The Starlight Odyssey

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The Starlight Odyssey Page 1

by Rose Dalziel



  March, the 17th, in the year 1637; a messenger from the east had been sent to deliver upon promising news to the Grand Duke's household. A fine gentleman in his late thirties awaited from the entrance of his estate, the messenger who dismounted his horse was just a young lad, only eighteen at most.

  "Good day Grand Duke!" The messenger greeted with a bow of his head before stepping towards the gentleman.

  "Yes, it is a fine day! What may I do for you?" The Duke asked as he rocked on the heels of his boots.

  "I bring worthy news from the Kingdom of France, sir. I was told it be urgent." The young lad wiped a bead of sweat off his brow before he handed the royal sealed envelope to the Duke, who in turn eagerly took it without hesitation.

  "See to it this boy is fed and rested properly before he journeys home with our response." The Duke instructed one of the butlers who immediately withdrew and led the messenger inside.

  The Duke stared the blue royal seal before he had taken the parchment to read it beforehand.

  His knees buckled and his lips quivered as he was soon overcome with joy. The contents of this letter would change his family's lives and gain favor from the king!

  He dashed inside to deliver the letter to his niece as he leaped in the air with


  ENGLAND, 1637

  Chastity O'Conner's hands trembled as she read the parchment once more, just to be

  sure her eyes were not playing trickery.

  Her Uncle had barged in her room nearly shouting the news while she had been busy studying with her Aunt.

  Royal affairs had always been one of her most delectable subjects to bother herself with.

  Her aunt, however, repeatedly explained to her it was not her duty to like it; but to learn from it and gain wisdom, so she may put forth greater effort in the duties of being a Duchess.

  It very well could be trickery playing with what she saw, or perhaps even the devil.

  'It is with great pleasure to request the acquaintance of the Duchess of England. Chastity O'Conner, be in the formal sense should she accept, the proposal of unity to the crowned Prince of France, Quinton DeFlores.

  Forth and foremost, the benefits of which this marriage proposal would impact greatly, should the Duchess choose to accept--- for both kingdoms. Allies in war and trade....'

  Chastity lowered the parchment from her vision, she could not bare to read any further on, for

  it only graved her deeply.

  A marriage proposal to a man she had never deemed to meet once in all of her twenty years of life---and a prince at that!

  Chastity's aunt and uncle sat across the vast room where they had been quietly sipping on tea served in prestigious decorated China. Her Uncle's feet tapped endlessly on the maroon carpet as he waited for her reaction.

  As much as she knew no one would dare let her decline such an offer, she could not help but let a small chuckle of disbelief escape her lips.

  Both her aunt and uncle's eyes snapped to hers in utter surprise by her reaction. They had

  similar appearances with dark hair like chocolate and eyes green like the fields surrounding the


  Chastity waved the parchment in the air for display as she sat up straight in her chair, staring at them both.

  " 'Tis a grand trick Uncle Charles and Aunt Elizabeth. But I am twenty now and no longer a child."

  Charles and Elizabeth exchanged weary looks before returning their attention back on Chastity,

  who had risen her eyebrows now in alarm. Had she not understood what this was all about?

  Surely it wasn't true...

  "Not a trick, we would never do that to our sweet niece. It arrived at dawn just of now, it was

  carried in by a royal messenger bearing the seal of France." Uncle Charles paused when Chastity

  abruptly stood from her chair, her golden hair was tightly pinned up, until she began vigorously

  shaking her head did it start to come undone.

  "Me, a Duchess, married to France's Prince!?" Chastity began pacing around the room fanning

  her face as an attempt to prevent her from perhaps fainting, or falling ill.

  "He has seen your portrait and has taken quite a fancy to you, dear. Like many other men have in

  this country, your beauty does not go unnoticed. This is the best thing to happen for this kingdom in many years." Aunt Elizabeth stated brushing a fallen stray of dark curls behind her ear before she took another sip from her tea.

  Yes, be it good, however it was Chastity who would suffer in the end of this said arrangement.

  How could she just be sent away to marry a man she knew not? What if he was absolutely


  "Chastity, the Kingdom would not allow you to reject such a proposal even if you so desired it."

  Her uncle reminded her.

  "Who is to say I reject it? I will do what is expected of me, in honor of our King. When do I

  take leave?" Chastity asked after she had calmed down, though in her heart she was disturbed.

  For she had always imagined marrying for love, not arranged, and most certainly not for the mere benefits of her kingdom.

  Fighting was deplorable, and could only end in disaster that would add to her misery.

  Charles and Elizabeth smiled warmly at Chastity, clearly proud. Charles stood before stepping towards her and embrace her tightly. She inhaled the scent of cinnamon that filled the air, smiling at the thought it was a oil his wife had gifted him quite often.

  Charles pulled away, his hands gripping Chastity's shoulders to grin down at her like a proud father would his own daughter.

  "You will leave within a fortnight my dear. There is much to be done before the travels. I have

  already sent out the order for a single escort on the way in here, to be sent to accompany you on your six-month journey to France." Charles beams at her with a thrill of excitement before turning away to give the order for whoever had been waiting patiently outside to come in.

  A young man roughly around Chastity's age-- by her guess-- entered the room and her bright honey eyes studied him carefully.

  So this was to be the man in charge of escorting her to her never ending doom. She would have to spend every waking moment for the next six months with him. It was best to learn as much

  about this young man as she could so she wouldn't have to suffer being uncomfortable.

  He came to a halt a few feet away from Chastity, remaining next to her Aunt and placed his hands behind his back in a relaxed manner. He was dressed like a proper gentleman, in a dark red and cream suited attire with golden buttons running along the front on each side.

  Though, Chastity sensed it was not his usual custom for the suit deemed freshly made and fit a

  little snug for his broad shoulders.

  As she took a daring step closer, she got a better overall study of his facial features. His very short black hair was slicked back just like her uncles, but on this young man it brought out his striking blue eyes and dark brows.

  His nose was straight, and slightly small, not as small or gentle like hers was. When he turned his head towards Aunt Elizabeth after she addressed him, Chastity saw a well-defined masculine jawline.

  Intimidating, refined, but quite pleasantly very handsome overall.

  "Chastity, this is Raphael Christensen." Uncle Charles announced, his expression still quite

  pleased with the situation.

  Raphael glanced at Charles before immediately outstretching his right hand towards Chastity and his piercing ocean eyes locked onto hers.

  For a moment, Chastity found it nearly impossible to brea
the. Never in her life has a man gazed at her with such raw intensity before.

  She found herself lost in the two pools of deep blue observing her. His eyes held a sense of curiosity, as if trying to decipher her and what she could possibly be thinking.

  It wasn't until her uncle cleared his throat abruptly did Chastity come to her senses and place her hand in Raphael's. Her face heated slightly when he quickly pecked the top of her knuckles before letting her hand drop from his.

  "It's an honor to be the one to escort her Duchess." Raphael spoke in a pleasant manner, his

  voice smooth and masculine.


  Chastity curtsied before landing her attention onto her aunt and uncle to find them chattering amongst themselves quietly. Aunt Elizabeth stood from her chair taking her husband's arm while the other gripped the hems of her navy gown.

  "It would be best if the two of you got better acquainted in the meantime. Mr. Christensen, please have my seat and watch over our niece while we tend to other arrangements for the departure." Uncle Charles gave him a pat on the back as he and Aunt Elizabeth waltzed out of the room cheerfully.

  The door clicked shut and the room filled with silence for a moment before Raphael took a seat. His whole demeanor changed as his shoulders relaxed slightly when he poured a cup of tea before placing it on the other side of the table.

  Chastity watched him hesitantly until his head turned to grace her with a warm and welcoming smile as he gestured for her to take a seat across from his.

  "I'm not entirely accustomed to how things work around here as I was recently presented with this job." Raphael states with a slight chuckle as Chastity sits down.

  "So, you are a fresh recruit from the guard?" She inquired with a tilt of her head as she leans her elbows on the small marble rounded table.

  Raphael's lips lift with amusement as he studied her, “Not entirely, I was only given this

  task for my high stamina and skill to tolerate long periods of being around a Royal such as yourself."

  Chastity laughs, her eyes rolling with a shake of her head, “You amuse me? Surely we all cannot be so bad."

  Raphael smiles genuinely, revealing a subtle dimple on his chin as he drums his fingers along the table. Chastity takes another sip of her tea keeping her focus on him, her eyes dancing with bewilderment.

  "Only time will give the answer to that my lady." He mused.

  "And how old are you, Mr. Christensen?" Chastity leans back into her chair causing him to lean forward against the table with his hands knit together.

  "Twenty-three years. You may call me Raphael my Duchess."

  Her brows raised in alarm, not entirely expecting him to be so young for an escort who was appointed to this task. So far, he did appear fit for such a job

  and her confidence in him only rose the more she spoke with him.


  "Content de vous rencontrer, je m'appelle Chastity O'Connor, duchesse d'Angleterre."

  "Good, but your accent is still much too foreign." Aunt Elizabeth informed tirelessly.

  Chastity had been studying the language of France since she received the letter. She had

  studied many other languages such as Italian and German, but French was set aside foolishly until now.

  Her escort, Raphael sat quietly in the corner of the study reading a book, his attention returning on her every time she was corrected.

  "Does the Prince not speak a lick of English? Is it not his duty to learn many languages?" Chastity

  complained stalking over to take a seat, her eyes falling to the red velvety carpet at her feet. She

  knew it was also her duty to learn many tongues, but it did not prevent her from trying to delay her from learning one.

  A sigh from her Aunt followed by the sound of a book shutting harshly.

  "Of course he speaks it, but as the future wife of the Crowned Prince, it is your duty to learn his native tongue." Aunt Elizabeth set the study book down before Chastity, her features have grown weary and frustrated.

  The departure day for her only niece was coming up shortly and it had begun to take its toll on all of them.

  Would her Aunt ever see the girl she had come to think of as her only daughter again? Or would the Prince be selfish and not permit such a luxury? The constant thought weighed heavily on Aunt Elizabeth's troubled mind.

  She could only pray for the best outcome for Chastity, it was the only hope she had to keep herself together.

  "Remember, you will be living in a new land, with people speaking this new language every day. Do you truly wish to go there and be so lost in the conversations around you? Especially those who will bring you insult." Elizabeth explained as she began retreating the study. Her Aunt opened the door before turning back once more at her.

  "Do try to read more of it for the next hour, I will send for you when dinner is ready."

  Chastity nodded taking the book in her hands as the door clicked shut. Her Aunt's words relaying themselves through her thoughts.

  "Why would they offer me insult?" She muttered with irritation to herself.

  "Well, it might be that a beautiful foreign woman has come to marry their prince. Not many French care for the English as you may have already known, of course of the exception of your fiancé." Raphael spoke from across the room startling her.

  "I had almost forgotten you were here. Did it not bore you to listen to me speak it?" Chastity asked, her attention straining on the book she was to study.

  A deep chuckle echoed across the vast study room and footsteps drew nearer to where she sat beside a large window overlooking the courtyard.

  "May I join you here?" He asked taking a seat across from her without waiting for permission.

  Chastity peered over the book at him with narrowed eyes.

  He smiled as he rested his elbows on the table, “To answer your question, no, it never bored me, but rather entertained me."

  "What was so entertaining to listen to me speaking another tongue?" She inquired, her attention now fully on Raphael.

  He gave a slight shrug of his shoulders as his blue eyes flickered between hers, “Oh, I suppose it was rather enjoyable seeing you become so hardly invested in the language of your soon to be

  husband. It's as if it entails you want absolutely no part in this arrangement whatsoever."

  Chastity's mouth opened and closed at a loss for words from his stunning observation. Not one person had ever saw through her act of deceit until this very moment.


  "Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, or have spoken out of terms, my Duchess." Raphael continued with a smirk playing on his lips as he

  studied her. The whole situation was rather amusing to him and she was not entirely sure how she approved of the man who would escort her.

  Not if he was so easily capable of being able to read her.

  "It is no concern of yours if I find this arrangement displeasing or not, is it?" Chastity spat, feeling more bothered by his words than what she what she should have allowed. He struck a chord in her mind, of that which has not

  happened for her in a very long time.

  "I need fresh air, it's become a bit too stuffy for me." She announced as she stood from her place to quickly leave the room not noticing Raphael

  had decided to follow after her.

  "I do not need to be accompanied." Chastity told him once he was now matching her quickened strides next to her.

  "You might as well get used to it, but I have been entrusted with escorting you to the Prince of France. Which means, " Raphael jumped in front of her to stop her from going another step.

  "I will follow you everywhere that you choose to go." His head quirks to one side while giving her a crooked grin.

  Chastity huffed up at him, “You are only proving to be an infuriating man."

  He chuckled as she went around him to continue storming down the corridor. "The truth is always infuriating to some who do not
wish to accept it.

  Worry not on your already troubled mind, I don't involve myself in trivial matters such as this."

  She laughed dryly but did not comment for they were both presented with a maid who had told them supper was now served.

  "Good, I could use a bit of food." Chastity gave an exasperated sigh as she followed the maid to the dining hall.


  "What is the meaning of this?" Chastity frowned once she saw the grotesque food which lay on her plate.

  "It is Prince Quinton's most favorite dish." Uncle Charles declared looking rather pale himself as he studied the contents of his own plate.

  Snails mixed with a white sauced pasta were presented before her and she felt sick.

  "You cannot expect me to eat this." Chastity said looking hopeful at her Uncle.

  Raphael sat beside her on the far end of the table with her Uncle and Aunt seated on the opposite side. He was moving one of the snails across his

  plate with his fork with disgust plastered on his face.

  "I can, and you shall. It would bring shame to this kingdom if you insulted his majesty by not partaking in the French traditions." Charles commanded, his tone firm but it never reached his eyes.

  Chastity turned to see what Raphael was doing and almost choked on her wine from trying not to laugh. He had buried the snails beneath his napkin when no one had noticed and was eating the noodles with content.

  "Eat one with me." She whispered in a pleading voice to Raphael once her Uncle and Aunt had begun conversing.

  His head snapped towards her and raised his brow, “Why should I suffer? I'm not marrying the prince." He scoffed back at her quietly.

  Her eyes held his, begging desperately with them until he finally relented in defeat.


  He snatched a snail from his napkin and clenched his jaw, he was obviously disgusted by it. Chastity also took one and the two of them dug out the contents of the snails before quickly shoving it in their mouths.


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