Jacob (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 3)

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Jacob (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 3) Page 59

by Selina Coffey

“I, er…” She blushed at the thought of the very extensive instructions she’d received from the ladies of the human court, then giggled. There had been a great deal of advice to lie back and stare at the ceiling, none of which seemed especially necessary when her husband was now trailing his fingers lightly over her throat, brushing along the line of her collarbone, his eyes bright with possibilities that made her breath come short. “No one said anything about flying up mountainsides with dragons. Or fighting off treasonous younger brothers.”

  “Are you sure? You seem very good at it.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I was going to recommend that every man in the Elven court find a human woman to marry.”

  Ellieth’s laugh rang out over the pools.

  “What about the Elven women?”

  “I hadn’t thought that far ahead. But I suppose they’ll have to marry the human men. I think it will be popular— they all seemed quite charmed by your kind.”

  “We are very charming.” Ellieth’s mouth was twitching.

  “You are, indeed.” And he pulled her close for a kiss, his lips moving against hers as his arm tightened around her waist.

  Ellieth heard herself gasp. Her arms were around his neck, and she was dizzy with the mix of steam and the cold air, the feel of the rocks and Savin’s skin beneath her fingers. Her lips parted for his tongue, and the kiss deepened until she swore she could not have told up from down, or said if it was night or day. She could see only one thing, feel only one thing.

  “Savin.” A prayer. A dream. None of this seemed real.

  “Ellieth…” His fingers trailed down her arm and dipped below the water to cup her hip, and slide along her legs.

  “Should we…” She lost her train of thought when his lips found the soft skin of her throat. She arched against him as his arm tightened, and his other hand crept up to her breast. “Savin, please, we should go inside—”

  “Oh, I don’t think anyone will bother us out here, do you?” His breath brushed against her skin. He was tracing his tongue along her collarbone, and he groaned when she tangled her fingers in his black hair. “After all, the court knows we came here for our honeymoon.”

  Her laughter rang out into the clear air, and she brought his face up to hers for a kiss.

  “Yes, of course. A very good point, husband.”

  “I thought so,” he said smugly. His fingers traced down, around a nipple, and then he lifted her, so she could straddle him, pressing the length of their bodies together. “My God, Ellieth… I have wanted this since the first moment I saw you.”

  “I have also—” Ellieth broke off with a cry. She could feel his fingers drifting lower, between her legs. When they slipped inside, she forgot how to breathe. “Savin, what are you…”

  “Shhh.” His mouth covered hers, the arm around her waist holding her in place effortlessly as his fingers worked their magic. “Yes. Move your hips.”

  “What are you doing?” Ellieth whispered. Her hips were moving, though she swore it was through no volition of her own. Pleasure was heating her blood and she only wanted more. She pressed against Savin’s fingers, whimpering, and bit her lip when they withdrew. But they were back in a moment, parting her, and she felt him press against her.

  He waited, only his absolute stillness giving away the strength of his desire. His fingers curled around her hips, and he waited until she nodded before pressing her down along his length.

  “Oh, my God.” Ellieth rocked her hips forward against him and gasped with the sensation. She had never felt such a thing. She felt herself clench, tight, around him and he groaned. He wanted more, and she flushed at the thought of it— wanting the same, and not knowing what that meant.

  He showed her the way, his hips rising to meet hers so that he drove deep inside her. Ellieth heard herself moaning as her hips moved with his. She could not form her lips to any word other than please, over and over, and from his low laugh, he was more than happy to oblige.

  She pressed the back of her hand against her mouth to stifle her cries. That the monks might hear, that other pilgrims might come into the gardens, should have turned her cold— but it was only a goad to her pleasure, making her greedy for more. When Savin’s fingers brushed between her legs once more, finding a place exquisitely sensitive, Ellieth had to bite down on her hand to keep herself from screaming. She was so slick inside, so wet, and as the pleasure built, she could hardly think beyond wanting more.

  Something was building inside her, and she did not know what, knew only that she was desperate for it. His pace increased, and she moved her hips with his.


  “Give into it,” he murmured in her ear, his voice sending pleasure down her spine. “Let the pleasure take you. Come for me, Ellieth.”

  The command was clear, and she did not even have time to ask what he meant before she tipped over the edge into oblivion, shuddering around him. Her nails scored down his back, and his arms tightened around her, and she felt the answering rush of his own pleasure. He poured into her, buried to the hilt, and she cried his name with her release as the pleasure spiraled out, and she lost herself in him.

  When she came back to herself, her head was lying on his shoulder, and his fingers were playing idly over her skin. She shifted her hips and felt pleasure ripple through her once more, and he gave a sound that was half-laugh, half-growl.

  “Mine,” he said softly.

  “Mine,” Ellieth agreed, laying her palm against his chest.

  She gave a startled gasp when his hips moved.

  “Ready for more?” He asked her.

  “Yes.” Ellieth raised her head and kissed him deeply, writhing her hips against his. “Show me everything.”

  The End

  Riding Double Bears

  Menage Romance

  About the Book

  Both hot, both tempting, both with a secret that they’ve never told their best friend Mari.

  Felix is brooding, mysterious, and full of tales he’s yet to tell Mari. She wants to know those secrets, she wants to pull them out of him over long nights of long glances and deep kisses.

  Then there’s Gage. Care-free and light to Felix’s dark. An open book, but is there a hint of shadow in his oh so tempting eyes? Are there secrets there he’s never spoken of either?

  Mari knew if she was to have either she would have to make a choice. But why does she have to make that choice? Why can’t she have both? With an impish smile, an idea in place, and two weeks of travel by motorcycle to work with surely she could find a way to make the idea work?

  As Mari, Felix, and Gage travel the roads through the forests of California Mari’s desire grows, as does Felix and Gage’s. Mari’s managed to get them to look past the hard part, getting them to see her as more than just a little sister. Can she now convince them that two lovers are better than one?

  As the journey continues the trio start to explore far more than just the open roads and rest stops that California has to offer. Will a bump in the road in the form of a missing phone stop the trip? And will the reappearance of that phone, with pictures of the trio which they didn’t take, be a signal that there is far more danger in the mountains of California than a stray bear?

  Chapter 1

  “Felix, we’ve just launched our best package yet and it’s flying off the interweb shelves, what are we going to do to celebrate? And if you say we’re going to a theme park I will punch you!” A man with straight white teeth, sandy brown hair down to his nape, brilliant green eyes, and a mouth with full lips spoke to Felix.

  His best friend, Gage, had finally arrived in the office then. Felix turned to the man the women in the office called the devilish fox and grinned.

  “If I know you, my friend, it’s going to involve adventure and not a lot of sleep.” Felix said with a broad grin, holding out his hand.

  He didn’t know it but those same women that called Gage, his business partner, the devilish fox, called him their future baby daddy. The two men were enough to
set tongues wagging across the state they were so excruciatingly hot. Well-built, tall, and handsome both men were oblivious to their looks and exuded a charm that set the elastic in many sets of panties to disintegrating.

  “First, have you talked to Larkin yet?” Gage asked as the two walked away and the panties in the room went back to their normal state.

  “Yeah, she’s in, on the condition that it’s not going to take longer than two weeks and she can stay in contact with her oh so demanding clients.” Felix answered, taking a seat at his desk, his whiskey brown eyes warm with humor.

  Gage sat down in a comfortable chair in front of the desk after shutting the office door and propped his feet up on the desk. A pair of black leather cowboy boots covered his long feet. Felix ignored the boots and looked into his friend’s green eyes.

  “So what are we doing then?” Felix prompted, excitement filling him.

  “Well, it’s not every day we make over three million dollars. So I thought we needed something truly epic.” Gage answered, placing a piece of paper on Felix’s desk.

  Felix picked up the paper, noticing it was a map with dots mapped out on it.

  “What’s this then?” He asked, confused.

  “Follow me.” Gage responded, leaving the office to head outside.

  The two men left their building, a two story modern complex of black granite and glass. Their employees were mature enough to keep working, experts in their fields that didn’t need too much direction, and satisfied with their pay and benefits that the two men offered, that Gage and Felix really only needed to call in occasionally but still came in for the benefit of helping out.

  In the parking lot sat a brand new motorcycle. A breath-taking paint job of black and blue dragons setting off nicely against the chrome, v-twin engine toting sex symbol. Felix gasped, in love already. Felix liked the ladies, he spent a lot of time with them but this toy, oh this toy did things to him that he didn’t think a woman possibly could ever do.

  “You bought this?” He asked, looking the machine over carefully, squatting down to his own boot covered feet, stretching his tight jeans across his bottom nicely.

  “Yep, we both got our licenses this year but neither of us have bikes yet. I do, now it’s your turn. And somehow we have to convince our pal Mari Larkin to come along for the ride. She was there at the beginning; she has to be there when we celebrate the fruition of our dreams, man. She doesn’t have a license to drive one of these but she can ride with both of us one at a time. I want us to travel up to the northern part of California, travelling through the forests and the hills. A chance to renew our energies, to find ourselves once more and stay grounded.” Gage began but Felix cut him off.

  “Alright, alright, please, stop your impersonation of a motorcycle salesman now, Gage, please. Let’s go find me one then.” Felix said, heading back into his office to let his administrative assistant know he was leaving and wouldn’t be back in. “I can’t let you have one of these on your own. Let’s take my car.”

  Five hours, and several thousand dollars, later the two men arrived at Mari’s office, a smaller building stuck in an older brick structure outside of Silicon Valley. Mari was proving successful in her own right but preferred the old buildings to more modern structures. The two men pulled their motorcycles up out of the viewing area of the large window in the front of the office and sauntered into Mari’s office, black leather chaps, new motorcycle boots, and black leather jackets accentuating their physiques.

  Mari glanced up when they came in, glanced back at her computer monitor, and then looked back up again, her jaw dropping.

  “Felix? Gage? Why are you two dressed up like you’re about to take part in a really bad movie about two guys on a road trip?” She asked, coming around her desk in the open office, heading straight for her two very gorgeous friends.

  Mari’s tall, slightly plump, but curvy in all of the right places frame came around her desk as she eyed the men up. A look of apprehension came on her face as she realized these outfits were indicative of a plan, a plan that obvious included her if their grins were any kind of warning. And those grins were definitely a warning.

  Mari’s left eyebrow came up as she looked at them and she started backing up.

  “No, no, no, no, no. You are not getting me on a motor cycle with you pair of lunatics!” Mari kept backing up until she hit her chair with the back of her legs. Mari let herself fall into the seat, a sudden wave of excitement passing through her despite her words.

  Gage and Felix had been her best friends since she’d first moved to California from Iowa eight hundred years ago. Alright, a bit of an exaggeration on her part, but it felt like it sometimes. They’d all been roommates their first year in the Silicon Valley area and Mari had sat back and watched, pleased, as all of their stars began to rise. She’d never dreamed how far the boys would go and she was so proud of both of them.

  Mari hadn’t done so bad herself, owning her own business in the IT field with a long list of celebrity clients just waiting for her newest creations to play with. Mari wrote code for games and new software, the same as the boys, but her products went to a more elite clientele, Gage and Felix’s went out for mass distribution. Mari was happy with the difference, and felt just as capable as the boys. Two weeks on the back of a motorcycle just sounded like blisters and a sore ass though, and she didn’t want to go along.

  Gage and Felix pleaded with her however and after getting a good look at their bottoms through those chaps, she changed her mind. She was going, and perhaps, just maybe, she’d now get a chance to make one of them her own. Or perhaps both.

  Mari had developed a crush on both men when they first met, though she’d never spoken about it to anyone, and had waited patiently, hoping one of them would notice her. She’d had many a hot session on her own imagining what she could do with both men, and each one separately. Mari wanted to use this time to make these men see her for what she was, a woman with needs. For them.

  Perhaps an odd leap, Mari thought to herself, but one she’d become comfortable with. After all, they lived in California. Mainstream wasn’t exactly a well-known word around here. People went for the odd, the extreme, and the extraordinary. That and a few friends in the porn industry had suggested it to Mari a long time ago upon seeing both men.

  “Oh Mari,” Veronica had said. “I’d let those two tag team me anytime. Why aren’t you in bed with them now?”

  A very shocked Mari hadn’t responded but her brain had with a heartfelt “yes, both at once please!” The idea was one that normally wouldn’t cross her mind but when it came to Gage and Felix, well, normal just wasn’t part of the game. They’d never really shown anything other than brotherly love to her, however, and that was frustrating.

  Mari’s cheeks flamed two days later as she packed a small bag, knowing they wouldn’t be able to carry much on the bikes. She’d gone out and bought herself some gear to make the ride more comfortable and to show off her own assets. Leather chaps, boots, and her own jacket sculpted her round full ass, her large full breasts were squeezed into a jacket, and her black hair was tied up, ready for a helmet to smash it down.

  She was as ready as she was ever going to be for this ride and if the appreciative looks the men gave her as she walked out of the door of her condo were any indication her plan was working.

  “Who gets me first?” Mari asked, the question innocent but the look in her eyes teasing, daring. Gage gulped as he looked at her, his thoughts obvious to her as his eyes moved from the bottom of her feet, over her hips made for holding onto, along her tempting waist, and up to her very blue eyes.

  “You’re with me first, my bike has a backrest, it’ll be easier on you. Then with Felix.” Gage looked confused for a moment, looking at Mari, but then he shook it off.

  Gage stowed her bag in the trailer Felix was towing and she hopped on behind him onto the narrow seat in the back. Yeah, this was going to get painful after a while, she thought. But the seat was comfortable for
now, the backrest allowing her to relax just a tad.

  “I’ve never been on one of these before, you know.” Mari said into the microphone in the helmet she’d bought after Gage set it up to work with his.

  “Oh, well, it’s like, uh, riding a bike Mari. Once and you never forget it. Or did you mean something else?” Gage tentatively teased, not sure about this new Mari that had greeted them as they pulled up.

  The trio had often teased each other but that’s all it was, right? Mari was hot, had always been hot, and Gage would have made a play for her but she’d never seemed interested before. Now, here she was, tempting, teasing, and hot as sin. Gage shifted, trying to ease some of the tightness as his thoughts turned just a little saucy as Mari’s legs came up behind his, drawing him to her hot center from behind.

  Maybe this was a better idea than he’d thought? Gage grinned as he started his engine, noting the way Mari’s body tensed then relaxed as the big motorcycle engine vibrated the frame in just the right way.

  Mari finally responded, her silence after Gage’s question prolonged as she tried to think of a sexy comeback. “Oh, I think I can figure out what makes this thing tick and I’ll be riding it like a pro in no time.”

  “I’m sure you will. That vibration is going to help. I think you’ll come to love the vibration Mari, most women do. Even men really.” Gage responded, pulling in to follow behind Felix.

  “We’ll see, are we getting breakfast first? I didn’t eat.”

  Their conversation turned to the more mundane and after stopping for breakfast the trio were off again, heading up the coast towards the forests and hills of northern California. Mari loved the bike though she was getting tired after a few hours. She held on to Gage, their bodies pressed into intimate contact, and daydreamed about what they could do on the bike, where he could take her, the ways he could take her.

  Mari would glance up to see Felix sometimes and then she’d have to bite back a moan, the images coming into her mind combining with the vibration of the bike to make her squirm. She’d start a new conversation with Gage when she thought it was starting to get to be too much for her. The freedom and exhilaration of riding the bike kept lulling her into daydreams though and after one really close call with her naughty thoughts, the purr of the engine, and the way her jeans rubbed her in just the right way Mari asked Gage to stop for lunch.


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