Wicked Payback

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Wicked Payback Page 3

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs


  God, it felt so damn good to have a man’s hands on her body again. She’d dressed in a thigh-high lavender silk robe with nothing underneath, to make things as simple…and accessible…as possible. Oh but she felt so liberated! So delightfully wicked! And so exceedingly glad that she hadn’t chickened out and shackled herself in her utilitarian white cotton panties and sturdy bra.

  “Thanks for coming to my rescue, Cristoval,” she whispered before pressing her lips against his cheek.

  “Anytime, Mrs. McKenna,” he murmured against her ear.

  “Please…call me Meredith.” Her voice was soft and breathy. “I’ve been divorced for three years.”

  “All right…Meredith,” Cristoval whispered as she daringly crushed her pussy close against the mounting erection in his jeans. Mmm, he felt nice and big. She moaned in anticipation and heard a reciprocal groan erupt from deep within his bronzed chest.

  “I hope I didn’t catch you in the middle of something important, Cristoval,” she said, as if she didn’t know. As if she hadn’t meticulously orchestrated her seduction right down to the exact moment she knew he’d be walking down the corridor.

  “No,” he sucked in a ragged breath, “I was just coming back from my morning workout.” His bulging biceps flexed as he held her, emphasizing his statement. Being encircled in all that bunching muscle made her pussy weep with joy.

  Meredith allowed the curious fingers of one hand to travel down his sculpted, sweat-glossed chest, while the other hand trailed to his biceps. “You’re my big, strong hero.” She rubbed her thumb across his small, flat nipple and squeezing the muscles in his arm. He felt superb. How long had it been since she’d fondled an irresistibly sexy young man? Way too long. Oh yeah, she definitely liked the new improved bold and brazen Meredith.

  Cristoval’s impressive pecs flexed involuntarily.

  “Am I too heavy for you?”

  He shook his head. “Not at all. Just perfect.” His fingers pressed into her ass cheeks, kneading and establishing even closer contact.

  “Today’s my birthday, Cristoval,” Meredith said, drawing invisible patterns across his pecs with her finger.

  “Happy birthday, cara mia,” he whispered against her ear.

  “Do you know what I’d like for my birthday?” She flattened her palms against his chest, sinking her fingertips into his flesh and relishing the distinct feel of firm masculine youth beneath her hands.

  Cristoval glanced down at her crimson-tipped fingers digging into him and flashed a dazzling white-toothed grin. “I think I have a pretty good idea.” He walked a couple of feet to the kitchen wall and positioned Meredith’s back against it while he rubbed his substantial cock against her pussy. Meredith moaned. She’d almost forgotten what it felt like to be this turned on.

  “Um…how old are you, Cristoval?”

  “I just turned twenty-five. Why? Are you afraid I’m not man enough for you?” he teased, eyes glittering.

  “Hardly.” She ground herself against him, chuckling as she silently thanked God the kid wasn’t still in his teens. It made the goody-two-shoes that still resided in her feel a smidgen less like a debauched cradle robber. “I’m forty today,” Meredith admitted haltingly. “Do you think that’s…old?”

  Giving a husky laugh, Cristoval captured Meredith’s full lips in a kiss, probing with his tongue until she gave him full access. His tongue’s movements were insistent and aggressive as he plundered the recesses of her mouth. Oh yes, the boy knew how to kiss all right. And all Meredith could think about was that if he was this good with his tongue then he must be damned exceptional with other parts of his anatomy.

  “Old?” Cristoval pulled back and fixed her with an intense gaze. “On the contrary, Meredith, you’re perfectly ripe,” he nibbled her bottom lip, “and juicy,” he dragged her lip through his teeth, “deliciously sexy and in your prime. You’ve been driving me loco ever since I moved in last year.”

  “Really?” Meredith’s eyes widened in genuine surprise. “But you never…I had no idea.”

  Cristoval grinned. “Because you were giving me unmistakable hands off signals.”

  “Hmm, I suppose I was.” Meredith laughed quietly, thinking about the months that she’d so stupidly wasted, when she could have been happily fucking the hunky boy next door. Silly girl. “It’s amazing what can suddenly happen to a seemingly unapproachable woman when she turns forty, isn’t it, Cristoval?” She removed a strategically placed hair clip and shook her head, allowing her long cinnamon-brown locks to pool at her shoulders, thankful that the action came off without a hitch, just like in the movies. And then she tugged on the sides of her flimsy robe, baring her breasts for him.

  “Ahhh…so beautiful,” he said. “So sexy.”


  “Hmmm?” His gaze was locked on her tawny, crinkling nipples as they brushed his chest.

  “Fuck me.”

  In an instant Cristoval moved them to the oak kitchen table, where he deposited Meredith after sweeping the floral centerpiece aside. He opened the clasp and zipper of his faded jeans and they slid down his hips. Meredith watched in delight as his cock, unencumbered by underwear, sprang free. Oh dear Lord, the fun she could have been having with her very own Latin lover all this time!

  “Oh no,” he gritted through his teeth as he grasped Meredith’s jiggling breasts. “I don’t have anything on me.”

  “Condoms, you mean?” He nodded and she grinned as she dug into the pocket of her robe and produced a foil packet. “Well, what do you know? I just happen to have one on me.” She offered an inviting smile as Cristoval sheathed himself and she spread her thighs in anticipation of her great big juicy birthday present.

  Hot and horny took on a whole new meaning as Cristoval held her in his brawny arms. She was fully drenched in expectation of being filled for the first time in three years. It was a happy surprise that her pussy hadn’t withered up or rusted or something equally as objectionable after being idle for so long.

  As Cristoval feasted on her nipples, currents of pleasure crackled to her core, making her greedy for more. And when his stiff, eager cock thrust into her depths, causing the sweet slick friction of which she’d so long been deprived, tears of joy actually flowed down Meredith’s cheeks. Oooh…he was so much better than her worn-out plastic vibrator.

  Their brisk, brief and vigorous sexual encounter bordered on being rough—in a most agreeable manner. Mmm-hmm, there was definitely something to be said for an impromptu fucking session on the kitchen table. In broad daylight. With a twenty-something bodybuilding stud. Ole!

  And when that remarkable cock of Cristoval’s rammed deep into Meredith’s pussy for the final plunge, she could have sworn that the table took wing and flew out of the kitchen, soaring high into the azure sky and fluffy clouds where her being splintered into a million shards of sheer orgasmic bliss.

  “Oh, yes…” she heard herself murmur with a throaty chuckle. “Happy birthday to me!”

  Chapter Two

  “This isn’t a good idea, Meredith. I know you too well. All Jack has to do is crook his little finger and you’ll be at his feet, like some vulnerable little puppy, lapping up stray droplets of attention and begging for more.” Karyn Archer dislodged the medium blonde wisp of hair from her forehead with an exasperated swipe.

  “Hardly. How many times do I have to tell you that I’m over Jack?”

  “Yeah, right. One telephone call from the rat and you drop everything to have dinner with him.”

  “That’s not true. You know I didn’t have any plans for tonight anyway. When he called last week he literally begged me to come, Karyn. He said it’s urgent. Honestly, the only reason I’m going is out of curiosity—and because I had nothing else to do.”


  Patting a stray lock of long hair in place as she gazed into the vanity mirror, Meredith tsked. “For heaven’s sake, Karyn, I’m a lot older and wiser now. At forty—”

at’s another thing,” Karyn cut in. “This is a hell of a way to spend your birthday. You could be going out with any number of promising prospects instead of that lecherous ex-husband of yours. Like that adorable young toreador next door. You know, the one with the gargantuan package bulging in his tight jeans and the biceps that won’t quit.” Karyn waggled her eyebrows and licked her lips. “Ooh, what I wouldn’t give to see him naked.”

  “Cristoval?” Meredith feigned a yawn. “Been there, done that,” she chirped with a flick of her wrist. “And it’s even bigger than we imagined.” She grinned and waited for Karyn’s reaction.

  “You? Hah!” Karyn folded her arms across her chest and huffed. “Dream on, Miss World’s Oldest Living Virgin.”

  Meredith laughed. “I may have been celibate for three years, but I’m most certainly not a virgin.”

  “Maybe not technically, but a three-year dry run qualifies you as Virgin Second Class in my book. Celibacy must have taken its toll if you’re hallucinating about screwing the boy next door.”

  “So I guess that means you don’t want the juicy details, hmm?” Meredith nailed Karyn with a challenging gaze.

  Karyn’s jaw dropped. “Oh my God, are you serious?” She looked incredulous as she did an almost classic double-take and then gasped. “You are! You and Cristoval really did it? Ohmigod, ohmigod! When? Where? How?”

  “You sound like a reporter.” Meredith chuckled. “This morning. Here in my apartment. Horizontally—on the kitchen table. There, I think that answers your questions.” Stifling a grin, she turned back to the mirror and checked her eye makeup.

  Karyn leaned against the wall and closed her eyes as she hugged herself. “The kitchen table,” she whispered, stretching out the words. “Wow. I’ve never known anyone who’s actually done that. And I certainly never expected the first to be you. No wonder you’ve had that shit-eating grin on your face ever since I arrived this afternoon.”

  “Oh yeah, that’ll definitely do it. There’s nothing like ending a prolonged bout of celibacy with a wham-bam-thank-you-young-man round of raw, wild sex.”

  Karyn nodded slowly, with a look of bafflement clouding her gaze. “But the last I heard, you and Cristoval had just exchanged brief nodding hellos passing each other in the hall. So how did you get from that to this so fast?”

  Meredith felt the grin Karyn had so aptly described return in full force. “This morning I ran out into the hall, frantic because I’d seen a mouse. It just happened to coincide with the time that Cristoval returns from his workout. He was shirtless and sweaty and…” She gushed a dreamy sigh at the memory. “I told him what happened and asked him to come over to take a look.” Closing her eyes, she licked her lips and moaned. “God, Karyn, what a glorious set of meaty pecs. Scrumptious. And he was wearing those wonderful tight faded jeans, the ones with the tears in provocative places. Interestingly enough, I just happened to have my short little silk robe on, without anything underneath.”

  “Hmm, imagine that,” Karyn interjected.

  “I know.” The perfect picture of innocence, Meredith nodded. “Amazing coincidence that this was the one morning I wasn’t wearing a ratty old T-shirt and sweatpants, isn’t it?” Karyn chuckled at that. “Anyway,” Meredith went on, “when the mouse scurried through the kitchen I screamed, jumped into his incredibly strong arms, and he held me up off the floor as if I weighed no more than a stick of butter. Can you imagine? Talk about a rush! And then…well, one thing led to another. Jeez, Karyn, the kid’s really hung—and mega-talented. It was unbelievable.”

  “Wow. Happy birthday to you!”

  Meredith nodded. “Yup, I figured I deserved something really special for my fortieth.”

  “Did he catch the mouse?”

  Meredith looked at Karyn sheepishly and then glanced away, fiddling with the perfume atomizers on her vanity while another grin spread across her cheeks. “What mouse?” She shrugged.

  “The one that—” Karyn stopped herself and gasped audibly, wagging an accusing finger at Meredith. “Oh my God. There never was any mouse, was there? You purposely seduced that poor unsuspecting half-naked youngster. Woman, you are positively wicked!” She erupted with laughter.

  “Men like to be heroes, saving damsels in distress. So I simply provided Cristoval with the opportunity to play the part.” Meredith lifted a shoulder nonchalantly. “Conjuring up a mouse seemed like a perfect idea. And it worked like a charm.” She winked.

  Karyn wiped the tears of laughter from her cheeks. “And here I’ve been feeling sorry for you because you’ve been a goddamned celibate shut-in for the last three years. I’ve all but given up trying to talk you into getting out more, with the possibility of a little bit of sex in your future—and all the while you’re orchestrating scenes with phony mice so you can fuck the stud next door. You slut!” She continued to laugh.

  “Yeah, isn’t it great?” Joining her in laughter, Meredith put her arm around her friend’s shoulder. “There’s something about turning forty that drives a single woman to desperate measures. I just couldn’t ring in the big four-oh without doing something radical. Spontaneous, you know? Anyway, Karyn, you’ll find out when you reach your fortieth in a few months.”

  “Yeah, but the guy who lives next door to me,” she hiked a thumb toward her apartment three flights up, “is bald, has a big beer belly and reeks of stale sweat. Can I borrow Cristoval?”

  Meredith laughed. “Sure. Maybe this time we’ll fabricate a cockroach story.”

  Karyn’s eyes brightened. “Ooh, la cucaracha! I like that.” She twirled around like a flamenco dancer, clicking a pair of imaginary castanets as she sang.

  “But only if you promise to stop ragging at me about my date with Jack tonight,” Meredith added.

  Karyn’s jovial expression slumped into a pout. “That’s not fair.”

  “Just because you’re my business partner, missy, doesn’t give you the right to interfere in my personal affairs.”

  “Maybe not,” Karyn admitted, “but being your best friend for the last thirty years gives me carte blanche to do that and more.” She stuck out her tongue and Meredith laughed. “Honestly, Meredith, what a sucky way to end your birthday, especially after starting the day off fucking a hunky young thing on the kitchen table.” She gazed at Meredith thoughtfully. “Speaking of young…just how old is Cristoval, anyway?”

  “Fifteen years our junior.”

  Karyn’s eyebrow arched while she mentally calculated. “Twenty-five? Ooh, yum!”

  “Yeah, I guess that makes me slightly less lecherous than if he were eighteen.” Meredith laughed. “And as for my meeting Jack later, on the contrary, Karyn, seeing my ex tonight is the perfect way to finish celebrating the dawning of my,” she cleared her throat, “shall we say…middle years?” She rolled her eyes and sighed, still not quite at ease with leaving her thirties behind. “I’m not a sweet, naïve, trusting little simpleton anymore. How many times do I have to tell you that I’m over Jack?”

  “Uh-huh. Right.” Nursing a smirk, Karyn folded her arms across her chest. “Just like you’re over chocolate.” She nodded toward the yawning box of Belgian chocolates on Meredith’s nightstand.

  “That’s different.” Meredith flicked her wrist. “I clearly wasn’t in my right mind when I vowed to give up chocolate for my New Year’s resolution. I mean, really, what’s a few more pounds here and there on my already…ahem…” she patted her hips, “ample shape compared to the desolation and emptiness of a life void of chocolate?”

  “Hey, you won’t get any argument from me. You’re preaching to the choir, honey,” Karyn said with a resolute nod as she mimicked Meredith’s hip patting against her own plump curves. “Frankly, I don’t know what on earth you were thinking at the time.”

  “Oh yes you do.” Meredith laughed. “That’s when you and I got drunk on New Year’s and decided we needed to go on a major self-improvement kick before we turned forty, remember?”

  “Oh yeah.” Karyn smirked. “Just l
ike all those drunken good intentions we had just before we turned thirty…and just before we turned twenty. That does have a familiar ring to it. Well, those were all grandiose ideas that fizzled fast, weren’t they? Guess that’s what comes from guzzling all that cheap champagne.” She bubbled with laughter.

  “That and a bad-ass hangover.” Meredith rolled her eyes in remembrance of the nasty day after. “This time I was supposed to give up chocolate and you vowed to give up pistachios. Ha!” She snickered. “Aren’t we a pair? I’m never giving up chocolate again, damn it. It’s my best friend…well, after you, of course.” With a wink, she smiled before blotting her crimson lipstick and checking her teeth.

  “Yeah, bullshit.” Karyn crossed her arms over her chest. “Don’t worry, Meredith, I have no delusions about replacing chocolate as your number one buddy. But then, you only come in second to my penchant for pistachios, so I guess that makes us even.” She returned Meredith’s wink.

  “I guess it does.”

  The gleam in Karyn’s eye was apparent as the corner of her mouth hiked into a knowing smile. “I know what you’re trying to do, Meredith, and I’m not going to let you get away with it.”

  “What?” An expression of deliberate innocence blanketed Meredith’s features. “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.” Doing her best to hide a budding smile from her far too perceptive friend, she went back to fluffing her hair and checking her reflection.

  “Trying to deflect me from what’s important—your date with Jack—that’s what.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Karyn, I—”

  “Give it up, Meredith,” Karyn cut her off, brandishing an accusatory finger under Meredith’s nose. “It’s me, remember? I’ve known you since we were ten years old, which means that I’m painfully familiar with your lame attempts at subterfuge. Now enough talk about our food addictions. I want to know why the hell you’d ever consider, for even one minute, going out with the man who single-handedly succeeded in transforming you into a whimpering, depressed, self-doubting, chocolate-bingeing, pathetic blob of insecurities.”


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