I think I’m going to take a walk and call your dad.”

  “Okay, Mom. We’ll be here. If they come in to discharge me before you get back I’ll call,” I said, holding up my new phone. My dad had gotten me a newer iPhone, but it was the same rose gold color.

  “Mom said she’d love to have you come stay at the house.” Ashton plopped down in the chair near the window, in front of the vase full of beautiful flowers.

  “I don’t want to be a bother. She has so much going on with your dad.” My heart sank at the thought of her running herself ragged taking care of both of us.

  “I’ll be there to take care of you,” Anna said, looking up from her cell phone. “I’ll sleep at your place, but I’ll be at the farm otherwise.”

  “And I’ll be at home every night. We got this covered, Kins,” Cooper added and my heart flipped inside my chest while my mind crossed its hypothetical arms like a bouncer at a bar, daring me to get excited. “Plus, I think it will do Dad some good to have you close by.”

  Mom looked around the room with glassy eyes. “You have such great friends.”

  “I do.” I grinned.

  * * *

  Three hours later, Anna wheeled me through the big house into Ashton’s room. Much to my surprise, his room was clean and did not smell like sweaty gym socks. His queen size bed had been made with a plush, green and blue tartan plaid comforter and sat conveniently low to the floor. It looked the same as it did when we were in high school; the only thing missing, his poster of a half-naked woman. His numbered Ducks Unlimited prints hung on opposites walls, giving the room a country-boy feel.

  Ashton did not have a television in his room, which normally wouldn’t bother me, but it looked like I would be in bed more than normal.

  “Anna, when you come over in the morning, will you bring my laptop and iPad? I can watch Netflix on either of them.”

  “I can run and grab them now.” She laid across the foot of the bed. She had already brought over some of my clothes and toiletries.

  “Tomorrow is fine. I’ll probably just sleep tonight or read on my phone.” I tried to get comfy on my right side, propping my leg up on a few pillows. I fluffed the pillow under my head.

  “You can always watch TV in my room too,” Cooper offered, leaning on the doorframe. “I had a spare TV, but I left it with my old roommates on base.”

  “Really, I’m fine, guys. It’s only for a few weeks. And there’s a TV in the den.”

  The O’Loughlin’s house was a long ranch with Maria and Scott on one end and the boys on the other. The kitchen, dining room, and family room were in the middle, but the boys also shared a cozy den on the other side of Storm’s room at the furthest end of the house.

  The house had been built about a hundred years ago, but you would never know to look at it. Scott had always taken care of his family home and updated a room at a time. When I was home last year, Maria had just gotten her dream kitchen.

  “Anna, can you please help me to the bathroom?” Jesus, I was embarrassed to have to ask the question.

  “Sure.” She rolled over, sat on the edge of the bed, and held out a hand to me. “Let’s sit you up first.”

  Cooper watched from the door. “Wouldn’t it be easier if I just picked you up?”

  My vagina screamed, YES, but that pesky bouncer inside my head again shut it down before my girly bits took it too far.

  “I got it.” Anna waved him off, sitting me up. Pulling the wheelchair over, I stood on one foot, holding my broken leg out of the way as I carefully grabbed a hold of the arm of the chair and hoisted myself into the seat. It took all of my strength, but no way was I admitting defeat.

  Ten minutes later, I was back in the bed and begging for pain medication.

  “Ash, will you please get me the bottle of pain pills?” Getting into bed had been much easier than getting out.

  “Of course.” He disappeared from the room but quickly returned with cooler of sodas and bottled water, holding the pill bottle out to me.

  Reaching up, I took the orange bottle from him as Anna opened a soda. “Thanks.”

  Cooper had disappeared in my absence, but Ashton was in his room, pulling clothes out of the drawer when Anna and I returned.

  The white mini-blinds were closed but I could see the evening had faded into night. Looking around the room, I realized there wasn’t an alarm clock anywhere. I would need to plug my phone in next to the bed.

  We all laid around on the bed playing cards when the day’s activities finally caught up to me. Yawning, I stretched my arms over my head and scrunched up my shoulders.

  “We should head out, so you can sleep,” Anna said, gathering the cards on the bed in front of us. “Do you need anything before we go?”

  “Nah, I’m fine.”

  “Okay. Will you text me in the morning once you wake up? I don’t want to wake you up if you’re resting.” Anna stood up and stretched her arms out to the side. “Wow, I didn’t realize it was almost eight-thirty. You ready, Ash?” Her voice turned to honey as she addressed him.

  “Whenever you are.” He smiled back as if she was the only person in the room.

  “I’m gonna use the bathroom really quick, then I’ll be ready.” Anna held out the deck of red playing cards.

  “Cool,” Ashton said, taking the cards and returning them to his desk under the window on the far wall.

  Sitting up in the bed, I waited patiently until I heard the hall bathroom door close and I cleared my throat. “Ash”

  He looked at me, raising his eyebrows. “Yeah?”

  “I’m not going to say anything other than this; if you hurt her, I’ll geld you.” My attempt at intimidation was accented with the evilest eyes I could muster.

  “Lizzy, I promise you. I’m not gonna do anything to hurt Anna.” He paused then sat down next to me on the bed. “I didn’t think I’d ever feel like this about anyone. I really like her. A lot.”

  “I’m happy for you, but don’t forget that she lives in Charlotte for a least another year.” I heard the toilet flush. “Just don’t hurt her.”

  He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “I’m happy that you’re staying here. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  When he pulled back, I saw Anna smiling from the doorway. “Ready?”

  “Yup.” Ashton nodded, standing. “See you in the morning, Lizzy.”


  I watched them leave, Ashton slipping his hand into Anna’s, pulling her along behind him. While I was overjoyed for them, it made my heart ache for my own happiness. I wanted to feel Cooper’s hand in mine. I wanted to be the person that made him smile silly for no reason.

  God help me, I still wanted Cooper, no matter how many times he rejected me. I was a glutton for punishment.

  I HAD JUST FALLEN ASLEEP when I felt the bed dip. Before I could register what was going on a sweaty h
and clamped down over my mouth as another pulled at my pajama pants. My arms and legs clawed and kicked, trying to get away as my eyes flew open. It was dark, but I could see his face. His dark eyes met mine as his fist collided with my stomach once. Twice. A third time. I screamed against his hand, crying, begging for help. The overwhelming smell of beer and musky, expensive cologne assaulted my nose causing my stomach to roll.

  “Jillian’s loss is gonna be your gain,” he growled then dragged his hot tongue up my cheek. “I’ve always wondered how tight your pussy would feel around my cock.”

  I brought my knee up and slammed it as hard as I could into his crotch, connecting to his balls.

  “Fuuuuuuck. You bitch,” he bellowed as I shoved him off me. The room was pitch black except for a sliver of moonlight coming through the blinds from the window near the closet.

  I tried to roll off the other side of the bed, but stopped when my head was ripped backwards by the roots of my hair. Julian’s sweaty hand wrapped around my throat, standing me up. “You’re just like all of these other little bitches. You know you want it.”

  His hand tightened around my throat as I panicked and clawed at his hand. I couldn’t breathe. I swung my arms wildly, attempting to punch him in his face. The sting of his hand across my face caught me off guard, stunning me momentarily.

  The grip on my neck loosened enough for me to gasp a few haggard breaths and renewed my fight. I screamed as loud as I could and was rewarded with another blow to the cheek. I hit the floor and scrambled toward the closet, remembering the softball bat that laid on the floor beneath Jillian’s shoes.

  The music from the party vibrated through the house giving me little hope that anyone had heard my screams for help. Still early in the night, everyone was downstairs.

  “Where do you think you’re goin?” he rasped, stalking after me. He reached me in two long strides. “The more you fight, the harder I’m gonna fuck that tight little cunt.”

  His words distracted me from the foot that came my way. He kicked my ribs as if he were punting a football. All of the air left my lungs at once and I was sure my ribs were broken. The pain in my chest felt like nothing I had ever experienced.

  I was not going to die. I pushed past the pain and terror and got to my knees as I heard him unzipping his shorts. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, renewing my energy.

  “Fuck you,” I shouted, backing up toward the window.

  Looking back at me were dark, soulless eyes. “I fully intend on it.” He lunged at me, but that time I moved faster. My ribs throbbed as I jumped out of the way, shoving him away as hard as I could. I screamed as I heard the glass shattering and saw him going through the window.

  “Kinsley,” a voice shouted at me, shaking me. “Wake up. You’re safe.”

  My eyes opened to Cooper kneeling on the bed next to me, his hands on my shoulders. Drenched in sweat, I sat up, my heart racing as the adrenaline coursed through my veins, pulling away. My chest still hurting and my throat raw, I cried in relief. A nightmare.

  “You’re okay, baby. It was just a nightmare. I got you,” Cooper whispered, sitting down facing me. My arms wrapped around him as I sobbed into his shoulder. I held onto him like I might die if I let go. Cooper laid me back down, untangling himself from my desperate, clingy limbs. “Let me get a you a drink.”

  “No,” I screamed, grabbing his wrist. “Don’t leave me.” My breaths were labored and heavy. My hands went to my throat then my chest. I felt the four small bandages from the laparoscopic surgery I had eight days ago. The panic slowly started to subside.

  “I’m just going right here.” He pointed to the small cooler on the bedside table. Without breaking contact, he reached the cooler, flipped the lid, and pulled out a bottle of water. “Here, take a drink.”

  Hesitantly, I took the cold water, twisted the cap off and took a few sips. The only light came from the hallway, which had a nightlight plugged in near the bathroom. I finally looked up at Cooper. Sitting back down, he faced me, wearing only a pair of basketball shorts. I thought I saw something when I looked into his eyes, but I had thought that before and was wrong.

  “I’m really sorry I woke you up.” I had no idea of the time, but I felt bad. I knew staying there was a bad idea. “Oh, God. I hope I didn’t wake up Maria or Scott.”

  “Babe,” Cooper cocked his head, but I couldn’t see his face very well, “you don’t need to apologize. You never need to apologize.” He repositioned himself, so he was next to me in the bed, sitting up against the wooden headboard. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to his hard chest. “You wanna talk about it?”

  Biting down on my bottom lip to keep it from trembling, I shook my head and draped my arm over his rippled abs. “Not yet. I just need a few minutes,” I whispered against the smooth skin of his taut chest. Being so close to him felt so natural, so right. My frazzled nerves calmed listening to the rhythmic beat of his heart.

  “Okay. Why don’t you try to get some sleep? I’ll stay here until you fall asleep.”

  I didn’t want to fall asleep. I was terrified my nightmare would come back for me. “I don’t think I can.”

  “Do you want to watch TV?” His hand gently rubbed up and down my arm.

  I pulled back and looked up at him, confused.

  “It helps me when I have them,” Cooper explained.

  “You have nightmares? About what?”

  “You don’t wanna hear about that shit, Kins. My nightmares would give you new nightmares.” He closed his eyes and rested his head back.

  I laid my head back down. “I get it. That’s how I feel.”

  We laid there quietly, listening to each other breathe. My heart still pounded but had started to slow. The adrenaline crash after a nightmare was exhausting but I couldn’t go back to sleep.

  “Could we try the TV?” I whispered.

  Without a word, Cooper sat up, carefully slipped his arm under my legs, and lifted me out of the bed. He carried me out of Ashton’s bed, down the hall, and into his room. After gently placing me on his bed, he padded around the bed and slipped in beside me, pulling the solid navy down comforter up over us.

  Holding up the remote, he asked, “What do you wanna watch?”

  The large flat screen on top of his dresser came to life. “Anything is fine.”

  “Hmm,” he mumbled, scrolling through the guide. NCIS popped up on USA.

  “How about NCIS?”

  “No,” he answered quickly but didn’t elaborate and I didn’t ask.

  “Ooh. The Notebook. I love that movie.” Over the years, I had imagined that Cooper and I would be like that old couple someday.

  “Isn’t that one of those sappy romance movies?” Cooper turned to eye me with a furrowed brow.

  “Yeah, but it’s so good.” I pouted as he continued scrolling.

  “No.” Cooper tucked his left arm behind his head. “How about The Breakfast Club?”

  “Never watched it.” I shrugged.

  “We’re definitely watching it.” He arrowed down with the remote and selected the movie. “I can’t believe you’ve never seen this movie. It’s a classic.”

  Even though Cooper and Ash’s beds were the same size, it felt like Cooper was a football field away. I missed the warmth of his body; the hard plane of his chest under my cheek. I wanted to feel his arm wrapped around me again, but I didn’t dare move toward him. Instead, I laid there and watched the old, grainy movie.

  Before long, my eyelids became too heavy to hold open anymore. I fought to keep them open, not wanting the moment to end; not wanting the nightmare to return.

  I wasn’t sure which I was more terrified of.

  I WOKE UP THE NEXT morning, covered in a light sheen of sweat. Sweet Jesus, it’s hot in here. As I came out of my sleepy fog, I realized I wasn’t in bed alone. Wrapped tightly around my waist, a hot heavy arm held me in place. Slowly blinking my eyes open, I remembered where I was. I woke up facing the door.

  As the r
ealization of where I was set in, so did the realization of who was curled up behind me.

  I was in bed with Cooper.

  And he was holding me.

  Inside, it felt like I was screaming from the top of the Empire State Building, as I silently freaked out. I tried desperately to control my breathing and not move an inch. I wanted to memorize how it felt. How the weight of his arm was almost painful but made me feel safer than I had in weeks. I never wanted to forget the heat of his body against my back or the soft snore of him breathing. I paced my breaths to match his, imagining his heart beating in time with mine.

  Just as I closed my eyes to savor the moment, the bedroom door burst open. On the other side, an unhappy Ashton and one highly amused Anna.

  “Jesus, Lizzy. You scared the fuck out of me.” Ashton’s hands went to his dark hair and pulled. “I thought someone snatched you.”

  Anna giggled. “Someone did. Look at him. He’s wound around her like a snake.”

  “He can hear you,” Cooper mumbled into my hair.

  Oh, God. I probably look like a wreck.

  “Anna, can you please get that stupid wheelchair? I need to pee,” I said on a yawn, sitting up. Cooper’s arm released me.

  “No,” Cooper grunted. “I got you.” He pulled himself up, came around the bed and stopped dead in his tracks. “Uh, I’ll be right back.” He turned around and pushed past Ashton and Anna.

  “What the hell?” I heard the bathroom door click shut. Ashton laughed while Anna looked at the ceiling. I glanced up to see what she was staring at. “What’re you looking at?”

  “Not Cooper’s massive morning wood,” Anna blurted out, six shades of red.

  “Whoa,” Ashton warned and swatted Anna on the butt earning himself a little yelp.

  My cheeks actually tingled because I blushed so hard. I wasn’t sure what to say or do so I sat there.

  “How’d you end up in here?” Ashton finally asked. I knew the question was burning his tongue.

  “Nightmare.” Just the word made my skin pimple and hair stand up.

  Anna came over to the bed, pulled back the blanket, and helped me to the edge of the bed. “You wanna talk about it?” she whispered. I shook my head.


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