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by Rosh Senior


  Two years ago: before beginning of the 3rd world war

  Southern state of the natural satellite of the earth: the moon


  "Sir, are we really going to surrender Mool that are available in the small town in full now?"A reporter asked him on the citizens' meetings.

  He kept silent for a few seconds and saw the people of the moon. They were all waiting for this moment for his response. They were hoping that the government takes a best step to free them from fear. They had some questions for him, but that was to win his worry twice. Citizens of the natural satellite began to doubt him as enemies were trying to capture northeastern region last month. They did not feel safe. They complained about what is happening. They wanted to know why government does not arrest these aliens.

  "Please calm down, the mineral oil is only for us. At all costs, we do not give up on them, "said Governor Pat Wubben. "I hope you are now relaxed."

  "Excuse me, sir, they have the most powerful guns, can we call for war?" first reporter asked.

  "No, we will not do this. Earthers desire the universe. If they want to fight then we are ready, "said Governor Pat Wubben. “Incidentally, we are not machines. We can only talk about peace if they are aware that this is most important, and we need. "

  Everyone clapped after listen to him. They thought that politicians are serious for the pesky. Their claim will work.

  A man up his hand, Governor could find him as a questioner.

  "Yes?" Said Governor Pat Wubben.

  "Hello sir, my name is Tom Clark and I am from the north, you are also doing something for my condition?" Asked the man.

  "I have a conversation with your governor on the difficulties. The moon is ours. We all have to protect our homeland, not a stone left behind in the life-saving,” said Gov. Pat Wubben.

  Now, Dr. Marshall tells you the appearance of a new spaceship in the southern sky, which he had visited yesterday and made a special research on it. An office staff brought a microphone to his face as he was dwarf.

  "We saw they were 3 miles far from our pilot house and dead due to a sudden fall in their machines. We could not catch them to know why they were in this country. I think they were old here. They had visited someone here without passports,” Dr. Marshall began the speech.

  "We asked for their body. They are human beings. We found no mark of robot armies there. "

  A kid asked to Dr. Marshall, "Do you want to say that the stranger among our citizens is a spy?"

  "He had been providing secret information to earthers and did not work in our office, police evidence says," he said, watching his notes on the digital screen.

  They had arranged a notepad for him before the conference.

  "My parents leaved earth to come here, in 2037. My mother delivered me when father worked in an oil mining of the satellite. I had to treat the moon in memory to protect it from machines and foreigners who try out different planets. Our communities couldn’t go with weakness. Government formed many conditions with them. Then they stopped the torture. "

  "And further knew that they did not believe us. They brought different techniques. They brought chemical bombs for us. "

  "I've heard they have kidnapped your sister, is it true?" A female reporter asked.

  "Excuse me, ma'am, I cannot talk about it. It is the largest terrible incident of my life. They put non-natural in her body ovum. Please do not repeat the same kind of question, I'm so sorry for this, "said Dr. Marshal.

  Another man stood up and asked him: "What is about protector of our space?"

  How long will they hide the secret to the citizens of the moon? The current situation forced them to reveal it.

  "Earthers could hack our passwords," said Dr. Marshal. "We could not know."

  At the time Governor Pat Wubben came forward. He began to advise people about the shameless incident as a crowd stood.

  "Sorry my friends, but they will not attack us now. We have made conditions with them. You do not have to worry until our government is in power, "he said, looking.

  "Why did they steal the codes of the protector? Will we trust them that they will not be aggressive? "Someone said.

  The machines do not have feelings, emotions. They do not understand the price of a life. They do not see the tears of a child. The people of this moon were given an indication in the space when they left the earth forever.

  The protector prevents external enemies.

  "I promise you that we will not let that happen. We are planning for new passwords and soon we will implement this, "said Governor Pat Wubben.

  "Could you confidently say that earthers and aliens cannot hack it again?"

  Citizens of the natural satellite asked him during the real talk. They did not bear the responsibility. It was like forcing people to do suicide and asks them to eat poison.

  Gov. Pat Wubben personal guards watched him as he pulled away from the Assembly for his office; Dr. Marshall and his other officials were also with him. They were all with edginess of machines. It was a nightmare for them, especially for the citizens of the moon.

  Democracy is freedom of speech to the common people. Any government cannot build a barrier when it comes to answer their questions.

  This is a passion for the respect of nationality.

  Let’s discuss carolus generation: the combination of secret and real stories

  Civilization changed. Then man and mankind followed in the same direction. Old days disappeared in a mirror of this kind. We searched and saw they are no longer. They were dead. Gods are not guilty. You cannot say that our ancestors do that. We are helpless, that we could trust them. We thought they will build a golden planet and full of silver stars in the world.

  The old days are still a risk that eerily reminiscent war. As King Samuel made allies with devils and they agreed to disappear to 20th galaxy of gods, by the way, this was a wrong decision. King accompanied his millions of warriors. They climbed into the sky on a trip. All refused to attend him there. King had not bent his bones. He did not have the letterhead. He had not put his crown down. Gods were watching him from their chairs. They decided to also supply various types of harass to King Samuel. They mixed diseases, poison in the air. People say that he betrayed us. He did not listen to our words. Disaster was in the country and forgot the essence that a very old civilization has existed here one day.

  Billion years went without people. The planet was empty. Gods feared that further every generation do not try to call them for the war. They did not develop a second group suddenly.

  It took them some times. They had to send a genius life on the earth. First, they wanted to send a cellular life to create prime civilization. Finally their deliberation approved.

  Honest and simplicity they met. A peaceful environment reached their ears. They looked again and it made them happy.

  Then divided cells became multicellular. Some new life set foot on this land. Atmosphere shifted. Gods thought that now is a good opportunity. They sent others, including animals such as dinosaurs, dragons and a few more animals here. But they did not give a wise speech to life. They remained in confinement. Links between decision-makers and children were too far. Slowly gods moved a little forward to their next decision. Angels were mediators. They were to appear, to the time of pain, sad, and death.

  "Her teeth are like rocks. She was too hard. "

  "And she was largest in the world."

  The gorilla leader could get it, even though the victim couldn’t speak. Their style was just different, can only understand this class of animals without verbal communication with each other. They were in those years, when the remaining life. I'm talking about the time they started the generation when the planet was pure green and natural.

  "Who is this animal?"

  He looked at him. He seemed nervous. The air was flowing in the opposite direction. It was winter, he felt.

  "My young brother, she is a pregnant dinosaur. She was coming to me an
d I believe that she was hungry. "

  "What happened? Did she attack?"

  "Yes, she has!"

  This is not to speak of any language of the people they used. They were blessed by the gods of heaven. They were not showing off their list in a hurry. They had enough ability. They were liberators of the earth.

  "But why did she choose to haunt? She should eat grasses, not meat. The jungle is for them and to save all. "

  "Today she was doing her job. Then her family will try and maybe they will succeed, have you ever thought about what will happen to us? I do not want it to replicate in the past. We never want. "

  The query for life was really necessary for them. That was not in the books of the law. Gods made them equally, and they all should only behave well to each other. A dirty mind could be a cause for the destruction of a whole generation. But we repeat our mistakes. We call these works only a few errors.

  Most of the dinosaurs were meat eaters, where the gorillas are vegetarians. They ate tons of food in one day and it seemed the planet would be non-generation and less time would be spent on this mission.

  "Look at her body; she does not digest you in. She took his brave heart and imagined that I could swallow the role." co-Gorilla said, in the language of the animals.

  They had never seen these animals as meat-eaters. Hence the gorillas simply do not believe his words. According to them, the gods did not contain dangerous character in the animals when they sent here to land.

  "You have to trust us brother. We are with you. You think that she wanted to protect her child. Dinosaurs are like us, they are not thirsty for blood. They are pure vegetarians. "


  He understood a mother always does something to protect her child, and the case is similar to the pregnant dinosaur. He should not do fault here and there.

  "I think we should go to them now to avoid their fear. We should be their friends. We should make a new relationship,” the gorilla leader said, patting his back.

  They were unknown about the differences. They did not think so dinosaurs such evils be restrained. They were trusting in the gods. They thought relationship is worth to find happiness.

  "Will you go there?"

  "My friends chill; I will do this for you. I will go, "said someone under these gorillas and came to him.

  "We should need the help of the angels. They will advise us. We have to win their hearts and then they can give us a formula. "

  Other co-Gorillas put the idea to this reunion. They had done it many times before. They wanted an external power supplier.

  "Gods sent us. Always we should not depend that they observe only the groups. We should do our own jobs without making a disturbance for them. They will be please! "Leader said and saw.

  "Yes, he says right. We should accept the challenge of the relationship between us and these dinosaurs. They are not too much unlike in the alliance. "

  He was preparing to go there. He raised his inner strength. He was not alone; his friends also went with him. But faced irritates dinosaurs. They could not hope that the animals will attack immediately. They tried to run as fast to save their lives. Few of them could get away from this danger zone. They lost their brothers, friends and relatives. The unilateral haunting continued as nature asked to survive or die.

  "It did not happen, as we thought. They do not want a friendship. It seems they drunk poison of madness, and they are not in a mode to discover us. "

  "How did they become evil? They do not eat leaves or grass any more. Could they choose us as food materials? "

  "I guess so."

  "Did you see a dinosaur could catch me in his hands?"

  "I can fled you brother, remember" a gorilla said, looking at him a little.

  "Does it matter?" He said.

  "They will erase our animal civilization if we do not do something, and later they will eat their own hunger. Think of our families now. Think to hide in a safe place until they are in the jungle. "

  "We are always ready to do what our children need, we can protect them," another gorilla raised the subject to protection.

  "We will talk to the gods. We expect help from them, "Said leader. "Perhaps they know the problem."

  He tried to show the confidence. He made a few good thoughts.

  "If they do not hear what our next step be?" Said a gorilla

  “Because they do not appear directly. You know very well that Angels have been corrupt by the day. They hope to work by us.”

  "Does it mean we will have to meet them?" Asked a female gorilla.

  "Angels are asking us to do things that they want. If we make it possible they could take us to the doorstep of the sky to meet gods,” said guide. "Things are different for everyone, and they will choose among us."

  "Old gorillas are not allowed," he warned.

  "We will have to climb a specific mountain to meet angels. This is a significant step that we can easily do, others are difficult. "

  "Can I make the trip?" Asked a child and saw.

  "Sorry dear, we have to cross too far roads for the task. We can fight on evil. You stay with your grandmother. She will tell you stories about King Samuel, "he said.

  "Is he really from history?" Asked the child Gorilla.

  "Yes," he replied.

  They made groups with the gorilla leader. They went in the direction of East Zone and reached Caliver Mountain of very mature earth (North African territory, Morocco). They confirmed that dinosaurs will not follow them more as they passed with a secret road where the dark watching them closely.

  They looked across the sky and prayed. It was only mid-night of winter.

  "Hey messenger of the gods, their flowers and our peacemakers; please accept the call. We are scared. They can ruin our gorilla kingdom if you late. Save us, gentlemen," he began to ask for help.

  Everyone called this to angels after the leader. They closed their eyes. They had to concentrate.

  "Save us, gentlemen, save us from these beasts. Please help us!"

  "We are aware their works. They are now cruel. They are hungry for flesh and blood. But what can you do for us?"Angel appeared before this gorilla. The animal generation bowed his head in respect of the messengers.

  "Please help us, gentlemen, we have been ready to meet your needs."

  "Please," said the leader, putting a common decision by his friends’ zone.

  Gods wanted to develop the planet. They needed servants for the world. They knew that the service will take millions of years to bring a better form, also take advantage of one billion years.

  It was a rich civilization. It was a successful human generation that made waits to the planet for some changes, after the spoils of the King Samuel including so many countries.

  "Work for the creators of the universe. All are your fathers. They want good things for you. They want to help you. If you climb to next step your kids will find the planet as a great resource. You will not afraid. You will live free, even "an angel said.

  "And you will proceed to other planets in the future if you could do this!"

  "Science and technology will play an important role here. Machines will do your things. You can reach without the body everywhere. Imagination is the joy that you do not expect. Your dreams will come true in every second. "

  "Did not you want?"

  "We do sir," said leader. "We also want a developed society on this planet."

  Gorillas agreed to this proposal. A new day began with cultures, tradition and source of knowledge. Angels brought them to the front door of the gods. Confidence awakened in them.

  Heaven of the inventors of the universe

  "Only you can go to meet the Gods" an angel told on the left ear of the major. "They have been waiting for you."

  "Can they identify me?" He asked.

  "They delivered the earth. They know you, "said Angel.

  They elected leader for the secondary test. He left his family and crossed the door line. He watched rocky statues. He watched b
right stars in the sky. He was also observed a portable, energetic and digital map. He noticed people of the future and their planning for the planet. He could listen to them as they sang.

  "What kind of thing is that?" Leader made his gentle voice.

  He had never seen the mighty instrument in his life. He asked himself. He touched the screen of this largest automatic drawing board.

  "Map of galaxies and worlds that is in control. What do you know about them? "

  Leader heard the sound of the space when he was alone in the shinning world. He could not even understand.

  "Who are you?" He said, looked around, but could not find the speaker.

  "I am God", reached the voice. "I am formless my son."

  The animal was curious to listen to him and tried the designer to feel the thought of natural things for us.

  "Can I know your name?" Said leader.

  "I have no name, but certainly I am for you. I am for your family. I am also for others who called me from a pure heart. I do not want to confuse you. I want you to remember me and deserve blessings. "

  He also tried to see God; he can not only acquire a voice on how to achieve it with him. He felt normal in gravity less space of the inventors.

  "Angels say as many are in this house where others live then?" He asked. "Do they have any shape or just you?"

  "Yes we are; you can listen to us when you focus on your deep heart."

  "I'm glad that you are helping gorillas now to make the planet. The change comes here for your kindness, "another voice came to him.

  Once again, he looked everywhere. He felt nervous for the second unexpected sound. Now he did not want to lose the chance to convince them.

  "We are all formless my son. We are the space. You live in us! "

  Gods knew about their problems. They were looking for someone for the Galaxy, which will be a key Monarch in the next generation, which is a game changer to bring prosperity of human society.

  They ensure that opportunities will start from the gorilla and his family.


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