Being Chased

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Being Chased Page 23

by Harper Bentley

  Lily called Julia several hours later telling her they were all going to the seven o'clock movie and that she just had to come so she could meet Garrett. Lily begged her even though the Chase situation was as messed up as it was. Julia told her she'd try to be there but she didn't know if Allen would let her, which made her feel like she was thirteen again. Ridiculous. After hanging up, she decided she was going regardless of what Allen said. Screw the kidnappers. If they wanted her, they were going to have to work their asses off to make it happen.

  "Allen, I'm going to see a movie tonight with Lily and Claire," she told him as she stood at his office door.

  He looked at her over the rim of his glasses like she'd just told him she was pregnant with quadruplets.

  "I don't think so. I'll not have you going out for any reason much less frivolous trips such as movies."

  "You know what? I'm a big girl, Allen. I can make my own damn decisions. The only reason I've stayed living here is to keep the peace. But maybe that hasn't been such a good idea. I should've moved out years ago. But, nooooo. I had to be the obedient daughter who puts everyone in front of herself, trying to keep the masses happy. Well, screw that! I'm going, and that's final! And don't worry. If I get snatched, I don't expect you to pay one red cent to get me back. I know the money matters more to you than I do, and, by the way, you're an asshole because of that, so you can take that to the bank, Dad!"

  She stormed out of his office, walking to the living room and snatching up her purse from the hall tree by the door, leaving, slamming the door behind her. Fuck Allen. Screw Chase. And to hell with everyone else. By God, she was fed up with it all. Outside the Tower, she hailed a cab telling the driver the theater's address. Laying her head back against the seat, she closed her eyes wondering how her life had gotten so out of control. Um, probably had to do with the fact that she was being hunted like a damned animal. Yeah, that might very well be it.

  On the way, she called Lily to let her know she'd be meeting them. Lily told her they were all at a restaurant but would be there soon, so after arriving at the theater, she went inside to use the restroom before going back outside to wait on everyone.

  In the meantime, Allen told Chase Julia had left. Chase let out a string of curse words. What the hell was she thinking? God, she was going to give him a fucking ulcer with this running out shit, especially now that things were clearly dangerous.

  "I'll find her," he told Allen as he left the apartment.

  Goddamn it. What was she thinking? As he got in the car he called her cell phone, which, of course, went right to voicemail.

  "Julia, why don't you stop acting like a fucking child and answer your goddamned phone? Allen is going nuts. Call me so I can at least be there to do my job." Shit. She was so hardheaded.

  When Julia listened to his message she was pissed. Who the hell did he think he was to talk to her like that? She grew even angrier as she called him back, jumping right in when he answered. "First of all, I am not acting like a child. I was using the restroom and couldn't get to my phone. Second of all, I'm sure Allen's going nuts wondering how much cash he's going to have to dole out if I get taken. And third, why do you even care, Barney Fife?"

  "Really? Is that what I am now? Because I'm doing my job? Nice. Why don't you get over yourself already?"

  Damn. The tone of his voice was ice cold. There was no feeling at all in it. No emotion. Guess that's what she deserved. She'd been the one to push him away. And wasn't she brilliant for this awesome idea she'd come up with? But he'd been right. She was being a bitch to him and he didn't deserve that. He was, after all, doing his job as he said. And this temper tantrum she'd thrown? Pretty damned Einstein, wasn't it? She sighed then said, "I'm at the Empire 25 on West 42nd."

  "Thank you." And he hung up.

  Wow. So this was how it was going to be, huh? But what'd she expect? She sighed again as she sat on a bench outside waiting for her friends.

  As she waited, she couldn't help feeling like she was being watched. Oh, God. What if one of the kidnappers had followed her? What if they were going to take her now? Shit! All she had with her was a can of mace in her purse that Chase had given her. Like the little can would ward off a man who weighed twice as much as she.

  She watched the people coming and going, trying to see who it was that she felt looking at her. The hair at the nape of her neck stood on end as her body went into high alert. But surely no one would try anything out in public like this, right? As her panic level rose, she finally met the eyes that'd been watching her. She squinted, not being sure that she was seeing right, but as the set of blue eyes made their way toward her, she realized who it was.

  Josh. Her ex. Yay.

  "Hey, Julia. Long time, no see," he said, smiling down at her.

  "Josh. Right. Yeah, that shit'll happen when you steal money from people."

  "Now, babe. You know I'm going to pay you back. Plus interest." He smiled his charming smile at her that didn’t so much charm her anymore.

  "Yeah? Well, let's see... it's been over two years... so, at six percent applied to two grand, that'd be..."

  "Babe, I thought you'd be over this by now. I fully intend on paying you back. Promise. I've got a big job coming up and I'll be able to pay you in full."

  She stared at him, incredulous. First off, she'd really thought she'd been in love with this guy? And second, she'd really thought she'd been in love with this guy? How could she have been so stupid? He was such a sleazeball. And she'd actually slept with him? Ugh. Shudders ran through her body as that cheery thought grabbed her.

  "Oh, well, I'm sure you do. Well, it was nice seeing you, Josh."

  "Aw, that's it, Julia? Really? I've missed you, babe. I really have. I've been so lost without you."

  "Uh huh. Hence all the desperate calls to get me back. Wait. Nope. Didn't happen." She rolled her eyes. Please. This guy was a total idiot. And she felt so dumb for ever being with him.

  "I tried, babe! But you changed your phone number! I couldn't get a hold of you!"

  "Well, that's what happens when people get screwed over. They tend not to want to have contact with that person anymore." She stood up, trying to move away from him but he grabbed her by the arm.

  "Where you going? I know you've missed me, too, Julia." Before she could use one of the evasive moves Chase had taught her on him, he pulled her to his body, kissing her hard. She struggled, trying to push him away, but she was trapped in his arms. His hand moved down and squeezed her ass. She felt as if she were about to throw up in his mouth, which would’ve been so pleasant, when he was wrenched away from her. She heard a horrible crunching sound and then Josh cried out. Catching her breath, she saw that Chase had Josh in a headlock and blood was gushing out of Josh's nose. All she could think was that Chase sure liked that nose move, didn't he?

  "Get the fuck out of here, asshole!” Chase had let Josh go and was now glaring at him.

  “You broke my fucking nose! Let’s see what the cops have to say about this shit!”

  “ You even think about pressing charges and you'll be up for attempted rape. Got that, fucker?" Chase took a step toward him, and Josh backed away, hands up at his sides in a surrender pose before he slunk off like the piece of trash that he was. "You alright?" Chase asked turning back to Julia, his gray eyes icy.

  "Yes," she replied in a small voice. God, he was so angry. And what would've happened if he hadn't shown up? She started shaking realizing what Josh might've tried. "Chase, look, I—"

  "Save it. You wanted to see a movie? You're seeing a goddamned movie." He took her arm and led them to the ticket booth, purchasing two tickets to the seven o'clock show then escorted her inside. inside. "You want popcorn, Princess?"

  "Chase, stop."

  "What? You're so high and fucking mighty now that you can take care of yourself, right?" he hissed at her.

  "You don't understand. I felt so trapped. Allen—"

  "I don't want to hear anything personal anymore. I'm here to do
my job, end of story."

  She looked up at him with her big, hazel eyes looking all sad, and it literally broke his heart to be treating her this way. That is if he'd still had a heart since she'd pretty much stomped the shit out of it.

  "I'm sorry," she whispered.

  He ignored her as they stood in line because he'd decided that he wanted popcorn whether she did or not.

  The girls and their dates arrived and they all "hi'd" each other. Lily introduced Julia and Chase to Garrett. Julia liked him right away. He was kind of nerdy but seemed to be nice as could be. Claire introduced them to her date then they got refreshments.


  "Yeah, I found her. That asshole ex-boyfriend of hers was messing with her. Yes. Yes, sir. I took care of him. Yeah. Totally my pleasure." Chase had broken away from the group for a few minutes to call Allen and let him know he'd found Julia. After he'd hung up he saw that everyone was standing in the lobby talking, waiting for the movie to start, so he just stepped back and observed, keeping an eye out for any threats.

  Julia was talking to Lily and Garrett thinking they made the perfect couple. They were even finishing each other's sentences. She'd never seen Lily acting all giddy the way she was with Garrett, and Julia was happy for her. Lily deserved someone who'd make her happy. She also noticed that Claire gave new meaning to the word "smitten." She was gushing all over her new boyfriend, having to be touching him somehow at all times. Julia inwardly snorted thinking maybe she should check outside to see if any porkers happened to be soaring by since she'd never seen Claire serious about any one man before.

  In the meantime, Chase tried not to look at Julia. He really did. But, damn it if she wasn't like the North Pole and his eyes were the needle of a compass constantly being drawn to her. If he'd never gotten involved with her, his emotions wouldn't be pinballing inside his skull right now. This was exactly the reason why he'd promised himself he'd never get attached to another woman again after Tracy had pulled the bullshit she had. He was so angry that it was all he could do to keep from going all MMA on someone's ass, beating the ever-living shit out of them. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice... and I'm the biggest idiot in the world.

  Feeling his eyes on her, Julia glanced at Chase and was instantly sorry that she had. He was staring at her, his eyes boring into her so hard it made her breath hitch. She turned away immediately, clearing her throat, acting interested in a movie poster. He was so mad. She hadn't wanted things to turn out this way.

  But when someone tells you that they love you, it’s probably not good to reply that maybe there’s someone else out there for the both of you. Unless you're purposely wanting them to hate you for an eternity, which was how Chase felt about her now. But she'd only been trying to protect him. Wrong thing to do. Had he been serious that there was no going back now? Looking blankly at the poster, she almost bit her bottom lip in two as she prayed he hadn't.

  “Let’s go!” Lily said to everyone heading to their theater.

  Julia sat down next to Claire thinking Chase was right behind her, but when she turned, she saw that Lily was on her other side and he was nowhere to be found. Then she heard him talking to Claire’s date and realized he was sitting in the row behind them.

  She turned to her right and their eyes locked. There was something strange about the way he was looking at her. Something was wrong with his eyes.


  That's what they were, she decided as he glowered at her. Wow. He was really done with her, wasn't he?

  Chapter 21

  Allen sat in his office staring at the pictures on his desk, swirling the cognac in the glass he held. The first picture was one Julia had taken of him and Gwen about three years before she died. They were laughing at something, their heads leaned into each other as if they'd been sharing an inside joke; he couldn't remember what it'd been they were laughing at. He stared hard at the picture trying to remember. They were sitting on the couch at the beach house. He had his arm around her, pulling her into him. He recalled that Julia had gotten hold of the camera and had been snapping pictures left and right in the house, out on the beach, wherever it was she'd gone. She'd been about seven or eight and sneaked into the room, catching them off guard. What was it they were laughing about? He raked his hand through his hair feeling every bit of the fifty years that he was.

  He looked at the other picture. Julia had been, what, three? Four? She was sitting on Gwen's lap while Gwen read to her, and Julia was looking up at her mother as if she'd hung the moon. And in Allen's eyes, she had. Julia's big, hazel eyes had so much love in them as she gazed at her mother, looking just like a miniature replica of her, long auburn hair that was thick and flowing, her skin the same delicate tone. He'd taken the picture without their even knowing it at the time. It was such an honest portrayal of life back then. Simple. Love-filled. Easy. Gwen had made everything feel that way. God, he missed his wife.

  He suddenly swiped his arm across the desk knocking all the pictures to the floor, sitting back in his chair, frustrated as hell.

  After the two years of her illness and then her death, he'd been worn out. One doesn't recover easily from having one false hope after another annihilated time and time again. They'd thought the cancer had been caught in time. The doctors said they'd been lucky, but then it had returned. Another round of chemotherapy. Another Whew! That was a close call. Another chance at life. Then the horrid disease had returned one last time. By the end, Gwen's body had been totally consumed by the sickness and she'd finally given up her fight and passed.

  The night she died Allen had drunk the entire bottle of the almost $20,000 Dalmore Selene Scotch a colleague had given him for his birthday that year. He'd been saving it for his and Gwen's fifteen-year wedding anniversary that had only been a couple months away. He'd cried the entire time he'd drunk it. They'd never celebrate that particular occasion again. He pretty much died inside that night.

  Trying to pick up the pieces and raise a ten-year-old daughter when he'd just lost the love of his life was not just difficult, it'd been next to impossible. He knew Julia needed him, but he just didn't know how to be there for her when he was falling apart. So he'd done the only thing he knew to do—hire a nanny. And somewhere along the way, he'd lost his daughter.

  How the hell had he let that happen? Well, he knew damn well how, or, better yet, why it'd happened. She'd just looked too much like her mother, a daily reminder of what he'd lost. And now he was about to lose her for good, too. He drank what was left in his glass, setting it down then placed his elbows on his desk and held his head in his hands and cried.

  Julia thought he loved his money more than he loved her when really it was that he loved her beyond all reason but he'd been scared to death to get close to her for fear of being hurt again, chickenshit that he was. And each year things had gotten progressively worse. He'd all but closed himself off to her, letting her find her own way, practically making it on her own, no parent around to guide her. He was such an asshole.

  Then when the kidnappings had first started, he'd panicked, hiring Chase immediately. He liked the young man, knew he was more than qualified for the job, and felt comfortable having him work for him. Passed her right along to someone else, didn't you, dickhead?

  He now realized that Julia had grown into quite an accomplished young woman. When they'd been at the beach house this week and she'd been such a smartass to him, it'd hit him how much she was like her mother. And it made his heart ache, but not in a bad way. He knew then that she'd been the missing part inside of him. He was proud of her and he needed to let her know this. Hell, he needed to explain many things to her. He grimaced knowing he had a lot of ground to cover in making things up to her. He just hoped it wasn't too late.


  "Mr. Larson, you have twenty-four hours to get the money transferred or your daughter is dead."

  "Wait! Wait! I need to talk to my daughter first! I need to know that she's okay!"

  The Boss nodded at Li
am. "Take the phone to her."

  Liam went to the basement door, grabbing the cap and sunglasses off the table by it, putting them on, then opened the door and headed down the stairs. "Here. Let your father know you're okay," he said, shoving the phone into Sherry's hands.

  "Daddy?" She started crying.

  "Sherry! Are you okay?"

  "Yes, Daddy. Please, I want to come home! Ple—"

  "Enough!" Liam yelled at her, grabbing the phone. "If you want to see your daughter again, you'll have the money transferred immediately," he said then hung up. "You'd better hope your father is a man of his word." He sneered at her, leaving her sitting on her cot as he went back upstairs. He took off his shades and cap after locking the door. Coming back into the office he tossed the phone at Brady.

  "They talk?" Brady asked.

  "Yep. Should be a done deal soon."

  "I'll call Ephraim and have him re-route the money." The Boss looked at the two henchmen, effectively dismissing them. They nodded and left the room.


  "You what?"

  "I-I made contact, but this shit's gonna be harder than it looks." The Kid held the phone to his ear knowing the Boss was going to be pissed.

  "Why's that?" The Boss asked in a you will die if you fuck this up voice, flicking cigarillo ashes into the ashtray.

  "She's pretty well protected."

  "But you made contact."

  "Yes. I finally caught her alone."

  "Then why isn't she here now?"

  "We were, uh, interrupted."


  The Kid knew he'd messed up but he didn't want the Boss to know the specifics. "Well, I was about to grab her when things got complicated."

  "My office. Now. You've got twenty minutes." The Boss hung up. Moron better get his ass there in twenty or today would be his last.

  The Kid sighed. He hated the situation he was in, but what else could he do? These people owned him now, and he knew if he wanted to live, he'd do whatever they told him. He walked to his car, getting a new shirt out of the trunk to change into, throwing the other one in. After starting the engine, he took off, preparing himself to face his doom. Life had become a bad beat any way he looked at it.


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