Jacob (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 3)

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Jacob (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 3) Page 3

by Selina Coffey

  Jacob’s eyes narrowed on the man, the deep voice pleasing his ears in a way a male’s voice had never pleased him before. Right in his cock. But how had he known Jacob’s thoughts? Intuition? Observation of the speculation on Jacob’s face?

  The woman returned and Jacob, normally careful and cautious, took a swig of her offered drink. He held the empty glass back to the woman. He didn’t want to be drunk but he wanted to numb some of his inhibitions. He wanted to let himself enjoy it. Alcohol would dull any lingering worries.

  “One more, but I want your clothes off before you finish it.” Her words made his cock throb in his pants.

  “Will you need help or are you the only one that gets to touch this wonderful specimen, my queen?” The vampire looked at Jacob appreciatively as Jacob began to remove his clothes.

  Jacob paused, watching the woman as she poured, her face turned away. What would her answer be? Jacob realized he really did find the idea of the man joining them, touching him, quite intriguing but apparently the decision was up to her. No matter how hard his cock might be at the thought of the man’s lips on his bare flesh.

  With a wave of her hand the female dismissed the male’s words, not bothering to turn around yet.

  “Tonight, he is mine. Perhaps another time, my darling. But you are certainly welcome to watch.” She finally turned, coming back with a glass of bourbon to a very naked Jacob. “Mmm, nice, blackbird.”

  She ran her fingers down his chest, making him choke on the drink as his throat responded to her touch. He gained control of himself and finished swallowing, his eyes on a slim finger with a pointed black-lacquered nail. He still didn’t know her name.

  Jacob’s nerves strung tight, and on the edge of snapping as her nail scraped down his bare nipple, wound even tighter. He wasn’t ashamed of his nudity, he stood proudly before her penetrating gaze and approving nod. He just had to control his own hands for the moment or they would be fighting, vampire against shifter, for control. He was willing to let her have her way with him. For now.

  He could sense she needed this from him, she needed to feel superior, so he would allow it but only for the moment. He may only be a minor player in the Alexander family but that was only a mistake of birth. Jacob knew he was a power unto himself and had learned to keep his own secrets, to rein in his own thoughts and skills, to let the others have their glory. He didn’t mind his place in the shadows but with her, soon enough he would show her exactly who he was. If he ever learned her name, that is.

  Something about the game, the anonymity of it, made his blood sing in his veins, and he liked the sensation. There was no rush to find out her name for now. He loved the mystery of it all, and when her lips kissed the flesh above his left nipple, he thought he would burst on the spot. Just her lips grazing his heated skin had nearly set him off, something that had never occurred in his entire life, even as an awkward teenager. Jacob always maintained control.

  She’d teased him for far too long and now he just wanted to be buried in her hot cleft, his hips thrusting into her ass as he took her from behind. The thought of those garters, peeking out from under the short hem of her dress, spurred his fantasy on. Her fingers, stilled as she had kissed him, ran up the smooth curve of his shoulders, down his back, and over the solid plane of his sculpted ass. Jacob couldn’t stop the way his hips pushed into her softness, telling her without words what he needed.

  “You may touch me now.”

  Jacob didn’t realize he had been waiting for permission until she gave it.

  His hands went around her waist as her lips encircled his nipple, her sharp teeth, all razor sharp, biting with a gentleness he hadn’t thought she’d be capable of. He gasped once more, a swear word this time, and thrust into her again.

  “Eager are we?” She gave a chortle of laughter as her tongue flicked at the tight bud, her hands squeezing his ass appreciatively. He heard a low sound of satisfaction come from her and thrust into her once more, his cock rocking into her soft abdomen.

  “Very. You have teased me long enough, or do you think I am made of stone?” He felt his pulse in his ears, felt his heart racing in his chest, and had to fight with himself not to tear off her dress.

  “Oh, you will be inside me soon, blackbird. Relax.”

  She snapped her fingers as she stared into his eyes and the male came, pulling her clothes away gently, leaving only her garter belt and stockings with the panties beneath. The male cupped her breasts from behind as Jacob stared. She was beautiful; a marble statue with high round breasts, a slim waist, and flared hips. Her legs were sensual creations of muscle, curves and long lines he couldn’t wait to have wrapped around his head. She was also bare, not a single stray hair anywhere on her body.

  “Gorgeous.” He breathed the word as she shuddered in the male’s arms, her nipples pinched between his long pale fingers. They looked at Jacob, both imploring him to take the nipple the male offered, to take her.

  Jacob took her by her waist, pulling her from the man. His powerful arms lifted her, pulling her up until his lips wrapped around the dark red of her tight nipple, and he felt her shudder once more.

  He knew her need was growing, he could smell it in the air as her flesh heated from a deathly chill to a level somewhere around the normal human body temperature. Her skin smelled like the peaches her mouth tasted of, and her pulse raced, some unnamed person’s blood running in her veins. The thought didn’t dissuade Jacob, rather it spurred him on, to seek out the danger she offered him.

  The male backed away as Jacob moved with her, carrying her to a chaise lounge, her legs wrapped around his waist. Kneeling between her legs, Jacob prodded her thighs apart, the smooth black velvet of the chaise a softly erotic sensation against his fingers. His eyes explored her secrets, the pinkness of her folds, the tell-tale signs of her arousal as her clit began to swell.

  His fingers against her nether lips made her shiver, her breathing coming in halting gasps as he split her open to explore her silky depths, a long finger probing into her. He watched her, stirring her with another finger, until she closed her eyes, her arousal growing. When she sighed blissfully he lowered his mouth and sucked at her with his lips, his tongue laving over her clit, rasping it harshly. He knew she would love it.

  And she did, her legs clamped around his legs and her stomach clenched tightly as he repeated the stroke. Her back arched as his fingers plunged into her once again, the seeking rhythm soon settling into a steady pace that made her hips follow, that had her ass coming off the chair.

  Jacob watched her greedily, her pleasure his own, and waited for that moment, that sudden lurch, and hummed in satisfaction when her head fell back and her hips lunged into his face. A slow fluttering began in her wet depths and he increased the pressure of his tongue, pressed another finger into her until there were two delving further into her, wanting nothing more than to have her coming all over his face.

  In that moment Jacob realized how totally vulnerable he was, engrossed in her arousal, his tattooed back, a back his family never ever saw because of the tattooed dragon sleeping there, bared to the man behind him, and his senses attuned only to her. The male could have taken him then, in any way he liked with a knife or with his dick, and Jacob would not have been aware until the last moment. He shuddered but didn’t hesitate to show his fearlessness as he shifted, his powerful hands grasping at her hips to pull her closer as he lunged into her dripping pussy with a cock pulsing for her alone.

  She gasped again, the flagging flutters of her walls turning to a tight clamping sensation as he lunged into her roughly, and he loved it. Her eyes blazed open, drilling into his with intensity as he started a brutal pace, a pace a human would not be capable of keeping up with. But she took it and grinned, meeting each of his thrusts with a sharp jolt of her own.

  Jacob grinned down at her and briefly wondered if he had met his match. He thrust into her once more, her slick depths even wetter now, and saw her eyes fluttering. She was close again. His thumb tr
aveled down the flat plane of her hip, down to her mound, to find the center of need. Pressing into the bud, he saw her eyes fly open again and knew he’d given her what she wanted.

  “Harder,” she demanded. “I’m so wet I can’t stand it but I need more. Give me more.”

  “You will get every fucking thing you ask for, sweetness. All you have to do is ask for it.” Jacob pressed the organ harder, his thumb bearing down in tight circles as she sat up, pushing her breasts to his face.

  “Do not stop fucking me.” Demands again but he didn’t mind. He took her nipple into his mouth and sucked as hard as he could, until his teeth grazed the sensitive flesh roughly and she cried out in release.

  He felt her orgasm breaking, felt her walls pulsing with satisfaction, and groaned.

  But Jacob wasn’t done yet, he needed to hear her cry out his name, even if it was only the blackbird nickname she’d given him.

  He pulled her hips tighter to his, fucking into her at a driving pace, his hips churning against her, his length stroking every possible inch of her. He couldn’t get any further inside and he banged into her with a pace she kept up with easily.

  Her back was arched as she pressed up onto her elbows, her breasts thrust high into the air and he considered telling the male to get behind her, to cup them, but stopped himself. She had only wanted him. Jacob glanced over, saw the man watching them, his cock hard in his pants but not touching himself. Now that was control!

  Jacob wiped sweat from his brow as she climbed higher than before, her pulsing clamping hard around his length and he plunged into her over and over, so hard her breasts were bouncing enticingly on her chest. He loved watching the soft flesh moving, the way her stomach creased as she leaned into him, pressing her tight walls down around him harder.

  Jacob wanted to bite her, just enough to make her moan, but he couldn’t reach her. He drove his hands beneath her, cupping her ass, his nails biting into her soft flesh there.

  “You are fucking beautiful. So hungry, so very hot little vampire queen.”

  Her eyes popped open, and for a moment he knew he wasn’t safe. Her eyes blazed with something he couldn’t define but it made him long to give up his own will. He couldn’t stop now, though, he couldn’t pull out of her, not when he was so very fucking close. He just wanted to get off then he would leave. That was it.

  She was there again, her cries growing louder, her walls starting to pulse around him once more, and she sat up, her lips claiming his. Jacob let her take his mouth, her tongue invading his mouth, laying waste to his will to resist her as she groaned a word into his mouth.

  “Blackbird, come with me,” she urged, her nails brushing at his nipples, scraping them, creating a pain that burned into pleasure as she did it again. He rocked back on his heels, his body rocked by the sensations she gave him. When she pinched the bud between her nails she caused a chain reaction that ended with his dick pulsing inside of her, emptying into her, as his brain exploded into dark shades of nothing.

  Jacob considered taking it further, he considered ensuring she was as wrung out as she looked but he was uncharacteristically exhausted. When he fell over, completely unconscious, he wasn’t aware of it. The female vampire sat up, looked down at him sadly for a moment, and wiped at her face to smooth the look away, along with the sweat dripping into her eyes. A coldness replaced the tender sadness on her face the male vampire never saw, not that he would admit it anyway.

  “Pick him up, let’s get him out of here.” She told him, steeling her shoulders as she went for a robe to cover her nudity with. The night wasn’t done yet.

  * * *

  Jacob’s head pounded and he groaned in misery as he came awake, dawn barely piercing the small window high above his head. Where the fuck was he and what the fuck had happened? He tried to turn over but his arms were sheathed in metal, as were his legs. Fear overshadowed by anger rocketed through him as he tried to see in the darkness that still ruled the room he was in.

  “I tried to warn you, blackbird, but you flew away too quickly. Now it is too late.”

  He heard her seductive voice in the darkness and memories flooded back into his brain. Her moans of delight as she writhed into his face, the way her nails dug into his ass as she came, flexing into her with a groan as he exploded inside of her. Then darkness. Nothing.

  What had she done to him? What was she going to do to him? Jacob stilled on the bed as the sound of metal scraping metal pierced the silence and he strained to pick out lines in the darkness but couldn’t see any. Then her voice was in his ear, whispering quietly so that only he could hear.

  “I didn’t want to do this but we have no choice. You are our only hope. Please do not fight me. You will not win.” Something pierced the tender flesh of his right arm and her lips, the lips he had longed to have on his flesh not long ago, began to suck at his arm.

  What the fuck was she doing? He wanted to struggle but knew it truly was no use. The clamps around his wrists were made of silver, silver that had been enchanted, even he couldn’t break them. Which meant he couldn’t shift to get away either.

  Suddenly she stopped sucking, a sigh escaping her bloodied lips. He could almost make her out now, the sky brightening just enough to let him see that she was nude and that her lips were stained with his blood.

  “You are the dragon shifter. You will be our salvation.” Then she began to suck at his arm once more and Jacob gave a silent scream of horror and fear in his head. He knew, wherever he was, that nobody could hear him. Not even Cade with his shifter awareness of all of his brothers could sense him, or save him now. This woman, this vampire, was psychotic, and he was well and truly fucked!

  Chapter 3


  “So what’s her name?” Jadrian asked the bartender in the lounge room of the Sanctuary, staring at the woman behind him in the mirror across from him on the wall.

  “Who?” The bartender, a middle-aged man wearing a black vest, black pants, and a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, plunked a glass of beer in front of Jadrian and looked around. “The redhead?”

  “Yeah, the redhead.” The redhead was currently giggling with Jacqui, Cade’s wife, her hand resting intimately on Jacqui’s arm. Jacqui had thawed out then.

  “That’s Allana, head of the Tuscola Clan.” The bartender’s eyes held a look of admiration.

  “Alpha is she?” Jadrian asked, studying the woman more deeply. An alpha! Slugging back his beer he left some money for the bartender and stood. “Well, that girl is barking up the wrong tree. Again.”

  “Might be, but what a tree to bark up.”

  Jadrian had to agree as he walked away, heading out of the lounge and into the darkened hallways. He hated these things, anybody could sneak up on you.

  “Where’s Jacob?” The voice came from behind and Jadrian turned to find his oldest brother standing there with the baby of the family, Kane. Kane looked like he was ready to head back to his farm and Jadrian felt ready to go with him. Jadrian and Cade were alike in many ways but not in the looks department. They were very much alike in personality but day and night in the looks department.

  Jadrian looked over at his brother, leader of their clan, and gave an exasperated sigh of frustration. He wanted to get back to his room and brood in peace.

  “Am I his keeper now? I have no idea where Jacob is. I’ll go look for him.” Jadrian was feeling frustrated and a bit peevish. Allana, the seductive temptress filling his head with fantasies, seemed to only have eyes for Cade’s wife. He’d hunted her down in the dining hall, hoping Jacqui would introduce them. They’d never looked up from whatever deep conversation they were involved in. He’d followed them into the lounge but was still no better off.

  Normally Jadrian could intuit Cade’s thoughts, years of practice aiding him, but between Allana’s lack of interest and the vampire blood, he felt on edge. Cade looked at Jadrian and Jadrian knew he was seeing the anxiety but his brother chose not to comment on it. Jadrian breathed a sigh of rel
ief and went off in search of Jacob, but the beautiful woman took up most of his thoughts.

  He wandered the cold halls that even the humid Louisiana heat couldn’t penetrate, and cursed under his breath. He wasn’t used to feeling like this, it was something totally new. With a deep breath he wondered if this was love at first sight. He laughed to himself, dismissing the idea. He didn’t have time for love, for a family, as his brother’s adviser and aide. Besides, she didn’t even know he was alive. She was barking up the wrong tree, this alluring creature, if she thought Cade and Jacqui would give her the time of day in their bed.

  Jacqui and Cade’s wedding had come as a shock but Jadrian had kept his thoughts to himself. He’d seen their love for each other bloom and knew, no matter how their relationship started, they were a unit now, deeply in love and committed to each other. Everyone could see that. Well, everyone but the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, that is.

  He’d still not found Jacob so Jadrian walked into the darkness outside of the former monastery. Disconcerting sounds came from the swamp nearby, chirps, growls, and drawn out sounds that were likely the death-cries of small animals, sending a shiver down Jadrian’s spine. He doubted Jacob was out in this. Jadrian took a deep breath, trying to clear the redhead from his mind but she stayed resiliently put.

  Stalking back into the safety of the building, Jadrian wondered if he’d ever get the woman’s attention. He walked back to the sleeping quarters, hoping to report to Cade, and saw his brother, Jacqui and Allana heading into a sleeping chamber. Jadrian went back to the corner he’d just passed and stole a glance around the side. Allana’s hand was gently resting on Jacqui’s elbow and there was a gleam in her eye, a promise.

  Jadrian’s head fell back against the stone wall. Had he been wrong? He would have sworn Cade wouldn’t allow another woman into his marital bed, but maybe? There was a curiosity about Jacqui, a need to explore that made her a bit wild, but Cade usually provided her with all she needed. Jadrian knew Cade could be possessive, keeping some things for himself. Would he share his wife with anyone else, even a woman, in such an intimate way?


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