Heart of a Wolf [Wolf Packs of Fate 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Heart of a Wolf [Wolf Packs of Fate 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Jane Jamison

  “Be on time, sweet thang. We don’t want to wait another minute.”

  She nodded and gave them a small wave before drawing the curtain closed. Then peeked to watch them get into their pickup and drive away.

  Tomorrow’s going to be the best day of my life.

  * * * *

  Maddie couldn’t sing any better than the Lark brothers could. In fact, maybe even worse. But she didn’t care. She sang along with the car radio as she sped down the road toward the Lost Moon Ranch.

  How’s that saying go? Oh, yeah. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

  She was in love with werewolves. Granted, she’d always known that the man she’d fall for would be special. But to find three special men was beyond belief. Not to mention that being werewolves made them even more special.

  How many women can say the same? Other than those in Fate, of course.

  She cranked the music up even higher and began wiggling in her seat, dancing, to the pounding of the bass. Her heart was light. She was a woman in love about to tell the men she loved just how much she wanted them.

  The lurch of her car caught her off guard. Keeping a firm grip on the steering wheel, she managed to pull the car safely to the side of the road.

  Oh, come on! Not now.

  She closed her eyes and tried to will the flat tire away.

  Damn it.

  She didn’t have a clue how to fix a tire or to put on a spare. Instead, she reached for her phone, intent on calling Shane. Thanks to Stella, she had all three of their numbers.

  “This isn’t the way I’d hoped today would go.” She glanced at the cake on the passenger seat. At least, the cake hadn’t slid off onto the floorboard. The ringing of the phone on the other end, however, went on and on.

  Unperturbed, she punched in Brandon’s and Braxton’s numbers. This time she didn’t hear ringing.

  No bars. Shit.

  Stella had warned her that cell phone connections could get spotty around Fate. But did it have to happen today?

  She tried to think of another way, but her options were limited. Either she hoped for cell phone reception or she’d have to walk the remaining four miles to the ranch.

  Four miles isn’t so bad.

  Yet she wasn’t about to start hoofing it yet. Instead, she slipped out of her car and held her phone up to the sky. Maybe if she got lucky…

  Three bars suddenly appeared.

  Stepping onto the bumper of the car, she hoisted herself higher, wanting to keep the reception good. It was a balancing act, but she was soon calling Shane again.

  “Hey, honey-bear, are you on your way?”

  She smiled at the eagerness in his tone. “Sort of.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It means I was on my way, but I got a flat. Think you could give a girl a lift?”

  His chuckled warmed her through and through. “I think that can be arranged. Where are you exactly?”

  She glanced around. “How the hell would I know? It’s not like there are road signs out here. I see a few black cows and a horse. That’s it. Oh, and a dead rabbit on the road.”

  “Which means you could be almost anywhere. You’re on the road straight out of town, right?”

  “Yes. I haven’t made any turns or anything.” Thankfully, the number of roads leading out of Fate could be counted on one hand.

  “Okay. Don’t worry. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”


  “Oh, and honey-bear?”


  “Be ready to give us a big ole reward for saving your butt.”

  “You want a reward for picking me up? That’s hardly saving my butt. I’m not in any danger.”

  His chuckle flowed through her again. “Oh, but honey-bear, you are in danger. Once we get you home, we’re going to eat you alive.”

  “Oh.” She would’ve sworn the sun had gotten a hundred times hotter. Plopping down on top of the hood of the car, she fanned herself. Too bad she couldn’t fan herself where she was really hot. “Okay.” What else was there to say?

  “We’ll be there soon.”

  She held the phone to her head even after he’d ended the call as though she could somehow stay connected to him. Lying back, she laid the phone on the hood then put her forearm over her eyes and shielded them from the sun.

  In only a short time, her life would be changed forever. Not only would she tell the Lark men that she wanted to be their mate she’d already made up her mind to ask them to change her into a werewolf. Stella obviously loved being a shifter, and since most of the town was part of the pack, she wanted to fit in as best she could.

  She skimmed her tongue along the backs of her teeth. What would it be like to have fangs? Would they fit in her mouth when she was in her human form? Would she enjoy tearing into meat, cooked or raw? Which brought up another question. Did the pack hunt? Did they run down game and eat it? The idea should’ve made her squeamish, yet it didn’t.

  Closing her hand into a fist, she pushed her fingernails against her palm. Would having claws hurt? Everything about becoming a shifter would be new and exciting. Would shifting hurt? Would the actual transformation of changing from human to wolf be painful? She had so many questions, yet the only answer she needed was that she wanted to be with her men in every possible way.

  A low growl had her sitting up. She squinted against the bright sunlight and stared hard at the three figures slowly approaching her.

  “You didn’t tell me you’d be coming as wolves.” Her gaze flitted behind them and back. “Wait. Where’s the pickup? Are you expecting me to walk home with you?”

  Another low growl rumbled out of the wolf closest to her. She shaded her eyes and strained to see. “Shane? Brandon? Braxton? Is that you?”

  Alarm zipped through her as they grew closer. Slowly, she slipped off the hood of the car. “Guys? This isn’t funny. Change back, okay?”

  The wolves came closer, their heads down, their ears flat against their heads as they lowered their tails. All three of them growled.

  “Shit.” Realization hit her hard enough to make her sway. “You’re not—”

  She whirled and dashed for the car door.

  Chapter Seven

  Maddie locked the doors of her car a moment before the three large wolves descended on her. One landed on her hood while the other two went to the side windows. Their fangs dripped saliva, and their claws scraped against the glass and sides of the car. Vicious snarls as well as amber-filled eyes terrified her.

  “Get away!” She reached for her pocket and her phone then realized the awful truth. The phone still lay on top of the hood only a few feet away. But it might as well have been a million miles away. Three ferocious wolves were between her and her phone.

  They tore at her car, metal screeching as they dug their claws in and shredded the paint. The wolf, a huge black-furred creature, on the passenger side dropped to the ground then flung his powerful body against the window. If anything could crack the glass, it was an animal his size.

  “Who are you?” she screamed. “Why are you doing this to me?” Were they part of the pack? But why would they attack her?

  Again and again they attacked the car. They were relentless, their growls growing more menacing, their eyes blazing with determination. She scooted in between the seats, trying to get as far from them as she could. A search through the glove compartment turned up nothing that could be used as a weapon. If they broke in, she’d be helpless. She pressed her palm against the horn, the sound deafening yet useless against her attackers.

  Please, get here in time, Shane.

  The wolves increased their attack, foam coming out of their mouths. Yet she didn’t sense that they were angry. Instead, they seemed to be having fun terrorizing her.

  Fuck them.

  At last she remembered. Reaching over the back of her seat, she grabbed the baseball bat she always kept in her car for protection. She doubted it would do much good against the hug
e animals, but she had to try. If these were werewolves, if there were men inside these beasts, then maybe, just maybe, she could convince them to leave her alone.

  If they break in, I’ll go on the offensive. I’ll get at least one good hit in before they hurt me.

  “Get the hell off my car, you assholes!” She’d fake bravery even as her hands shook.

  For a moment, the wolf on the hood stopped and tilted his head. Was that amusement sparkling in his eyes?

  “Come on, asshole!” She lifted the bat, gripping it as hard as she could. “Come and get me. I’ll knock your head off.”

  The wolf resumed its attack, scratching at the window then jumping up and down on his front paws, his huge body making the car bounce. He was relentless.

  Her breath came in harsh pants, but she never loosened her hold on the bat. Instead, she watched, waiting for the first crack in the glass to appear.

  In the next moment, the wolf on top of the car was gone, barreled over by a large brown-furred wolf. The other attacking wolves spun around just in time to find two more brown wolves launching their bodies at them. Roars erupted around her as the six wolves battled. Claws slashed out and were soon covered in blood. Jaws pulled back to expose deadly fangs.

  It’s them. My men are here.

  Relief flooded her at first, followed swiftly by the hope that they’d be all right.

  Suddenly, the three wolves that had attacked her scrambled backward, away from her wolf-men. Their transformations came fast, and in under a minute, they’d changed into their human forms. Three men she’d never met sneered at her men. Their chests heaved as amber blazed in their eyes.

  Shane, Brandon, and Braxton shifted, too. Before he was finished with his transformation, Shane was already stalking toward the largest man.

  She held her breath as the six naked men squared off.

  “Garrett, you fucking asshole.” Shane hauled back and struck the man. Garrett stumbled backward but managed to stay on his feet.

  “Take it easy, Lark.” Garrett’s grin held both a sneer and condescension. “We were only welcoming your pretty little lady to Fate.”

  Brandon paced in front of another attacker while Braxton stood his ground with the other one. Both men were tensed and ready to spring into action.

  “Fuck you. I should break your balls off and shove them down your throat.” Shane’s hands were fisted, his face contorted with rage.

  “Damn it, Shane, we didn’t touch her. All we did was give her a little thrill. God knows she won’t get many thrills once she’s your mate.” His chuckle was throaty and tinged with hatred.

  Brandon grabbed the second man by the throat. “What the hell are we talking for? Let’s give them what they deserve.” The man struggled, breaking Brandon’s hold.

  “Damn straight.” Braxton snagged his opponent by the hair then jerked his head to the side. The man growled, his human teeth bared as he’d once bared his fangs. He shoved off Braxton’s hold then stepped back.

  “Easy, boys.” Garrett’s grin grew wider, but the amber in his eyes dimmed. “We wouldn’t want to go starting a pack war, would we?”

  “You already did.” Brandon’s growl lifted the corners of his mouth in a snarl.

  “No!” Shoving against the door, she hopped out of the car and put her body between the two groups. They broke apart and surrounded her in a semicircle. She gripped the bat harder before dropping it to the ground. How could she ask them not to fight if she was ready to do battle? “No, please. Don’t do anything to them. It’s not worth causing more trouble. They’re not worth it.”

  “Listen to your bitch, Lark.”

  Shane struck out again, but this time Garrett ducked in time. “Get the fuck out of here. Now.”

  “Okay, okay. Don’t get your fur in a bunch.” Garrett signaled the other two men. “Let’s go. The fun’s over.” He turned and strode away, only to turn again as his two friends made it to his side. Winking at Maddie, he added, “Welcome to Fate, sugar.”

  The Lark men growled and started for the others. Garrett laughed and changed, dropping to all fours before her men could get to him. He and his friends, who had also changed, raced away.

  “Honey-bear, are you all right?”

  She couldn’t answer. Not with the lump in her throat. Instead, she fell against Shane and sighed when his arms wrapped around her. Brandon and Braxton enclosed her, trapping her in the perfect triangle of love.

  “Please. Take me home,” she whispered.

  “Sure thing. But first, do you want to get your bat?”

  Amazingly, with the fear finally subsiding, she laughed. “I’d better. You know. Just in case I have to beat off more werewolves.”

  * * * *

  “No, damn it. I’m not getting fucked on top of another table.” Still, Maddie pushed the spaghetti straps of her dress off her shoulders then let the thin material fall to the kitchen floor.

  The men expected to have sex on top of the kitchen table, but she wasn’t having it. No more sex on any tables. At least not for a while. They’d already “christened” the kitchen table the night before. And the workbench in the barn. And the large coffee table in the living room.

  It was tough turning down the men as they tore off their shirts and jeans, but she was determined. Their muscles called for her to touch them. The primal need in their eyes and their hardened jaws showed how close their animalistic natures were to breaking free. Yet instead of giving in, instead of letting them grab her, she bolted away.

  They chased after her, toying with her like a cat with a mouse. Not that she’d ever voice that comparison. She darted into their bedroom, the pounding of their feet right behind her.

  “Got you.” Brandon snagged Maddie’s arm, thrust her toward the wall, then pinned her against the bedroom wall.

  “No fair. You shifted and brought out your wolf speed.”

  “All’s fair in love, sweet thang.”

  Brandon put his nose to her and drew in a long breath. They loved sniffing her, and truth be told, she loved the way they sighed whenever they took in her scent.

  “Will my scent change once I’ve gone through the transformation?”

  “Yes.” He snarled. “Do you really want to have another Q&A right now?”

  “No. No questions.” Later would be soon enough to ask. After the sex. After the transformation.

  Shane and Braxton leaned against the wall on either side of her. Their hands played into places where play turned serious.

  “We want you, darlin’. Sex now. Talk later.”

  She shook her head, puckered up, and shushed him. He got the silent joke and chuckled then took her breast and fondled her already taut nipple. “Got it. I’m the one talking. Not you. I’m shutting up now.”

  Shane put his lips to her neck then used his teeth on her skin. The nibbles stung but sent delicious shivers through her. “I want to shove my cock deep inside your ass.”

  Keeping silent again, she shot him a look that dared him to do it.

  “Don’t dare me, woman. I’ll take you up on it.”

  “I think that’s what she wants,” added Braxton.

  “Then let’s get at it.” Shane shoved Brandon away then picked her up.

  She thought he was going to put her on top of the bed. Instead, he took them both to the carpet, protecting her as he twisted around to land on his back. He grabbed her and settled her on top of him. His cock, large and impressively curved, pressed against her pussy. “Time to pay up.”

  “Pay up for what? For agreeing to become your mate?”

  They’d talked about it long and hard the night before. She’d been more than ready to tell them that she wanted to be their woman, and they’d shown her time and again how thrilled they were to have her. After answering as many of their questions as they could stand, they’d taken her to bed and made it official.

  “For saving your sweet little butt from the vicious animals.”

  It wasn’t as though she’d deny that they�
�d actually saved her. Who knew what Garrett and his pack mates would’ve done if the Lark men hadn’t shown up? Yet she knew Shane was only playing around. “Hmm. I thought I’d already shown you my appreciation several times. How many times do I have to thank you?”

  “As many times as it takes,” quipped Shane.

  “Then thank you, thank you, and thank you again.” She giggled, knowing what they really wanted.

  “Thank me the right way.” Amber flared in his eyes, and the tips of his fangs peeked over his lower lip. “Now.”

  He plunged his cock into her, driving so hard and fast that, although she’d known what would happen, she was still caught unprepared. She gasped then sucked in another breath, only to have it shoved out of her with his next hard thrust.

  Braxton and Brandon fell to her sides, their hands already skimming her body, already stimulating her. Their attention made her feel more desirable than any other woman. Their words of need, of loyalty, of love sent not only her libido soaring but her heart as well. She braced her hands on Shane’s hard chest and rocked, adding to the friction his cock gave her.

  Braxton edged closer then took her by the chin. “Here I am, darlin’.”

  She turned her head, saw the precum on the tip of his stiff erection, and drew his cock inside her mouth. He tasted amazing, impossibly better than every time before. He’d taste even better the time after this one.

  “Damn, you look hot, sweet thang, sucking Braxton’s cock and riding Shane. Fuckin’ hot.” Brandon fondled her breast, cupping it and letting his brother’s slams into her pussy bounce her tit against his palm.

  She hollowed her cheeks, drawing more of Braxton’s flavors in as she whipped her tongue around his length. Moaning, she sent a waft of warmth flowing over him and earned a low growl of pleasure.

  “You wanted her ass, man.” It seemed playing with her nipple wouldn’t be enough for Brandon.

  In the next moment, she was lifted off of Shane and pulled over to tumble against Brandon. Growls erupted around her, but she’d learned the difference between an irritated, yet playful growl and an angry one.


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