A Dubious Position (A Colton Banyon Mystery Book 7)

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A Dubious Position (A Colton Banyon Mystery Book 7) Page 16

by Gerald J Kubicki

  “You get all of that?” he asked his watchers.

  “Every word,” Father Grey replied.

  “I’m headed back to the office. You guys stay with Klotz. Make sure the Mexicans get on a plane to Las Vegas and Klotz gets on his plane to Washington. I’ll notify the President, he can decide if he wants to pick him up there, or continue to watch him.”

  Part Five

  More Stress

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Banyon hung up his cellphone. He had just finished talking to Bart, who had filled him in on the Klotz situation. Bart told him he was returning to the office immediately, to put together profiles of the Mexicans.

  Banyon asked if he wanted him to call the President and report in, but Bart told Banyon he already had. The President had decided to have Klotz put under arrest, by U.S. Marshalls, as soon as he landed, back in Washington D. C. Well, two out of three parts of the plan have already been completed and it is just eleven o’clock, Banyon thought.

  As he hung up the phone, he motioned for Heather and Mandy to return to his desk. They had been talking with Eric in the corner. They didn’t know why Banyon has summoned them to his office, but he was sure they had a pretty good idea. They walked purposefully towards the back of the office.

  He flipped through some paper on his desk to give himself some time to think. He wondered if he was doing the right thing. While they were acting very professional right now, he had seen them act otherwise. He now turned his eyes to the two women that now stood at attention in front of his desk. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to say. He knew he had to allow them to get prepared for the trip, but also knew he had to say a few things to them, as well.

  “I want you to know we chose you two to be our bodyguards,” Banyon said with little excitement.

  “Oh, goodie. I knew you would choose me, Colt,” Mandy exclaimed. “By the way, how much are you paying us, or do we have to work by the hour?” There was no mistaking her innuendo.

  Clearing his throat, Banyon ignored her comment. “You were chosen because you give us the best chance of success, not because of your physical attributes, or of any perceived friendships.”

  “Where are we going?” Heather asked professionally as she nudged Mandy to shut up.

  “We will be heading to Las Vegas within the hour.”

  Mandy started jumping up and down. Heather said nothing, she was cool as a cucumber, but did smile provocatively. Banyon wondered what was currently going through their minds. They had both reacted differently.

  “I’ve never been to Las Vegas,” Mandy gushed. “I can’t wait to see it. I want to see the strip, Colt. Can I? Can I?”

  “I’ve been there several times before. For the Porno conventions, they have them there twice a year,” Heather added knowingly as she gazed at him evenly.

  “Hold on,” Banyon said as he held up his hand to stop their reactions. “You need to agree to a couple of rules before you are officially hired. If you can’t comply, you can’t go. It is just that simple.”

  “What are the rules?” Heather asked in her husky voice. “Do I need to wear leather or maybe latex?” Eric was close to nodding his head, but refrained.

  Suddenly serious, Banyon said. “The first rule is; this mission will be dangerous. People will probably die. You may be required to shoot them. You need to be vigilant at all times. We have been authorized to use deadly force.” Wolf had already told Banyon the Mexican hit men were responsible for more than one hundred deaths in the past three years. It included women and children. Banyon relayed the information.

  “These scumbags need to die,” Heather agreed and nodded her head. Her long hair flew everywhere.

  “They’ll get no mercy from me,” Mandy added.

  “Second rule,” Banyon said as he counted on his fingers. “You can never tell anyone about what you see or hear during this mission. Is that clear? Especially, if you want more missions from me,” Banyon threatened them.

  “I can keep a secret,” Heather told him.

  “And that includes anyone in this office,” Banyon added. “It seems to be a hotbed of gossip.”

  “I won’t even tell myself,” Mandy joked and got a stern look from Banyon.

  “Third rule,” Banyon continued. “You can’t go with us looking like you do now. You will need to change your clothes and attitude.”

  “To what?” Heather asked

  “Mandy, I want you dressed like my daughter and Heather, you need to dress down. Try to look less sexy. We want to go unnoticed.”

  “Yes, sir,” both quickly replied as they bowed their heads. Mandy glanced at Heather and said, “his daughter, really?” Heather just shrugged her shoulders.

  “Next, you two will be responsible for supplies and things we will need done during the trip,” Banyon said.

  “I can cook,” Mandy quickly told him. “I’m also good at shopping. I’m not too good at cleaning though.”

  “I don’t think he means domestic supplies, do you, Colt?” Heather said to Mandy.

  Feeling a little frustrated, Banyon clarified. “I want you two to go to the armory and requisition two sets of night vision goggles for yourselves. You will also need guns and a box of ammo. Eric and I already have ours. He pointed to the desk where the guns that Bart had conjured up lay side by side.

  “How will we get them through the scanners at the airport?” Heather inquired.

  “We are taking a private plane. It has been arranged. As long as we don’t bring them into the cockpit, we’re good,” Banyon answered her.

  “Wow,” Mandy said. “I’ve never been on a private plane. Will it be just us on the plane,” she quickly asked with a gleam in her eye.

  Banyon now wondered if she was thinking about the mile high club. “It will be just the four of us.”

  “Does it have a bed…?” Mandy started, but was nudged by Heather to shut up.

  “Finally, this is a mission, not a holiday,” Banyon noted. “You need to act professionally. That means no lap-dances or enticements. Do I make myself clear?”

  “We will act professionally,” Heather responded. This time when she glanced at Mandy, she was not smiling, but was frowning.

  “Good, now be back in my office by noon. We leave then,” Banyon said as he waved them out the door. This time Mandy headed through the office door, but stopped by the entrance and addressed Banyon.

  “Can I at least bring a bathing suit?” she asked with a plea.

  “Of course,” Eric quickly replied. “You too Heather,” he quickly added. Banyon raised his eyebrows, but let it go.

  When they finally left the office, the girls were chatting away about Las Vegas. Eric turned towards Banyon. “You handled that well, I think.”

  “Only time will tell,” he replied.

  “Now, we only have to worry about the Mexicans killing us and not our women,” Eric joked.

  “Let’s hope so,” Banyon answered.

  Suddenly, Banyon’s phone rang. He picked it up and answered it without looking at the screen. It was the President

  “Colt, I’m in the situation room. We have another crisis to handle.”

  Chapter Forty-Four

  “What’s happened now?” Banyon found himself saying again. He thought he had covered everything.

  “Two American girls have been kidnapped in Acapulco, Mexico,” the President replied tersely. “We need to get them back. Can you help?”

  “What are their full names, from what hotel and when were they taken?” Banyon asked as he gathered a piece of paper and clicked open his pen. Eric looked over his shoulder with concern. He wondered how many of these situations Banyon would have to deal with because of the current crisis in Mexico.

  The President gave him the information and then added. “I’ve got twelve SEALs currently in the air from Panama. They are in helicopters from the Navy base there. They’re over the ocean in international waters. I can vector them into land as soon as you can tell me where the girls are located.r />
  “I understand,” Banyon answered.

  “I also need you on screen in the situation room.”

  “Give me five minutes and I will get back to you,” He told the President and hung up his phone.

  “Sounds like more trouble?” Eric asked.

  “Yes,” Banyon said with tension in his voice. Then he started barking orders. “Go find Mandy and have her send up the next contract employee. Also, tell her our trip,will be delayed for an hour. Tell Heather too. Here’s the number for the private plane crew.” Banyon drew a sheet of paper from his bag.

  “Okay,” Eric said.

  “Have someone call the crew and update them,” Banyon ordered. “And then find Bart and tell him what is going on. Also, make sure he finishes the profiles of the men we are going to lead to Las Vegas.”

  “Will do,” Eric said as he jogged out the door.

  “Timmy,” Banyon yelled into his Bluetooth. “I need the situation room on my screen, now.”

  “Booting up as we speak,” Timmy answered. Banyon saw his screen quickly come alive. There were several people on the side monitors in the situation room this time.

  The President spoke. “Do you have the address?”

  “Still working on their location,” he said into the monitor. He then quickly hit the escape button and addressed Wolf.

  “Wolf, where are the girls?”

  “Give me a minute, too,” Wolf growled. “I’m researching them now.”

  While he waited, he detected movement by the office door. A frail-looking woman stood there and knocked on the open door. She was dressed in a very conservative brown business suit with a skirt the covered her knees. Her hair style was from the sixties and was a mousey grey. She carried a pad of paper and a pen close to her buxom. She appeared to be around fifty-something years old. Banyon was sure she was an administrative assistant or secretary. He waved her up to his desk.

  “Who are you?” He inquired.

  “My name is Beth,” she replied. “I’m the contract employee for this mission,” she answered proudly in a clear, but squeaky voice.

  “Okay,” Banyon said. “Go over to the couches and make yourself comfortable. This shouldn’t take more than an hour.”

  “But what should I be doing?”

  “That’s just it, you don’t have to do anything, just be in the room. I can turn the TV on, if you want?”

  “I can do some filing or reviewing while I wait?” she said weakly as she looked around the office for something that needed organizing.

  “Just go over there and be quiet,” an annoyed Banyon ordered. He dismissed her with a wave of his hand. She slinked over to the farthest couch and sat primly with her legs crossed. She looked very intimidated by the office.

  “Anything yet?” he whispered, but there was no answer.

  “Did you say something?” he heard Beth ask hopefully as her head rose.

  “I’m talking to myself,” he angrily replied and reached for the remote to turn the TV on. He didn’t want her to hear his conversations. He glanced at his watch. It had already been more than five minutes. Where the hell is Wolf, he thought. The President and those poor girls are relying on me and I don’t have any answers yet.

  “Wolf, are you there?” he asked in a concerned voice.

  “I’m here, Colt,” the spirit replied as if distracted.

  “Have you got the location yet?”

  “Colt, I do, but there is something else you need to know.”

  “What?” Banyon all but screamed.

  “There has been another disaster planned. You need to fix this one too, right now.”

  “Why, right now?”

  “Because, you are the target,” Wolf told the stunned Banyon.

  “When and where?”

  “Just outside your building I’m afraid, they will be there in about fifteen minutes,” the spirit replied.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  “Son-of-a-bitch,” Banyon yelled out. “This couldn’t happen at a worse time,” he said in frustration to no one. He pounded the desk several times in anger.

  Beth perked up and looked at Banyon hopefully, again. “Do you need my help now, dear?” she quickly asked in her squeaky voice. She started to get up from the couch, but Banyon waved her back.

  “Just sit quietly. No talking” he screamed at her over his monitor.

  “Oh, my,” she uttered.

  “I’ve now got a second crisis to handle I can’t deal with you right now.”

  She was taken aback by his outburst. It showed as she huffed at him showing her irritation as she plopped back down on the couch.

  “No need to be rude,” she yelled back. She then started writing on her pad. Banyon was sure she was writing a complaint to Human Resources. He wondered how many demerits he would get.

  Banyon did not answer her, but addressed Wolf, instead. “First, give me the location of the kidnapped girls. I need to get the rescue on track.”

  Wolf instantly replied. “If you die, I will never complete my curse. You must save yourself, for the greater good.” Wolf had been known to be callously selfish. He always felt his needs overrode any others.

  “I’m saving these kids first,” Banyon replied with gritty determination. “What’s their location, Wolf?”

  “As you wish,” Wolf sadly answered and gave him the address. He also added that there were five policemen currently with the girls in the house.

  Banyon pressed the escape button on his computer and was immediately onscreen in the situation room. He relayed the address and then said. “Mr. President, I have another crisis to deal with as well.”

  “What?” the President inquired.

  “Yes, sir, someone is trying to kill me right now, and maybe blow up the Law offices at the same time. I need time to work on a solution.”

  He then waited for the President to respond. Banyon could hear people talking in the background before the President answered. “You’ve got ten minutes before we have boots on the ground. You must be back on screen by then. I need your eyes to make this work without collateral damage,” the President informed him. The President was, like Wolf, selfish when he needed something done.

  “Thank you, sir,” Banyon said.

  “And Colt, you are authorized to use any resources you need. You have my full authority, even deadly force.”

  “I’ll be back,” Banyon promised and pressed the escape key. He then whispered to Wolf. “Tell me what you know about the threat?”

  “In about fifteen minutes,” Wolf started. “A blue panel van will pull up to the offices and park by the front door. A Mexican looking man will immediately run from it. When he is far enough away, he will detonate the explosives in the van by a remote control device. The charge is sufficient to blow half the building away. Several people will be killed, including you, unless you find a way to stop it. The two men that sent the Mexican are right outside already, with machine guns. They will shoot the Mexican. Then they will enter the building, looking for you. If you’re still alive, they will finish the job. If you leave now, they will mow you down.”

  “Who has sent the Mexican? Is it the cartels?” Banyon was now scared. If it was the cartel, then they knew of him and would not stop, even if he could prevent this current threat. He knew they would never stop until they killed Banyon and anyone associated with him. This included Loni, Eric, the Patel sisters, and his three sons. He had hoped to never involve his family in any of his cases, but now they were all in jeopardy.

  To his relief, Wolf corrected him. “No, it is not the cartel. As far as I can tell, they don’t know you exist.”

  “Then who?”

  “This threat comes from the Effort and originated with Paul Slezeck. He knows his gangbanger plan has been neutralized and decided he needed a disaster to happen before he meets with the President in a couple of hours. He contacted some Effort people in Chicago and they have put this threat together for him. They are the ones with the machine guns. I have their n
ames for you as well — when you are ready,” Wolf said.

  “Why use a Mexican though?”

  “Remember, Slezeck’s ultimate goal is to get the President to sign the executive order. He believes security cameras will record the Latino driver and everyone will assume the cartels are responsible. He believes this will cause the President, during his grief, to sign the order when he meets with him. He doesn’t care how many people he kills to achieve his goal.”

  “But how does he even know where I am?” Banyon asked.

  “I told you, Slezeck has someone watching you. The man is in the huge parking lot for the shopping center, just outside your own parking lot. He follows you everywhere you go, but he is just a Homeland Security agent. He thinks he is shadowing a ‘person of interest’ for the agency.

  “Can you give me any additional information?”

  “You only have thirteen minutes now.”

  Chapter Forty-Six

  “Bart,” Banyon screamed into his Bluetooth. “I have just uncovered a bomb threat to Dewey and Beatem. It will explode in about thirteen minutes. We need to evacuate the building right now.”

  “Be there in thirty seconds,” Bart responded.

  Beth suddenly jumped up from her couch and moved towards Banyon’s desk. He expected to see fright on her face, but she appeared excited instead. “Now, will you let me help you?” she asked him.

  Before he could answer, Bart ran into the room. He no longer looking like Paul Slezeck. “Tell me what you know?” he demanded before he got to the desk. Banyon filled him in on the details then asked about the evacuation plan, considering there were two men with machine guns already outside the building.

  “We don’t evacuate, we neutralize,” Bart answered more like a philosophy.

  “But we only have eleven minutes left,” Banyon complained. “And the President expects me back on the screen in nine minutes. There must be a plan?” Banyon was overstressed and didn’t share the confidence that Bart exuded.


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