Jacob (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 3)

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Jacob (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 3) Page 73

by Selina Coffey

  “So what do you suggest I do until then? Until you find this would-be assassin?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? We can play house. I’ll be your doting husband, and you’ll be my wife.”

  Chapter 3

  “What? No way.” I jumped up from the couch, furious.

  I shook my finger at him, “You might be some sort of magical being, but I have rights!” I shouted.

  He looked at me impassively and then gave me a small smile.

  “Trust me, I’m not thrilled either. Sequestering myself isn’t something I do well.”

  My eyes grew wide, “You’re serious aren't you?”

  “Of course, definitely.”

  “I don’t even know your name and you plan on living with me.”

  “It’s Osmar.”

  “Sounds like a villain’s name.” I said shortly, crossing my arms over my chest.

  He laughed then, “No. Trust me. I’m the good guy. You don’t want to meet the bad guys. Well at least not the bad guys I’ve run into.”

  I shook my head. “This isn’t going to work.”

  “I think it will.”

  “Why should I help you?”

  “Umm... I can grant you wishes,” he said, clearly reaching.

  “That’s a genie.” I rolled my eyes.

  “You know your mythical creatures.”

  “That’s common knowledge. Try again. Tell me why I should help you.”

  “Because I need your help and without you, I don’t know how I’ll find the person who’s trying to kill me.”

  He sounded so sincere and given my inability not to help when someone asked me to, I felt myself giving in. And finally after a few minutes standing there in silence trying to think of what to do, I said, “Alright, you can stay here. In the guest room,” I qualified when he looked too pleased with himself upon hearing my response.

  He nodded. “Of course.”

  “So it’s settled. We’re not playing house. You’ll find out who’s trying to kill you and I’ll... ” I hesitated, not knowing how to continue, “I’ll just stick to business as usual.”

  He nodded, “Thank you, Cameron.”

  I was about to respond with, “You’re welcome,” when I realized that I hadn’t at any point told him my name, but yet he knew it.

  “How do you know my name?”

  He shrugged, “I just do.”

  I didn’t want to get into any additional details regarding what else he knew about me, so I changed the subject, “So how do you intend to find the person who attempted to kill you?”

  He shook his head, “I don’t know. I was hoping you would have a few ideas.”

  “I have no idea. Like none at all.”

  He sighed, resigned, “Until we come up with a way to flush out the man or being that is trying to kill me, I think I should offer my services. Whatever you need, I will do.” I instantly was suspicious. His words sounded sincere but slightly sensual, as if they had a double meaning that wasn’t quite so innocent. And I blushed as I thought of that meaning. I’m pretty sure from the way Osmar looked at me that he would gladly fulfill all my needs, especially in the bedroom.

  At that thought, I felt a shiver go down my spine and I hoped he hadn’t noticed. I left the room without another word. It was settled; I was now stuck with an attractive, alluring man of the paranormal variety as a roommate. It could be worse; I thought to myself, but I wasn’t sure how.

  I had a deadline to meet so I spent most of the week in my office, avoiding Osmar even when I wasn’t working. He was busy anyway, looking through spell books that seemed to materialize from nowhere, combing through archives at the library in the middle of the night when no one was there, looking for any clues to the identity of the person who might be interested in harming him. He kept to himself for the most part. Sometimes when I knew he wasn’t looking I would sneak furtive glances at him and our eyes would meet. Unnerved, I was always the one who would break eye contact and disappear into another room. I honestly didn’t know how to interact with him. I spent most of my nights tossing and turning, not used to having someone in my house. I didn’t see him much unless he was actually looking for me which didn’t happen often. Hence, I was surprised when he knocked on my office door one morning.

  I reluctantly stopped working and stuck my head out. I could smell them before he even had a chance to offer me some, and I hungrily reached for the blueberry muffins that he had in his hand. I bit down into one and moaned.

  “These are delicious. Did you spike them with witch’s brew or something?” I joked.

  He looked at me with a serious expression, “How did you know?”

  I immediately began to choke and dropped the muffin, while he thumped me on the back.

  “I was joking. That was a joke. Unfortunately, I have a sweet tooth so I drove into town to get something sweet, yet breakfast-like to eat.”

  I coughed a little, still trying to dislodge a little of the muffin from my throat and said, “Drove? Aren’t you supposed to be staying under the radar? And what did you just say about driving? You don’t have a car.” I narrowed my eyes at him as I realized what must have happened, “You took my car!”

  He nodded. “Yeah, is that a problem?”

  “Of course that’s a problem. You’re not covered under my insurance or anything!” I knew I was being silly, but I felt our whole situation was ridiculous.

  “I know this situation is causing you undue stress---”

  “No kidding,” I said moodily.

  He studied me, “So how about I help you relax?”

  I eyed him suspiciously, “No, thank you.”

  “Seriously, give me a chance. I promise you. You’ll have a great time.”

  I looked at him and then back at my laptop. It wouldn’t hurt to take a short break, I thought to myself. “What did you have in mind?”

  He said to me, “There’s a canyon not too far from here. Do you want to see something cool?”

  Given that he was a warlock, his version of cool would probably be something CNN worthy so I was curious. I had a friend once who was some sort of shape-shifter, and she also happened to be a nerd as well so when I would rather go outside and play, she would shapeshift into me and do my homework for me. It worked out really well until my mom busted us and then grounded me. I asked my friend if she were willing to be grounded as me, but apparently that wasn’t her idea of a good time. Hence, I was really curious as to what Osmar could do.

  During the drive, I struggled not to doze off given how tired I was, but since I insisted on driving, dozing off wasn’t an option. Osmar talked to me about my life the whole way there. I’m not sure if it was an attempt to help me stay awake, or if he had genuinely been interested in what I had to say; either way, it had been a telling conversation.

  “So you grew up an only child?” He asked.

  I nodded and yawned, pushing my hair back and away from my face.

  “What about you?” I figured I might as well be friendly.

  “I’m not too sure. I didn’t know my parents.”

  I felt bad instantly and said, “Have you tried searching for them? There are so many sites now online that you can use to track down your ancestry. As long as you have some basic information, I heard it’s pretty easy.”

  He laughed, “I don’t think websites search that far back.”

  I then looked at him from the side of my eye, “How old are you exactly?”

  He hesitated before answering, “Why does it matter?”

  I took my eyes away from the road for a second, admiring his silhouette as the sun’s rays beamed down on him and Osmar’s whole face was cast in this warm orange glow. I would have stared longer if it weren’t for the horn that blared, bringing my focus back on the road as I swerved to get back into my own lane.

  “Sorry about that,” I mumbled. He merely shrugged. “We’re still alive. That’s all that matters.”

  I didn’t know if he was being funny or serious, but then I
saw the look in his eye and knew it was the former.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” I said to him when the silence stretched between us.

  “I lost count of the years. I would guess around three hundred, four. After the first century, they all seem to roll together.”

  I shook my head. “You don’t look a day over thirty-five,” I said meaning it. Besides the salt and pepper beard, his jet-black hair showed no signs of changing. And his face was still perfect, as if carved from stone. He didn’t have a wrinkle in sight. I couldn’t say the same about myself. I swore that I could see wrinkles forming at the edge of my eyes.

  “So you don’t know your parents? Do you even have any idea where you’re from?”

  He shrugged, “I honestly don’t know anything about my past.”

  “But there’s no way you could have just appeared. There’s no such thing as spontaneous generation,” I said thinking about high school biology.

  “What’s your earliest memory?” He asked me.

  “My mother taking me to the grocery store with her and me falling out of the cart.”

  “What happened? Did you get hurt?”

  I shook my head, “One of your kind caught me, a telekinetic, and lowered me to the ground gently. My turn; did you just wake up one day a wizard?”

  “Warlock. Not wizard.” He laughed, genuinely amused. “I remember only a little from my childhood and those memories entailed me trying to do magic in the fields when I should have been attending to the animals. That’s all I remember. Those are my first memories.”

  “And how old were you?”

  “Twelve. I think.”

  “And from then on you what? Raised yourself?”

  “From what I do remember, yes.”

  “Sounds lonely.”

  “You’re right. It was.”

  I found myself feeling sad for the little boy he had been who didn’t know his parents or even where he was from. And that conversation made him seem more human to me.

  We rode in my car as far as it could go into the hills, and then we climbed down a few boulders to where a meteor had landed at one point and left what was now a huge canyon, at least twenty miles wide, just outside of town.

  “Alright, Mr. Warlock. Let’s see your skills,” I teased feeling more at ease with him.

  He walked into the center of the deep valley and said, “You might want to stand back.”

  I raised a brow at him and said, “Seriously?”

  “Yes, seriously.”

  And he held out his arms, winked at me and in a flash of light; Osmar was gone and in his place was a creature that I had only seen in storybooks, a creature that never once visited my town, at least as far back as I could remember.

  It stood at least ten feet high and it was reptilian in nature. It had wings and a tail that stretched at least another ten feet behind it and seemed like a cross between a pterodactyl and a komodo dragon. And then I realized that’s exactly what it was, a dragon. Not much surprised me being from Graunville, but seeing him shift into a dragon; now that was shocking.

  I stumbled back, instantly afraid.

  “Osmar?” I whispered and the creature looked down at me and its eyes were familiar. They were the same eerie green that I remembered from when I initially found Osmar on the porch in front of my house. Osmar and the creature in front of me were apparently one.

  And as I reached out to touch the creature, a flash of light blinded me for a second and Osmar appeared, catching my hand in his.

  “Did I scare you?” He asked, holding on to my hand.

  I shook my head and then shrugged, “At first, yes, but then I noticed your eyes. I knew it was you. That’s amazing what you can do.”

  He looked at me thoughtfully and then began to lightly stroke the back of my hand, never taking his eyes away from mine. Gently he pulled me closer and I let him, not resisting as I felt hypnotically drawn to him. He brought the palm of my hand to his lips and kissed it. It was romantic and sensual, and I felt myself stepping even closer, so that our bodies were finally touching.

  I thought now was the time where we would act on the sexual tension that seemed to sizzle between us and grow stronger as the days passed. I opened my mouth, ready to extend an indecent proposal Osmar’s way, when he cut me off saying, “Would you like to fly with me?”

  I frowned, “How?” I was taken aback. Here I was thinking about what we could be doing together on the ground, right now, and instead he was talking about flying?

  Maybe I was wrong; maybe the sexual tension I had been avoiding all along was in my own head. And then I looked down at the evidence of his desire, pressing against my thigh and realized that no, I wasn’t wrong, Osmar just had other plans.

  “I don’t know. I figured I could take you for a ride. It could be a first for us. A first date. Your first time riding a dragon. My first time allowing a human to straddle me. Well, let me take that back; it’ll be the first time as a dragon that a human has straddled me. I’ve had my share of adventurous sex partners,” he quipped, and I rolled my eyes.

  I said dubiously, “I don’t know Osmar. I don’t want to fall off.”

  He shook his head, “You won’t. That’s not possible. A simple spell will keep your body on mine, unable to move.”

  “That sounds---”



  “Maybe it is, but the look in your eyes tells me that you would at least want to try.”

  I couldn’t lie. I definitely wanted to try. “Let’s do it.”

  And before I could change my mind, there was another flash of light and the dragon was back. I took note of its jet-black skin and nails as thick as two-by-fours and grimaced. It lowered itself to the ground and reluctantly I approached it and awkwardly hefted myself onto its neck. I marveled at its wings that were the color of aquamarine with delicate silver veins running through them.

  And before I could change my mind and jump off, we were in the air and I closed my eyes and started to scream in terror. I screamed as he accelerated and pushed off into the clouds. I screamed as he did loops in the sky. And then finally I opened my eyes and looked around. And I realized that we were just floating, drifting through the clouds. Part of me wanted to reach out and touch the clouds, but another part of me was convinced that doing so would mean instant death. So I hesitantly attempted to lift my hand to reach out and touch the fluffy white objects that surrounded me when I realized I couldn’t move my hands. I tried to shift my hips and realized I couldn’t do that either. Apparently the spell was working; I thought happily as I forced myself to relax and not look down.

  I was able to relax at least, but the looking down part proved a challenge. And when I did look down, I immediately regretted it. That feeling of relaxation completely disappeared. I was scared again and I guess Osmar sensed it as he started to slowly descend. And I promptly closed my eyes as the wind tossed my hair straight back and I tried not to scream again. Finally, I chanced a glance and realized we were directly above town. I briefly wondered if Osmar had the ability to make us invisible. If not, wasn’t he afraid that whomever was out to kill him would see us?

  That thought easily drifted away, as I gasped at the beauty below me. Our town really was picturesque. We glided down past the lakes and thick forests with trees the colors of fall: covered in bright red, yellow and green leaves. I was tempted to stick my feet in the lakes we passed and then remembered at the last moment that I was stuck to Osmar. And finally, he left the town area and drifted back to the canyon. I could see my car parked haphazardly on the road, and then he flew past it, and he settled back on the ground and immediately I could move my hands and the rest of my body.

  I clumsily climbed off of him and again there was the flash of light and he was back.

  He smiled at me and said, “Not too shabby for a first date, right?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my arms over my chest. “So that was our first date, but we’re already
living together. That seems a little backwards, don’t you think?”

  He looked down at me again, coming closer and said, “Just go with it, Cameron. I don’t bite.” And I opened my mouth, a retort on my lips when his mouth settled on mine. It was unexpected. It was sexy. He was delicious. And as his lips moved over my own, my tongue dipped into his mouth and I found myself deepening our kiss. I placed my hands in his hair that felt like silk against my fingertips and greedily returned his kiss, matching and even exceeding the level of passion that started all of this.

  When we finally broke away from each other, we were both breathing heavily and I shook my head astounded by my own behavior.

  “I’m sorry---”

  “I’m not,” he quickly said reaching again for me and kissing me so thoroughly that I finally understood what women were talking about when they said their knees grew weak. Unfortunately, for me though, I wasn’t just having a physical response to Osmar. I felt as if that kiss connected us emotionally, and I wasn’t willing to go there with him. I couldn’t. I didn’t do emotions, especially with someone who possessed powers beyond what my mind could fathom. I pushed away at his shoulders, and he looked at me disappointed with eyes dark with desire.

  “We can’t do this anymore. I want you out of my house.” And with that I walked away from him, determined not to look back as he called out for me to stop.

  Chapter 4

  I couldn’t sleep that night. I shifted back and forth in bed thinking about Osmar. And it was the intensity of my thoughts that scared me. My desire for him was all-consuming. I wanted him so much. Yet, I had pushed him away.

  When I had arrived home, he had been there already, inside the house waiting for me. He sat at the dining room table, his hands folded.

  I didn’t know how he had gotten home before me or unlocked the door? But he was a warlock… so what did I expect?

  “What are you doing here?” I asked him, avoiding eye contact as I tossed my keys on the table.

  “I wanted to talk to you.”

  “We have nothing to talk about.”


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