Dragon Dreams- The Complete Shifter Collection

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Dragon Dreams- The Complete Shifter Collection Page 38

by Leela Ash

  ‘Bree.’ Not ‘Ms. Williams.’ And even though he tried to hide it, she saw how his hand rose, instinctively, toward her. How his first urge was to comfort her.

  “Yes. I’m fine. Just startled. And,” her nose wrinkled as she remembered what she was (not) wearing, “half naked.”

  Released from the Dragon’s grasp, Daven recovered his courage. “You’re in big trouble, buddy. That was assault! I don’t give a damn who you are! I’m calling the police.”

  Eyes narrowing, Finn turned toward the lawyer like a mastiff rounding on an irate Chihuahua.

  Time to break this up for good. “No, Daven, you’re not calling the police. If you do, you’ll have to explain why you chased me into the bathroom and almost broke down the door. All because I didn’t want to go to bed with you.”

  That was a low blow, since it hadn’t really been ‘him’ who assaulted her. But she was tired, and hungry, and sick of Daven’s posturing.

  As she’d hoped, that threat doused his anger immediately. “Bree, I… I don’t know what came over me. I’m sorry.”

  “I know. But you need to leave, now.”

  Daven edged toward the door. Finn watched him, tense – a sight that infuriated the lawyer once more. “He needs to leave too.”

  “That’s for me to decide, not you.” She finally found the hotel bathrobe and wrapped it around herself.

  “Dammit, Bree, you are my fiancée! Mine!”

  Her Hare had been right. A melancholy relief welled up within her. Everything changed the moment she turned Daven down. All that remained was to say the words. To acknowledge the choice she’d already made.

  “Daven, I don’t think we’d make a good couple. I’m calling the wedding off.”

  “Bree, you can’t be serious…” He seemed genuinely surprised. As if he had no idea why kicking in a bathroom door would give a woman second thoughts about marriage.

  “I’m sorry. I was drunk. I shouldn’t have ever have said yes.”

  “I can’t believe you’re dumping me for some gorilla.”

  “I’m not choosing someone over you.” Was that true? Honestly, she didn’t know. “I just don’t think we should get married.”


  Silently, she pointed at the splintered bathroom door. “Among other things.”

  Daven had the grace to blush. “Fine. If you’re dumping me, give my ring back. You don’t get to keep that.”

  “Of course.”

  Bree tugged on the ring, but it wouldn’t slide off her finger. “Hang on. It’s stuck.”

  “Oh, sure,” Daven sneered.

  What on Earth was wrong with this thing? It turned on her finger easily, yet it would not fit over her knuckle.


  A soft, nervous warning from her Hare. Something was wrong.

  “Look, I’m going to have to see a jeweler to get this off.”

  “If you damage it, you’re paying for it! I can still get my money back.”

  So much for true love, eh? “Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.”

  “Or you could try losing some weight.” Funny how much meaner he got when things didn’t go his way.

  That jibe pushed Finn over the edge. “You need to leave. Now.”

  One last venomous glare and Daven retreated out the door. “You’re going to regret this, Bree Williams! You’re finished in this town!”

  The Dragon took a step forward – which sent Daven fleeing down the hall.

  Chapter 11

  When the door closed, Finn’s shoulders slumped. “Oh, hell, Bree. I am so sorry.”

  “Why?” She slipped an arm around his broad shoulders. “I am so happy you’re here.”

  “I just destroyed your engagement.”

  “You saved me a lot of pain and embarrassment. Maybe even my life.”

  “From that bum? Please.” Still caught up in the anger of the confrontation, he didn’t melt into her embrace as she’d hoped. He simply endured it.

  “It’s the bums of the world you have to worry about. Strong men don’t pick on the weak. I bet you,” she gave his imposing bicep a squeeze, “have never chased a woman into a bathroom.”

  “Not unless she wanted me to, no.” Slowly, the tension drained away as his body realized it wouldn’t face a fight.

  So, what now? The room was wrecked. The damage to the bathroom door wasn’t too bad but Finn had snapped a hinge when he plowed in.

  “Guess I need to go downstairs and apologize to the management.”

  “Let me do that,” he protested. “Pack your things. I’ll get you another room.”

  Here? Where Daven expected to find her? She’d never be able to sleep, even with three locks on the door. And would any place else be better – or could that thing infesting Daven’s body track her down?

  No, there was only one thing that seemed to keep these ‘Adanai’ at bay. And she wasn’t leaving his side.

  “Finn, can I ask you a favor?”

  “Anything. If it’s in my power, it’s yours.” Eyes like blue lasers fixed upon her. Damn, he was an intense man!

  Intensely good. She trusted him, with a faith no other man had ever won from her. Honest, loyal, devoted, strong... They’d only known each other for a few days, and already, she could sing his praises for hours. Deep inside her, an unfamiliar feeling stirred. Joy and desire woven together. An unshakeable confidence that, as long as he was here, everything would be all right. By his side, she felt safe, no matter what dangers loomed. There was no place she’d rather be.

  Was that… love? It felt so different from the shallow desires that Daven roused in her.

  “Could I stay with you tonight? I know what you must be thinking!” A blush crept onto her cheeks. “‘Wow, that’s the fastest rebound sex ever.’ And that’s not what I mean at all.”

  “Actually, what I thought was that you must be frightened.” There was no disdain in his voice, just acceptance. “No assumptions, either. You’re welcome to the bed. The couch will suit me just fine.”

  “Thank you. I can’t tell you how much that means right now.”

  She reached for him, but he turned from her. Her fingers brushed his arm, and then he was gone, out of reach. “Let’s get you packed, shall we? I’ll pay for the damage on the way out.”

  “Sure.” Quickly, she retrieved her makeup from the bathroom. When she returned, she found him studying the papers scattered across the bed.

  “So, I guess you’ve found out about me.” The frost etched into his words chilled her.

  “Finn, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”

  “You have a right to know what kind of a man Claimed you.” Forgiving words – but he refused to look at her as he said them.

  Shame welled up, and guilt for the pain she’d brought him. “I wanted to know who was trying to buy my spring.”

  No response. Finn collected the papers and slipped them back into their folder. Though, at least he didn’t storm out or retreat when she inched closer. “Can you forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive.”

  “But you’re angry with me.” This time, he didn’t shy away when she laid a hand on his arm.

  “Embarrassed, not angry. You sure you want to entrust yourself to such a miserable ‘protector’?”

  “You’re not miserable. No one can watch another person 24-7!”

  He scooped up her suitcase, breaking the contact between them. “You need to, if you want to keep people safe.”

  “Or those people accept the risk. From what you told me about the Fangs of Apophis, I’m guessing life isn’t particularly safe around a Dragon.”

  “It’s not.” His voice dropped to a low, gravelly murmur. “Especially for people who don’t have a Dragon’s thick scales.”

  Bree gathered her few belongings and tucked them into the day-bag. Every instinct urged her to drop the subject. Yet, there was one secret she could never endure. One detail from those pages of death and suffering that would drive her mad.
  “Finn… two of those women disappeared. I know that was years ago, but are you still looking for them? Is there still hope?”

  Not ‘hope’ for her: fear. If there was another woman out there, someone he still loved and desperately sought, she needed to know that.

  To her relief and shame, he shook his head. “I know where they’re buried.”

  “Oh. They were killed.” What a miserable thing to be relieved about! How selfish could she be?

  “I killed them.”

  Her heart skipped a beat at that. Finn met her gaze with his usual grim, steady calm. “Twice now, one of the Fangs has masqueraded as an eligible young lady. I guess I’m not a very good judge of character.”

  “And you had to… to…”

  “Yes. One tried to shoot me. One planted a car bomb in my Jeep. Both of them spied on my Flight for years, thanks to me.”

  To be betrayed by your love… to realize that all their affection, their ‘devotion’ was nothing but a ruse… How could a man dare to love again after that?

  Finn, however, misread her hesitation. “Does that make you hate me?”

  “No, of course not! I admire you. After all this pain, you were still willing to Claim me.”

  With a snort, he grabbed her bag and headed for the door. “Then you must be as big a fool as I am.”

  Chapter 12

  Three hours, two hamburgers and one blank check for ‘hotel damages’ later, Bree was starting to feel human again. A long soak in a hot bath settled her rattled nerves. As did the bottle of chardonnay that Finn dug up. Now, wrapped in an oversized, fluffy bathrobe, she watched the Dragon unfold a hide-a-bed couch.

  “Skyline Resort has a nice view of the Tetons. Not that that’s much use at night,” he admitted.

  Personally, that wasn’t the view she was admiring. What caught her eye was the ease and grace with which he moved, so unusual in a big man. The bulge of his muscles and the way they made any task simple. The craggy lines of his face, weathered by pain and battle.

  He was gorgeous. Not with the delicate beauty of a model. No, Finn’s allure was something rougher. Tougher, more masculine. The beauty of a perfectly trained, hardened body. One powerful enough to face – and defeat – any enemy.

  At work, Bree often dreamed of being a predator. A wolf, fleecing the sheep of the world.

  How silly those thoughts seemed. Finn was the real deal. A soldier. A warrior. And yes, a killer. None of that frightened her, now that she understood why the world needed men like him.

  To protect others from the monsters that lurked in the shadows.

  “Hey.” She leaned against the door frame, making no effort to hide how much she enjoyed watching him. “You don’t have to sleep out here.”

  “I don’t think it’s wise for us to be together.” Despite his words, she noticed he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her long, bare legs.

  Bree let her robe slide open a bit more. The couch cushion, forgotten, slipped from his hands. “Why not? Look, I won’t make you swear that you’ll never leave me or that we’ll be real Mates after tonight. I know you can’t give me that kind of promise.”

  He shook his head, regret darkening his blue eyes. Yet, even as he denied his longing, he drifted toward her. As if her love was a flame he couldn’t resist.

  Maybe in the morning she’d feel bad about seducing him. Now, she didn’t care. Hunger and loneliness burned too bright within her. The cord that closed her robe parted and she let it slide to the floor. Revealing her tall, lithe body in all its golden splendor.

  “Stay with me tonight. Please.”

  “Bree…” Closer he came, still denying the inevitable.

  “I don’t know what we’ll want in the morning. But tonight, I want you.”

  Like a dam cracking under the force of pent up waters, his reserve shattered. Finn was at her side in two swift strides. As in her dream, strong arms closed around her, sweeping her off her feet.

  Once he had promised her that life could be as sweet as that dream. She intended to make him prove that.

  Cradled in his arms, Bree savored the delicious surrender, trusting in his strength. With ease, he carried her to the bed and set her down. Towering above her, he popped open the buttons of his shirt one by one, revealing broad pecs and curly hair.

  Eagerly, she reached for his pants. The rounded bulge of his manhood, already roused, pressed against her fingertips. Four buttons, and it too was freed as he slid the jeans down the steel cordons of his thighs.

  Masculine, nearly naked, he stood above her. Bree kissed the flat, sculpted plane of his stomach and felt him stiffen with pleasure at her touch. Her lips rose, exploring his abs, the curve of his ribs. Weaving her arms around him, she rose, feeling the cotton of his briefs rasp across her bare skin. Beneath it, the hot, demanding power of his sex awaiting its release.

  Growing eager, he pulled her to her feet. Their lips joined in a long, slow kiss, and his hands began their own exploration. Stroking her hair, gliding down her back, circling the mounds of her buttocks. Still that scrap of cotton mocked her, rubbing against the slit of her legs as she pressed herself to him.

  His lips broke free from hers, leaving a delicious ache at their loss. Kisses – yearning, eager – brushed down her throat, down her shoulders. Panting, she offered her breasts to his hungry mouth.

  He nuzzled them softly, almost reverently. Lips traced her aureoles, circling her nipples. His tongue lashed across them and the nubs of her breasts stiffened, drawing a gasp of pleasure from her. Sucking, teasing, he played with her, fanning her desire. With one arm, he held her as she leaned back. The other hand remained curled about her buttocks. Stroking them, petting them. Stealing brushes against the curls between her legs. At each touch, she grew more damp, more eager for consummation.

  Nipples hard, she whimpered as he played with her breasts. Then his mouth was falling, gliding down her silken stomach, lower and lower. Bree’s breath caught as she realized what he sought.

  Then his mouth found the dampness of her sex and she moaned out loud as his tongue slid across her clit. It lashed across her sex, driving her wild with every stroke. Her hips writhed, helpless, as she pressed herself against his hungry, devouring mouth.

  Passion swelled, threatening to overwhelm her. “Wait!” she gasped. “Wait! I can’t…”

  Those delicious caresses paused. Bree shivered, shaking with a longing, a need fiercer than any she’d felt.

  She should do something for him. She was selfish, too entangled in her own pleasure…

  But as she silently berated herself, Finn finally slipped his briefs off. Freed from its cotton prison, his cock jutted forth. Hard, eager, demanding. Stoked by her cries, her pleasure, it was swollen with desire.

  Ice blue eyes lit by Dragon’s fire gazed up at her in love and longing. Then he wrapped his arms around her thighs and picked her up once more. Her heart raced – surely, he would throw her to the bed, now, and take her?

  But the bed was not his goal. One step, and she felt the cool surface of the wall press against her back. He guided her legs around his waist. Bree clutched him tight, loving how his hard stomach pressed between her legs, teasing her sex once more. With a helpless whimper, she ground against him, seeking release from the maddening passion.

  Then he lowered her gently… and she felt his long, engorged cock slide into her. With a moan, her legs tightened, drawing him in fully.

  Held aloft, caught in his arms, she felt a wild, primal passion sweep over her. Helpless, she gave herself to that animal desire. As he began to take her with hard, firm thrusts, she wrapped her legs tighter. Her body bucked, riding him even as he held her aloft.

  Now, his own breath quickened. His proud mastery wavered as passion consumed him. Faster, harder, he drove, until his moans joined hers in a song of ecstasy. Waves of pleasure swept over her, washing away thought and care until nothing remained except the white pleasure that raged between her legs.

  With a cry, he came.
Her legs drew him tight one last time.

  Once more, he raised her, separating them. Gently, he laid her down upon the sheets and, strength at last spent, he collapsed beside her.

  No words were spoken. Their sweat-drenched bodies, their ragged breaths, bore witness to their pleasure.

  Cuddled against him, still damp with the joy of their union, Bree smiled. Finn had told her the truth: with the right man, life could be as glorious as any dream.

  Chapter 13

  Mornings were magical. Slowly, rising out of the shreds of dreams, into consciousness. Feeling the warmth of his love beside him, curled against him. His body stirring at her touch, longing for Kirsten to turn to him and…


  That name jerked Finn awake, shattering the new day’s innocent bliss.

  Kirsten was dead. Drowned in the Missoula River. Investigators had been baffled by the great rifts torn in the side of her car. He wasn’t. He knew the marks of a Worm’s claws when he saw them. Kirsten died, trapped in her car as water poured in through those slashes.

  Because of him. Because he’d failed to protect her.

  Bree, not Kirsten, slept beside him. An innocent woman whose life was already unraveling at his touch. He’d ruined her wedding. Driven her from her home. Poisoned the relationship between her and her fiancé.

  And now, he’d slept with her, letting himself be seduced by the comfort of her body.

  Was there no end to his selfishness?

  Untangling himself from her embrace, he tried to slip out of bed unnoticed. But as the mattress shifted, she gave a small purr of pleasure and opened her eyes. “Morning.”

  So much for his cowardly escape. “Good morning.”

  No sense trying to be subtle then. He scooped up his pants and pulled them on.

  “Where are you going?” Her sleepy eyes, peering through tousled red hair, begged him not to leave. Lie back down, they whispered. Make love to me again. Start the day as my Mate, not a hook up.

  Finn ignored those impulses. He’d screwed her life up enough already. “Time for me to meet with the rest of the team working on this problem.”


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