Claiming Cooper (O'Loughlin Brothers Book 1)

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Claiming Cooper (O'Loughlin Brothers Book 1) Page 20

by A. F. Crowell

  Ethan sipped his beer while Ryan talked to him about his next shot. They were on a team with Heather and her cousin, Joey. They played every Wednesday night in the dimly-lit, back room of Howard’s.

  Ash slowly slid Anna down his chest until her feet touched the floor, his lips never left hers. My chest warmed, watching them. I had never seen him so happy before.

  Heather finished her game and stopped by the table on the way to the bar. “Hey, Kinsley. It’s so good to see you out and about. How are you feeling?”

  Heather went to the same high school but transferred in our senior year from somewhere on the west coast. She was a petite woman with the body of a gymnast. Her stark white complexion complimented her icy blue eyes and soft, chestnut brown hair that reached the middle of her back.

  “Hey, honey. I’m good. How are you?”

  “I’m great. Enjoying summer. I think Ashton really likes your friend Anna.” Her eyebrows waggled.

  I couldn’t help but laugh as I looked over to Ashton and Anna. “Yeah, I think you might be right.”

  “I’m gonna go have a cigarette and grab a drink. You need anything?”

  “Thanks, but I’m not really drinking tonight.”

  “Okay, well, it was good chatting with you. When you’re feeling better, we should do a girls’ lunch with Ashley, Katie, and your friend Anna.”

  “Sounds good.” I nodded. With a warm smile, she turned and walked out of the pool room.

  Watching her go, the unsettling feeling from earlier returned. My throat tightened, and goose bumps fell like dominos down my arms. I glanced around, but didn’t see anyone I didn’t know. Sighing, I turned my attention back to the cue ball running the green felt, bouncing off the rail and crashing into the orange five ball.

  Starting to feel tired, I looked down at my phone, pressed the home button and checked the time. We had been there for thirty minutes. I thought Ash said Cooper was supposed to meet us here.

  The chatter of the bar was drowned out by Believer by Imagine Dragons coming from the strategically placed speakers. I shifted in my seat, careful not to bump my leg that sat propped up on the stool on the opposite side of the table from me and stretched my neck to looked around Anna and Ash toward the entryway to the room from the main bar. Facing the back of the restaurant, I couldn’t see out the front window unless I turned around. Just as I started to, I felt him. The butterflies fluttered to life in my stomach, all my senses on alert.

  “It’s a good fuckin’ thing you’re sitting down,” Cooper whispered in my ear as his hand pulled my blonde hair back, clearing a path for him to slowly kiss down my neck. He must have snuck in the front door of the packaged goods side of the building.

  “It is, huh? And why is that?” I played the game. My insides were an instant inferno at just the lightest touch of his warm lips.

  “Because I’d spank your ass for wearing those shorts in here,” he said in a deep, husky voice. My thighs clenched at his words as my eyes rolled back in my head slightly. My girly parts sent up a white flag at the idea of him spanking me. I was beyond ready to surrender myself to him.

  “Well, I guess it is a good thing I’m sitting, huh?” A sexy smirk crossed my lips as I watched Cooper come around the table to greet everyone else.

  “I’m gonna grab a drink. You want anything, babe?” Cooper asked, standing next to Ethan and Ryan. At the front of the table, Anna now stood between Ashton’s open thighs with her back to his chest. I couldn’t help but notice Anna wiggle her butt against Ash as his cheeks flushed. Cooper lifted his chin, acknowledging his brother. Ashton mirrored the action.

  “I’m good.” I smiled on the outside and squealed on the inside. He called me babe; in front of everyone in the bar. That felt like some sort of declaration. Ethan’s green eyes widened as his mouth fell open. Once Cooper turned and walked to the bar, Ethan walked over.

  “What the fuck did I miss?” he inquired, standing next to me but facing the pool table, keeping an eye on the game. Anna tugged Ashton out of the barstool and pulled him toward the bar, following Cooper.

  “I might have left a few things out,” I said, aloofly. Placing my hand on my knee, I tried to curtail the uncontrollable bouncing. Ethan and I texted a few times a week. He even came to visit right after Scott passed away, but I hadn’t seen him in a week. He wasn’t blind, he knew how I felt about Cooper.

  “Hold that thought.” He held up a finger and walked over to Ryan, who was contemplating his next shot. He leaned in and said something to him, earning himself a pat on the shoulder before walking back over to me. “Sorry. Where were we?”

  “You were steppin’ back so I could get to my seat,” Cooper informed Ethan, looming menacingly behind him. The table was wide enough for a chair on each side, but we were only two feet away from the wall on my side.

  Ethan moved and Cooper walked around me to sit down in the chair to my left. “Oh, watch my leg,” I warned Coop.

  Leaning to one side, he looked under the table to make sure he wasn’t close to hitting me. Once he knew where my leg was, he returned his gaze to mine. “Sorry I wasn’t here sooner. Traffic was a nightmare coming into town and there was a wreck on ninety-five.”

  “You’re fine,” I assured him. My elbow rested on the table and my cheek rested in my upturned palm. “How was work?” I asked as he lifted the bottle of Bud Light to his luscious lips. I had strong hopes those lips would be kissing, licking, and sucking every inch of my skin later that night. If making out with Cooper was any indication on how sex would be, I would be dead by morning.

  Death by imploding orgasm.

  “As you say, same shit, different day. I’m surprised to see you out.” His brow furrowed. “I didn’t think you’d feel up to it.” His free hand slid across the table to my elbow, his thumb stroked the soft skin where my forearm joined my bicep.

  “I was sick of sitting at home and Ash might’ve said you’d be here.” I tipped my head slightly and shrugged my shoulder, flirtatiously. I tried to pretend I wasn’t overly anxious to see him but failed miserably.

  “You okay?” he leaned in and asked.

  “Yeah,” my voice raised an octave. “I’m good.” I regained control. “Why?”

  “You’re tapping your fingers.”

  My eyebrows pinched together as my eyes went to my drumming fingers. Pulling my hand back, I sat up and put my hands in my lap.

  “What are you nervous about?” His hazel eyes looking green under the fluorescent, studied my reaction. “If you wanna go, we can.”

  “No.” I took a deep breath. “I’m fine.” I turned my body slightly, so I was looking at the pool table. Ethan still stood beside me, watching Ryan sink the eight ball and win the game. Anna and Ash were still missing in action.

  Coop leaned in and whispered, “You’re worried about people seeing us.”

  Whipping my head around, my eyes bugged out of my head. “No. Why would you think that? Are you worried about people seeing you with me?” Suddenly, insecurities I didn’t realize I had, bubbled to the surface. Oh, God. Did he not want people to know we were together? Was he worried about what people would say? What they would think? The only serious relationship I had in the past ended with the ultimate betrayal, leaving me gun-shy.

  Cooper cocked his head. “Babe . . .” One look was all it took. Gone were the self-doubts and the momentary worry. Coop never did care what other people thought. I couldn’t believe that I let myself believe otherwise, even for a split second.

  “Good game, man,” Ethan cheered as Ryan approached us.

  “You’re up, E,” Ryan announced, leaning his stick on the table, held up by the barstool Ash had occupied. “I’m grabbin’ a beer. You guys need anything?”

  “Nah, we’re good.” His words tingled the ends of all my nerves.

  Looking around, I didn’t see either Anna or Ashton. Before I could ask, my phone lit up on the table in front of me. A text from Anna.

  Anna: You’re okay to get a ride home wi
th Coop, right?

  “Looks like the lovebirds ditched me.” I laughed, holding the phone out for Coop to read the text. His hand reached out and took the phone and his thick fingers began tapping on the screen with a snort. When he finished, he handed me the phone back with a shiteating grin that made me weep in ways I never thought possible.

  Me: If she’s good she’ll get more than a ride home—C

  “Oh, really?” I looked at him through my lashes while my tongue slid along the bottom seam of my lips as they parted. My thighs clenched as my girly bits tingled with anticipation. “And if I’m bad?”

  The sexy smirk he wore fell away, his jaw going slack. The beer bottle that was on its way to his lips, froze in mid-air.

  “Don’t tease me, Kins,” Cooper warned, licking his lips. “A man only has so much self-control.” The bottle finished its journey and he took a long swig.

  Here goes nothing.

  “My self-control disappeared when you threatened to spank me.”

  Ryan chose the worst and best moment to return to the table. He set four shot glasses down on the table and hollered for Ethan.

  Ryan picked up two, handing one to Ethan, looking to Coop and me, waiting. I shrugged. I could use the liquid courage. I reached out and slid one to Coop at the back of the table with one hand and lifted the other up and waited for the boys to cling their glasses to mine.

  “To good fuckin’ friends and winning,” Ryan toasted.

  “Cheers.” I grinned then threw back the purple concoction. “Whew, that’s not what I thought it was.” My lips puckered up as my insides burned.

  Ryan chuckled. “Washington apple. What’d you think it was?”

  “A jolly rancher,” I said, picking up my watered-down ginger ale, sucking half back. The trio laughed. “I hate you guys,” I feigned anger with a smile stretched across my face.

  “I’ll be right back,” Ethan said as he darted around the couple coming though the entrance of the pool room.

  We all looked at each and shrugged. Ryan walked away, leaving Cooper and I to continue to dance around what we both wanted.

  “Would you be disappointed if I said I wanted to go?”

  “I’d be disappointed if you said you wanted to stay,” Cooper told me then stood up. He stepped beside my chair, brought his face to mine, and murmured, “All I’ve thought about all day is the way your nipples will pebble between my fingers.”

  Every muscle in my legs tightened at once, lifting me up in my seat. My breath quickened while a familiar warmth seeped through my chest. The thought of what I wanted to do to that man made me shiver.

  “I’m gonna run to the bathroom, then we’ll leave, so tell everyone bye,” he said, pulling back for a split second then leaned in and kissed me. It wasn’t our usual can’t-keep-our-hands-off-each-other kiss. No, that time it was sensual but simple. It was a statement for all to see.

  And all saw. We earned a few hoots, whistles, and even a loud “about time” before Cooper left the room.

  I was on cloud nine as Ethan came strolling back in the room. “Here, Dollface, is your jolly rancher, just the way you like it.” He held the shot glass out to me. Reaching out, I took it without reservation and threw it back.

  “Thanks, E. Your timing couldn’t have been more perfect.” I fanned myself with my hand.

  “Anytime, Kins.”

  “Ethan, it’s your shot,” Ryan called from the table.

  “Oh, hey, I think we’re leaving.”

  “Cool. I’ll text you later,” Ethan said, leaning down and wrapping his arms around my shoulders before picking up his pool cue.

  “Later, Ryan.”

  Ryan and Heather waved from across the room, standing next to her cousin.

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and the nausea from earlier returned as I glanced around behind me. When I turned back around I was face to face with the bane of Cooper’s existence.


  Oh, great. Here we go.

  “Well, if it ain’t Kinsley Allen,” she sneered, crossing her arms and cocking her head. “And just where is that brother-in-law of mine? We all know you don’t go anywhere without him.”

  “I’m pretty sure when you got divorced, Ash stopped being your brother-in-law,” I scowled. “Nonetheless, I’m not here with him, Maggie, so run along.” I shooed her with my hand.

  “Fuck you, Kinsley. I know you have a thing for Cooper, but he’ll never be yours,” she hissed. “Your pathetic little attempt at making me jealous last time didn’t work.” She waggled her head, stepping closer. My hand slid over to and tightened around Cooper’s empty beer bottle.

  “You’re delusional,” I told her. “You’re so insignificant, I wouldn’t waste my time or energy on you.” I lied. If it meant it would hurt Maggie, I’d do anything to get retribution for what she put Cooper through. “Don’t you have some stranger’s dick to go suck?” My question was loud enough for half of the back room to hear. A few people snickered while other voices could be heard gossiping.

  She sucked in an outraged breath, her forehead bunched. “Fuck you, you stupid little slut. He’ll never want you.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Maggie.” Cooper towered behind her. She turned her back to me, facing him. “I tried to keep everything amicable, even through the divorce, despite how you screwed me over, but you never make anything easy. Enough is enough. You did this. I’ve warned you to stay away once. If you come near Kinsley or me again, I’ll make sure you regret it every day until your last,” he said, stepping into her space, getting in her face. “Get the fuck out of here.”

  As she stomped her foot like a petulant child, Maggie’s hand flew up from her side, slapping Cooper’s cheek with a loud clap. Without thinking, I hopped out of my chair on one foot and grabbed a handful of her curly brown hair. Pissed beyond comprehension, I yanked so hard that her head snapped back. Before I even knew what happened, Maggie had spun around, and my fist was cocked back. With a satisfying, dull thud, my knuckles slammed into her face, sending her crumbling to the floor in a heap.

  Cooper was between us before she could even stand up. I was shocked at myself, yet strangely proud. I didn’t realize I had it in me to defend anyone like that.

  “Don’t ever hit him again, you whore.” I wobbled and fell back in my barstool, shaking out my hand. Looking around, I noticed everyone’s eyes on us. I wasn’t the least bit sorry.

  “Easy, Killer,” Cooper said, wrapping an arm around my waist, steadying me.

  Pulling herself up from the floor, Maggie panted and glowered at me. “You’re gonna wish you never did that.”

  Already regretting my actions, my leg throbbed as much as my hand. Grabbing my crutches, I picked up my phone and dropped it into my purse hanging on the back of the barstool. Coop took my purse as I positioned the crutches under my arm and started to limp away.

  With a curled lip, Maggie snarled under her breath as we passed by her. “You should really look before you walk out into the road.”

  “What the hell did you say?” I stopped dead in my tracks, my entire body tense. I turned my head to the side to look at her.

  “Ignore her,” Cooper urged, placing his hand on the small of my back, directing me toward the front door. “Don’t give her the power to piss you off any more than she already has. She’s not worth it.”

  While I did as he requested and kept going, her words echoed in my mind like a train in a tunnel. Hearing them over and over, I couldn’t shake the unease that settled down deep into my bones.

  Reaching the sidewalk, the night’s air was cool, yet damp. Out the front door behind us came Heather and Ryan. “Are you okay?” Heather asked first.

  “Yeah, we’re good,” Cooper replied. “Could you guys hang with Kins while I get the Jeep? I had to park in the back.”

  “Of course.” Ryan walked over and stood next to me, a whole head taller. Waiting until Cooper walked away, Ryan smiled and bumped me gently with his elbow. “Prince
ss might’ve gotten herself a new nickname tonight.”

  “Oh, God, Ryan. What the hell was I thinking?” I acted without thinking. I never did that, but I saw her slap my man and I lost it. My man. Just the thought had me giddy. He was really mine.

  “I’ll tell you what, Kins, if you wouldn’t have done it, I would have,” Heather sassed, leaning on the railing that wrapped around the front of the bar deck. “Bitch deserved it. I hate her.”

  “Kins, don’t sweat it. Go home and get some rest,” Ryan advised. “I’ll deal with this shit here.”

  “Thanks, Ryan. You really are a good guy.” I bent my neck so my head rests on his muscly arm.

  He smiled. “Shhh, don’t tell anyone.”

  I watched as my man pulled the Jeep up and jumped out to help me into the passenger seat. For the first time in a long time, all was right in my world. I felt like I was on top of the world.

  ONCE WE STARTED HOME, I pushed any and all thoughts of Maggie from my mind. Tonight was supposed to be my night. Finally, after years of dreaming of Cooper, the time had come. The top was down on the Jeep and my hair swirled in the breeze as we drove. The fresh summer air helped to calm my temper and soothe my nerves.

  Standing in the bathroom, I looked down at my choice of nightshirts. A perfect choice for tonight when I finally gave him myself. Army was emblazoned across my breast and the soft, threadbare gray shirt hung to the middle of my thighs. I looked up, checked myself in the mirror, and smiled.

  Taking a deep breath, I readied my crutches and hopped out of the bathroom and down the hall to Coop’s room. I wasn’t sure how my side or leg would fare, but I knew the rest of me would explode if I didn’t have him tonight.

  I wasn’t sure of an equivalent term, but I had chick blue balls.

  Coop wasn’t there when I returned. I had a moment to get into the bed and try to be as sexy as I could with Army issued lingerie, tangled hair pulled up in a bun, and that big, honking-ass brace. I stretched over and turned off the ceiling fan light with the remote, switching on the dim bedside lamp.


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