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Severed Ties That Bind (Troubled Fathoms MC Book 1)

Page 18

by Vera Quinn

  “That is perfectly fine, Mr. Jessup. That is why I set it up the way I did. Now, about going to Colorado.” I want to stay on topic.

  “Yes, that is a small complication that I did not see. It seems that the last ten months or so that you did not reside in Franklin County in the state of Texas. You seemed to have been on a little adventure with your daughter Betsy, which in itself is fine. In the last few weeks though you were married in the state of Nevada while staying in Colorado. You purchased a vehicle in your name there and applied for a Colorado driver’s license. You also transferred your banking to a financial institution in Sunshine, Colorado. You put in to have your social security card changed and used a Colorado address and established a physician for said daughter, Betsy. Is all this information accurate?” I don’t think about it but for a few minutes. To buy the new SUV I needed a current identification card, so I did change everything. Everything he said is true.

  “Yes, it is all correct,” I answer.

  “Did you also sign an acknowledgement of paternity for Mr. Andrew Draven?” I think back to the papers I signed for Dra and I do believe that was one I signed.

  “Is that the paper saying that Andrew is Betsy’s father? I did sign a letter pertaining to that, but Andrew had a paternity test done also so he already knew that she was his daughter.” I thought I was doing the right thing signing the papers.

  “There lies the problem. Mr. Draven’s attorney filed papers to bring in question where yours and your minor daughter’s legal domicile is at. This is only a preliminary hearing and is not the divorce case or custody. The only thing in question is legal residence. I would say it is a ploy to get you back in the state of Colorado. There is nothing that Mr. Draven can do to keep you there, but it would look better for appearances sake for you to show up for the court date. Your aunt did say you were served with papers to testify in the case. Therefore, if you do not show up for court a warrant can be issued for your arrest. You must go or face the consequences. I could file a motion for you not to be there, but it would be thrown out and to be honest you need to show the judge that you are a reasonable person that follows the court rulings and it will work to your advantage when we get into the custody part of the divorce.” I am going to be forced to go.

  “Do I need to take Betsy with me?” Mr. Jessup looks at me.

  “Ms. Bass, it would be better to give Mr. Draven access to his child. It will look better on you in the long run. Alan, my nephew, is one of the best family attorneys in the state of Colorado, just follow his directions and you will be fine. I have full confidence in his abilities. Do you need help with planning to get to Colorado? I can have one of the secretaries help, if you need it.” Mr. Jessup does not seem worried, so I am not going to worry. Am I going to like walking into a courtroom with Dra in it? No. Will I do it? Yes. I make it back to my jeep and back home without wrecking. How, you ask? I have no idea. My brain will not slow down. I thought the next time I was to see Dra it would be in my home state. Where I am comfortable. Life is always throwing me wild balls, and this is no different. The thing at the back of my head that I have refused to let out to anyone is what if I am pregnant? What happens then? I have refused to let myself even entertain the thought. By the end of next week, I should have my answer. Nope, shutting this train of thought down right now. I go straight to my Aunt Deb’s office and she is not there, and I look at my watch and it is nearly two. I know Aunt Deb usually eats a snack right before it is time for B’s nap when they are spending the day together. I head for the kitchen and Micah is there in her sleep shirt and boy shorts she sleeps in with Aunt Deb and a very sleepy looking B. I see they are having peanut butter and banana sandwiches for a snack and Aunt Deb is eating her favorite peanut butter and celery.

  “Looks like I am just in time.” I grab the jelly out of the refrigerator. “Is everyone sharing?”

  “Yes, Momma. I like peanut butter and nana,” B says. I can’t get her to say banana for anything. It’s not a speech thing, just a stubborn Bass female thing.

  “Banana.” Aunt Deb and Micah say at the same time. I laugh. B smiles. I set the jelly down on the table and get a teaspoon and a plate. I grab the peanut butter and put some on my plate and then add the jelly and mix it up. When I am sure I have it mixed just right, I take a teaspoon and put it across my bread being sure to spread it evenly and then add another. When I am done, I lick the spoon with a smile on my face. Aunt Deb shakes her head at me. We have debated the best way to make a great peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I always insist mine is best. Just the right amount of jelly and peanut butter in each bite. I refuse to have it any other way.

  “Is there a trip to Colorado in our near future?” Aunt Deb asks. Aunt Deb is not one to travel so I am shocked by her use of the word “our”. I halt the progress of my sandwich to my mouth.

  “You’re coming with me?” Aunt Deb looks at me like I am crazy.

  “Of course, I am. I am not going to send you back to Colorado without me. The only way you are staying in Colorado is if I am sure that is what you want.” I am shocked. Micah is too.

  “I’m going too and what is this thing about Maddie staying? I thought you were liking it being back here and letting your freak out with me.” I wouldn’t go that far but I have no intentions of not coming back here.

  “I am coming back, and I love being home.” I look straight at Aunt Deb waiting for an explanation.

  “See, Aunt Deb, I told you that Maddie rocks this stripper thing.” I look at B horrified.

  “Do not say s-t-r-i-p-p-e-r in front of B.” Micah laughs at me.

  “It’s not a dirty word, Maddie. It’s perfectly legal too. Prude much?” Micah is making fun of me.

  “I do not want my daughter to know that I am taking my c-l-o-t-h-e-s off in front of people.” I can feel my face getting red and B doesn’t even know what we are talking about.

  “Maddie, dancers need to make a living too and we do not judge people in this house on how they do that. From the pictures I have seen you have on as many clothes as some women do at the lake or a beach.” My eyes go from Aunt Deb to Micah. Pictures!?

  “What have you done, Micah?” I am furious.

  “I may or may not have sent Aunt Deb and Dra a few pictures of your practices. Oh, and yeah, a little video.” She did what? I could kill my sister and it would be justifiable homicide.

  “Dra might use that against me in court.” My mind goes over the times that I have practiced with Micah. Not good.

  “Chill your tits, sister. I sent the video of when you nailed that routine and you looked hot. It was yesterday afternoon when we started doing shots. The bar wasn’t even open and there was nothing but women in there. We were having a fantastic time and I sent it from my phone, not yours. I didn’t get a response. He probably just deleted it. I don’t remember you being so up-tight.” Micah has no idea.

  “It’ll be alright Maddie. When do we need to fly out?” Aunt Deb asks.

  “Court is Tuesday and I need to talk to Mr. George on Monday,” I answer, trying to get my thoughts in order.

  “Why don’t we fly on Friday? We can stay in Boulder and see the sights. I imagine that Dra will want time with B too. You know what? We can fly out tomorrow if I can get the tickets and make this a little vacation. I haven’t had a real vacation in years.” Aunt Deb stops and looks at me. “You need to think about everything I told you a few days ago. If you are going to stop this divorce it is time, before you and Dra and your attorneys say and do things that can’t be taken back. There’s some things that Krill let me in on and I think Dra needs a chance to explain them to you. I think Dra and Krill have been waiting on me to tell you, but it is not my place. I did not make this mess, and I am not cleaning it up. You, young lady, need to give Dra a chance to explain.”

  “I agree that you and Dra need time to talk, but it is so you can get closure. A clean break is what you need.” Micah gives me her two cents worth.

  “Do you think we can afford t
o take that much time away from the ranch?” I try to find any excuse to put this off.

  “Our foreman is good at his job. This ranch almost runs itself with him here. It will be fine for a week or so.” Micah and I both swing our heads at the same time towards Aunt Deb. Never in my life has Aunt Deb been gone from this ranch for over five days and that was when she had appendicitis and had an operation and even then, she was on the phone with the foreman ten times a day. “What? I can’t want to see something outside of Texas? This will be fun. An adventure of sorts. We are going to visit Dra and his family.” Where is my aunt and who is this woman?

  “I want to see Daddy. I miss Daddy. Uncle Kill too.” B shocks us all. I scoot my peanut butter sandwich away, my appetite now forgotten. I stand up and walk to B and stoop down to her eye level.

  “Baby, we will see Daddy and Uncle Krill soon. We are going to Colorado. You want to call Daddy tonight and tell him?” I am close to tears. My baby wants her daddy. Then I remember how hard it was growing up without a dad. My Mom and Aunt Deb loved us something fierce, but I always wanted what all my friends had, a mom and a dad. I know, crazy, right? I was six and that is what I wished for every night. I know I had a great life, and I was very lucky, but a six-year old does not understand that. All I understood was that my family was different than most of my friends. I want to give B everything, and never want her to feel that way. Something to consider. B starts clapping her hands and brings my attention back to now. I can only do my best. I look at Micah and I see that she knows what I am thinking. She nods her head yes. I understand that she is giving me her support.

  “I’ll make the reservations. Pack a bag, girls. We are going to have an adventure,” Aunt Deb says and claps her hands like B. They are laughing together. I go back around and sit down and eat my sandwich. I don’t think it tastes as good as it would have just a few minutes ago.

  Chapter 30


  I have never been so nervous in my life. Yes, badass biker, nervous. I have talked to Maddie’s Aunt Deb a couple of times since Maddie has been gone. On one hand, she is polite and listens to what I have to say, and she says she believes what I am telling her. Then on the other she is Maddie’s Aunt Deb and said if Maddie decides to give me another chance and I screw it up then she will cut my balls off and I will meet the business end of her shotgun. I believe the woman. She does not mix words. She goes straight to the point. Deb explained that she did not tell Maddie what she heard on the phone when we were questioning Sunshine. Deb explained I made the shitstorm and it is mine to clean up. She did tell me that she thinks that Maddie loves me, but Maddie needs to know I love her. I have done nothing but think on that very thing the last few days. I knew that if I was going to try and convince Maddie to come back to me I had to be sure. Deb asked me to answer one question to myself, how I would feel if Maddie left this earth today, how would I feel? I cannot think of my life without Maddie. Maddie has consumed my thoughts and dreams since our first night together. I have just been too afraid, that’s right, afraid, to say I love her. I have this epiphany after I let Maddie once again slip through my fingers. I have been afraid to love Maddie because of Callie. I used everything I could to put Callie between us. I took Maddie to the same hotel, same chapel and said almost the same words to her that I did to Callie in my vows. I knew that Callie would find out and she would not let it slide. I need to apologize and if Maddie will let me, then make it up to her. I will make it up to her every day for the rest of our lives if she lets me. I know this ploy to get Maddie here is questionable, but I need every advantage I can get.

  “Have you gotten everything ready at your house for Maddie and B? I hope like hell you put those damn pictures away and cleaned out that bedroom.” Krill is acting as nervous as I feel.

  “Yes, Krill, I have already told you everything is set. I even filled the cabinets and refrigerator again. I painted B’s room that girlie pink and bought her princess bedding and a canopy bed. I asked Deb what colors Maddie liked and now our room is done in a mixture of gray and yellow. The dark colors are gone. I did get the blackout curtains but in gray. It’s a compromise.” Krill is shaking his head.

  “You may have a chance yet. B sounded happy when we talked to her on the phone. Excited about coming home. Don’t fuck this up brother or I might have to marry Maddie to get my niece home.” I hit Krill on the shoulder and he laughs like a damn hyena. “I knew you had it bad for that woman. You did not fool me for one second.”

  “You couldn’t have known shit, because I didn’t even know. I just hope this works. Deb is not telling Maddie that they are coming here. Micah and Maddie think they are staying in Boulder, and they are the first night. Deb is telling them that after the first night they are going to need to change hotels. They are all coming to the meeting and then Deb is bringing them here to stay. I am hoping we don’t need to go to court. We are meeting at George’s office. I need you to run interference with Micah. Deb said she would take Betsy.” I am making sure that Krill has not forgotten anything.

  “You have this Dra. Just be honest about your feelings. Maddie will see you’re telling the truth.” I hope Krill is right.

  “How much should I tell Maddie about what happened? I am not comparing Maddie to Callie because I have done that too much, but I always knew that I could tell Callie everything that wasn’t club business. Maddie is innocent when it comes to a motorcycle club. She is going to need me to walk her through it.” I am still worried about that part. I don’t like leaving Maddie in the dark, but it is for her own protection.

  “I think it is important to tell her everything this time, so it doesn’t come back and bite you in the ass. Maddie needs that, and she deserves it. The video will take care of most of it but answer her questions. Sunshine is gone, and she is not coming back. It’s all on the up and up. We crossed every ‘t’ and dotted every ‘I’. The cops picked Sunshine’s body up and luckily Bandy taped the whole thing on his laptop. Our guy on the inside of the sheriff’s office paid off some cops so the part where she was zip tied to the chair went away. Sunshine pulled the trigger herself. End of story. Angus and Jackson are going away for a long time, but we will keep tabs. Kross Tie was self-defense. We still don’t know who is running the drugs but for now it is contained, and we are going to find them. Snakes always come out to warm in the sun and then we will cut their heads off. I think you need to go by each occurrence that happens, on how much you tell Maddie. You’ll figure out what works for the two of you.” Krill is smart for someone that is not in a relationship.

  “What about Prissy? What happens to her? She betrayed us too.” Krill is shaking his head.

  “She is being put on a bus with a one-way ticket. Troubled Fathoms MC doesn’t hurt women unless we are forced. You said you didn’t want to press charges for the roofagra she gave you. We warned her that if she came back to Sunshine that Raven would deal with her.” That should keep Prissy gone. Krill is right that I didn’t want to press charges. When I found out what Sunshine and Prissy drugged me with, I was pissed. I just hope Maddie understands. I have gone through a complete physical and blood work and I am clean for any STDs. My mind goes to the video that Micah sent me of Maddie stripping. I almost cum in my damn jeans. I’ve never seen Maddie that relaxed and letting loose. Maddie is beautiful on a normal day, but she was stunning that way. I almost hopped on a damn plane, so I could get to Maddie and throw her over my shoulder and go all caveman on her ass, but I called Deb and she assured me that they were at a closed bar and Micah was working on her routine. Maddie’s sister is a damn stripper. I am not judging and if it is what Micah wants to do, then that is on her, but she will not be dragging my woman up on a stripper stage—all that sweetness is mine.

  “It’s time we get on the road if we are going to meet their plane. Did you reserve our rooms?” Krill asks me.

  “Yep, right next door to Maddie’s.” I walk over to the new SUV that I bought for Maddie and Krill walks to his truck. I want my girls co
mfortable and I am the only one that is going to be driving them. This is going to be a long trip to Boulder. I look at the clock on the dash and we have just enough time to get there and see their plane arrive. I can’t wait to have my girls back. I miss them both. Time drags by we get closer to Boulder. I finally see the exit for the airport and by the time that Krill and I find parking spaces together it is time for the plane from Texas. We get inside and anxiously await seeing them. It’s not long before I see Maddie and she has Betsy on her hip. Micah and their Aunt Deb are behind them. Micah sees me first and her smile is gone. Deb is looking at Micah and sees Micah’s response and looks my way. I smile, and she smiles back. Then Betsy spots me.

  “Daddy!” Betsy is trying to squirm out of her mom’s hold, but Maddie has a death grip on Betsy. When Maddie sees me, she lets go of Betsy and she runs to me and I bend down and she runs into my arms. I squeeze her tight and kiss her head and breathe her in. She smells of watermelon shampoo and everything that is my Betsy. I look up at Maddie and she is giving her aunt a death glare. That makes me laugh. My Maddie has attitude. “Uncle Kill!” Betsy jumps towards Krill and he catches her and then they are in their own little world getting reacquainted. Maddie walks up to me.

  “Why are you here, Dra? We are supposed to meet and talk with our attorneys.” Deb has pulled Micah off to the side and is talking to her and Krill still has Betsy.

  “Change of plans. I brought the SUV that I bought you. There is no reason for you to need to rent a vehicle to get around, plus it already has Betsy’s seat in it.” Maddie wants to be mad, but she knows I am right and she doesn’t want to act inappropriately since it looks like I am trying to help. Can’t argue with logic. “I also did not want to wait to see my daughter. We miss her and you.” Maddie looks confused.


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