Broken Ever After

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Broken Ever After Page 31

by Natalie Graham

  One of his hands left my face, caressing its way down my body, settling between my legs. His fingers slipped across the folds of my sex through the physical evidence of both of our pleasure.

  “Tell me I’m the only one that’s done this.” He said as he slipped a long finger inside of me. I gasped, feeling my whole body jump with his touch. I fell into him, gripping onto his arms to support me. “Tell me no one has ever come inside this beautiful pussy like I have.” His thumb began to rub circles around my clit, making my legs buckle. His other arm held me up as he walked me backwards to my bed, laying me down before lying beside me. “Tell me.” He growled as he pulled the lobe of my ear into his mouth. The walls of my sex tightened around his finger wanting more. “You have a greedy little pussy. Tell me I’m the only one that has fed her.”

  “Only one. You’re the only one, Connor.” I gasped pulling him back on top of me.


  Just after midday, after having a couple more hours of sleep with Riley, I was woken up. The hard length of his body was pressed up against my back, his arm draped over me holding on to one of my breasts, his legs hooking around mine. My phone was buzzing on my nightstand; I tried to wiggle out of Riley’s arms without waking him, unsuccessfully.

  “Where are you going? What’s that noise?”

  “My phone, I can’t reach it.” He let me go for a second, waiting for when I’d picked up my phone and pulled me back across the bed to him, “It’s Austin.” He shrugged at me. “Hello?” I answered.

  “Olivia, where the fuck have you been? I’ve been trying to call you for an hour! I was ready to leave work and come home.” Riley began kissing my neck, his arms circling around me to pull me closer to him again.

  “S- Sleeping, why? W-what’s up?” I tried to push Riley away slightly, aware that my voice was a little shaky.

  “I was trying to make sure you were ok, but you weren’t picking up! Neither was Riley, I can’t get a hold of him. I thought something had happened to you.” Riley flinched at hearing his name. “Do you know where he is? He’s supposed to be contactable at all times.”

  “Huh?” I pushed Riley away again.

  “Riley, do you know where he is?”

  “Riley? H-how would I know where he is? I’ve just woken up. I’ve not seen him. At all. Since last night. At. All.” I muted my phone while I rambled off a lot of swear words.

  “O-kaaay…It’s lunch time, Olivia. Oh never mind. Have you spoken to Jamie at all today?” I flinched in Riley’s arms, his frame tightened around me.

  “Nope. Not since he came here last night being a total dick and Riley threw him out.”

  Austin told me that Jamie had been calling him to ask about me but wouldn’t tell him what had happened. I went over the details of how I’d found Jamie in bed with another girl and how Riley had to remove him from the apartment. After ensuring that he wasn’t coming home until the evening, when my parents would be here, I relaxed into Riley again.

  We eventually managed to drag ourselves from bed and into the shower. Together. I became very well acquainted with my shower wall as Riley pinned me up against it again. Taking three hours just to get showered and dressed was surely a new record. My hair had dried into a mess with being pressed into my pillow again and having Riley’s fingers pulling through it. I managed to straighten it while Riley went to check up on his phone calls. Mum and dad had called me so I called them back to find out that they were coming over for dinner; I checked the ingredients in Austin’s fridge to see what I could make which amounted to zero. Deciding I needed fresh air before I ended up back in bed again, I went off to Riley’s room to tell him that we needed to go to the supermarket. He was in his office, within his room talking on the phone.

  “I’m not doing that. No, there is nothing you can do that will convince me otherwise. End of.”

  Riley stormed out of the room which was originally a spacious walk-in wardrobe that matched mine. He stopped in his tracks, startled by me standing there in his room.

  “What was that about?”

  “Huh?” I nodded to his office. “Err well that depends on what you heard doesn’t it?” He stated matter of fact, raising a brow at me.

  “You said something about not doing something and no one is going to make you, or something like that.” He nodded and seemed to think over what I just said.

  “It was a call from a previous employer that wanted me to come back, but I told her no.” Her? My stomach flipped at the thought of women trying to poach him away. I was reminded of what Logan had told me about him.

  “How come?” His scowl softened into a sexy grin. He stepped forward and planted a soft kiss against my lips then whispered to me.

  “I think we both know why I don’t want to go anywhere, Ollie.” I stiffened before stepping backwards.

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “What? I thought it was cute.”

  “Well it’s not. Just don’t ok? I erm- I came to tell you I need to go to the supermarket. My parents said they were coming for dinner so I figured I’d make something. Are you coming or should I take Logan?”

  “No I’m going with you.” I nodded, leaving to fetch my purse.


  Standing in the kitchen preparing dinner for my family and Riley felt a little weird. We agreed that we couldn’t tell anyone what had happened between us as that would mean that Austin would fire him which couldn’t happen, so we said we’d keep our relationship between us for now.

  He’d chosen to ask me out on a date in the middle of the supermarket, while I was trying to decide between two coloured peppers.

  “I don’t know which one to choose.” I sighed.

  “How about you pick me?” I’d looked up at him confused. “Look, this is moving really fast and I don’t want to stop it. I really like you, Olivia. I don’t just want to sneak into your room when your uncle isn’t looking. You’re worth more than that. Will you go on a date with me?”

  I’d stood frozen on the spot, dropping the two vegetables to the floor.

  I smiled to myself as I chopped up the vegetables, picturing his face when I’d eventually agreed. Riley’s arms slipped around my waist, his nose buried in my hair.

  “Mmm…” He sighed appreciatively. “You smell so good.” He nosed my hair away so he could get to my ear. “I want to taste you again.” He whispered into my ear before sucking on my earlobe. My knees almost gave way as I stumbled on my heels. His hands worked their way down to the hem of my skirt, lifting it so he could run his fingers over my panties. My insides twisting with longing for him again; I dropped the knife that I had a death grip on. “You’re so wet, I want to feel you.” He wedged one of his feet in between mine, pushing them apart; his hands gripped the top of my panties pulling them down to my mid-thigh.

  His fingers found their way back to my slick opening; one hand paying attention to my clit while his other pushed two fingers deep inside. With lips roaming over my neck he murmured things into my ear. “So beautiful… Do you like that? You’re so wet… You drive me crazy, Olivia… I want you… You make me so hard I can’t think straight… Come for me.”

  I did, stood there holding on to the kitchen counter with dinner half prepared in front of me. Removing his fingers from inside of me he slipped them into his mouth to lick the taste of me from them.

  “Mmm… Dessert is ready”

  “You are disgusting.” I shook my head and let my hair hide my smile from him. “And dessert is for after dinner.”

  “What can I say? I’m greedy. I want it after dinner too.”

  The doorbell ringing startled us both. I quickly pulled up my underwear, flattened my skirt and smoothed my hair.

  “That’ll be my parents, I’ll get it.” I smiled up at him. “You can’t exactly be shaking my dad’s hand right now.” I winked. I took a deep breath and pulled the door open. There stood my mum and dad; mum was beaming down at me, dad was his usual, serious self. He was so different from his crazy, y
ounger brother.

  “Hey you two.”

  “Look who we found down in the lobby.” Mum reached sideways and pulled. Jamie appeared at her side. “He was just dropping the most gorgeous flowers off at the desk for some lucky girl and I dragged him up.”

  “What? Why? Why would you do that?” I asked her, my voice raising an octave with every word. “What are you doing here?” I looked to Jamie as I froze in the doorway.

  “Olivia, don’t be rude.” Mum scolded me as she walked by into the apartment. “Come on in Jamie.”

  “Mum he can’t-”

  “Olivia. What on earth has gotten into you? After all he did to help you with your exams, you could at least be nice. Come in Jamie.” She waved him in. I stood fixed to the spot by the door. Riley appeared beside me.

  “They don’t know about you two, do they?” He said between gritted teeth. I shook my head. “I’ll have a word and he’ll leave a.s.a.p.”

  Nodding, I headed back to the kitchen to finish preparing dinner for everyone, throwing visual daggers across the room to Jamie as he chatted with my mum and dad. Riley kept close by in case Jamie got any ideas about trying to approach me. When no one was looking – except Jamie, he’d run his hand tenderly over my cheek, grip my rear, plant quick kisses on my lips and forehead or whisper into my ear all of the naughty things he was going to do to me once everyone had gone home.


  The awkward atmosphere at dinner was palpable. Austin, visibly nervous that anything could happen at any minute; Logan had been debriefed by Riley so they were both throwing glances between themselves while I sat pushing food around my plate. Mum, Dad and Jamie were still chatting away like nothing was wrong with this entire situation. I eyed the door as it knocked; Logan left to answer it while I continued to stare at my uneaten food in silence.

  “Miss Stevens, there is a delivery for you.” I looked up to the doorway to see Logan carrying in a giant bouquet of what looked like a hundred red roses towards the table. You have got to be kidding me!

  “Oh my goodness! Those are beautiful!” My mum exclaimed. “Jamie those look… just like…” She turned to face him, her gaze flicking between Jamie and I. “Is there… something we… should know?” She looked dumbfounded.

  “Not any more, no.” I responded.

  “Olivia.” Jamie warned.

  “I’m pretty fucking sick of pretending right now.” I slammed my knife and fork down onto my plate, looking over to my mum and dad. “We were together. You know when we went away and saw Jamie at the hotel? He planned that. He came because we were together then; we had been since the beginning of that week!”

  “Liv.” Riley whispered, squeezing knee in a warning.

  “We couldn’t tell you because you’d flip out at me dating a teacher; well I was until I caught him in bed yesterday morning with someone else, so that’s what is wrong with me. I’m sick of constantly pretending to feel something that I don’t. I’m sick of sitting here and pretending that everything is ok when it’s not!” I pushed away from the table and stood up, tears welling in my eyes and my lip quivering.

  “You hurt me Jamie and I’m sick of trying to pretend that I don’t care because I do. I told you everything. I let you in. I loved you. You broke your promise to me. You broke me and I’m sick of pretending like I’m not hurting because it hurts like fucking crazy and I hate you for it.”

  Knocking my chair over, I darted from the room to my bedroom, glad that Riley had organised for my door to be fixed while we nipped out.

  With my hand clasped over my mouth to stop the sobs escaping me, I kicked my shoes off in the general direction of the wardrobe, docked my phone and turned my music up loud to try and drown out my thoughts.

  Opening up my balcony doors, I let the wind blow through my room; taking a lungful of air I screamed.

  Eyeing the contents of my vanity table, I swiped my arm across it sending everything to the floor; then followed my vanity as I pulled it forward, tipping it over. It felt cathartic to go about my room destroying everything. I really wanted to do it to Jamie, but there were too many people to stop me.

  Running to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror. Hating the reflection that I saw - a silly, broken girl, I screamed. On the counter sat three artfully placed rocks that I’d collected while out walking with Uncle Austin because they’d matched the slate of my bathroom floor. I picked one up testing its weight in my hand before using it as a tool to rid my reflection from the wall. I hit the stone against the mirror watching as the cracks started to form. I hit it again and again, until the pieces started to dislodge.

  I could only watch as the broken image of myself shattered into a million tiny pieces around the sink, ricocheting off of the counter and landing at my bare feet. All of the pieces seemed to fall in slow motion; I wondered if that was what my heart looked like at that moment it broke. Then I felt something else - something real. Pain. Actual pain. Searing heat slashed through my hands and feet as the mirror fell and cut my skin.

  Mirror surrounded me on all sides; stumbling, I fell to the floor, my bare legs landing on the pieces. Blood was pouring from each of the cuts; I tried to pull out some of the small pieces that had lodged in my flesh but it hurt and I couldn’t see through the tears in my eyes and the blood that just kept coming. “AUSTIN! DAD!” I screamed.

  Crawling into the shower on my cut knees to wash the blood away, I desperately tried to get the mirror out but the pieces I’d managed to move, just bled more. More pieces were stuck, not to mention the ones embedded in my legs and feet.

  I was starting to feel sick. I leaned out of the shower to get a towel to press my arms against but I slipped, falling flat on the shower floor. Pain sliced through my head as I gazed up at the torrent of water descending over me. I felt so… heavy… so tired.


  It’s so dark, why is it so dark? Is it night time? It must be… but I can hear voices. I tried to sit up but I couldn’t. Where am I?

  I was tucked in too tight again. I wrestled the covers away and slowly crept out of bed to the top of the stairs, covering my nose and mouth with Tedted so I could smell him, he always kept me safe from monsters. I could hear shouting from downstairs; I don’t like it when they shout. Tedted would keep me safe. I hugged him tighter.

  “It’s not working Robert! It’s ok pretending for a few hours but it’s not the same! Are you even fucking listening to me?” There was a loud noise. Aunt Julie was being silly again, she’d broken something; I sat down on the top step and hugged Tedted closer. “I said are you listening to me? Can you not leave your paperwork for five bloody minutes to have a discussion with me, Robert?”

  “Yes I’m listening! Can you keep your voice down and stop breaking shit before you wake Ollie?” I bumped down the stairs on my bottom making an ‘ahh’ sound and laughed at how funny it sounded when I landed on each step.

  “Unca Wobbie… listen!” I shouted. I heard whispering as I ran back up to the top.

  “Hey Cutie, what are you doing up? It’s late!”

  “Listen, listen!” I bumped down the stairs again. “Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh.” Uncle Robbie laughed.

  “Wow! That’s so funny, come here you.” He picked me up in a tight hug and carried me back up the stairs. “Let’s go tuck you and Ted back in bed.”

  “Tedted.” I made an angry face at him.

  “Tedted.” he agreed with me.

  “Tedted is sad.”

  “Oh, why?”

  “He heard shouting. He woke me up because he was scared.”

  “There is nothing to be scared of Tedted I promise. Nothing will ever hurt you Tedted, or my Ollie. Now lie down and go back to sleep so we can have lots of fun tomorrow before you guys go home.”

  “Noooo! No wanna go home!” He tickled me and Tedted then tucked us both back in with a kiss on our heads. “Night Cutie, night Tedted.”

  “Wuv you Unca Wobbie.”

  “I love you too Ollie.” I pulled Tedted into my c
hest and turned over to go to sleep.

  I could hear voices again, I heard someone say ‘Tintin’ Uncle Austin? Where is he? I’ve not called him Tintin since I was a little girl. I saw myself run to him and laughed.

  “Yaaay Unca Austin! Unca Austin!” he picked me up, way over his head making me squeal.

  “Hey little Lollie-pop”

  “I painteded you a picture”

  “Oh cool! Let’s go see if it’s dry to take home.” He put me down and I ran to the painting area to the teacher there. “Miss Laura! My Unca Austin pickeded me up from nursey today! He been big boy school today! See? I painteded him a picture! Is it dry? Is it dry?”

  “Slow down Olivia! Hi, Dr Stevens called and said you would be collecting her, Austin right? Her things are all on her peg ready, including her picture.”

  “Ok, thanks. Come on then Lollie-pop.”

  “Yaaay let’s go plaay! Let’s go plaaay!”

  “Nooo… We do reading first then we can play games, you know that.” He let me sit on his bike to go home. It was so high up; my feet couldn’t reach the ground.

  “I can reach!” I called adamantly.

  “Only another couple of feet to go, Squirt.”

  I laughed watching my two year old self, sat in Uncle Austin’s lap, bouncing my feet as I shoved sandwiches down my throat with a glass of milk. He’d said I needed to finish them all before we could read and play.

  “Mmm… Pea-nut but-ter is my new-est ev-er fa-vou-rite.” I laughed at the smaller version of myself nodding with every syllable.

  “Shh… Don’t tell mummy, it’s a secret.” I giggled and put my finger on my lips.

  “Pomiss.” I whispered. Uncle Austin hugged me in tightly for our story time, they weren’t like books at nursery; he said they were special books called ‘comits’.

  “This one is called The Red Sea Sharks.”

  “No like sharks!” He pulled me closer and began reading. He got half way through and I started giggling. “Unca Austin… Your name is like Tintin! Austin… Tintin! Austin… Tintin!” I laughed and laughed, I couldn’t stop. I ran upstairs to my mummy’s dressy up table and got some sticky hair stuff. “Sit still!” I told him. “I make you look pwetty!”


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