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Severed Ties That Bind (Troubled Fathoms MC Book 1)

Page 13

by Vera Quinn

  “I was damn scared when we couldn’t find you. If you ever do that to me again I will kick your ass,” Micah says with a fierce determination, but I can hear the fear in her voice.

  “Okay, deal.” Micah pushes me back and then she takes B from me and kisses her head.

  “Like you could keep from doing it. What the hell were you thinking by marrying that asshole? He kidnapped you and B. What if the men that took you had double crossed him?” Micah’s anger is at the boiling point. Good thing Dra isn’t here.

  “Could you please, watch your language in front of B? I do not want a potty mouth for a child. It is not right for her to be scolded for saying a word that she has heard from the adults around her, so please,” I plead with my sister.

  “Alright, but only because I love this little munchkin so much.” That puts a smile on my face.

  “Can we take this inside?” I ask.

  “Let me grab my backpack. Will you grab my suitcase?” Micah is not letting go of B. I grab Micah’s suitcase from the back of the truck and the darn things weighs a ton and it has a lock on it. How long is Micah planning on staying and what all did she bring? Thankfully it has rollers and I roll it in behind Micah. Micah walks through the door I left wide open. I see her taking in everything. I haven’t had time to put the pictures and things away that Dra said I could pack up. I see Micah does not miss them and she swings her head back around to me.

  “I knew it. That b-a-s-t-a-r-d brought you back to this house and now you having to live in Callie’s past. You have any empty boxes or better yet, trash bags?” I am glad that Micah spelled out her curse words, but I do not get why she is so upset. If anyone should be upset, it should be me, and Dra already explained he didn’t have time to pack everything away. “Have you had lunch yet?” My head is swimming from the whirlwind that is Micah. I ignore Micah’s first questions and go for the safe subject.

  “I made tuna fish salad and I have the wheat bread like you like.” Micah smiles at me, but it is an evil smile.

  “Trying to butter me up making my favorite food. I caught the way you ignored my other question but since you made my favorite then we will shelve it until B is down for a nap, but we are going to discuss it and I am going to let you in on the down low I have from Callie.” I am almost afraid to even guess what she is talking about.

  “Let’s take your things to the room where you’ll be staying.” I walk to the room right beside B’s room and Micah smiles when she walks in. I know she is thinking that this looks close to the rooms we grew up in. “It has the Jack and Jill bathroom like we had, and B’s room is right in there.” I point through the bathroom. “There are plenty of towels in the bathroom.”

  “Nice,” Micah says and then she goes to the closet and sits her backpack on the top shelf in the closet and turns back and takes the suitcase from me and rolls it inside the closet. I raise my eyebrow at her, but she gives me nothing. “Let’s eat. It’s kind of late for lunch for B, isn’t it? Doesn’t she take a nap in the early afternoon? I know how you are on schedules.”

  “I wanted B to be awake when you arrived, so you wouldn’t interrupt her nap and then you would get to see cranky pants B and we had a late breakfast. We were busy yesterday and this morning she had to get her shot that upset both her and her dad,” I tell Micah.

  “So, after lunch B will be ready for a nap.” I don’t know why Micah is so interested in B’s naps.

  “Once she gets her belly full and is still in her booster chair she will probably fall asleep at the table.” I see the worry in Micah’s eyes but there is something else that I can’t quite pinpoint.

  “Then let’s get our princess fed because we need to have a serious talk.” That doesn’t sound good. I know she is going to bash Dra to me. I know the way Dra went about getting B and myself here was wrong, but I believe everything happens for a reason. I don’t like Dra’s methods, but I think we have a good shot at being a happy family.

  “This way then.” I lead Micah and B out of the bedroom and back to the kitchen. Micah sits B in her booster seat at the table and is playing with her and they are talking about B’s favorite thing, Paw Patrol. I busy myself getting our lunch while listening to their chatter. B is not big on tuna fish, so I make her a grilled cheese and cut up some fruit to go with it. I sit everything on the table and sit down with Micah and B and then get back up to get our drinks. Then it begins.

  “Have you and Dra had sex yet?” I almost spit out the bite of my sandwich that I just took.

  “Right to the point. Yes, Micah, we have.” Micah gives me a disapproving look. After that we stay quiet and eat our food. I have suddenly lost my appetite at the thought of the conversation Micah wants to have with me. B is quiet, and I look at my daughter, and her eyes are drooping. She is past ready for a nap on the one day I wished she would stay awake longer. I choke down the rest of my sandwich and Micah reaches over and takes my hand and squeezes it. It comforts me and reminds me that Micah is only trying to help me in her own way. I just need to remember that. I look at B and she has laid her head beside her plate and gone to sleep. She didn’t eat all her food, but I get up and pick her up. Micah gets up and wets a paper towel and wipes B’s face and hands for me and I carry B to her room and put her on her bed. I turn the monitor on beside her bed and bend down and kiss her cheek. I leave her room leaving the door cracked open and go to Dra’s room and get the other monitor. I go back and start to the kitchen, but Micah is sitting on the sofa.

  “I cleaned everything away. Come sit so we can talk.” I am not ready for this but there is no more avoiding it. I sit beside Micah on the sofa. She turns sideways and puts one leg under her and I do the same facing her. “Explain to me how you can marry a man that kidnaps not only you but your daughter too.”

  “How do you know that is what happened? I haven’t explained everything to you or anyone and I know Dra hasn’t either.” I look in Micah’s eyes, so I can tell if she doesn’t tell me the truth. We both have a way of knowing when the other one isn’t being truthful, and we always call each other on it.

  “Aunt Deb and I were going out of our minds with worry when we couldn’t reach you on the phone. Then we got Callie involved and I called Sarge. We had three MC’s in Texas ready to go to war over you. Sarge almost caught up with you at the farmhouse Bush had you at. After that you were off the radar until Dra called and said that he had you and B and he was bringing his wife and daughter home.” I didn’t mean to worry anyone. It wasn’t my doing but I am glad that Dra and Sarge did not have a faceoff. They are not the best of friends. “What happened when you left the park and why would you marry Dra?”

  “I never left the park. That man and his buddies got us before I was back in my SUV. When I woke up we were in the middle of nowhere and I was so scared.” I stop for a minute remembering how helpless I felt. Micah reaches for my hand and holds it. “The men weren’t mean to us and I had a room to take care of B by ourselves and then Dra showed up. I was pissed.”

  “If I had found him I would have shot him. I went and talked to him at the Troubled Fathom’s clubhouse and he denied knowing where you were. I knew he was lying and he had that skank on her knees.” I jerk my eyes up to Micah. I see the apology in her eyes. Micah is the jerk the band aide off fast type of person and I know she is only trying to protect me.

  “When was that?” I am almost afraid to ask.

  “Two days after we met.” I can’t be sure if Dra knew that Bush had us yet.

  “How did Sarge know Bush or how to find him?” Micah laughs.

  “If someone is known in the biker world then Sarge either knows them or knows of them. Sarge may be an asshole most of the time but he is very useful and smart.” That’s high praise coming from Micah.

  “How are things going between the two of you and what did you mean by the low down from Callie?” Micah smiles.

  “Nice try, but we are not changing the subject and we will get to Callie. She did tell me to tell you to call her and tha
t she is not mad at you and she understands what you did.” That relieves a little of my guilt. “Why in the world did you marry Dra? Our attorneys could handle Dra. They had him where they wanted him but now things are so much more complicated.”

  “I shouldn’t have kept B away from Dra. I was wrong, and Dra convinced me that it would be easier if we were married. I don’t like how he went about it, but I want a family for B. A family like we didn’t have with a mom and a dad. I want her to have a sister like I had and maybe a brother too. Is that so wrong? Dra promised me he is dedicated to making this work. It’s real marriage. I am determined to give it my all to make this work.” Micah smiles but I see that she feels sorry for me. Why? I am getting everything I have ever wanted.

  “Maddie, you are too sweet for your own good. I swear that you received everything sweet and good inside of Mom that she had to give, and I received what was left. Dra said that you two were married in Vegas, where at and what did you do while you were there?” This isn’t the first time that Micah has said this, but it doesn’t make me feel all warm inside this time. This time it doesn’t sound like a good thing.

  “We were married at the Serenity Chapel of Love. It was last minute, of course, but they put a beautiful ceremony together for Vegas. We stayed at a cute hotel, I think it was Garden of Love. Yeah, that was it. Dra had his own vows ready and they filled me with so much hope.” Micah isn’t smiling. She looks like she is going to lose it.

  “What were his vows?” she asks.

  “I don’t remember word for word,” I say.

  “Try,” Micah tells me.

  “Something like, I wasn’t whole, but I didn’t know. Until your hand touched my soul and gave me our beautiful daughter. You and Betsy will never be alone again. Until my dying day and beyond. Two souls and hearts bound as one. For now, and eternity.” I know I said I didn’t know those vows word for word, but I lied, those words are burnt in my soul. I have never been more touched by words. I can’t believe Dra meant them especially for me. Micah takes her phone out of her pocket and brings something up and I see it is a text from Callie. She hands it to me and I see the conversation that Micah and Callie were having about me or more to the point about Callie and Dra and their wedding in Vegas. I remembered they married in Vegas. I start reading the text and then I feel like I can’t breathe. No, Dra wouldn’t do this to me. I feel the tears in my eyes. I will not let them fall. I look at Micah and hand her back the phone.

  “I’m sorry Maddie. I was hoping your husband wasn’t such a douchebag.” I am lost in my own thoughts. I hear Micah’s phone notify her that she has a text. She looks at her phone and her eyes get large. “Maddie pack what you need. I am getting you out of here. I will have Sarge meet us on the road so Dra can’t stop us.” I grab the phone out of her hand. What I see shatters my heart in a million pieces. I can’t stop the tears. I hear another ding and I open the text and there is another picture and they keep coming. Micah stand up and looks over my shoulder. “Maddie, move now. Give me my phone.” I can’t let go of the phone, so Micah takes it from me. “Pull your shit together and get moving.”

  “I need to take my SUV.” Micah looks up at me from her phone.

  “No, they have probably already put a tracker on it the way the Feral Steel do with Callie’s vehicles. We will go in mine. You have your jeep at home to drive and then we will get the attorneys get your things from Dra.” Micah looks at her watch. “It’s too late to go by the bank but we can hit the ATM so be sure and bring your bank card. We’ll take care of the rest when we get home.” Micah is walking to the bedroom while texting. She is still getting incoming text alerts. I get up and I move with my head in a fog and do what Micah has instructed. I go in B’s bedroom and pack nearly all her clothes. I step in the bathroom and get her bathroom things. I am so glad she is asleep. Micah is digging in her backpack. I see when she brings her gun out.

  “I don’t think that is necessary,” I tell Micah.

  “Did you ever think Dra would kidnap you?” I shake my head no. “Then this may be necessary. Where’s yours?” I look at Micah.

  “In the garage in my SUV. The keys are hanging by the door. We are going to need a car seat for your truck too,” I tell Micah. I am trying to stay focused on the task at hand, so I don’t fall apart. Bass women do not fall apart I hear my mom saying in my head.

  “I’ll take care of it. Is that all you need of B’s?” I nod my head yes. “Go to your room and get your things. I’ll come back for these. Sarge is meeting us at the state line. Come on Maddie, move it. I don’t want to need to shoot our way through the Troubled Fathoms. In a couple of days, we will be back at the ranch. Aunt Deb is hiring security so they will be in place by the time we get there.” I can’t believe the pace that Micah is taking care of this. This is my mess to clean up, but my sister is taking the burden from me.

  “Thank you, Micah. I can’t wrap my head around what is happening. I can’t believe my life has come to this.” Micah laughs.

  “And everyone thought my life is the one that would be hell. Maddie, you just took all the heat off me for at least a couple of years.” We both smile.

  “Glad I could give you some relief.” I walk around Micah and go to Dra’s room and then it dawns on me the small amount of time I was here this place felt like home and now it is just cold. I go and grab a couple of things to wear while we are on the road and my bathroom things, but I don’t want the rest. Then a thought comes to me and I grab the bag I packed and go to Dra’s office. I copy down all of Dra’s information. He showed me where he kept it in case I needed it if he was gone on a run. I only write down the things my attorney will need. I also find our marriage license. I want to rip it up, but I know I will need a copy. I take off the rings that Dra gave me and leave them on his desk. Micah walks in and she sees that I am leaving my rings.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to take those, so you can sell them or give them to B later?” I don’t. They are meaningless.

  “No, I don’t. There is a printer, will you hook your phone up to it and print one of those pictures out that was sent to you and set under my rings? I want him to know I know and I have proof.” Micah does as I ask. She just prints it on regular paper, but Dra will get the point. “Will you send all that to my attorney in Mt. Vernon?”

  “Oh honey, I have already sent it to everyone important and some that aren’t. When we meet Sarge, I am sending it all to Krill and to Dra.” Leave it to Micah. She doesn’t know the meaning of discreet. Now everyone will know my shame. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. Micah brings the printout over and puts it under my rings. “Let’s get B and hit the road. With us taking turns driving we will meet Sarge before morning and then I will be able to breathe easier.”

  “Get B and I will grab some juices and snacks out of the kitchen. Be sure to let her potty first or we will be stopping in town.” I go to the kitchen and get water, juices and B some snacks. I take the time to make some sandwiches out of the tuna salad and make B a PB&J. This should do it. I start to leave my keys but decide against it. When I walk in the living room Micah is standing there with B. I look at my little girl and she is going to be so confused. I will do my best to make it up to her. We get B in her car seat in the back seat of Micah’s truck.

  “Bye-bye, Mika?” B asks Micah.

  “Yes, we are going to visit Aunt Deb at our ranch. We going to have so much fun and I have a pony waiting just for you,” Micah tells B.

  “Rainbow pony?” B asks Micah. The only ponies that B is used to are the ones she has on her cartoons.

  “No, sweet girl, but you can name her Rainbow,” Micah tells B.

  “Okay.” Then Micah pulls out a small DVD player and mounts it on the back of the driver’s seat, so B can see it. Micah takes out a cartoon DVD and puts it in.

  “Tell us when it is over, and I have some more.” B doesn’t respond. She is lost in her cartoon.

  “Why do you have a DVD player with cartoons in your truck
?” I ask Micah with a smile.

  “It is the one that I carry in my living compartment in my horse trailer and I bought the cartoons so B could have them when needed. I use my laptop in my trailer and stream shows so I put this in here. That way I would have it for B when you finally decided to bring your ass home. B and I are going to be best buds. That means her with me and I remember the boring trips we used to make to the horse shows with Mom and Aunt Deb.” That was very thoughtful of Micah and it also reminds me of the talk that Aunt Deb and I had in the park about Micah being a good mom when the time came. Aunt Deb is right.

  “Who bought the pony?” I ask.

  “Aunt Deb. She said every little girl needs her own pony. I agree. We always had one.” She’s right, we did.

  “I feel like such a failure as a mom. First, I drag my daughter all over the U.S. of A. and then I fall for Dra’s lines about wanting to be a real family. Now, I am running again. Am I doomed to always be chasing the life I want for B and myself?” I ask my sister. Micah has gotten into the front of the truck and we are driving back to the road from our driveway. Micah stops at the end of the driveway and looks at me.

  “Maddie, you are not running. You are going home to regroup and where you have home field advantage. Then you are going to stiffen that backbone that all Bass women have, and you are going to cut that b-a-s-t-a-r-d off at the knees. You are going to show him you are a force to be reckoned with and that you will not be run over. You are going to do all that so your daughter can be proud of you.” I look at Micah and she is serious. She believes in me. I can do this. I will do this. I don’t need Dra and I don’t need a man in my life.

  “You’re right. I have this. Let’s go,” I tell my sister. I know with a little time and a lot of determination, I can do this. I will do it. Micah pulls out on the road and we are on our way. “What has Callie been up to?”

  “She’s knocked up again. So are Tara and Em. Do not drink the water around them bitches. I swear they are trying to over-populate the damn world with biker babies.” That’s when it hits me. I could be pregnant. Dra and I never used protection. Micah glances at me when I don’t say anything. I must look shocked. “Please tell me that you made that a-s-s-h-o-l-e wear protection or you are at least on the pill.” I don’t respond. “Oh shit!” Micah didn’t spell that one out but that is exactly how I feel, oh shit.


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