The Diving Dames Affair

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The Diving Dames Affair Page 15

by Peter Leslie

  They completed the circuit of the corridor, past a half-open door hedged with red notices warning unauthorized personnel without protective clothing to keep out - and through which they glimpsed behind coils of tubing a segment of the great reactor's silver sphere. As they approached the elevators again, they saw a number of trucks drawn up in two ranks facing an immense pair of doors on rails. To Kuryakin's astonishment, there seemed to be no guard, no sentry box, only a series of metal housings flanking the doors with inset magic eye discs and an old-fashioned set of stop-go lights.

  "The whole thing's electronically controlled," he said softly. "If we only could get to that control room… Come on!"

  They skirted the empty trucks and gained the stair case. By the time they reached the A Level again, they were both panting. But they were in luck: they had seen nobody. "Come on," the Russian urged again. "The door's a little way further around the curve, on the inside wall. I saw it in the distance when we left the briefing room."

  Suddenly - bullets splatted against the concave surface of the outer wall. Simultaneously, from behind them, the sharp crack of an automatic, three times, reverberated in the narrow corridor.

  "Run!" Illya yelled, hauling her after him, pelting further, further, further around the curve of the convex inner wall. The uniformed officer he had seen out of the corner of his eye as he glanced over his shoulder fired again and again, trying to hit them with ricochets off the outer wall now that they were invisible to him.

  As they ran, voices shouted. Footsteps started after them from somewhere out of sight. A door in the outer wall opened and two women in D.A.M.E.S uniform emerged just in front of them. One was carrying a black frogman suit over her arm.

  "Apologies, madam," Kuryakin said hurriedly as he snatched the heavy rubber garment from her hands, twisted it around her head and pushed her, reeling, across to the other side of the passage. The second woman swore violently and began to tug something from the pocket of her uniform jacket. Without breaking her stride, Coralie Simone slashed a backhanded blow across and caught her Karate-style on the side of the neck. She dropped straight to the floor, rolled against the calves of the woman struggling to free herself from the folds of the diving suit, and brought her down too.

  Kuryakin and the girl sprinted on. The shooting from behind had stopped when the marksman had come into sight of the two D.A.M.E.S. But now there were heavy footsteps pounding towards them from around the curve ahead. A deeper report thundered in the confined space and a slug chiseled a groove in the wall beside Coralie's head.

  "I was afraid of that," the agent panted. "Sent… friend... around the other way... cut us off." He dropped to one knee. Along the surface of the outer wall where it curved out of sight ahead of them, a grotesquely distorted shadow was approaching. He sighted along the barrel of the PPK and fired.

  There was a puff of plaster dust where the bullet gouged itself a channel. Before the screech of the ricochet had died away, both footsteps and shadow had halted. Behind, too, there was silence now.

  "Let's go," Illya whispered, his lips close to Coralie's ear, "before they realize they can sidle up to us along the inner wall. If the control room door's near enough, we'll reach it before we come in sight of the man ahead of us."

  "Suppose it's locked?" the girl murmured as they began to move.

  Illya merely shrugged. There were more footsteps in the distance now, and a susurrus of low voices asking questions somewhere in the circle of corridor behind them.

  Backs to the inner wall, they inched towards the elusive door. Slowly, inexorably, the corridor uncoiled before their advance... and as relentlessly, the inner wall remained exasperatingly blank.

  With a lightning-like pounce, Kuryakin leaped suddenly to the far side and ripped off a shot, left, right, each direction. There was a distant scrambling of feet as he jumped back again, a single shot from their left, the bigger caliber gun with the deeper tone, and then a cry of protest from the other side as the slug screamed to the right.

  "They're too close up to shoot at us now, really," Illya said. "Every shot's in danger of bouncing on and hitting their own people around the curve… The door's not far now: I could see it from the other side."

  And sure enough, the heavy flush-fitting steel door, like the entrance to a warship's cabin, was soon sliding around the curve towards them. Once it was fully in view, the Russian sprang forwards and grasped handle. It turned easily in his grip and the door swung inwards. With a gasp of relief, he motioned the girl through, closed the door, and dropped two steel struts in place across it. They were in.

  The door admitted directly to a narrow gallery which ran all the way around the walls of a huge circular room on the floor below. Halfway around to the left, a staircase spiraled to the lower floor; and opposite this to the right the gallery bore a glassed-in projection resembling the control room of a television or recording studio. Through the huge panes, they could see colored lights winking, the gleam of stainless steel levers, banks of bright terminals. There were a number of desks with telephones on them distributed about the floor space below, but the majority of the enormous room was occupied by a circular table so vast that the seven people grouped along one sector of it were dwarfed by its size.

  A woman in the now familiar green uniform was standing talking to the thin man with the skull-like face at the center of the group as they came through the door.

  "... took the prisoners through and left them on the quay as you ordered," she was saying. "The girl was a little difficult and I had to subdue her, but the man was still quiet. Mr. Greerson's shoes do their job well."

  A bony man lost in a voluminous brown suit smiled thinly. "After that," the woman continued, "I locked the double -" She stopped, staring up at the gallery.

  Every member of the group reacted differently to the sight of Kuryakin and Coralie Simone and the sound of hammering which had broken out on the steel door behind them. The Negro, Hernando, gaped in astonishment without moving. Two thick-set, heavy men pushed their chairs back from the table and sat tensely watchful. The woman's hard face creased into an expression of contempt. A heavy, gray man cowered and seemed to shrink into his chair. And the man called Greerson sprang backwards, tipping over his seat as a gun blossomed in his right hand spitting fire. Quick as he was, though, the leader with the skeletal face was more rapid still. Only his hand moved, diving into the space between his lapels while the rest of him remained motionless as a statue. But the gun with which it reappeared had fired twice while Greerson was still in mid-air.

  Illya and the girl had ducked down behind the solid steel balustrade of the gallery and were moving towards the control room as fast as they could. The first of the leader's shots passed so close to the agent's head that he felt the scorching breath of its passage on his neck.

  "Greerson! Quick!" they heard the man shouting below. "The spiral staircase! Enfilade them before they reach the control room! You, Schwarz, run underneath… you know, Plan D!"

  Feet pounded amid the hubbub of voices, and then the leader called again: "Moraes - stay where you are, man. Or get under the table if you're so scared." The tone was full of contempt. "You up there - Mestoso! - we're relying on you... "

  Mestoso? Greerson's feet were stamping up the staircase on the far side of the gallery. Who was Mestoso? Where - Just in time, Kuryakin caught the flicker of movement behind the windows of the control room. It was a difficult shot, across the curve of the gallery and through a sheet of glass angled away and obscured by reflections, but it had to be quick. The Walther roared in the confined space between wall and balustrade.

  The man Mestoso, standing on a table with a submachine gun ready to rake them from above, leaned forward out of the reflections and touched the glass. At the same time the entire pane seemed to leap outwards, to hang frozen in the air for a moment, and then to plunge floorwards in gigantic shards. After it, lazily somersaulting, arced the body of the man with the gun. In the appalling crash of the plate glass on the fl
oor below Illya and Coralie gained the door of the control room and slipped inside.

  "Check what's happening down below," the agent panted. "I've got to find... have to cut off all the troops and submarine crew in the canteen somehow… must be something like watertight bulkheads…"

  While he scanned the banks of dials and screens, the girl peered over and into the room below.

  The big gray man, Moraes, seemed to have been cut by a fragment of flying glass. He was sitting on the floor, looking owlishly at the blood streaming from a gash in the sleeve of his jacket. The rest of them had retired out of sight beneath the gallery - though they couldn't have left the room, for the only lower-level exit door was in full view on the far side of the room. Of Greerson there was no sign: he must have gained the top of the spiral stairs and must now be worming his way towards them around one or the other side of the gallery...

  Illya was intent about a great slanting control board at the back of the room. It was covered in levers moving in labeled slots and there was a console full of knobs in front of it and a series of three illuminated screens behind.

  "Look!" he exclaimed excitedly. "These screens are schematic diagrams of the three floors of the fortress. And the place is divided into watertight compartments; there are bulkheads partitioning it in case of flooding. So here's our chance of blocking off half the opposing forces - if we're lucky and get them on the far side of the watertight doors! Anyway, here goes..."

  He spun a small wheel on the console until an arrow on its perimeter pointed to the words MAXIMUM POWER. Then, staring fixedly at the screens, he began hauling the levers set in the board. As each one moved, a bar of red light blocked off some portion of the diagram above.

  "A-7 and A-9," he muttered, his eyes roving the screens until they located the references. "That'll be the two top-floor doors to the canteen. There… that should have them sealed off. We have already done the ones below. Now let's see… B-12 and 14 - there! - should barricade the living quarters below; and this - B-13, is it? - Yes, B-13 will keep anyone from getting at the armory -"

  Glass splintered to his left. A needle spun emptily around a black dial pierced with a small hole as the pieces tinkled to the floor. The girl was firing her Beretta at a section of balustrade a third of the way around the gallery.

  "Greerson," she said succinctly. "Obviously he's not risking a straight attack from either side to enfilade us. He'll just keep popping up here and there from across the well, because he knows one of us has to concentrate on the controls and the other can't watch the whole - Look out!"

  Kuryakin flung himself to the floor as she loosed off two shots, at the other side of the gallery now. But the gunman had already dropped behind the shelter of the steel balustrade. A torn sheet of paper fluttered down from a clip projecting from the wall just behind where the Russian had been standing. He pulled the girl down beside him. "Thanks," be said soberly. "That was just in time." He drew up the hem of his sweater. Around his waist, a lightweight, pocketed band something like a cartridge belt was fastened. From one of the compartments he withdrew a small, square object with a sliding switch on one side.

  "Okay," he said. "Draw his fire. I'll pretend to be busy at the control board again. You sweep the right hand arc of the gallery. If I know the psychology of these boys, this will be the time he'll shoot for the second time from exactly the same place."

  The girl turned deliberately away from the section of gallery where the last shot had been fired and stared to her right. Kuryakin had his back to the main room. He was bending over the console - but one hand shielded a black-dialed pressure gauge in such a way that it acted as a mirror. A few seconds later, he saw the reflected head of Greerson rise cautiously above the ba1ustrade exactly where he had said it would. The agent whirled. Instantly, the head dropped from sight. But it wasn't a gunshot target Kuryakin wanted: it was enough to know the section of gallery Greerson was in. He sprang to the glassless control room window.

  His right arm straightened like a baseball pitcher's. The small, square object sailed across the well and dropped down between the balustrade and the wall.

  There was a subdued, flat detonation and a surge of smoke. Something rose above the level of the rail for an instant, threshing, and then dropped from sight. There were no more shots from across the gallery.

  "Small grenades are very useful in confined spaces," Illya said, "even if they are only made with bakelite covers. Now, let's see - the watertight bulkheads are closed, all those that can be of any use to us. That leaves us free in the central area with the six people below and any other military who happened to be in the passageways when I started to close the doors."

  "And the reactor?"

  The agent gestured towards the indicator board. On the section detailing the lowest floor, the central rondel was bracketed at all its entrances by illuminated red lines. "It's the only part of the middle bit protected," he said. "Now we have to go to this other board and – ah - pull a few strings to open things… the doors to the tunnel, for example."

  "But, Illya, what are we going to do? I mean, there are only two of us, after all… and at least one has to stay here in case they come back and reopen all the doors you've closed. And if that one was me, I wouldn't like to guarantee that I could hold out against all of them. On the other hand, what could I do out there if you stayed?"

  "The point is well taken," Kuryakin said. "You couldn't complete the mission if I stayed here; I wouldn't be allowed to if you did. Ergo, we send for help… and don't forget, they wouldn't come back here: they are here. There are still six of them underneath."

  "What do you mean, call for help?" the girl said.

  Illya produced the tiny transceiver from his belt. "Waverly," he said. "He's waiting with O'Rourke and others not far from the estancia. If I can find some way of operating the far end of the tunnel, they can come right in. If not, they'll have to blast their way through. In either case, as you point out, we won't be able to get to the maintenance section and put the missiles out of action without them."

  "And the second part of the mission - your friend?"

  As Kuryakin frowned, the downstairs door to the council chamber was flung violently open. The crash of the steel door against the wall was drowned in the clamor of the submachine guns held by the two uniformed men standing there.

  Once more they dropped to the floor - noticing from the corners of their eyes a blur of movement from beneath the gallery towards the soldiers and their covering fire.

  The agent crawled a little way along the gallery as the staccato tattoo of slugs ripped into the walls and ceiling above them. After a moment he ducked up, gun in hand, and fired a single shot. The clatter of the Thompsons ceased. Something fell metallically to the floor. A moment later the door slammed again.

  Kuryakin rose to his feet. "Got one of them," he said, blowing the curl of smoke from the gun's barrel. "It was just a diversion to get the top brass away. But we'll let 'em go: it's easier for us without them down there."

  He turned his back on the chamber below and began studying the masses of equipment stacked around the control room.

  "Look here," he said, opening the lid of what looked like an oversized record-player cabinet. "There's the usual ground-glass screen in the lid - complete with schematic diagrams and pilot lights in a pattern I don't recognize - plus levers and knobs on top of the chassis in the box it self. And the only identification is this strip here saying 'Section E.' Now if E could stand for estancia..."

  He never knew what extra sense made him turn his head at that moment. A faint current of air, perhaps; something moving reflected in a bright surface in the corner of his eye; a sound too small to be registered by the conscious mind... Whatever it was, he did turn - and saw the bludgeon on its way down to the back of his skull.

  As his breath hissed in with astonishment, he lurched to one side with an arm automatically raised to ward off the blow.

  The girl, pivoting too, gave a gasp of alarm as she took in t
he scene in a single agonized glance: the yawning trapdoor which had been silently opened behind a bank of teleprinters, the attacker - he was one of the two thick-set men who had been at the table when they'd come in - with murderous expression and upraised arm, the whistle of the blackjack.

  It was too late for Kuryakin to escape the blow completely. The blackjack glanced off his wrist and thudded into the muscle between his collar bone and the point of his shoulder, forcing a shout of pain from his lips and paralyzing his arm.

  As the Walther crashed to the floor from his numbed hand, the man swung around in a smooth spiral of controlled energy, knocked the Beretta from the girl's grasp with the truncheon and - before the little gun had gone spinning out of the shattered window to crash to the floor below - had swung back on the rebound and knocked her sprawling to the far side of the room.

  Illya reeled, pain searing his whole side. Desperately, through blinded eyes, he fixed his gaze on the blackjack and groped upwards to fasten wiry fingers on the wrist that wielded it.

  The big man snarled, shaking the slight figure of the agent from side to side as a mongoose shakes a snake.

  But eventually the crushing judo grip forced apart his fingers and the blackjack clattered down. Swearing, he collapsed suddenly to the ground, dragging Illya on top of him. The Russian brought up his knee to the man's solar plexus and forced his sound forearm under the blue chin. But the attacker knew all the tricks in the wrestling trade - and he was formidably strong, too. At a distance, Kuryakin could have held his own, but they were already too much at close quarters for him to stand a chance.

  The thug rolled over, holding the agent to him in a bear hug, caromed off the telleprinters, and sat up with Illya in a scissors grip. Three times, viciously, his fist jarred the Russian's head - and then again they were locked together toe to toe, wrist to wrist, with every muscle, shrieking to sound out a weakness in the opponent's guard.

  Abruptly, Kuryakin abandoned the trial of strength and went limp. For a moment he was bent over the opening left by the trapdoor - then, wrapping his legs around the man's hips, he dropped through, dragging the thug with him.


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