The Complete Unrepentant (Gay BDSM Erotic Romance)

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The Complete Unrepentant (Gay BDSM Erotic Romance) Page 6

by C. M. Knox

  He slipped the handle up against the rings of muscle, felt Justin clench and then relax, clench again. The handle nuzzled minutely into the fold, pushing the youth open around it.

  “I can see you want to tell me, Justin,” Burke reminded him. “You know you deserve to be punished for your transgressions.” The handle slid in another quarter inch. “And I've got plenty of cane left. We'll have to see just how sinful you are.”

  Justin hesitated.

  “You'd better hurry,” Burke warned. “This shampoo's all going to wash away if you wait too long.”

  “I... lied to the coach?” Justin said. “I told him I forgot something in here and I'd come right back out...” His words choked off as the handle slid another inch into him, a little too fast.

  “I know you've done worse than that,” Father Burke chided.

  “I had lustful thoughts,” Justin reflected.

  The handle slammed in another inch, much harder this time. Justin's helmet smacked back against the wet floor as he gasped and pulled away, but Burke followed the motion, not letting the handle slide back out. “Yes, Justin, I'd say that's pretty obvious.”

  Justin was fumbling with his helmet through the thick gloves. He pulled it free, the mop of dark hair tumbling down over his eyes before the water wet it down against his scalp.

  “I made an administrator have lustful thoughts,” he said, his tone so neutral it was almost a taunt in itself.

  Burke shook his head and pressed the handle in further, making Justin groan with the effort of taking it. It had to be five or six inches in now, deep enough for some proper leverage. He pulled the leg of the cane back experimentally, forcing the tip up and forward like a beckoning finger deep inside Justin's ass, making the youth cry out from the pleasure-pain, arching his back desperately.

  Justin glared up at him through the wet hair in his eyes, defiance sparking at last in his rebellious little heart. “I did,” he insisted. “I seduced an administrator, made him do things to me – do things with me – he never would have imagined.” Justin slid himself down on the cane this time, grimacing as the gentle curve of it penetrated deeper. “Made him want me so bad he can barely control himself.”

  Justin's gloved hands met in a gesture almost like a prayer. His abs flexed as he pulled up, doing his best not to change the punishing angle of the cane buried deep inside him. He reached for Burke like a supplicant, but his face was all defiance and glee, a look Father Burke could never quite erase from his memory.

  The gloves slid inexorably up Burke's thighs, hard plastic against his legs, coursing up to meet on the unmistakable hardness Justin had called forth in the hidden confines of the headmaster's trousers. And Burke, for all he knew he should, could not bring himself to stop it.

  “I've been bad, Father,” Justin whispered, even as the tips of his gloved fingers traced the outline of Burke's meaty pole. “I'm a pitiful sinner.” But his eyes held only triumph.

  Burke reached down and cupped the youth's face in his hand, caressing the sweet curve of his cheek as affectionately as a lover. “Yes,” he said, moving forward, heedless of the water now splashing across the immaculate black of his shirt. “You've been very bad, Justin.”

  His other hand found the cane, and twisted it hard enough to make the youth gasp and clutch at Burke ineffectually with his useless hands. Burke straddled over him, settling the cane as he went until it lay crushed between their bodies, pinned under the weight of the priest's strong form.

  “Is this a game, Justin?” he asked, finally, breaking the unspoken tradition between them. Every night, he punished Justin, until the youth was cowed and compliant. And every day the young man found some new reason to be punished. “Do you think this is a game you'll win?”

  He bent forward, his knees mashing against the hard plates of Justin's torso guard. His hands slithered up under the guard, kneading the supple young flesh beneath until Justin was gasping and grinding his hips up, the cane handle twisting and grinding with every minute motion of his body.

  “Do I need to prove to you who's in charge here, Justin?” Burke breathed, his beard rough against the soft spot just under Justin's ear. The youth's fingers pressed into Burke's back but couldn't dig in, not with the swaddling gloves on. “You're mine,” Burke hissed, pinching the young man's nipples hard and tugging on them, dislodging the unfastened torso guard until it flopped uselessly on top of Justin's slender chest.

  Burke all but ripped it off him, pulling the laces at the sides free entirely so the whole thing could come free without negotiating the thick obstacles around Justin's hands. He threw it away blindly, his full attention caught on the almost-naked young man sprawled out wetly on the floor beneath him. The laces fell ignored to the floor beside them.

  That jockstrap had to go.

  Burke did rip this one off, not willing to take the hard shaft of the cane out of Justin so he could maneuver the young man into nudity. The cup flipped up violently the second the tension from the back straps broke, as Justin's cock surged upward into the wet air. The waistband gave bit by bit as Burke pulled at it like a dog with a bone. It came free with a final snap, leaving an angry red welt where it had dug painfully into Justin's tender flesh.

  Justin was writhing beneath him, the triumph on his face replaced with the kind of submissive eagerness that Burke always had to earn, a face that always brought out feelings in Burke's core that he couldn't quite control. The priest ran a shaking hand over Justin's body, the familiar shapes of fading bruises from other nights standing out against his skin. Something was different tonight, something powerful and deep moving between them. How do I make him understand?

  Burke pulled the youth around, ignoring the water coursing over them both, settled in with Justin's head between his knees, the student's lithe body spread out before him like an offering. The cane stuck obscenely out of him, a hardwood counterpoint to the tense young cock twitching for attention right next to it. Now that the cane's leg was parallel to his body, the handle was sitting easily in him.

  The priest tugged on it, and was gratified to feel Justin shift closer to him under the pressure of the big hook. He picked up one of the discarded laces, thoughtfully coiled it around a finger.

  Justin was panting, lying out still where he'd been lain. Burke stroked the youth's chest, letting a warm wash of affection roll through him. Good boy. His hand ventured down further, covering Justin's quivering abdominal muscles, sliding through the dark patch of hair...

  Justin sighed when the priest's hand closed over him, his cock jumping pleasingly in the confines of Burke's practiced grip. His thumb rolled circles around the young man's head, tracing the ridge under it until the student was moaning softly and making hesitant little half-thrusts to get further inside that warm closeness.

  Burke indulged him for a moment, wringing helpless gasps and quivers out of the youth. But Justin still had to be punished.

  He coiled the laces around the youth's cock, wrapping it firmly in the rope grip, while Justin watched, unmoving. The young man made a tiny sound of protest when Burke looped the lace around his balls, but the priest admonished him with a full-hand slap to the stomach, and Justin reluctantly settled, letting Burke finish his work.

  And then Burke was tugging on the cane again, forcing Justin to wriggle back into him, his head grinding up against the priest's thighs. Burke opened them obligingly, still pulling, and Justin had no choice but the slide between them. Burke looked deep into the young face, his hand still on the cane handle, a decision rolling around in his mind.

  He couldn't pretend anymore. This wasn't about punishment, not entirely. As much as Justin deserved to be punished, as much as he enjoyed meting out justice... this was personal.

  Burke looked down at Justin's tightening body, at the little bruises, at the cane buried in him. I love this, he admitted to himself, feeling some weight slough away from his back. Justin's face was beaming with trust, with desire. With...

  He loves this, came the seco

nd thought. Burke looked down, deep into those eyes.

  And Justin nodded. His gloved hands came up, stroked the priest's thighs through their thick plastic coverings, asking permission. And this time Burke didn't stop him.

  Justin turned over onto his knees, shuffling around the cane with difficulty. His eyes were so large. Had Burke ever noticed them before, really seen them? They winced at the discomfort as the cane slapped down against the floor, bringing the curve forward in the depths of Justin's forced-open hole, but the shining blue gaze never left Burke's face.

  Justin's gloves were tackling the problem of Burke's fly, the thick fingers having trouble with the little zipper. Burke shifted, pulling the cane leg up so the angle inside his student wasn't quite so brutal, and the motion helped the zipper tick open link by link, until Justin was poking into it and hunting hungrily within.

  He took pity, finally, reached down and opened the button for Justin so the young man could eagerly shuck the sopping-wet pants down over Burke's thighs and press his face into the musky scent. Something Burke had never punished him with – no, he amended, something I never let him do. He'd called the shots, always. But now that their little game was crumbling around them, he could be honest with himself. Justin was an equal in this, in the end – he always had been.

  No, not crumbling. Evolving, metamorphosing. Into something more beautiful, something more intimate, something stronger. Something dangerous and powerful, awakening feelings deep inside the priest that he'd never felt before.

  There was a desperate hunger in Justin's motion, a juddering need so powerful it made him clumsier than even the gloves could. He was shivering with anticipation as he eased Father Burke's massive cock free from its restraint, letting it slap up against his face. Burke slapped him with it hard, making meaty thwack noises against Justin's cheeks until they pinked under the onslaught.

  His feelings might be turning delicate, but there was nothing gentle about it when Burke finally seized the young man's head in both hands and impaled him on that fleshy pole. His cock rammed into Justin's waiting mouth hard enough to bruise his lip, surging down a throat that opened around it only just barely fast enough to accommodate.

  Burke held the young man there, enjoying the spluttering noises, the increasingly uncoordinated flap of tongue against the underside of his shaft. It had been a long time since his last blowjob, and he intended to savor it.

  When he pulled back Justin was already spluttering, tears trickling down his face from the effort. But the look he gave Burke was full of lust and need, and it wasn't long before Burke was pushing insistently back through the passage between Justin's lips, slower this time but no less deep. He pulled on the cane as he did it, forcing Justin forward, watching the lithe young body contort around the pressure as the handle sunk in another insistent inch in one end as his cock pierced into the other.

  He looked into Justin's eyes as Justin slid to a stop, his nose buried in the mound of hair at the base of Burke's cock. The priest traced the seal around his shaft with a thoughtful thumb, admiring the join where their bodies met, pulling relentless pressure on the invading cane. Justin's eyes were big and wet with pain, but his expression sang only trust and desire.

  There was a plea in that face, a plea that Burke knew all too well. There was only one punishment that really sank in, for Justin. No. Not a punishment, not this time. This time, it'll be something new.

  “Come here,” Burke murmured, easing the cane handle out of Justin's body with a gentleness he didn't often show his young ward. Justin scrambled up onto his knees, heedless of the spectacle his dripping cock made as it bounced and twitched with ignored need.

  Burke reached up and turned off the shower, coated his hand with shampoo from the dispenser. He slicked himself with it as Justin watched, pink tongue sliding along the skyline of his teeth. He knew what came next.

  “Come here,” Burke repeated, settling back on his knees. His cock rose proud and strong as a flagpole from his body, rock-hard and slippery with shampoo. Justin came, scrambling up to straddle his mentor.

  Burke's hands closed around Justin's slender hips, guiding him, settling him down onto the invading phalanx of flesh. The cane had opened him nicely and this wasn't the first time Justin had been made to take this monster, but even so it took the young man several long breaths to adjust to the size of Burke within him.

  Father Burke watched the grimace fade from Justin's face, replaced with a kind of agonized pleasure that he knew all too well. He let Justin enjoy it for a long moment, feeling the young man constrict and give way around him.

  Justin's gloves wrapped around his cock as Burke guided the youth up again, stroking himself in time as the priest pounded up into his abused hole with increasing fervor. The lacrosse gloves scraped coarsely against his soft flesh, as rough and eager as Burke's massive instrument jamming its way up into him again and again.

  “I'm... Father, I'm...”

  “Not yet,” Burke panted, forcing Justin's hands off his cock. The poor thing pulsed angrily at him, almost purple it was so hard. “Not... yet...” Burke repeated.

  Some inhuman strength filled him then, and the priest staggered up, carrying Justin with him still writhing impaled on his spear. He turned, slammed the young man against the wall hard enough to knock the wind out of both of them. Justin was quivering, his legs wrapped around Burke's body, arms clutched around Burke's shoulders, an embrace as intimate as it was desperate. Burke jammed up into him again and again, thrusting powerfully into the waiting body of his pinioned protege until Justin was almost screaming his moans, the dull plastic of the lacrosse gloves raking across Burke's back in involuntary spasms as Burke mercilessly pounded Justin's bruised young body between him and the hard tile of the wall.

  He could feel Justin's breath against his face, panting in quick breaths that almost formed words, a language of pure lust and overwhelming need, and Burke couldn't help but respond to it.

  Burke's cock ground brutally into Justin's hungry ass, and Justin gasped a word that might have been Please and might have been Need, and then Burke's mouth was hard against Justin's, their lips joining in a passionate kiss so powerful that Justin didn't even notice the crushing feeling against his battered mouth.

  Burke was growling deep in his throat, an animal sound that turned to grunts each time his cock slammed home again, in time with the helpless little mewling cries each thrust forced out of the young man's mouth... and into Burke's. Their tongues darted out, probing each other without finesse or grace, like they were trying to climb inside each other.

  “Please,” Justin groaned, and this time the word was perfectly clear. “Please, please, Father Burke, please...”

  Father Burke did.

  One hand clamped down hard around one of Justin's nipples, the other wrapped around the young man's straining cock. He was holding Justin against the wall only from the pressure of his hips, his cock a support column sunk into Justin's willing body. They looked at each other, their eyes dull with lust, as Burke worked his hand slowly down the meat, still keeping his punishing rhythm of thrusts into Justin's tightening hole.

  “Please... together...” Justin moaned. “I want to... please...?”

  Burke pressed their foreheads together, looking into the blurry shapes that Justin's eyes had become, this close together. “Tell me,” he whispered hoarsely, speeding his strokes.

  “Will you..?”

  “When you do,” Burke promised, and that was all Justin needed to hear.

  The youth shuddered violently, and it was all Burke could do to keep him pinned up against the slick shower wall. And then spunk was fountaining out of him, a massive cannon shot of come that splattered against the wet black of Burke's shirt in an angry swirl of white spots, followed immediately by a second.

  Burke couldn't keep focus on his motion, not by that second shot, when his own cock sang out a mighty note and surged up into Justin's waiting ass. They writhed together, moaning helplessly as the come shot
out of them, covering both their chests with Justin's hot spunk even as Burke's filled the young man so full it was dripping out of him in little squelches each time Burke's cock pulled minutely out.

  Justin's gloved hands wrapped around Burke's head, sometime around the fifth powerful surge, and the next thing Burke knew the young man's lips were closed over his, teeth grinding against Burke's lower lip as Justin landed a devouring kiss firm and hard right against his mouth.

  It was enough to draw another wave out of them both, a juddering quiver of passion and fulfillment that leaked one last little squirt of come out of Justin's flexing cock to join the stains already covering Burke's shirt and dripping down with the drops of water across Justin's naked body.

  Burke half-collapsed to his knees, unwilling to withdraw but too weak to hold them both up, and soon they were lying on the wet floor of the shower wrapped in a contortionist's embrace. Burke had to pull out, finally, his cock emerging from its rightful place in Justin's sweet, sweet little hole and back out into the cruel world.

  “Father Burke...” Justin started, but Burke interrupted him with a peck on the lips.

  “Justin,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “I think we're... past that. Call me... call me Jim.”

  “Jim,” Justin whispered. “I... I think I... I mean, I'm...”

  Burke stroked wet hair back from Justin's forehead, wrapped the young man in his arms. “Shh,” he said. “I know.”

  “Three days,” Justin moaned. “It's too soon. We're only just now...”

  “Shh,” Burke whispered, a second time. “Justin. You think I'll just disappear?”

  Justin's hand found Burke's face, and he let the young man touch him, let them claim each other. “Will you?” Justin asked.

  Burke sighed, redoubling the embrace holding the young man's perfect supple body against his. “Three months ago, I would have been glad to be rid of you,” he admitted. “Now... Justin, I can't imagine life without you.”


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