Sleepless in Manchester

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Sleepless in Manchester Page 26

by Woods, Karen

  Fallon plonked on the bed and sprawled flat out, “Just give me a minute will you, I’m knackered.”

  Lesley bounced on the bed next to her and stroked her hair. “Are you okay, you seem a bit, well, pissed off?” She rolled on her stomach and kicked her legs up behind her.

  “Someone’s still watching me you know. I can feel it Lesley, honest to God,” she sat up straight and her eyes were wide open. “I swear to you, I’m not imagining it.”

  Lesley rubbed at her arms slowly; her mate was definitely losing the plot. “Are you sure Fallon? I think because of what’s happened you might just be a bit paranoid.”

  “Oh, so you think I’m off my head now do you? I’m not going crazy, someone was watching me tonight, and I could see them.”

  Fallon sank to her knees as Lesley came to her side and rubbed the top of her head. “I’m not saying you’re a crank at all. You just need to move on with your life and forget about the past.” Fallon punched her clenched fist into the carpet, as she lifted her head up strands of her hair were glued to her cheek with her tears. She knew that nobody would ever believe her story and questioned whether or not she had imagined it.

  Taking a few minutes she let out a desperate breath. “I know you’re right, perhaps I just need to chill out,” she was lying. There was no way she was ever telling anyone her thoughts again. She knew what she saw was right and the next time she saw someone watching her she was going to capture them, that was her only way of making people believe her. Bringing a smile to her mouth she played the part her friend wanted her to.

  Wiping her eyes quickly she grabbed her fancy dress outfit from the side of her. Scanning over it she smirked, “Fucking hell, my Mam was right, you’ll definitely be able to see my muffin if I bend over in this.”

  Lesley chuckled and looked at her with a concerned face. “What, do you still have a hairy fanny?”

  Fallon looked embarrassed and couldn’t keep eye contact with her. “Yeah, why? What’s wrong with that?”

  Lesley howled laughing and held the bottom of her stomach. “No one has a hairy beaver anymore. Everyone I know shaves it off, don’t tell me you don’t? Are you joking with me or what?”

  Fallon kept her eyes low and mumbled. “Well, nobody told me about this new craze. I just thought we were all still on the landing strip look.”

  Lesley pushed her away playfully. “Mine’s been bald for ages. You better get that sorted as soon as possible. I’m not going out with a mate of mine with a big mound of monkey fluff in their knickers.”

  Fallon roared with laughter and her own torment seemed to leave her. “Right, right, I’ll get on it tonight. Wind your neck in now and leave me alone.”

  Lesley was trying not to break into fits of laughter; she held her hand over her mouth to contain herself. Fallon took her clothes off and stood looking in the mirror at her black and white maids outfit. Turning to the side she bent over and touched her toes. “Told you, look at my bush showing now.”

  Lesley sniggered as she replied. “What are you arsed for, it’s your hen night. We’re supposed to be ruthless and all that. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how to have fun?”

  Fallon lifted the dress over her head revealing her black skimpy knickers. “Is this the kind of fun you’re talking about?” Lesley tried to pull her knickers down but Fallon was holding onto them for dear life. “Orr fuck off. Don’t rip them, they’re my best ones.”

  Lesley released her grip on Fallon’s underwear and sat on the bed. “We’re going to have a top night you know. Ay, I might even get a snog myself.”

  Fallon raised her eyes at her brother’s girlfriend. She knew she was joking but her heart melted for her. Fallon tried to imagine how it felt having a boyfriend being locked away for life. No hugs, no kisses, no nothing. Walking slowly over to her side she gripped her shoulder softly. “Listen Lesley, I don’t expect you to wait all them years for our Billy, nobody does. So, if a chance comes along for you to find happiness take it.”

  Lesley choked back her tears, she was lonely there was no denying it. Her eyes were sad and she rocked slowly on the bed. “I do love him Fallon, more than you know, but fifteen years is a long time. I need a life too you know.” Fallon sat playing with the black frill from her skirt, she twisted it slowly.

  Suddenly the bedroom door flung open and Bob was stood there. “What the fuck is that you’ve got on?” Fallon smirked and answered him.

  “It’s for my hen party tomorrow.” Bob walked into the room further and looked on edge, in a low voice he spoke.

  “Lend us a tenner love, your Mam’s being a right tight cunt and she won’t part with a fart. I fancy a bet.” Fallon looked at him closer, his eyes were glazed over and he stank of beer.

  Walking next to him she sniffed up hard and made sure he knew what she was doing. “Dad, you’ve been drinking haven’t you? You promised me,” before she could finish he growled into her face and tried to make a quick exit. Fallon stepped into his path and gripped his arm. “Why do you do it to yourself? You’ve been doing so well?” He snarled and held his head back, he was on one now.

  “I need to be pissed to live in this house, so many secrets, so many lies. One day the truth will come out and everyone will know the truth.”

  Fallon screwed her face up. “Dad what are you going on about now, what secrets?”

  Bob let out a menacing laugh. “You women think us men are up it. Don’t think we don’t know, because we do. We know everything.”

  He stormed out of the room and Fallon and Lesley looked at each other. “What the fuck is up with him today, he’s well seen his arse hasn’t he?”

  Fallon started to take her outfit off and sniggered. “He’s a couple of butties short of a picnic, just ignore him. You know what he’s like when he gets something into his head.” The girls headed back downstairs. They could hear John talking to Beryl in the front room.

  Fallon marched into the living room as the back door slammed, Bob had left the house. “What’s up with him today? He’s proper seen his arse. Who’s rattled his cage? He was going on about all the secrets in this house.”

  Beryl sat forward in her chair and pulled her cardigan around her body. “Oh just ignore him, he’s looking for an excuse to justify his drinking. I caught him red handed the other day drinking Vodka. I bet he didn’t tell you that did he?” Beryl reached for her cigs and tapped the end of one on the side of her packet before she lit it. “He’s a crafty bastard you know. It’s just a shame I’m a lot more on the ball than he thinks,” Beryl’s cheeks sucked in hard as she inhaled on her cig. “There he was with a bottle of water on the table. I saw him swigging it every now and then and I thought it was strange, he never drinks water. When I asked him why he was drinking it all the time, the cheeky bastard told me he wanted to be healthy and that he was trying to drink a litre and a half of water per day. I didn’t think anything at first, but when he went upstairs to go to the toilet I thought I would have a swig of it. I mean, if he was getting all healthy then I may as well join him.”

  Everyone was hanging on her every word. Lesley was chewing on her fingernails; she loved any kind of drama. “What happened then?”

  “Hold your horses I’m getting to it now.” Beryl stubbed her cig out. “Well, I gulped a big mouthful and nearly spewed my ring up. I knew straight away it was Vodka.” She held her head back and chuckled loudly. “He was still upstairs and I had to work fast. I ran to the kitchen and emptied it down the sink and filled it with water. My heart was racing; I could hear the fucker coming back down the stairs. I put the bottle back on the table and sat back in my chair. I thought I was going to have a heart attack.”

  Fallon covered her mouth with her hand and nudged John in the waist. “She’s a right one isn’t she?” He smirked and couldn’t wait for the end of the story.

  Beryl sat proud and her false teeth were nearly falling out through laughing. “I watched him drinking it from the corner of my eye. He kept lifting it up and swigging at
it and putting it back on the table. He was licking his lips and tasting it over and over again. In the end he snapped at me. He could see me laughing and knew it was me who’s swapped his Vodka for water. He was fuming, look at my arms where he grabbed me.” Beryl rolled her sleeves up and dark purple bruises was visible on her skin.

  Fallon shook her head and sighed. “Fucking hell Mam, so does this mean he’s back on the beer? What about the wedding? He’s supposed to be giving me away.”

  Beryl dipped her head. “I know love, I know. I’ll have a word with him when he comes back in. He’s one selfish twat, he always has been. I don’t know, we’ll work something out.”

  John kissed Fallon on her cheek. “So, it’s the big Hen party tomorrow isn’t it? Are you ready for it or what? Ay Lesley, I hope you’re going to look after my girl. I don’t want any reports coming back to me telling me you’ve been a pair of dirty bitches.”

  Lesley chuckled and shot her eyes to Fallon. “Ay, never mind us, what about your lot. I heard Tony Milan talking about the Stag night in the shop the other day. So it’s you lot who needs to watch your backs, not us.”

  John smirked at Fallon. “My girl knows I only have eyes for her, don’t you babes?”

  She smiled back at him and nodded her head. “Correct John, so don’t let me down.” They shared a small kiss. Beryl was watching them and her heart melted. She missed the touch of a man. Looking at Lesley she knew she felt the same way too.


  The Hen party marched inside the nightclub as if they owned it. Ten girls swayed across the dance floor and headed towards the bar, they were steaming. Fallon had a white veil hanging on the back of her head, held on by a few clips; she looked pissed out of her head. The tunes were pumping and the club was packed out. Fallon had her hand between her legs and grabbed Lesley’s arm. “I’m going piss my knickers, are you coming to the toilets?” Lesley was shouting the barman and never replied. Fallon staggered to the toilets. She swayed across the dance floor.

  Dalton stood with his mates and watched the talent passing as they went to the toilets. Watching his mate grab a woman on her way past, he shook his head and smirked. This club was a cattle market for sure and he regretted ever coming out. Dalton slurped on his pint and held his back up against the wall. He missed cocaine and had to refrain from buying any to enjoy the night. He’d been clean for ages now.

  Suddenly his jaw dropped, his legs felt like they were giving way on him. He grabbed the wall to steady himself before he went crashing to the floor. Grabbing his mate in front of him he watched Fallon walk past. His mate snapped, “Fucking hell mate, I’ve spilt my beer all over now. Look at the state of my shirt, it’s soaking.” Dalton apologised and tried to help him, he was a nervous wreck. His mate moved his arm from his chest. “That’s doing fuck all, except making it worse, just leave it alone you muppet.” Dalton looked frantic. His mate left his side and went over to some girls stood near him. Dalton twisted his fingers rapidly, small beads of sweat were visible on his forehead. Licking his dry cracked lips he moved out of the shadows. His heart was racing and he was finding it difficult to breathe. He knew he didn’t have long and positioned himself near the exit of the toilets so he didn’t miss her coming out.

  Fallon walked slowly from the toilets, she was straightening her skirt. Lifting her head up she tried to get her bearings. She began to make her way back to her friends.


  She heard someone call her. Stopping dead in her tracks she thought her mind was playing tricks on her again. A hand touched her shoulder. Slowly she twisted her head. Fallon nearly collapsed where she was stood. There he was, after all these years, the love of her life, the man who kept her awake most nights.


  He stood looking lost for words and swallowed hard. “Can I talk to you for a minute, please just let me explain.”

  A cloud of red mist seemed to appear in front of her eyes and her fists clenched together tightly at the side of her. Gritting her teeth she went nose to nose with him. “There is nothing I want to hear from you. Just get out of my face and fuck off back to London where you belong.”

  Dalton knew it was now or never, he’d waited for this moment for years. Holding her hand he stopped her from walking away. A crowd was gathering around them. “I made a mistake; I still love you, with all my heart. I’ve left Kirsty. You’re my world, and you always have been. I just didn’t know it back then.”

  Fallon took a few seconds to speak. “You did make a mistake, yes, because you know what, I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. I hate you Dalton, just get out of my face and leave me alone. Do you hear me? Fuck off!”

  Dalton yanked his shirt down at the front. “Look, I’ve still got the necklace, here it is. Please Fallon just sit down and speak with me for a few minutes.”

  Lesley’s voice could be heard in the distance, she was parting the crowd like Moses parting the Red Sea. When she reached the front she froze and she had to check twice that she could see Dalton standing with Fallon. Marching towards him she grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and her warm breath was in his face. “You cheeky cunt, did you think you could just walk back into her life and she would welcome you back with open arms,” she rammed her finger into his face. “Leave her alone, prick. She’s getting married next week. She’s so over you and your sad life. Just leave her alone.” Lesley gripped Fallon, “Come on love, leave this desperate twat where he is. He’s had his chance.”

  Fallon and Lesley pushed through the crowd. As they was disappearing out of sight Fallon slowly turned her head back, she could see Dalton sinking to the floor. “I want to go home,” she sobbed.

  “Don’t worry we’re going. Just let me tell the girls. You go and wait outside; I’ll be there in a minute.” Fallon made her way to the exit.

  The night air was cold and she was shivering. Finding a wall at the side of the club she sat down and sobbed with her head held in her hands. Passers-by looked at her and you could tell by their faces that they thought she was just another pissed up girl on the streets of Manchester. Fallon snivelled and lifted her head up. There he was again; Dalton was trying to flag a taxi down on the road. As if she had no control over her body her mouth opened and his name was coming out of it.

  “Dalton,” she screamed. Turning his head he spotted her on the wall and came running towards her. This was his second chance to show her how much he loved her. There was no way he was leaving now until he’d had his say.

  “Fallon, why are you sat here on your own? I thought you’d gone home?” Lifting her head up she gazed deep into his eyes, she looked like she was in a trance. He looked just the same as she remembered him, just older. Fallon’s teeth were chattering together. He sat next to her and placed his arm around her shoulders. “Please Fallon, just talk to me. I swear once I’ve had my say, I’ll never come near you again.”

  The sound of Lesley’s heels clipping along the pavement could be heard. Seeing Dalton next to Fallon again she ran at him. Swinging her fist back she pummelled it into the side of his head. “What did I tell you, leave her alone you fucking stalker. She’s been through enough without you adding to it.”

  Fallon bolted up from the wall and dragged at Lesley’s hands. “Just leave him. I shouted him over here, as he was leaving. It’s my fault.”

  Lesley looked gobsmacked. “What, so you called him over to you? Why are you doing that? Just let the prick fuck off back to the dark hole that he climbed out of. He’s bad news, are you right in the fucking head? He’s nothing but trouble. Remember what he did to you?”

  Fallon tried to calm her down. “Please, I need to do this. Just go home and I’ll see you there later.”

  Lesley stomped off. As she left she shouted so her friend could hear her. “Fallon you’re getting married next week, don’t let that nob ruin it for you.”

  Fallon looked at Dalton, “Come on then let’s hear it.”

  Wiping the blood from his mouth he
struggled to speak. He’d planned this moment for years but now it was here his mind went blank. Looking up at the night sky he sighed. “Can we go somewhere to talk, it’s freezing sat here. Do you want to come back to my Mam’s house?”

  Fallon giggled sarcastically. “Fucking hell isn’t there anywhere else we can go rather than your mother’s. She hates me remember?”

  Dalton reached for her hands. “No Fallon, she doesn’t hate you. She knows that I made a mistake in marrying Kirsty. She was the one who told me to come and find you. She knows I’ve never stopped loving you.”

  “Come on then, let’s go back to yours. And trust me; if your mother says one wrong word to me, she’s getting a mouthful.”

  Fallon stood on the road as Dalton flagged a taxi down. Watching him in the distance her heart started beating faster than normal. What was she doing? This was the man who ruined her life, why was she even speaking to him? Fallon made her way to the taxi and jumped inside. They sat in silence.


  Dalton passed Fallon her brandy. Sitting down next to her he seemed nervous, he was fidgeting. As her eyes scanned the room Fallon knew Maria had gone downhill. This house wasn’t a patch on the one she used to live in; in fact it was a shit-tip. The corners of her mouth started to rise; Maria had got her comeuppance after all. And if the old tart thought for one minute she was going to look down her nose at her she could think again, Fallon was ready for her.

  Dalton cleared his throat, lighting two cigarettes he passed Fallon one. “Do you still smoke?” She nodded and took the cig from him. Her head dipped low as she got a light. Slowly their eyes met. Fallon seemed to realise what she was doing and give her head a shake.

  “Why did you send the letters Dalton, why?”

  Taking a minute to speak, a single tear dropped from his eye. This was it; he was finally going to get his say. Dalton told her all about Kirsty and how he was forced to marry her for the sake of his family. Fallon was listening and suddenly stopped him. “Listen, you cheated on me. She wasn’t pregnant when I came to London, so whose fault was that? Surely you’re not trying to blame that on your mother as well are you?”


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