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Earthers Page 10

by Rosh Senior

  "Do not be sad, we will win the war. Check out these rebels; they support you, like you belong to the integrity. They did not come when you are with these leaders. But they trust you now. You must bring confidence among them. You certainly a winner "said Mr. D Johnson.

  "What is the answer to their relatives, they martyred?" I said.

  I think I was not fully able to get him there. I needed to another clear view of the life of the mother country.

  I wanted someone to come to me, please, and do I understand how they feel joy when they finish the soul of their nation?

  "You know, my boy; they knew that if dealers end up for the quality of their home planet they will be in history. We will remember for tomorrow. We earthers will read about them. Aliens of galaxies will tell about the rebels to their children. The universe will soon praise them, "Mr. D Johnson said.

  Ahoy looked at my phone screen.

  "My wife says our son is part of the gods. Perhaps she did not lie to me. I'm sorry that we did steal souls from your world. We have hurt you in your dreams. I apologize for the criminal offense to you, sir. Forgive us that we did this. We are ashamed, "he said, lowering his head.

  "It is fine, Mr. Ahoy, I understand your problems. You have knowingly worked, but I will say that some circumstances forced you. Then you took the step, "Mr. D Johnson said.

  "Your ship is now in slow mode. I think your attack will be late "Uncle Gregory said.

  "Yes, we will be in 22hrs there, it's my prognosis," Ahoy said.

  "We will explore their secret rooms where they have hidden these villagers. My robot he says a few green signals from T.Th city has followed, and I believe that they are the main attraction in our list. "

  "Be careful, guards guarding these souls everywhere. Enter the city from the north side; it would be amazing for you as it is quite clear. Divide into groups and choose directions, "Mr. D Johnson said.

  "We planned a map. I, including selected members and artificial foreigners will go chief halls of the Ministers. I hope it will work for us as it is directly under the alternative pathway leads to these offices, "I said.

  "And the rebels break concentration of the king's army and guards when they will be out of here by air zone. You know a way, I'm right? "Ibea said, looking to Mr. Ahoy.

  "Excuse me; I need a small change in the plan. I want Eartholeca with us. He will be in the fight, in my group," he said.

  "No, how can it possible? Eartholeca can give us ideas on these souls and his absence will create complexity in the search, you know that well, "Janie said.

  "Ibea is with you. She comes with your group, especially against these trial chambers of the city and planet Uleca. She landed here only to provide information and the second came to help. No need to discuss the matter,” said Dr. Angelica MT.

  "Is it?" Janie said, a little surprised.

  "Yes," Dr. Angelica said.

  "Okay, as you wish. I agree, Dwayne you agree? "Janie asked him.

  "Yeah girl, where's wrong in it?" he said and smiled.

  "I don’t want to hear any more. It is final that dealers take Eartholeca with them and selected members take Ibea. Artificial dealers, you are doing something, you mean it? "Mr. D Johnson said.

  "No, sir, I'm fine with the pre-plan" Ibea said.

  "I do not want a different plan," Eartholeca said. "You're my boss. You can decide what you need."

  "It's done, then!" Mr. D Johnson said, and saw.

  The air zone of city

  Finally, the journey ended in this underground road. We were now headed for the rescue mission. The rebels spread throughout the city. They accompanied victims among other dealers in the country. It increased the force against king torment. Thousands fought the armies of ministers and leaders. It was really difficult for them when the guards’ aircrafts used to attack, but the war did not slow down.

  We came to south side of the king’s office as we knew that souls are so close. We faced our unusual enemies along the way. Ibea was injured while shooting the gun. She was with me, behind a thick glass door of the hall.

  "You are severe wound," I told her.

  "Do not worry; these villagers are important to you. You have to free them from the cruel dealers. Only they can offer information about Carolus generation "Ibea said, turning her face to me.

  "Away, souls are in this fourth hall."

  "No, I cannot just leave like this. I'm not your enemy! "I said.

  "Please buddy, let me here. I can shoot with my gun, "said Ibea and triggered her weapons to some guards as they walked us.

  "Did you see? I can do this too. You should keep away right now."

  "Go!" She said me again. "You're welcome."

  "I will be back here. You move to a safe place, "I said and hugged her.

  I quickly ran towards the hall where these villagers were passed. I saw their souls were sealed in glass cylinders. Dealers they stored in maximum number, as they would sell the gods of the third world. We did not know about their prices, their suggestions are valuable. They are dearest souls, could make the difference in various sectors.

  "How we will free the villagers? They are locked,” Janie said. She came there with my co-members.

  "Do you know a trick?" Dwayne asked me. "Magic codes can work."

  "No, we will ask our seniors. They will work the whole system, "I said, looking through the glass cylinders as the souls were like hanging.

  Dealers covered the heavenly technology, as they structured it on Uleca.

  "Can these glasses do not break?" asked Lisa.

  "We cannot do this without permission. It would be a deliberate harm if we do it. The villagers will die there, in our dreams hall, "I said.

  "Where is Ibea? She was in front of you; she knows everything on the souls senior members reported. Now this is her time, "Janie said, looking at me as worried.

  "She's seriously hurt, all over her body bleeding. I could not bring her to the risky mission, "I said. “She also refused."

  "It's not good." Said Janie. "You come with me. We will bring her."

  "I want to be with you," Dwayne said, looking. "Jasomine you stay here."

  "She's on the first hall, the second building. Use your camera to find her out,” I said.

  "You wait," said Janie and kissed me for three or four seconds. She thinks about me.

  "I'm sorry to say, members, current news is that Ibea is dead," a robot came from the eyes of Janie, as light rays. The machine got the message from space and satellite technology.

  "Can we not reform her?" She asked.

  "That cannot be reached on the planet. We need company’s gadgets and cloning box,” the robot said.

  Then they did not move. The incident bothered us. It rose to double our struggle.

  "Oh God, what will we do next without Ibea? More and more guards will be here very soon in the order of Ministers, they knew us, "Lisa said.

  "Members, passwords in King's brain must be opened to those glass cylinders. You will go for it. We tried to free an additional way, but we could not do it the villagers. We are off, sorry, "Dr. Angelica MT appeared to us, as a video.

  "Each minister or leader among them might know the secret codes. We need someone to catch in the hall, "I said.

  "Only the king knows," Mr. D Johnson also appeared and said.

  "His palace is 500 meters from the current range; you will not have to face the passwords from him. You just have unquestionably scan his brain, and as quickly as possible back to the point. You need to be trusted. "

  "I go there," I said.

  "I'll come with you," Janie said me.

  Dwayne and Lisa were protecting souls of the villagers in the experimental hall. We went directly to the palace of the king. Nevertheless, the war was not over in T.Th city. Mr. Ahoy and his co-warriors tried their best to kill these cruel ministers.

  "Where is the stupid king?" Janie said loudly as she walked and after another track while the gun shot.

  She made the app
earance of a company robot to give information; a small portable chart helped her. She recorded it immediately.

  We moved where most of the king's guards defended in a broad construction of the castle. We turned back to back. At last we reached him. He was there as unarmed. He gave us the codes. We did not harm him. My machine scanned his head.

  "Can I know what you do to me?" asked King.

  "It is nothing more than a test," Janie said. "Sir, do you like children?"

  "I do not know," King said. "They are unhappy for me!"

  "Therefore, you cannot understand the meaning of the loss," Janie said, looking.

  "Dwayne, note the passwords by your robot, now," I called my co-member. We had not returned to them, in the experimental hall.

  "Known," he told me on the contact. "Hey buddy, are you okay?"

  "Yes, we're both fine, thanks," I said.

  "Good thing for you buddy. We were waiting for your message fearfully,” he said.

  "The time to open the locks, enter the passwords proposed as seniors," a company machine said.

  Dwayne typed the top secret code via a keyboard. It worked. The closed souls disappeared from us, such as smog.

  "Thank you members, villagers are now free," said machine.

  "Jasomine, they got freedom, where are you this time? We should leave the hall," Dwayne said. "Are you here in 30 minutes?"

  First we had to punish the king. We did not leave him as a healthy dealer for the brain scanning. We wanted that he does not repeat his mistakes, he does build galaxy of terror. My robot paralyzed his nervous system and infected his spinal cord.

  "Yes," I then answered him.

  "We could do that baby!" Janie said, hugging me tight.

  "Yes honey, we really have done the job," I said and smiled and kissed her.

  On the same day Uleca citizens received independence from a hostile king and their leaders. We had our first goal. The villagers returned to their true body.

  And earthers won a hope to defeat these robotic monsters of the universe.

  "Selected members, return to your company in 2 hours. You are quite right, "Mr. D Johnson called us.

  "Eartholeca will show you ways to out from there. He will be with you after you leave the rebel group. "


  Carolus generation: back to six thousand years earlier

  Meet Bosors: a community of gorillas who could speak

  (The dreaming hall, again)

  "We thought that they do imagination for us. They are actually good. Iowandians simply ignored if they steal their own civilization and they did the mechanical tool from these gorillas, "Mr. RuXY said.

  He was one of the wise villagers. We saved them to out from Voxheal galaxy. Senior operators made some soft things in company computers to protect us during dreaming. They did not want aliens with other worrisome to us. They were like germs, required washing.

  "But why did they imagine?" Uncle Gregory said, looking. "Did they try to predict your forms?"

  "They lived with dinosaurs. They had a different culture. They had known that someday their dream will come true. They will do what they asked gods. "

  "What kind of mechanical tool they had?" I asked.

  And we thought ancestors technically cannot develop. They were stupid. They were like animals. They just wanted to track only to survive in the world. They were half-naked, not smart.

  "It could change everything. They had a system of time and superior environment. They knew that one day the earth will be a worst kind of planet to the universe, but they did not want it to happen. They were going through a situation that is incredible. Their own cheated. So they kept to trust others. They did not help, then, "RuXY said.

  A machine was providing him fresh oxygen as it can look that his lungs must be clear of viral infection.

  "Do you know how they can support us again?"

  "The world is stuck. The people that you see now, trying to save everybody and they fail all the time. Because we still cannot figure out the solution to be there with these gorillas, friendly. Thousands of members are in their prisons. Some of them are already dead because of hunger, as we chose to go directly to Zujic city. We want your help now, please, "Mr. D Johnson said, and asked him.

  "You have the wrong way, man. At least you did not cross Carolus areas; either dinosaur could digest you at once, "said another villager.

  "What do you mean?" said Dr. Angelica.

  "He's right, ma'am. Beasts live there, with gorilla families. You have to protect the innocents and survivors. Your technology could search the second and third group of human civilization on this old time, but you do not see there are other ignored animals live. On your first landing in this jungle they will catch you. They will force you to be their media, and then they will send you to Iowandian generation, "his co-villager said.

  "And if we refuse?" I said.

  "Will you do that? Send aligning and instead have feared explore your performance. That would be better, I think, "he said.

  "This is from my understanding. Why will they send us to Iowandian generation? Do they think that their enemies punish us bad? "Janie said, surprised.

  "Yeah, you got me."

  "You make friendship with these gorilla families. Then you can be their partners. They will help you to save the world," RuXY said.

  "I think it is not possible, since, as they are not. They are animals! "Dwayne said.

  "You cannot go there if your thinking is like a nasty guy. You are not very good at the work and sure that dinosaur will take you into his mouth. "

  "Do not forget, they were saviors of the planet. They came here in front of you, a thousand years ago. "

  "And only they can save you from robot leaders. You can see the planet green and beautiful, for the second time, "RuXY said.

  "He's right members; Gorillas of Carolus generation will give you freedom. You will give your hand back, "a digital computer screen appeared in front of us.

  "I'm B-76Ro of company- 4587. My head Mr. Hugo wants to meet the villagers. He has some typical questions for them. Sorry to bother you."

  He made his appearance after the speech of the robot. He came to Mr. D Johnson and shook hands.

  "Hello Mr." Mr. Hugo said, smiling.

  "Hello, how are you?" Mr. D Johnson asked.

  "Well, how about you?" asked Mr. Hugo.

  "For humanity Worried," Mr. D Johnson said.

  Then he came to all the senior members of the company and shook their hands.

  "Did they introduce something about this gorilla?" Saw Mr. Hugo some of the villagers and said.

  "Yes, we are now trying to learn more about them. We thought that they were prisoners only in Zujic city, and it was a mistake. They remain under the protection of the dinosaurs. We did not even dare to see this place, "Mr. D Johnson said.

  "Can I ask them something?" Mr. Hugo said, looking at the chairman of the company-3071.

  "Sure," Mr. D Johnson gave him permission.

  The villagers were in their chairs. They were free, as we saved them. They seemed brighter. They shined as lights.

  "Hey my pure souls, I respect you. Today I came here for requirements that you will see us. You will show your kindness to the human civilization. We want to know in what purpose they dreamed during the formation of the nature and why they then leaved? "Mr. Hugo said, lowering his head.

  A villager came to him. He saw the face of the head and his eyes.

  "They were sons of the gods. When the world built, they asked gorillas to imagine the future of the planet. They were of the opinion that we need to develop the society. Therefore, they made magic. They dreamed us and it was in the form of man. It was their next generation they could know. "

  "Also, we are sons of the gods!" I said.

  "You are, I agree, but they are first. They belong to almighty," villagers said, looking at me.

  "They divided into three groups when ventured some scammers among them that the mechanical tools of
the palace of the gods to steal. They were in a traditional kingdom and from them further; they built a most developed city separately as named zujic city. "

  "It's a time machine that could change the universe too fast. You will be excited to see that good gorillas was in Carolus generation as children and two other groups their own civilization, which they say Tukzamous and Iowandian generation. They are quite different from the gorillas, only for one thing, and that is the mechanical tool of the gods. "

  "What's that?" asked Uncle Gregory.

  "Their time machine to your luck and especially a spaceship," RuXY said.

  "Space-ship?" I shocked.

  "Yes, containers do not know yet beside the gods. I think you should make a trip to Carolus generation immediately,” RuXY said.

  "Will you help us?" Mr. D Johnson asked.

  "They will not hurt you, as we shall be as souls in your body. They will tell you what you must do if they could understand about your problems, "RuXY said. "We will take you to their fields."

  "Why do they hate us very much?" asked a member.

  "You see how people of Iowandian and Tukzamous generation. It is linked to cruel relationship between them," said a villager.

  "Better get out there and know about them!"

  Company- 3071 elected 20 members for the most essential task. They had done it before. But they failed. So they needed a reason and now they are learners. They could know what they have made mistakes. They brought correction. Souls entered our bodies. Preparing for the trip started too fast. The operators did their job hard for us. They tried best to success this time.

  (The motion videos of old times)

  "This is the map of Carolus generation. This is the most important that we have now. It has magic and science. This will take you there, clone without the system. You also do not need to dream. You can contact us. You can watch us right every time. Only you can do so have your eyes as cameras and we say the machine VLT (Viewer lens technology). If you have any questions, please write to us from there. Our special service will help you, "Mr. D Johnson said when he faced the greatest mechanical screen.

  We were watching to these very old things by following some rules of the room, especially for the second stage members.


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