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Love in the Clouds

Page 15

by Sarah Hadley Brook

  Dustin nodded. “Sorry. Had a lot of questions and needed to turn in a flight plan.”

  “No worries. Caught up with the news around the country.”

  Dustin wrinkled his nose. “Anything good happening?”

  “Don’t ask.”

  As they made their way to the plane, Dustin filled him on what they’d be doing next. “I have to complete a preflight checklist before we go up. You have no idea how much there is to flying. You may be the teacher, Raf, but today I’ll be tutoring you!”

  He laughed and grasped Dustin’s hand, kissing it as they walked. “You can be my teacher anytime, Dusty.”

  About half an hour later, Rafael reconsidered those words as Dustin went over the preflight checklist with him.

  “Okay, first I start with AROW.” He opened the pilot-side door and pointed out the pocket on the inside panel. “See those papers?”

  Rafael nodded. “Are those like the papers we keep in our cars?”

  “Pretty much.” He ticked off his fingers as he explained the acronym. “‘A’ is for the ‘Airworthiness Certificate.’ ‘R’ stands for the ‘registration.’ ‘O’ is for the ‘Pilot Operating Handbook’ and ‘W’ is for the ‘Weight and Balance.’ All of those are in there.”

  “I thought I heard you say something like that inside. What does ‘Weight and Balance’ mean?”

  “The FAA says all pilots must calculate the weight and balance of the plane before flying. The center of gravity of a plane is the point where the plane would balance. That is calculated after weighing the plane—the airport has a scale—and then listing it. The center of gravity has to fall within certain limits for each plane. That depends on the types of aircraft. The center of gravity is also referred to as ‘CG.’”

  “Oh, my God, Dusty.” He scrubbed his face with this hands. “I’m so glad I’m a social studies teacher. Math was never my thing and my brain already hurts.”

  Dustin laughed. “Fine, we’ll move on. The next thing we do is check that the Fuel selection is on ‘BOTH.’ That ensures fuel is coming from both tanks in the wings. Remember where the tanks are?”

  Rafael understood and nodded, waiting for him to continue. He liked seeing this side of Dustin—confident, excited, and sexy as hell.

  “Then I remove the control lock.” He pulled out what looked like a metal pin from the instrument panel holding the steering wheel in place. “I make sure the ignition switch is off, which it is, then confirm all the control surfaces work by moving the yoke in different directions.”

  Yoke. Not steering wheel…yoke. He’d thought that sounded off.

  As Dustin moved the yoke in certain ways, different parts of the plane moved. “See the flap going down on the tail? That’s called ‘the elevator.’ It’s important to controlling the pitch of the plane.” He moved it up and down again, then demonstrated the ailerons on the sides of the wings, shifting them up and down as well.

  “Next we flip on the master switch. It turns on all the electrical power. Now I lower the wing flaps to make sure they’re working, check to make sure the beacon light is on, and then turn off the master switch.”

  “But you just turned it on,” Rafael pointed out.

  “But we need to do an external walk around, checking the outside of the plane.”

  “You have to do all this every time you fly?”

  Dustin grinned. “It’s all about safety, Raf.”

  “I get it, but Jesus…if we had to do this with our cars, nobody would ever arrive anywhere on time.”

  His boyfriend chuckled, then raised his eyebrows. “You’re probably right, but I bet we’d all be safer on the roads. Once you spend this kind of time making sure something is in working order, you’re certainly going to stay alert when operating it.”

  Dustin might be on to something.

  “See where the flaps are hinged? Where I moved them earlier? Now I need to make sure there are no missing pieces, such as rivets, pins, hinges, linkages, things like that.” Dustin looked over everything, then slid his fingers into the wing where the flap was bent and felt for anything loose or missing, then proceeded to do the same thing to the aileron. When he finished, he checked the end of the wing and the red light there.

  “Now we can remove the chain from this wing, tying it to the ground.” He unhooked it.

  Once they’d completed checking that no fuel was dripping and they had a clean pitot tube—a pointed tube with a hole in the front that measured air pressure—they checked the static port, popped the panel over the engine panel to ensure nothing looked loose, then arrived at the propeller.

  Dustin carefully ran his hand over it. “I’m looking for any dents or marks.”

  “But it’s new and you just saw it yesterday.”

  “Anything could happen to it while it’s parked. A pilot always checks, Raf.” He moved his hand to the middle section. “This is called the ‘spinner’ and I’m checking for the same type of damage. A pilot has to be attentive to all tiny details. Any mark, any error could impact the flight, and I don’t just mean the difference between a bumpy or smooth ride. Something you might think as insignificant could determine whether the plane is airworthy.”

  Rafael nodded, his eyes on Dustin’s hands as he checked the belt, highly impressed with his methodicalness. Dustin glided his fingers over the landing light, and around the edges, before he moved around the propeller. Rafael watched Dustin continue his way around the plane, stopping several times and checking the wing just as he’d done on the other side. Dustin dropped the chain to the ground, as well.

  He had a few questions for Dustin, but filed them away for later, because he didn’t want to interrupt the man’s process. Instead, he pulled out his phone and took pictures of his boyfriend completing his inspection.

  Dustin seemed in his element. He explained things as he went, but Rafael focused on Dustin’s hands, the way they caressed the Cessna as if it were something precious. Rafael knew how that felt. Strong hands gliding over his skin, touching, kneading, knowing when to press and to tease with fingertips barely connecting with Rafael’s body. An ache to have those hands on him grew, and a shudder ran through him. But Dustin, oblivious to Rafael’s situation, completed his external review and grinned.

  “Everything looks good.”

  “That’s great. So now we fly?”

  Dustin laughed. “We have a lot more to do first.”

  Rafael pursed his lips together and wondered how planes ever actually got off the ground, but he waited for the next steps. This was Dustin’s show. Rafael was just along for the ride.

  A few minutes later, they both sat in the plane, seatbelts on, doors closed and locked, while Dustin focused on a list he had in front of him.

  “Before I start the engine, I need to make sure the avionics are off, check all the circuit breakers. Next I check the electrical equipment, prime the engine two-to-three times, turn on the master switch and the beacon light.”

  “Why the beacon light?”

  “It flashes red and it has to be on any time the engine’s running. It helps other planes see you in the air.”

  That made sense. Most definitely a good thing.

  Dustin put on his headset. “Ready?”

  Rafael smiled, nervous, but absolutely ready to get started.

  Dustin ran his hand over more switches before he gazed out the plane. “Clear,” he confirmed, referring to the propeller area. He turned the ignition key and the engine roared to life.

  The sound reverberated through the cockpit, and Rafael grabbed the handle on the inside of the door.

  Dustin laughed and shook his head, but his attention remained on the instrument panel as he flipped switches, and turned a few things. “Check one-two, check, check.”

  He repeated words and letters that Rafael assumed referred to the plane, but it sounded like an entirely new language. He’d heard Dustin say “bravo” and wondered if he was using the military phonetic alphabet.

  Soon, all he could do
was grip the handle and stare out the windshield as the tower gave them permission to head toward the runway.

  Dustin squeezed Rafael’s leg in excitement before waiting for the “all clear,” which came almost immediately. Rafael thought it weird to hear so many other people talking on the radio.

  “Clear left, clear right,” Dustin confirmed, then turned on the strobe light, and the taxiing and landing lights.

  And just like that, they started barreling down the pavement. Rafael’s heart beat nearly as fast as the plane, and his stomach tensed. The grassy field at the end of the runway appeared awfully close.

  Dustin adjusted something on the instrument panel, then gripped the yoke with both hands. Rafael felt the plane leave the ground and his belly dropped. He focused on Dustin, who looked completely at ease, grinning. Commanding. His nerves fell away—most of them, anyway. Dustin was in control—Rafael had nothing to worry about.

  He gazed out the windshield, marveling at how quickly the scenery turned into a quilt of farms, neighborhoods, trees, and rivers. Ribbons of roads and highways weaved throughout the green and brown patterns. Just above the plane, the clouds looked close enough to pluck out of the sky, and he had the odd thought that if he opened his window and reached out, they’d feel like cotton candy.

  Being in southern Missouri, lakes dotting the countryside didn’t surprise him, but their sheer number astonished him. Seeing them from above, large shimmering dark stretches with sunlight glittering across the surface, reminded him of one of the reasons he loved the state. The land looked breathtaking, with rolling hillsides filled with new and old trees, jagged stone where hills had been blasted through to make for roads, or lakes that spread across the miles. Beauty surrounded them.

  Dustin guided the plane into an eastward turn, and when the Cessna tilted, Rafael saw the high school.

  The tower asked Dustin if he had a view of a small plane to the west.


  Rafael scrutinized the sky but never did find that other plane. How the hell was that even possible? But Dustin had seen it, so he wouldn’t worry. Rafael spied another plane to the east, much lower, and wondered if it was heading in for a landing. He pointed it out to Dustin, who smiled.

  “Once we go farther out, there will be less air traffic. But not just yet. I’m going to do a landing, and then another take off. Want to get in some practice.”

  Rafael looked down. Landing. His gut dropped again.

  Dustin laughed out loud. “After today, you’ll be a pro at taking off and landing in a small plane.”

  He wasn’t so sure about that, but he leaned back in his seat and settled in for a landing, his hand still gripping that damn handle, focusing on the runway as it grew closer and closer beyond the spinning propeller.

  “Looks clear. About eighty knots. Waiting for a landing clearance.”

  Rafael wasn’t sure if Dustin was talking to him or the tower.

  “Tower Skyhawk 80955 short final. Waiting for a landing clearance for touch and go.”

  “Skyhawk 80955 cleared for touch and go.”

  “Cleared touch and go.”

  Rafael couldn’t tear his gaze away from Dustin as he continued speaking.

  “Down to seventy knots. Flaps twenty degrees.”

  The tires touched the ground, gently bouncing the aircraft, and Rafael’s heart began to slow. They’d made it. Not that he’d doubted it, but being new to flying small planes, he couldn’t hide his nerves.

  “Flaps coming up. More power. We’re airborne.”

  The plane climbed quickly, until they began leveling out.

  “Sixteen-hundred feet.”

  Dustin turned to smile, tilting his head as if to ask Rafael if he was doing okay.

  Rafael smiled back and nodded. “This is amazing,” he admitted, finally allowing himself to fully relax. They’d completed two take-offs and a landing and Dustin had done a remarkable job.

  As they flew, Rafael lost track of the hour, splitting his time between staring at Dustin in awe and admiring the scenery. He grew used to hearing the tower on the radio, amazed that Dustin could weed out what was and wasn’t meant for him, but could interpret what sounded like gibberish.

  Dustin exuded power and confidence, and it was hot as fuck. The longer they flew, the more aroused Rafael became until his cock pressed uncomfortably at his zipper. He kept his hands to himself, but the desire to be with Dustin made his balls ache. By the time they were ready to head in for the landing, he nearly shouted for joy.

  “We’re at one-thousand feet, need to get down about two-hundred more. Then we’ll turn toward the runway.”

  Dustin and the tower conferred, once again using their coded language, and before Rafael knew it, wheels touched down, the speed dropping as Dustin taxied along the runway, then turned toward the parking area.

  Rafael assisted with hooking the chains, then waited as Dustin checked everything with a list.

  “What did you think?” Dustin’s eyes twinkled.

  Rafael pulled him close, their gazes meeting. The air between them crackled and Rafael’s lips covered Dustin’s in a heated kiss. When he pulled back, his heart tilted at the bemused expression on his boyfriend’s face.

  “What was that for?” Dustin’s fingers flew to his lips. “Not that I’m complaining.”

  “For being so fucking sexy I nearly lost my mind. Watching you fly, being in the plane with you…God, Sunshine, it was exhilarating.”

  Dustin’s eyes flashed, his pupils nearly overtaking the rich blue-green irises. “Then you’d better take me home, Raf, because I’ve been ready to explode all day.”

  Rafael didn’t need to be told twice. He nearly dragged him to the truck, Dustin chuckling the whole way.

  “Eager much?” Dustin teased once they started hurtling down the road.

  In answer, Rafael grabbed Dustin’s hand and pressed it against the bulge at his fly. “All day, Dusty. All fucking day.”

  Dustin licked his lips and began rubbing Rafael through the denim. “Love touching you.”

  “That’s good, because I love having your hands on me.” He gave a sidelong glance to Dustin. “And FYI, keeping my hands to myself today nearly killed me.”

  “You going to touch me when we get home?”

  Rafael noticed that Dustin had again referred to the house as “home,” not just Dustin’s place. Unfortunately, hormones raged, and every synapse fired in his brain, so he didn’t have time to analyze it. “For hours, Dusty. Until we’re both too exhausted to leave the bed or even answer our phones and our friends send out a search party.”

  Dustin visibly shuddered. “Hurry.”

  Rafael did just that.

  The moment the front door closed behind them, Rafael shoved Dustin against the back of it, their lips crashing together. Tongues dueling, gliding, tasting. Hands everywhere, in each other’s hair, under shirts, tugging, pulling, stripping, until both chests lay bare.

  Rafael kissed his way down Dustin’s neck, nipping, biting, and licking away the sting until he bit Dustin’s nipples, already pebbled. Their pants and moans filled the house as they gave in to the all-consuming fire. Rafael deftly fell to his knees and pulled out Dustin’s dick. Dustin’s fingers raked Rafael’s hair, his eyes dark with desire.

  Rafael shoved down Dustin’s pants past his knees, then licked the cock head, tasting the liquid beading at the slit, already addicted to Dustin’s taste. He swallowed most of the shaft, his tongue swirling around, tasting every inch. Dustin’s musky scent filled his senses while the man’s hands gripped his head.

  Soon, Dustin began fucking Rafael’s mouth with abandon. Rafael’s heart threatened to jump out of his chest as Dustin’s dick filled his throat, pulsing, hot, and thick. He nearly gagged, but held back and looked up.

  Dustin’s mouth hung open, his cheeks flushed red, and eyes glazed over with lust. Rafael took in the beautiful sight of his lover’s ecstasy, pleasure skimming down his own spine.

k. I’m going to come, Raf.”

  Rafael waiting for the treasure he wanted, urging Dustin to keep going. He moaned around Dustin’s dick, unzipped his own pants, then fisted his cock, knowing it wouldn’t take much to get him off.

  “Fuck, yes,” Dustin cried, his release shooting down Rafael’s throat.

  Rafael swallowed it all, nearly drunk with passion as his own orgasm exploded and dripped down his hand.

  Dustin sagged against the door, his breath coming out in ragged pants. Rafael wound his arms around Dustin’s waist and rested his head against his belly, holding tight. Fingers stroked his hair, his face, his ears, and he never wanted to move. Dustin’s heart, slamming against his ribs, reverberated through Rafael.

  Finally, Dustin slumped to the floor, pulling Rafael with him, his pants still around his thighs. He laughed. “Holy fuck, Raf, that was hot.”

  They lay on the floor in an exhausted heap. Rafael completely agreed. It had definitely been hot. He would need time to recuperate before making good on the promise he’d made in the truck—“For hours, Dusty. Until we’re both too exhausted to leave the bed or even answer our phones and our friends send out a search party”—which he absolutely intended to do.

  Chapter 16


  Raf woke him with a blow job at 3:30 A.M. and Dustin thought it a perfect way to start their vacation. He reciprocated, and soon, both grinned like fools as they sprawled in bed.

  They planned to leave for Oshkosh by 5:00 A.M., but they had some time. Their bags were packed and already in the truck, along with the tent, sleeping bags, and various camping equipment Raf had picked up on his shopping trip.

  “Be right back,” Raf said as he rose.

  Dustin watched his boyfriend leave the bedroom without a stitch of clothing and smiled. God, he would miss spending every night with Raf since he assumed, once school started again, the man would want to stay at his own place. Honestly, Dustin had been biting his tongue for days, because he wanted to ask Raf to move in and share the house. Be more than boyfriends—commit to each other. But part of him felt it was too fast. They hadn’t even said the “L” word.


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