Sleepless in Manchester

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Sleepless in Manchester Page 7

by Woods, Karen

  Beryl was talking to Billy on the landing, her voice was low but Fallon could still hear her. “What can we do Billy? Should I phone the police and report that sick bastard for what he’s done to her.”

  Before she could finish her sentence he jumped in and stopped her dead in her tracks. “No,” he ranted. “Mother, I’ve just left the bastard half dead, if the dibble get wind of this, they’ll know it’s me who’s fucked him up. Just keep schtum will you.” Billy marched about the landing as Beryl stood with her arms folded tightly in front of her.

  “Can’t we send her away for a bit, just until everything blows over?” Billy asked.

  She raised her eyes to the ceiling and swallowed hard. “Where to? There’s nowhere she can go.”

  Fallon flew out of her bedroom, she was frantic. “I’m not going fucking anywhere. I’m staying here, so get that thought right out of your minds. What, are you ashamed of me or something?” She ran back into her room and slammed the door behind her nearly taking the hinges off.

  Billy shook his head. “Fucking hell, Mam, what are we going to do with her?”

  Beryl walked slowly to the bedroom door, as she held the silver handle down she turned back to her son and whispered. “Just leave it to me, she’s hurting at the moment, I’ll talk some sense into her, don’t you worry.”

  Fallon closed the curtains. The room was dark and Beryl struggled to find her way to her daughter’s side. You could smell the stale cigarettes on her clothing as she walked into the room; she coughed to clear her throat. “Fallon will you turn around and talk to me. We need to sort this mess out?” She gripped her daughter’s shoulder with her wrinkled fingers and forced her to roll over. Fallon’s hands were covering her face. She prised them away with a struggled grip. “We’re going to get through this. I don’t know how at the moment, but trust me, we will.”

  Fallon sat up and looked deep into her mother’s eyes. She could see the pain inside them. Wiping her own tears away with her sleeve she pulled her mother closer and cradled her in her arms. “Mam, don’t you be worrying about me. It’s just all raw at the moment. Our Billy’s sorted him out, and for now that’s good enough for me,” her lips quivered as she stuttered. “I just want Dalton back, if he was here, none of this would have happened.”

  Beryl shrugged her shoulders and pulled away from her with a look of disgust on her face. “Oh, don’t mention that bastard’s name to me; he’s got a lot to answer for, the selfish cunt.”

  Fallon’s eyes opened wide. “What are you saying that for, he’s done nothing wrong? It was Craig Jones who raped me, not Dalton.”

  Beryl bolted to her feet and let rip. “He’s caused you nothing but heartache. For weeks, I’ve heard you crying in the night over him, and where is he now?” she paused and darted her eyes at her. “In fucking London, having the time of his life with his posh up ya arse family.”

  Fallon tried to defend him but her mother was having none of it. “He had no choice Mam. Do you think he wanted to go with them?” Beryl held her tongue. This wasn’t the time or the place to add fuel to the fire.

  Silence filled the room. Suddenly the sound of someone knocking on the front door could be heard. Billy burst into the bedroom in a panic.

  “It’s Lesley, what should I do? Shall I fuck her off or what?”

  Beryl was just about to speak, when Fallon answered him. “Let her in, I need her, she’s my best friend. I’m gonna tell her what’s happened.”

  Billy shot his eyes at his sister. “Fuck me; what are you trying to do, get me fucking nicked. I said no one is to know fuck all about this.”

  Fallon stood her ground; she spoke in a calm voice. “Billy, I’ll go mental if I keep this to myself. I need to talk to someone about this. I’m not being funny or owt, but she’ll help me get through this. I need her.”

  Beryl agreed. “Let her in son, she’s right.”

  Billy’s nostrils flared as he ragged his hair through his hands in desperation. “Fallon, I swear she’d better not tell a living soul about this because it’s my neck on the line not hers.”

  “I’ll sort it Billy, don’t worry, she won’t say a word.” Beryl and Billy left the bedroom. He ran to open the front door. Fallon quickly checked her face in the mirror; she looked as if she’d been crying for months. Her eyes were swelled and puffy. Lesley’s loud voice could be heard throughout the house. “Where is she?” she giggled to Billy.

  Fallon went to the top of the stairs and hung her head over the banister; she could see her friend’s feet. “Come up Lesley,” she yelled. The sound of the teenager bounding up the stairs could be heard. Fallon hurried back to her bedroom before Lesley got to the top. Dragging the curtains open she dived onto the bed trying to look casual. As soon as Lesley entered the bedroom she clocked Fallon’s red face, she could see she’d been crying. With sarcasm in her voice she plonked herself on the bed next to her.

  “Don’t tell me you’re crying over Dalton again. Fucking hell, I thought you were over him?” Lesley shuffled her bum cheeks further onto the bed and sat with her back against the wall. Fallon was watching her face trying to pick the right moment to tell her about the rape. Lesley didn’t give her chance to get a word in edgeways. “You should have stayed at the party last night Fallon. Once you got off, some mint lads come down from Moston Lane.” Fallon just sat staring listening to her waffle on. “I ended up with one of them,” she giggled.

  Fallon looked agitated as she chewed on her fingernails. “I thought you were with that lad I left you with?”

  “Yeah I was, but as soon as I saw Tony, I fucked that geek right off, he was doing my head in anyway.” Lesley was holding her belly laughing. “I stayed out all night with him. My Mam thinks I stayed at your house, so word your Mam up, will you? That’s all I need, her on my case,” she sighed.

  Fallon knew she needed to tell Lesley what had happened, she wasn’t listening to a word her friend was saying now. Taking a deep breath she stared at her. “I’ve got something to tell you.”

  Lesley looked deflated. “Orr no, just let me tell you this first. You’ll piss your knickers laughing when I tell you.”

  “No, just listen, will you, this is important.”

  Lesley could tell by her friend’s face that this was something serious. “Go on then, it better not be about Dalton, because I’m not listening if it is.” Fallon played with her hands and dropped her head in a panic.

  “Craig Jones raped me last night.”

  Silence filled the room, Lesley looked uncomfortable. “Fuck off lying.”

  Fallon’s eyes filled up and Lesley was unsure if she was telling the truth. “When, where,” she urged. Fallon began to tell her the details of the night before. Lesley was up in arms, her face was white; she bolted up from the bed and stood facing Fallon with her hands waving about in front of her. “Are you winding me up or what, because if you are, it’s not fucking funny? I know I left you, but don’t be saying things like that just to wind me up?”

  Fallon was at her side, her voice was low. “Honest, our Billy’s been to sort him out today.”

  A concerned look filled Lesley’s face. “Oh my God, this is my fault. If I hadn’t have left you to walk home on your own, none of this would have happened.”

  Fallon grabbed her arm as she fell to the floor. “It’s not your fault, the prick is sick in the bastard head.”

  Lesley was blubbering. “It is, it is. It’s my fault.” The two teenagers sat together on the floor crying and Fallon seemed to be the one who was comforting Lesley. Billy entered the bedroom with a concerned look on his face, he jerked his head forward at Fallon’s friend, and he knew by her face she knew about the rape. Billy squatted down next to them. He had to make sure the secret they shared stayed inside the four walls of the house. His words were chilling, and Lesley rubbed at her arms as he spoke.

  “What happened is to stay between us, okay? If anyone gets to find out about this, I’m fucked. Do you hear me? Totally fucked.”

sp; Lesley grabbed his hairy hands. “Don’t worry Billy; I won’t say Jack shit to anyone. Craig Jones deserves everything that’s coming to him. I always knew he was a fucking weirdo.” Fallon seemed calm and now she had her best friend by her side, things didn’t seem as bad as before. “I’m staying here with you tonight Fallon, there’s no way you’re staying on your own. I swear to you, I’ll never let you down again.”

  Billy stood up; he knew the girls needed time on their own. Fallon knew Lesley was right; she did need her best friend more than ever. “Right, keep this on the low. The police will be on the prowl soon, and I want fuck all, pointing the finger at me.”

  Lesley nodded her head at speed. “Did you give it him proper Billy? I hope you did the fucking rat.”

  Billy chuckled as he left. “Oh don’t you worry your pretty little head Lesley, he got what he deserved.”


  The sirens around the old mill in Harpurhey were blaring. Police cars were all over the show and the helicopter was hovering about in the air. An ambulance was parked at the entrance of the mill and you could see the medics carrying a body out on a stretcher. The man wasn’t moving and the look on the emergency- team faces suggested the casualty was in a bad way. A witness stood with the police and she was the one who’d reported the incident. The woman was around fifty years old. Her face was stressed as she hugged her body tightly. “I was chasing my dog officer, he ran inside the grounds of the mill.” Her eyes were wide open and her hands were shaking as she pointed back behind her. “My dog was barking at something, he was going mental, I thought he’d found a cat or something, you know what dogs are like.” The officer was writing everything down that she said and he was hanging on her every word, hoping to get a lead.

  “Did you see anyone else inside the grounds?”

  “Not a living soul officer. I was scared of going in after Rocky. I mean, I’m nearly a pensioner.” The officers looked at each other as she continued. “The dog was barking like mad. I could see him from where I was stood at the gates. I didn’t go inside straight away; I just stood shouting his name.” Another officer came to join them and he too was looking for any scrap of evidence to go on. The woman lit a cig and asked could she sit down, her legs were shaky. She looked drained. Once she was seated she gave the last bit of evidence that she knew. “I walked over to where Rocky was barking, at first I thought it was an old mannequin or something plonked on the floor, but from the corner of my eye I saw it moving slowly. I shit myself I can tell you. I’ve not run like that for years. I nearly had a heart attack you know?” The medic was stood with the woman now and they were waiting to carry out a few tests on her to make sure she was okay. The officers needed the last bit of her statement from her and asked her a few more questions.

  “So what happened then Eva?”

  The woman took a deep breath and threw her cig- end to the floor. “I ran to the phone box over the road,” she pointed her finger in the distance. “And that’s when I reported the incident.” Her face was stressed and her bottom lip quivered. “Is he dead?” The medics took over now and helped the woman up from the wall. The policeman never answered her question. The witness was taken to the ambulance leaving the officers to discuss the case. They had nothing to go on, and stood with blank expressions on their faces.


  Night time fell and Lesley and Fallon were sat downstairs. Beryl was sat on the chair and she was nodding off, her jaw was dropping. Bob was sprawled across the sofa and his empty cans of Stella were all scattered at the side of him, he was snoring like a pig. Fallon was smoking like a trooper and Lesley had told her more than once that she needed to cut down her nicotine intake. Beryl was moving in the chair, opening her eyes slowly she tried to focus on the girls. It was nearly half past ten. Lesley and Fallon hadn’t had a scrap to eat. Beryl dug her hand deep down into the front of her blouse, you could hear rustling noises. She pulled a twenty pound note out from it. She got Fallon’s attention by clicking her fingers together. “Do you want something from the chippy love; you’ve not had a bite to eat all day?” she whispered.

  Fallon held the bottom of her stomach and sighed, she felt weak. “I don’t have any appetite Mam. I feel sick inside.”

  Beryl looked at Lesley for support. “She needs to eat doesn’t she Lesley? That’s all we need her turning anorexic because of some dirty pervert.”

  Lesley shot her eyes to her friend. “She’s right Fallon; you do need to eat something.”

  Fallon was thinking, twisting her fingers together. “Okay, I know you’re right. I’ll just have chips and curry.” Beryl screwed the money up in her hand and flung it over to Fallon.

  Lesley stood up and started searching for her shoes. “I’ll go Beryl, Fallon can wait here.”

  Fallon jumped up to her feet, she was frantic. “I don’t think so, I’m coming with you. It’s late and there is no way I’m letting you go on your own,” she snarled at Lesley.

  “Okay, okay, you can come, mard arse.” The girls put their shoes on. Beryl licked her lips.

  “Will you get me a fish love? Get plenty of salt and vinegar on it.” Fallon nodded and looked at her father still asleep on the sofa.

  “Shall I get my Dad something?” Beryl placed one finger on her lips and sat forward in her chair checking her husband was still asleep.

  “No, leave the drunken bastard; he’s been on the piss all day. Let him starve.”

  Fallon sighed as Lesley giggled. “Come on then, let’s make a move,” Fallon said.

  The night was cold. Fallon zipped her jacket up and linked Lesley’s arm. She was looking over her shoulder all the time and didn’t feel safe. Lesley could see the fear in her eyes and held her closer. Every noise made Fallon jump, she was on edge.

  The chippy was in view. They could see a few youths sat outside the doorway talking. Lesley stood tall and walked up to them with attitude in her stride. “Alright lads, what you up to?” she asked. John Dolan stood up and flicked his cig end. The girls had known John for years and they were all good friends. Fallon stood twisting her body; one hand was dug deep inside her pocket. John was at Lesley’s side.

  “Ay, have you heard about Craig Jones?”

  Lesley’s eyes were wide open as her jaw dropped. “Nar. Why? What’s up?”

  John was bouncing about where he stood as his mates joined him. “He’s been done in, he might even snuff it.”

  Lesley inhaled deeply; she knew she would have to crack on as if she didn’t know what had gone on. “No way, fuck off lying.”

  John held his hands out in front of him, his face was stretched. “I swear on my Mam’s life, straight up.”

  His mate at the side of him now chipped in. “The dibble went to his Mam’s house before; they’ve been there all day. Honest, he’s telling the truth.”

  Lesley shot a look at Fallon who was trembling in her boots and turned back to John. “What’s he been done in for?”

  John shrugged his shoulders “I think its drugs. I’ve heard he owed some big time drug-dealer some money.”

  Lesley stopped him dead in his tracks. “Do the police know who the dealer is, or what?”

  John took a few seconds to answer. “Nar, they told Craig’s Mam that they think it was an unprovoked attack, but we all know it must have been something to do with drugs or something don’t we?”

  Lesley nodded her head. “Yeah, he was always selling weed and that, so he must have got himself into debt or summit.”

  John blew a breath, “Yeah, the guy’s a cock. He was always telling me he could get hold of any drug that we wanted, even smack.”

  Fallon started to walk away slowly; she couldn’t stand listening to the conversation any longer. Lesley turned her head and started to follow her. “See you later John,” she shouted behind her.

  Fallon stood at the counter in the takeaway, her cheeks turned red. Scanning the menu board she stood waiting for Lesley to come inside. Her friend’s warm breath was now on her shoulder. Lesley covere
d her mouth and made sure no one was listening. “Fuck me, everyone’s talking about it. John said he didn’t know if Craig would survive.”

  “Do you think I give a flying fuck if he lives or dies?” Fallon snarled.

  Lesley realised what she’d said and gripped the middle of her friend’s arm. “Me too, death is too good for the tosser. I hope he’s suffering.” The assistant stood in front of them and started taking their order. The woman had greasy hair that you could have fried an egg on. Fallon was clocking her fingernails and screwed her face up in disgust. Lesley was tapping the counter with a fifty pence piece deciding what she wanted to order. “Can I have chips, pudding and gravy?” The woman wrote the order down on the small white piece of paper in front of her. They both stood in silence waiting for the food to be prepared.

  Lesley watched the assistant and spoke in a low voice to Fallon. “She must have eaten some chips in her time, look at the size of her arse, the fat fucker.” Fallon giggled as they watched the woman wobble about behind the counter.

  “I’ve just seen her crusty fingers. I hope she doesn’t have them all over our food,” Fallon whispered.

  Lesley’s mouth dropped. “Orr stop it. I won’t eat fuck all if I see them, she’s a dirty bitch. Wouldn’t you have thought she’d be made to scrub her hands before she started serving food?” The girls stopped talking, the assistant was back. After wrapping all their food she handed them a plastic bag. Fallon passed the woman a twenty pound note. The sound of the till opening could be heard, and you could see the middle-aged woman scraping the change out with her grubby fat fingers.

  Fallon and Lesley walked away from the takeaway. Lesley was swinging the plastic bag in her hands. Walking onto the main road you could hear the sirens of the police in the distance. The sound of Fallon breathing heavily could be heard as they walked home. Lesley giggled. “Fucking hell, you sound like that bloke who used to phone my Mam late at night, he sounded just like you.”


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