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Earthers Page 13

by Rosh Senior

  "They are citizens of Hovlef, a second world after the first Diotis where we can close to mechanical terror and their function on the earth," said Mr. D Johnson. "We have to explode a natural satellite there, only."

  "Is not it a difficult process?" said Mr. Umota. "Remember, they do not contain small quantities, as they are naturally in galaxies."

  "I agree; missions are not always easy to achieve, we have time to spend it."

  "Bad Machines obtain sufficient energy from the satellite and we sure unknown enemies live it, they make fear for Hovlefi," Mr. D Johnson.

  "Robot leaders in the first world, how do they get energy from the second world?" asked Mr. Umota.

  "They do not charge by electricity any more. They get energy from that satellite by an invisible link. Our company robots could see this, "Mr. D Johnson said.

  "Our good is your good. Saving the world is necessary. Please help us to get that ship that can take us to Hovlef. Do this for your children. "

  The gorilla boss took several times to give his final decision. He looked at his Bosor families. He paused and then let us knew what he wants it. We were waiting for him eagerly.

  "Okay, we'll help you," Mr. Umota said. "My armies will take part in your task."

  "Thank you, sir," Mr. D Johnson said, and smiled.

  A soldier came to Bosors. He had held a message to the community, from the king of Tukzamous generation.

  "Sir, King Duroder wants to talk to you before his retirement this Sunday. He has invited our Carolus generation to his royal feast,” Bosor said.

  "Sir, is it to call no wise of him? Maybe they're hiding the plan, "Nuro said.

  "Will we get there?" said another Bosor.

  "King Duroder is my old friend, a brother. I hope he realized his fault. That's why he wants to meet me, "Mr. Umota said.

  "Without freedom we cannot go to Maxmot city, sir. They can lock us and then they can look to conquer our colonies, "Guena said, looking.

  "You don’t have to fight, because they didn’t extract us from the family, only Iowandians did it many times. We have to trust them when we need help for our armies. I'm not saying that you all are going there, a few are fine! "Mrs. Hemica said.

  "I think she's right. We have to gather more and more soldiers to the war against the evil power, "I said. "You do not deny; they give us a chance to do much."

  "Get ready people, you have been to go with us there. This is your primary test on the risk. Let me see some great works from you, "Mr. Umota said, looking at us.

  The next Sunday we prepared the trip. The selected Bosors, gorilla boss and we members went to Maxmot city (capital of Tukzamous generation). Yes, it had a long distance. We used dinosaurs like our vehicles. At first we were nervous to ride the animals, as we were not familiar with them, but later it was fine.

  "Good luck, guys!" said Mrs. Hemica when we started the journey. "With a win Come back."

  There were two ways to go, and we chose the straight north bridge of Carolus colony after our security and atmosphere. We did not want enemies follow us.


  The reign of king: Kingdom of Tukzamus generation

  Maxmot city: Visit the last race of fate

  "Do you want to eat something my son? It seems that you've been hungry these days. I want to know briefly about you, you are from Casmodin village? "Woman asked the child.

  By the way he was dirty looking. He was weak. They did not help him when he was in Zujic city and here in the traditional ancient capital, wanted to take care of him a 40 year old woman. The entry to the kingdom was normal. We were on the road; the child looked at asking citizens for help. We let our dinosaurs rest at the beginning. We set off on foot from the first gate.

  "My name is Renos. I am an orphan. I cannot tell where I am from? Some guys tried to take me in the second track of the city and failed after my run away from there, "he said innocently. "No, I am not a thief. Do not tell the truth. "

  "I understand you, you here?" said woman. "They will not doubt you."

  "But what can I do for you? I have to convince any money to king’s people. They will not allow me a pass in the kingdom," said the child.

  "You do not worry, I will see the thing. Now you no longer need to work. This is your play and learning time, "said woman and smiled.

  "Will you give me a guard?" The child asked.

  My eyes faced. They admitted a look at me.

  "Where are you from people? Did you know the Bosors? “Woman asked about us.

  "Yes ma'am, they are here to help us. I am the boss of Carolus generation. We came to the place to meet your king. He has called us,” Mr. Umota said.

  "Sir, how do you talk with them very well? Do not they resist you? "I asked the gorilla leader, looking.

  "They told you wrong. The Tukzamosi are our own brothers. I know that they cheated us and they live separately. But they now realize,” Mr. Umota said. "Maybe they want to go with good things. I can feel it. "

  "Then why did they call you?" Janie asked.

  "We'll get it today," Mr. Umota said.

  "King's Ministers have arranged a racing championship. All go there to watch. They do it to choose new king of the kingdom. No requirements of ticket, that is free for everyone, "said woman and saw the Bosor boss.

  "Are you coming?" Mr. Umota asked her.

  "No, I have to do a few things. I can visit there later when I have time, "woman said, smiling. "You should not miss the party."

  "Where are they to do it?"asked Guena.

  "They do it on Huahi Ocean and surprise is that they bring Helicopters of Zujic city in rent, this time. I heard Iowandians agreed to give the machines in 500k mucins (gold currencies of Maxmot city). I had observed the celebration 20 years ago. My husband was a participant among others. He always wanted to see me happy. But difference is that now they shoot all the things in cameras,” woman said.

  "Did they build a bridge on the sea?" asked my co-member.

  "No, it's a cursed ocean; no one will sink there. You can walk across the water, "Nuro said.

  "Do you have the place?" I asked.

  "I've heard about it," Nuro said. "Goddess Selisa did angriness for them. She is our mother, who made rain and storm. They say it as seven colors. "

  "Is it rainbow?" Said Lisa.

  "I'm not sure. It's different," Nuro said.

  "Okay, I needed to complete my products, bye," said woman. "Come!"

  She saw the orphan and went back to her home, the child followed her.

  We continued to move towards our target region. On the way our eyes met colors of the city. The tracks were not unbeaten in length and Tukzamosi were busy in their daily work. Their amount reaches us closely. They were in a hurry. They were probably excited for the race.

  They wanted to know who will be their next king.

  "Brother, I can get the bread?" I asked. A salesperson when I saw him to sell food, on the left side of the road.

  "5 mucins per one give money and get food," he said, looking at me a little.

  Gorilla boss came to the store. He took a few coins from his pocket and put it on the front table of the seller.

  "3 mucins per one; give food to all of us, "Mr. Umota said. "I feel hungry indeed."

  "Your 75 mucins, it's fine. By the way, I do not mind. I have to go as fast as possible. I am a participant for the race and I cannot loss the chance. It is a talk on my luck. If I became next king they all will get food for one day give in free. I would like to celebrate it with you too! "He said and began to close his business.

  "I have a very fastest running dinosaur. Its speed is 20 km / hr. I can stop the sale if I want, but my wife forced me. She did not even let me practice. We have five children, three girls and two boys, it's not good? "

  "Yes, you have a happy family!" I said and smiled.

  "Thank you," Seller said, and went quick.

  We saw them closed their shops. Guess the time, called them to be there at the race. We followed the T
ukzamosi people. We went with them.

  "Are you going to see the celebration?" a child asked me. She held my right hand the second finger.

  She was in joy. She was not aware that I am a stranger in the city. She behaved as she does know me.

  "Yes," I said, smiling.

  "Are you from Eoni city? My mother says that they look like us, only different because they are rich. You have enough money to buy the whole town and I say that my thoughts are not wrong, "said the child. She tried to smell me from my perfume.

  "Great, absolutely I'm the right girl about you. You are no less than a prince. I think you make your bath tub in roses and dancing fairies around you. "

  I could not refuse what she says. I have nothing to say at this point. She thought big about me, just from my view.

  "You are very beautiful. I do not mind if you would agree with my daughter, she would love to marry you! "A woman said when she was in the same way behind the child.

  "She is my aunt and her name is Mrs. Beni," said child. I gave a little look at the woman in the small crowd. I did not focus on her more.

  "Excuse me; he has already made Bachelor. He's my man." Janie to my side came and answered the woman.

  "Thank God, you saved me!" I said to myself.

  "Did you say something?" Woman asked me how we were closer to the Silver Gate of the Kingdom.

  "No, I mean, she said about me. We are a couple for a year," I saw her back and said.

  "Oh sorry, I confused you without knowing your detail," said woman. "At some point I was not able to get the people."

  "No, it is fine," I said and smiled.

  "Good luck," the woman leaved us. She saw the audience to cross the main gate. Guards checked them one by one. She called the child, holding my finger.

  "Go in, we" Mr. Umota told us.

  "If we do not meet king?" I asked.

  "He is in the race to announce new king. We will meet him later, "Mr Umota said.

  "Will he keep his promise?" Said Janie. "He is going to retire from the work."

  "He will do, I know he respects his guests," Mr. Umota said.

  The Cursed Ocean Huhai

  "My friends, today is the day of the new king. I know I am now very old. I have the responsibility to retire. "

  "And the time has come to give you a young ruler. The contest will determine who will be the lucky Tukzamosi, sitting in the large royal chair?”

  “Who will see you every day?" King Duroder said at a microphone before he did not give up work.

  The citizens of the kingdom were watching him on the stage. He gave his last speech.

  Things were ready for the celebration. To watch the race clear they had established a wide digital screen in the rent, they brought the electric instruments from Zujic city. Maxmot city is not as modern as the Iowandians. So they did this.

  Here on the ocean participants waited for their king’s notice. To walk up the task of the live broadcast they had put cameras in four helicopters. Pilots and their cooperation will capture the show as they fly over the course of these dinosaurs and their riders.

  "Begin the dinosaur race, now!" King announced and saw his kingdom citizens.

  "They should also give a chance to horse riders. I think it is an injustice, "I said. “The people who do not have dinosaur."

  "I wish they could hear your words baby," Janie said to my left ear. "They should do this."

  "But will they be heard for the common man?" I said and looked as these expensive executives on stage were having fun. They had bodyguards. They were with a royal identification.

  "Millions will talk freely and later they will realize what we did for them. The Company has not avoided us. They do not make us alone,” Janie said.

  We were sitting among the people, cheering with them. Crowd rose as Mr. Duroder gave a green signal.

  "Oh God, Ransekus is on the first position, the second is Ulocus and third is Exisha but someone has to be on top, to be the next king. It is a fantastic game. Wait for the time, who wins?"said commenter on his microphone as the participants were running fast to their dinosaurs on the cursed ocean. We watched the live broadcast of the match on a big widescreen.

  "I think we're all excited now. We want a good guy win the race and I hope he will not bother us. The kingdom needs a strong king, a brave ruler and kind-hearted person who satisfy the citizens, "the second commentator told his co.

  "Yes, my friend, I agree. It is a great day for us. People do not want to miss. They are here in so many. "

  "The amount himself says that they do support a best person, wait to their well-wisher."

  It was like a half-finished stadium before the ocean, and we all enjoyed the race. Sometime fourth racer was on the second position and in a few minutes the first driver to try to make his dinosaur speed faster than others. They were to join hundreds in number; King's ministers selected just twenty guys. I feel sorry for that seller. He could not come in the fight.

  "Now the riders crossed Yeimir, he was on the fourth position. The man wasted no energy at the start. He is smart. Only a mile away from victory and he has already more than half. "

  "Oh no, no, no; first racer try to push him back. It seems the competition between the two men is done!" said commentator. He raised the tone.

  "Yes, Yeimir VS Ransekus," co-commentator said on his microphone and repeated "Yeimir VS Ransekus" three times.

  I saw Janie. She was happy. She was clapping for the competition.

  "Is not it beautiful?" Janie asked.

  "Yes, the sea Huahi is like you," I said.

  "What do you think? Who will win the race?" Asked Janie and came close to me.

  "I do not know about it, but I will win," I said and smiled.

  "Do not forget you're here," Janie said. I did not even respond. I began to kiss her gently. I had the feeling that love is real and you always need that from me.

  "Hey, did you see who won the race?" Guena asked us after five minutes of romance. Janie sighed just to show her face. She took to be common a little time.

  "Yes, you might not get it?" I said, deliberately, as I was unknown of the end.

  "Dude, I know, and I saw what you both were doing. I do not mind, I'm not blackmail. "

  "It happens. I do with my wife. I want to tell that Yeimir won the race. Mr. Duroder will now announce him as the next king," Guena said, looking at us.

  "What?" I shocked.

  "Why do you ask me? Did not you think that he is the perfect to be a ruler?" Said Guena.

  "No, I mean, I was sure also that he will get the victory. So I amazed, "I said.

  "At some point, it works as we imagined," Guena said. "We say it's the law of attraction. You think positive and believe that they will take place. "

  "Mr. Yeimir, you're the king of Tukzamous generation now. I give the job on. I hope you will protect the kingdom from the day. You will take care to them. You will solve problems of people."

  "That's why we've made rules for you. It would be your responsibility to recognize them. To be a complete ruler, our coach in the future he will teach some lessons in fighting enemies for three months. If you obey no rule of the leadership we will suspend you and preparation will begin for the next competition, further, "said Mr. Duroder after the race. He welcomed the winner on stage.

  "When will we meet him?" I asked Mr. Umota.

  "This evening we meet both," said the Bosor chief. He knocked my back.

  The celebration began when Yeimir sat in the royal throne. He was from a small town. He never thought one day that he will make ruler of the empire. He brought only bless by his mother how he came for the race. His dream came true.

  He wanted to thank his friends. They encouraged him greatly.

  (Palace of the Kingdom)

  "Mr. Yeimir, take sitting," Mr. Duroder said, looking.

  "Did you know them?"

  We were sitting with them; especially this room was only for the guests. We just wanted to know why he called the Bosors

  "Yes, sir, they are of Carolus generation" said new king Mr. Yeimir. His servants served us drinks and went away from there when the call took place.

  "Mr. Umota, you have us, do not have the new man. Who are they?" Asked Mr. Duroder. "I do not think they have wear Iowandian outfits. Well, when facing these monsters."

  "Sir, they are of the future. They were confronted biggest problem in their current world and that's why they need our help, "said Bosor boss.

  "From the future?" Mr. Duroder said, looking at us. "Did they do time travel?"

  "Yes, sir, they need a mechanical instrument from us. This is so important, "Mr. Umota said.

  "It means that they are our children. Tell me, what can we do for you? "Asked Mr. Duroder to us.

  "Sir, we want time machine from Zujic city, have to save the world:" I came forward and said.

  "What do you want to show on the gadget? Is there a connection with nature? "Said Mr. Duroder. "By the way, it has only one root, which processes the development. Its basic function is to increase system of the planet. "

  "It contains a major network, believe me, sir," I said. "I can understand of its functions."

  "It's actually a spaceship!" Said Mr. Umota.

  They surprised suddenly. They did not know that there is one thing that they bring to an incredible world after the home planet. It can introduce to others. It can get very close to you to show stars. I opened my VLT. I explained the Tukzamosi (People of Tukzamous generation) detail of our missions.

  "Also I have complained about this to Iowandians. Now days I get to know that secretly they are planning some danger on the ground. They have increased their power and wickedness. I doubt that they want to destroy us out of the country! "Said Mr. Duroder. "That was just my goal to name here. We should talk about it. Their wish is not good for us. "

  "Let me clear that everything they have already started working. They want to capture your kingdom, and to Bosor colonies. They have risen this time as evils of the universe. They will kill your citizens! "I said. "They will not tell you about the plan. They are serpents; they are enough to make you sick. "

  "How do you know that?" Mr. Yeimir wondered.


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