Deadly Reunion (The Taci Andrews Deadly Series)

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Deadly Reunion (The Taci Andrews Deadly Series) Page 9

by Manemann, Amy

  “Money’s not really the problem, it’s really a matter of finding the right property. To tell you the truth I had an inside tip that there were some empty lot’s just north of here that I believe would be perfect for him. I was wondering if you knew of the current owner of the properties so that we might get in contact with them,” I continued smoothly.

  The smile on Tom’s face wavered but remained in place. “And which properties would you be referring to, Miss Andrews?”

  I tapped my finger on my chin as if trying to remember the exact location of the properties I’d just left. “I believe they’re on Mill Creek Road. From what I’ve learned there are a few lot’s just sitting empty up there that would be perfect for building a large house on. Do you know which lot’s I’m referring to?”

  I must have a struck a chord because the man’s face paled slightly and the smile was definitely gone. Hmm, an interesting sign for just fishing for information.

  “I’m sorry Miss Andrews but I’m not certain which properties you are referring to. Actually from my knowledge there aren’t any properties close to Rosehill that are for sale, so your friend might have better luck looking in the north end of town,” he stammered quickly, a bit too quickly for my liking.

  Giving a disappointed look I nodded, replying, “That’s what I was afraid of. Too bad about those empty lot’s though. I happened to take a drive by them myself and they really do have a spectacular view of Rosehill. I hope the current owner puts the land to good use if they’re going to hang on to it.”

  Tom’s face got flushed at that and he stood from his seat. Reaching down he assisted me to my feet, holding fast to my elbow when I went to pull away.

  “From what I know that’s private property up there Miss Andrews and you’d be wise to steer clear of it. People don’t take kindly to folks trespassing around here and they won’t take kindly to a reporter nosing around,” he warned softly, his grip tightening painfully on my elbow. The air in the trailer became quiet and a menacing feeling rushed over me as Tom continued to stare at me with hard assessing eyes. Shit, this was a fine mess I’d talked myself in to. Me and my big mouth. The welcoming ring of my cell phone broke the silence and I fished it out of my purse with my free hand.

  “Andrews,” I answered as normally as I could, wanting to cry out with joy at the welcoming sound of Tony’s voice.

  “You hung up on me,” he accused.

  I met Tom’s eyes and gave a small smile. “Officer Parsons how nice it is to hear from you! Tell me, how are the wife and kids doing? Do tell Annie hello for me, will you?”

  Tony was silent for a moment while I continued to keep an eye on Kincaid. I couldn’t tell if he was believing my story or not but for the time being I felt safe talking to Tony.

  “You’re in trouble,” he stated tensely.

  I did my best not to roll my eyes. I really wanted to shout out no shit Sherlock but I somehow thought that might blow my cover with Kincaid. Instead, I gave a laugh before sweetly replying, “Well of course I am, you know how well I do with that. I take it you got my message about the meeting with Fox River Construction? Mr. Kincaid has been such a huge help today but I’m afraid I’ve taken up too much of his time already.”

  Tom’s eyes narrowed and he released his hold on my elbow. Obviously he wasn’t such a tough guy when it came to involving the police, or rather the supposed police.

  “Can you wait ten minutes or do I need to call in some back up?” Tony asked quietly.

  I continued to smile, forcing myself not to run out of the trailer now that I was free. “Actually I’m on my way out now so no need. I can catch up with you later as previously planned.”

  Tony was quiet, then replied, “Be careful. Call me if you need me, otherwise I’ll pick you up at 6:00.”

  The disconnection of the call left me feeling a bit panicky but I pushed the feeling down. Turning towards Tom I gave a warm smile, saying lightly, “Thank you so much for your time today Mr. Kincaid. I believe you’re right; the north end of town may be the place for my friend to look. I appreciate your help.”

  Not waiting around for a reply I bolted out the door and down the steps, making my way quickly to my car. Not bothering to look back I jumped into the front seat and cranked the engine over, pulling out of my parking spot and back onto the highway. My hands started shaking a half mile down the road and I pulled off, leaning my head against the steering wheel while I forced my nerves to calm down. My cell phone rang and I picked it up, already knowing who it was.

  “I’m fine,” I answered wearily, lifting my head from the steering wheel. Checking over my shoulder to make sure it was clear I pulled back onto the highway.

  “What the hell happened and who’s Kincaid?” Tony demanded angrily.

  “Tom Kincaid is the foreman for Fox River Construction Company. They’re the ones doing the new development project out on the highway. I came across some interesting info in Richard’s computer earlier today and I was doing some double checking. Needless to say my nosing around wasn’t exactly met with open arms,” I replied, steering easily through the traffic as I made my way back to my apartment. I had a bubble bath calling my name and there was no way in hell I was going without it. I needed it too much.

  Tony sighed. “Where are you now?”

  “Just pulling on to my street. I’ll be home and tucked safely away in a few minutes, so don’t worry your precious head about me,” I replied.

  “I’m coming over and don’t even think about arguing with me. I’ll be there in ten minutes,” he replied, disconnecting before I could reply. Damn it. Coming over or not, I was going to get a bubble bath today if it killed me!


  I sank lower in the hot steamy bubbles, reveling in the steamy heat of the water. God this felt good, so good it should be outlawed I thought with a smile. I knew Tony would be here any minute but I didn’t care. I deserved this bubble bath after the day I’d had. He could sure as hell wait until I was ready to get out. A knock sounded on the door, interrupting the tranquility of bath time.

  “What?” I growled out, refusing to open my eyes.

  “It’s me, mind if I come in?” Tony spoke through the door. Heat that had nothing to do with the hot water flooded through me at the sound of his voice.

  “I’m in the bathtub. Just talk through the door,” I called out. I could hear the rattle of the door in response and I smiled, glad I’d had the good sense to lock it. When the door came flying open I gasped, grabbing the shower curtain and jerking it over my naked form as Tony stormed into the bathroom.

  “Guess you didn’t hear me,” I shot out angrily, arching an eyebrow at his cocky grin. I heard Reese laughing in the other room as Tony shut the door and I flushed even angrier. Traitor.

  “Sorry, I heard you were in the tub and thought that was an open invitation. Was I wrong?” he replied innocently.

  I sighed, leaning back in the tub once again. Thankfully with the shower curtain pulled he could only see my face. At least I hoped that’s all he could see. To tell the truth right now I really didn’t care.

  “Whatever. What do you need that couldn’t possibly wait for 6:00? And let me forewarn you, I’m in a definite drinking mood tonight so I hope you can afford me,” I informed him.

  Tony laughed at that, obviously undaunted. “I hardly think paying for three beers will break me Angel Face but whatever you say.”

  I smiled. “Well bring your check book Parsons because I may just go for broke and do five tonight. It’s been a helluva day.”

  Tony sobered at that, leaning a lean hip against the bathroom vanity. “Are you really all right? He didn’t hurt you did he? Because I can be all macho and go out and kick his ass if you want me to.”

  “I’m fine and no, he didn’t hurt me, just bruised my elbow a bit. Don’t worry, I didn’t take two years of Tae Kwondo to let myself be battered and abused by some wimpy foreman. I could’ve taken him,” I replied.

  Tony swore softly, reac
hing out to jerk back the curtain. I gave a gasp, sitting lower in the bath bubbles to try a cover myself while he grabbed my arms, inspecting each one until he came across the purplish bruises.

  “I’ll kick his ass for this,” he said softly, leaning down to press butterfly kisses against my bruised skin. My stomach did a flip flop and I was pretty sure my insides had turned to mush.

  “I’m really OK Tony. He didn’t really grab me that hard, I just bruise easily. Don’t worry about it, it’s just the hazards of the job,” I reassured him softly.

  Tony sighed, reaching down to cup my cheek. “You shouldn’t have to worry about hazards on the job, especially not hazards like this. I don’t like it Taci, not one bit, especially when I heard that message that creep left for you. You should have told me about it from the get go.”

  I wanted to lean in to the warmth of his hand, to reassure him that everything would be OK and what the hell, maybe even encourage him to slip into the bath water with me, but I couldn’t do that. I’d worked too long and hard to get where I was today and I wasn’t going to back down because of a stupid phone message and an idle threat. Instead I pulled away and tugged the shower curtain back in place.

  “You don’t have to like it Tony; it’s not your job, it’s mine. I like what I do and I like the challenges I get no matter what form they come in. I’m not going to back down just because some psycho left me a nutty message on my machine or some guy tried to bully me around. You of all people should know I wouldn’t just turn the other cheek and hope for the best,” I said quietly.

  Tony leaned away from the tub, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “All right, we’ll do this your way…for now. But if I think you’re getting in to too much trouble I’m pulling the plug. Now, where do you want to go for dinner tonight?”

  I stared at him, open mouthed. Did he seriously just lay down the law with me or were my ears deceiving me? The ringing of his cell phone saved him from a scathing set down. Glancing at the screen Tony grimaced. “I need to take this. I’ll be over later to pick you up.”

  And just like that he left as abruptly as he arrived, leaving me to stare open mouthed at the bathroom door. I hoped this wasn’t a prerequisite to our date this evening, because if he thought for one minute he was going to boss me around then he was in for a long evening. Taking a glance at my razor on the side of the tub I chewed my lower lip thoughtfully. There was one guaranteed way I wouldn’t end up in bed with Tony tonight, and that was if I didn’t shave my legs. Any woman worth her grain of salt would never allow a guy to see her unshaved legs.

  The bathroom door flung open again and I let out a squeak, giving an angry glare to the intruder.

  “By the way, I enjoyed your bath time,” he said with a wink before closing the bathroom door again. Flushed, I sunk under the waters bubbly surface.


  It was nearly 6:00 when I put the final touches on my hair. A nervous glance in the mirror told me that I looked pretty good, which was a small miracle considering the bundle of nerves I’d become over the last hour. Out of pure spite I’d decided not to shave my legs, choosing rather to flirt and tease outrageously with Parsons before leaving him at the door. A dangerous game I knew but one I was sure I’d take great pleasure in. From the other room I heard the phone ring and Reese answer, then a knock sounded on the bathroom door.

  “For you,” he said with a grin, tossing the phone inside the door and disappearing back down the hall.

  “Taci? It’s Annie. I need a really big favor, and I mean really big. I know you’re supposed to be going out with Tony tonight but I wouldn’t have called if I didn’t need you,” Annie said in a rush before I could say anything.

  I frowned. Annie sounded pretty rattled; something was definitely up. Why did I have the sudden feeling date night was no longer an option? “Annie slow down and take a breath. What’s going on?”

  “My Mom dropped the trio off early tonight and it’s been a disaster with a capital D. First off, Leah didn’t take her ADHD meds today and is literally bouncing off the walls. I’m pretty sure the other two are sugar high because they seem to be bouncing right along with her. I can’t get a hold of my mother to find out what she did, Mel isn’t home and I have nobody else to call. I swear to God Taci, if you don’t get over here and take these kids from me I’m going to have a nervous break down here,” Annie wailed into the phone. Now that definitely had my attention. This was serious; she’d tried to call Mel before me.

  Sighing I trudged out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. So much for the ankle length suede skirt and matching brown boots I’d picked out for tonight I thought, eyeing the ensemble that I’d spread out so carefully on my bed.

  “All right sweetheart, help is on the way. Just give me a minute to round up some back up and I’ll be over,” I promised, disconnecting. Tugging on a pair of jeans and a soft blue sweater I slipped on a pair of sneakers and headed towards the living room just as a knock sounded at the door.

  “Don’t worry, I got it,” I told an unmoving Reese, who gave a wave from the couch, eyes still glued to the T.V. Lazy ass I thought, giving a shake of my head before crossing the room to tug open the door.

  Tony’s eyes traveled the length of me, an amused expression on his face. “Hmm, I think I might be a bit over dressed.”

  My heart did a flip flop at the site of Tony dressed in black slacks and a buttoned up dress shirt. Good lord, the man looked good in anything.

  “There’s been a slight change of plans. Annie’s girls are going bonkers over there and she desperately needs some help corralling them back in. I’m afraid I’m going to have to take a rain check on date night,” I said, turning towards the kitchen counter to grab my purse and keys. Tony gave a wave to Reese, who was still unmoving on the couch but managed to nod in acknowledgement. Rolling my eyes I walked past Tony, shutting the door behind me. Not breaking stride I headed towards the staircase.

  “No problem, we’ll just change our plans from dinner and a movie to babysitting patrol. So, where does Annie live?” he asked, following me down the staircase. I stopped in mid step, causing Tony to crash into me from behind. Wrapping a protective arm around my waist he neatly flipped me around, pressing me against the side of the wall to prevent us both from tumbling down the stairs. My heart hammered loudly in my chest and I had the feeling it wasn’t from nearly falling down a flight of steps.

  “Th-thanks,” I stammered, flushing at the molten color of his dark eyes.

  “Anytime,” he murmured huskily, pausing for a moment before dipping his head towards mine. The staircase door opened from above us, the sound of footsteps hammering on the steps bringing us back to reality. Giving a sheepish grin Tony pulled back and grabbed my hand, tugging me down the last flight of steps and out into the cool night air.

  Leading me over to his truck he opened the door, helping me in before heading to his own side.

  “Not that I would dream of turning down your help, but are you really planning on babysitting with me tonight? Because I feel the need to warn you the trio can be a bit of a handful when they want to be,” I said after giving the directions to Annie’s house. Tony smiled, maneuvering easily through traffic.

  “I appreciate the concern but I have seven nieces and six nephews who seem to think Uncle Tony was built solely to be used as their own personal play toy. Trust me, I think I can handle whatever these girls might throw at me,” he said confidently. I rolled my eyes. While there was no doubt in my mind Tony could handle his nieces and nephews like a pro I also knew Annie’s girls and I was pretty sure they could tear him apart, cute butt and all.

  “I’m sure you can handle yourself just fine but just in case, maybe you’d like a few pointers when it comes to Annie’s girls,” I again offered.

  Tony shrugged, taking a left onto Briarcliff Lane. “They’re three little girls, how hard can they be?”

  Ok, now this is the point where the good girl in me says to tell him the truth, give him a heads up on what he’
s in for before he makes it the next three blocks. Unfortunately, due to the superior way the he man was acting my naughty girl side was telling my good girl side to shut it. Go figure, I decided to listen to the naughty side.

  I gave a nonchalant shrug, glancing out the window. “Suit yourself. I’ll leave it your capable hands then.”

  As I was sure this night would come back to haunt me and I’d have some interesting favors to repay in return, I couldn’t help but delight in the events that were to come. Tony might think he’s a macho man now, but he’d never come into contact with the likes of the Hastings girls.


  Annie lived smack in the middle of Maple Street, her two story ranch blending perfectly with all the other two story ranches that lined the block. It was a pretty neighborhood, seemingly quiet if you didn’t include the noise coming from Annie’s house. Pulling up in front Tony killed the engine, silently listening to the noise coming from inside.

  “How many did you say there were?” he asked, cringing when there was a loud crash and then a scream.

  I grinned, reaching for the door handle to swing the door open. “Just three little girls. Don’t worry Tony, you can handle it.”

  Before I could climb down he grabbed my arm, leaning in close. The scent of his aftershave filled my nostrils and I inhaled deeply. It was a pretty orgasmic experience, to put it mildly.

  “You owe me,” he said with a smile, his eyes saying more than the words possibly could. “I know,” I replied before tugging my arm free and climbing out of the truck. The house was in full chaos mode when we entered the foyer. Sheets, blankets, toys and clothing were scattered down the staircase and into the foyer, leaving a small path for us to follow.


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