Sleepless in Manchester

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Sleepless in Manchester Page 1

by Woods, Karen







  First published in 2013 by Empire Publications

  Smashwords Edition

  © Karen Woods 2013

  ISBN: 1901746 992

  The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

  Published by Empire Publications at Smashwords

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  Once again thank you to all my readers for buying my books. Thanks to all my friends on Twitter and Facebook, who have showed me amazing support. Thanks to Ashley Shaw and John Ireland from Empire, without whom I would have never become the author I am today. Also thanks to Delennyk Richardson for all her help and advice.

  Thanks to my mother Margaret and my father Alan who always help me put my stories together. Thanks to my children Ashley, Blake, Declan and Darcy for their patience while I am writing. Big Hugs to my grandchildren, Dolton, Cruz, and Marci. To James who is my rock and supports me in whatever I do. Big kisses to my brothers, Alan, Darren, Travis - keep smiling boys.

  Sleepless In Manchester is for all you hopeless romantics out there. It just goes to show that love does move in mysterious ways and that love can conquer all if it’s strong enough.

  I am now working on my next novel called “Covering Up”, so watch out for it folks. You can find me on Facebook, and Twitter @karenwoods69. Also take a look at my website.

  Broken Youth, my first novel, has now been adapted for the stage at The Lowry Theatre on the 29th June 2013. Get your tickets folks it’s a show that will stay with you long after the curtain closes with some amazing actors.

  My last thanks are to my son in heaven Dale, without you I would never have had the stories to tell. Goodnight God bless son.

  “Love conquers All”

  Chapter One

  “But I’ll never see you again, how am I going to cope without you?” Fallon sobbed, covering her face with her trembling hands. There was no way she wanted him to see her falling apart.

  “I promise you, I’ll keep in touch. It’s not like I’m moving to the other side of the world is it?” Dalton pleaded with Fallon as he tried to calm her down, his face was desperate and he knew he was fighting a losing battle. She gripped him closer and sank her head into his firm chest. You could see the strain in her fingertips as she dug them deep into his black leather jacket; she was scared of letting him go. Snivelling noises could be heard. “Fallon, please don’t cry. It does my head in to see you like this. Things will work out, just trust me.” The sound of the passing traffic filled the air. Nobody seemed to care that the two teenagers’ lives were being torn apart.

  Dalton and Fallon had been going out together ever since junior school. They’d been married to each other more than once on St Patrick’s black gritted playground. Johnny Cooper was always the priest at the ceremony. He was the top dog in the school and insisted he was the only one who had the power to wed the couple properly, no one argued with him. A brass washer was always the wedding ring and he always kept it on his finger whilst he read out their vows. Every other week at break time the two school kids would renew their vows and declare their undying love to each other. The other pupils loved it and fought regularly about who was giving the bride away and who was going to catch the bride’s bouquet. There had rarely been a minute since, that Dalton and Fallon had spent apart.

  Now, on Fallon’s eighteenth birthday, Dalton had broken the news that was cutting her up deep inside. “I’ll keep in touch; we can still phone each other. And on the weekends I can get the train from London to come and see you.”

  Fallon snivelled, she knew in her heart it would never work. “It won’t be the same, we’ll just drift apart. I just know it.”

  He lifted her head up into his hands and looked deep into her piercing blue eyes. “You’ll always be my girl, no matter what. Just trust that love conquers all.” Fallon wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her blouse but she wasn’t convinced. The corners of her mouth started to rise slowly. He could always make her smile. Moving away, he dug deep inside his trouser pockets. Rustling noises could be heard as he rummaged inside them. His face looked anxious as his knuckles disappeared into his pants. Dalton pulled out a square red velvet box, he looked directly at her. “Happy Birthday Fallon. It’s not much, but I know it will mean a lot to both of us.” He passed the present to her.

  Holding it in her hands she looked sheepish and her cheeks were going beetroot, she looked like she was going to pop. Was this his way of proposing to her? She inhaled deeply and she was getting prepared to say “Yes.” She’d imagined this day for so long. Slowly, her hand lifted the lid up. Her eyes started to trickle with tears of love, it wasn’t an engagement ring but it was enough to show that he cared. “Oh, it’s beautiful Dalton.”

  “Go on then, try it on,” he urged. Pulling the necklace from the box carefully, she flicked her hair back from her shoulders. Holding the silver half of a heart in her hands, she examined it further. “You’re so sweet; it’s even got my name on it too.” Fallon pulled the other piece of jewellery out of the box carefully, it looked so fragile. Dalton’s name was on the other half of it. “Do I wear the one with your name on it?” she asked.

  “Yeah, you muppet. I don’t want my own name hanging around my neck do I. Derrrrr?” She shivered as he started to fasten the delicate necklace around her neck; she was always the same when he touched her body. Dropping her chin she admired her birthday present.

  “Do you want me to put yours on?” He nodded. Before she fastened it, she placed it next to the one she was already wearing. The two hearts connected together and became one. “There you go Fallon; our hearts will always be together now, no matter where we are in life.”

  Jerking back the tears she stood on her tiptoes to fasten his chain. “Dalton I hope you’re right. I don’t think I could manage a day without you. My head’s in bits already and you’ve not even gone anywhere yet,” her face was creased and she looked distressed. Dalton pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head. His nostrils flared as he inhaled the lemon fragrance from her hair. Closing his eyes he bit hard on his lips. He was going to miss her for sure.

  Dalton’s parents were moving to London in two weeks time. The young couple had to make the most of the time they had left together. All hell had broken loose when Dalton’s father told him the news, and it was only the last couple of days that he had got his head around it all. His parents were ruining his life for sure. Dalton’s father Brian was a building contractor and the promotion he’d been given at work came at a price for all his family. His children would have to relocate schools, and his wife Maria would have to find a new job. Dalton’s mother worked as a teaching assistant at the local school, and she didn’t have a problem in finding new employment, she couldn’t wait. Living in Manchester had taken its toll on her, and she’d told her husband straight that she would be glad to see the back of the place. Maria wanted the best for her family, at any cost.

  Dalton and Fallon shared a long passionate kiss before they started to walk home together. Standing outsi
de the Brown Cow pub in Ancoats, they trudged up the hill. The sun was cracking down on the pavement and Fallon was sweating. As they walked hand in hand she was holding the heart- shaped necklace around her neck, it seemed to be calming her. The sound of a motorbike screeching past them made Dalton stop dead in his tracks. He twisted his head around frantically and let go of her hand. “Check that out,” his eyes were fixed on the motorbike and at that moment nothing else seemed to matter. “It’s mint that, I can’t wait until I can get one.”

  Fallon screwed her face up, she was sick of his obsession with these two-wheel death traps. “Dalton, why are you like this over those bikes?” Watching it disappear into the horizon he looked hypnotised by it, she asked him again and this time her voice was fierce. “Are you listening to me or what?”

  Taking a few seconds to register what she’d said, he shrugged his shoulders. “I just love them, that’s all. I always have. Why, what’s wrong with that?” She was in a huff, her face was like thunder. Fallon marched off in front of him. Here she was with her heart breaking and all he could think about was his beloved motorbikes.

  Fallon and Dalton arranged to meet up later that evening. They’d already had sex, but tonight was going to be special. Well, that’s what he told her anyway. Dalton walked into his home and his mother was stood waiting for him with one hand fixed firmly on her hip. She was a right battle-axe and she wasn’t happy. “Where have you been? Your tea’s been on the table for ages.”

  Dalton kicked his trainers off in the hallway and blew a breath. “I’ve been with Fallon; I didn’t know what time it was.”

  Maria shook her head and raised her eyes to the ceiling. “I don’t know why you’re wasting your time with her son. We’re going to be moving away soon. Anyway, I can’t see the point?”

  Dalton growled at her, he knew in his heart his mother didn’t think Fallon was good enough for him, nobody was in her eyes. Since his mother started her job as a teacher’s assistant in the local school she’d changed so much. She was so far up her own arse, it was untrue. Maria thought she was better than everyone else; she’d even changed the way she spoke, especially in front of her work colleagues. “Mother, why don’t you like her? It’s always the same with you when you know I’ve been out with her. Just give the girl a chance will you.”

  Maria huffed and waved her hand about in front of her. “Well, I mean she lives on a council estate, and her family are the talk of it. It was only last week that I saw her dad pissed out of his head. Staggering all over the show he was” her voice went higher as she stepped in front of him. “He was singing in the street so everyone could hear him, making a right show of himself.”

  “I don’t care what you think mother. Why are you so concerned about her family anyway? Just because she doesn’t come from a posh neighbourhood, it doesn’t mean that she’s scum,” he gritted his teeth together and growled. She was testing his temper for sure and by the look on his face he was going to blow any minute soon.

  Maria raised her eyes to the ceiling and started to walk into the front room with a wiggle in her walk. “I just think you could do so much better that’s all. I’m entitled to my opinion aren’t I?”

  “Stop doing my head in will ya,” he snapped and went into her face. “I love her, so keep your beak out of my business.”

  Dalton’s mother plonked herself down on the sofa; she knew she’d overstepped the mark. In a low voice she tried to make amends. “Are you ready for your tea yet?”

  “Nar I’ve lost my appetite now,” he moaned.

  “Please your fucking self then. All I’m saying is that you can’t polish a turd. Well, that’s what your Dad says anyway.” She giggled as she continued in a sarcastic tone, “I don’t know, people can’t have an opinion any more in this house without someone biting their head off.” Dalton reached for the TV remote and blanked her completely. He turned the volume up and kept his eyes fixed on the telly. Maria left the living room; looking over her shoulder she shook her head. “Hormonal you are. I was only saying.”


  Fallon walked through the council estate in Collyhurst. She looked at her surroundings with a heavy heart. Broken bikes were scattered in gardens and kids stood on street corners looking like they were up to mischief. They all held that hard knock look in their eyes. “Alright Fallon,” one youth said to her as he jerked his head forward with a quick movement. Fallon nodded back to him and that was enough to let him know she’d acknowledged him. The family home stared back at her as she trudged down the grass verge not far from her house. The grey net curtains hanging from the window told her that life wasn’t going to get much better for her any time soon. She knew in her heart she would need a miracle to break free from the life set out in front of her. Kicking the back gate open with her foot, she used her shoulder to push the bin from behind it. The metal lock had been broken from the gate for as long as she could remember and it was just another job that needed doing in the dilapidated house where she lived.

  “Pass us my cigs from the table love,” her mother said as she came through the back door. Fallon grabbed the gold box of Benson and Hedges and threw them across to her.

  “What’s for tea Mam I’m starving?” There was no reply. She shot her eyes to the kitchen in search of some grub, but nothing was about. “Mam have you made any tea or what?”

  Beryl hunched her shoulders, “Nope, I’m waiting for your dad to come back from the post office. He got his giro this morning and I haven’t seen sight or sound of him since. I think he’s on the piss again.” Fallon trudged back inside the kitchen, she looked deflated. The walls were covered in brown grease and the sink was overloaded with pots and pans. Rolling her sleeve up she started to wash them. Bending her knees she searched the cupboards below her. “Mam, have we got anything to wash these pots with? There’s no washing-up liquid.”

  She heard coughing. Fallon held her ear to the door waiting for a reply. After a few minutes Beryl answered. “Just bang a bit of washing- powder on them. I’ve used it before now. It won’t do them any harm.” Fallon dropped her head into her hands, could her life get any worse?

  Fallon stared inside the fridge, it was empty. Her head dipped low as she stretched inside it. Grabbing the last bit of butter she knew making some toast was her only option. “Mam, I’m making some toast, do you want any?”

  “Yeah, go on then. Our Billy’s here now, so you’d better make him some too, he’ll be starving.” Billy was Fallon’s older brother. He was a wheeler and dealer in the area and he was always involved in all kinds of hooky deals. He was the Del Boy of the estate. His street cred was high and he held the respect from all who knew him, he was a loveable rogue.

  The sound of the back door opening could be heard. Fallon stretched her neck back inside the living room. Her eyes shot to the black bin liner that her brother was holding in his hands. “What have you got there our kid?” He threw the bag towards her.

  “It’s just some perfumes and make-up. You can sell them for me if you want. You should earn a good crust from them?” Her face lit up, she was on her arse and needed some fast cash.

  “Yeah, just let me make some toast, and I’ll go to the pubs selling them for you,” she checked the clock on the wall. “There should be a few in tonight; it’s the ladies' darts match.”

  Billy nodded his head, “Sorted, no worries.”

  Fallon went back to making something to eat. Billy stood at the kitchen door “Is there no tea again?” His eyes were all over the place searching the sides for food.

  Fallon lifted her head up and hunched her shoulders. “Nar, dad has done one with his giro again.”

  Billy dug his hand inside his tracksuit bottoms and pulled out a wad of cash. “Here, get to Asda and get some food in this place. Is she right in the head letting him cash his Giro himself, she knows what he’s like!” He marched back inside the front room with one hand dug down the front of his tracksuit bottoms. “Mam, why the fuck didn’t you go with him to the post office?
Every fortnight he’s the same. Are you daft or what?” Beryl was coughing and didn’t answer him. Fallon buttered the hot toast and spread what butter was left in the tub on top of it. Handing two slices to her brother she sat on the chair next to him munching it loudly.

  The Atkinson’s household was just like many other families living on the council estate. Each of the family members did anything they could to keep their heads above water. The front room looked like it hadn’t seen a duster in years. The stale smell of crusty socks lingered in the air, the house just smelt of poverty. Beryl sat up straight in her armchair and stretched over to grab a piece of toast from her daughter. Once it was in her hands she spat her false teeth out and shoved them on the cabinet at the side of her. Fallon screwed her face up and heaved. “Mother, do you have to do that, that’s disgusting?”

  Beryl sniggered. “I can’t eat with them inside my mouth. What do you want me to do, starve?” Fallon turned her head away and blew a breath. She bent down and grabbed the black bin-liner towards her. With the toast still hanging from her mouth she searched deep inside it. Her head was out of sight. “Ay, these ones are top our kid. I saw this perfume in Boots the other week, they’re about forty quid each to buy you know.” Ragging the box open, she squirted some of the scent onto her wrist. “Mmmm... it smells so clean and fresh.” The air was filled with a flowery fragrance and Beryl was sniffing hard in the air like a sniffer dog. Reading the box Fallon pushed the perfume back inside it. “Can I have this one Billy? I haven’t got any left. You don’t want your favourite sister smelling like a skank do you? Please, please?” her head tilted to the side as she fluttered her eyelashes at her older brother.

  He smirked at her, she could always win him over. “Yeah, but make sure you sell the others for me. I’ve got to pay the guy for them later so don’t let me down.”

  “Nar I won’t,” she replied. Billy was Fallon’s protector and he always made sure she didn’t go without. He was always bunging her money and liked to see her making the most of herself.


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