The Billioniare's Bought Bride (Contemporary Romance)

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The Billioniare's Bought Bride (Contemporary Romance) Page 8

by Michele Dunaway

  “No problem,” Clarissa mused. “I’d love to hear the tiptoes of little pattering feet. Are you planning on starting a family soon?”

  Since he still had his arm around her, Maddy was aware of Dylan’s tension. “Mom, let us be,” he said simply. “We’re newlyweds.”

  The day actually went pretty well. Dylan’s parents were down to earth and conversation flowed easily.

  “I’m so glad you found each other,” Clarissa said when they were alone in the fudge shop. Dylan and his dad were outside on a bench. “I worried about him.”


  “Oh yes. While we weren’t actually poor, we really didn’t have much for extras,” Clarissa tossed handfuls of assorted hard candies into a straw basket. “We scrimped so we could travel. Dylan never gave us the impression he was too bothered with that, until the summer we arrived here and he met you. Maybe we should have given him more spending money. After all, a girlfriend does take extra. One day he returned extremely worse for the wear and said he was ready to leave whenever we were.”

  “That was after Ted had beaten him up. My brother was horrible.”

  “He looked pretty bruised. He kept telling us he’d fallen while out hiking. Neither Joe nor I believed him, but Dylan insisted nothing was broken so we respected his wish for privacy. He changed though. From that moment on, he was driven to succeed. He refused to be satisfied. Now his father, he loves being a teacher in the trenches. So do I. “

  She rummaged through a barrel of loose candy and dropped some in her basket. “It sounds so silly to work, but we like it. Dylan keeps insisting we could quit and simply travel. Perhaps when we retire. I really think our students keep us young. We need them as much as they need us. Anyway, Dylan needed more. He had to have it all: the big house, the fancy car, and all those things Joe and I really don’t care about. When my son sets out to achieve something, he gets it.”

  Hearing her name being called, Clarissa said, Oh, my fudge is ready,” and moved to the counter to retrieve her package.

  Maddy stared out the window. As if sensing her, Dylan turned around and smiled. She ducked and joined Clarissa, bothered by the fact her family had found Dylan poor and unworthy. Her brother Ted had called him weak, insignificant. Had that been the catalyst for Dylan’s ambition and drive? Had her rejection been the inciting incident? Had she caused the man she’d loved to change into what he’d become? He no longer believed in love. Worse, her actions had spawned someone ruthlessness about getting whatever he wanted.

  “He got me,” Maddy realized as the full impact of everything Dylan had worked for crashed down. “He bought me.”

  The cold front blew through earlier than predicted, and Madison woke up in the middle of the night with chattering teeth. She clicked on the bedside lamp, and drew the light comforter around her neck. The lodge had no central heat or air, and her grandfather had never seen the need to upgrade, as the building was only used in the summer, and normally the weather was palatable. As for the electric blanket, that had been the one thing the decorator had forgotten to replace.

  Madison eyed the fireplace. Fatwood fire starters sat in a brass bin, and, in the log holder, wood of various circumferences stood ready and waiting. From previous years, Madison knew that within a half hour, a hot fire would heat the pink granite stones, and the stones would then radiate much needed warmth into the room. The vents on the side of the fireplace allowed warm air to circulate. In an hour, the room would be toasty.

  She glanced at the clock. There were at least five hours left before daylight. She had to either get out of bed and make a fire, or suffer the chill. She’d never made a fire, especially since she couldn’t remember a summer cold enough to need one. Still, how difficult could one be?

  “Brr!” Madison sputtered as her feet hit the wooden floor. She jerked open the dresser drawer and pulled out some socks. Hopping, she pulled them on and then followed with her bathrobe.

  Rubbing her hands together, she knelt before the fireplace. “You can do this,” she told herself. “First, check the damper.”

  The contractors had cleaned the fireplace, and she had no idea whether the flue was open or not. She tried peering up there, but couldn’t see anything. But when she waved her arm, she found a low pull of some sort dangling and figured the flue had to be open.

  Her body trembled from being cold, and she positioned the starter sticks and logs in what she hoped were strategic places on the grate.

  “So far so good.” She congratulated herself and grabbed the long matches. With a flick of her wrist, the match flared on first strike. The ensuing flames sent a warm glow into the room. She basked in the heat for a moment. Perfect.

  Except that within seconds she was gagging and waving her hand in front of her face as thick black smoke poured from the opening and into her bedroom. The smoke detector began to blare, sending out loud, deafening shrills.

  Coughing, Maddy clambered to her feet, her eyes blinded with smoke-induced tears. She cranked the nearest window open. Cold air billowed inside, sending the room temperature further down.

  The wooden door to her room flew open with resounding thud. “Maddy? What’s—” Dylan sized up the situation instantly.

  “I thought the damper was open.” Maddy cranked open another window, the cold breeze bursting in.

  Dylan grabbed the poker and pushed the wood back against the back wall of the fireplace. Immediately smoke headed up the chimney

  “The damper is open,” he said. “Give the room a minute to air out and then close the windows.”

  Dylan set the poker down and began waving a pillow under the smoke detector, the stirring of the air causing the alarm to mercifully cease.

  “What did I do wrong?”

  “You had the fire too far forward. If it’s not all the way back, the smoke doesn’t go up but instead comes into the room.”

  Her pride injured, she glared at Dylan. “Don’t tell me you were a Boy Scout.”

  “All the way to Eagle. I guess it helped that my father was a scoutmaster.”

  Maddy flounced onto the bed and yanked the covers to her chin. She’d wanted to be a Girl Scout, but it hadn’t been ladylike enough for her grandparents. She’d gotten private golf and tennis lessons at a St. Louis country club instead. “Thank you for fixing the fire. The front came through early.”

  “It did.” As the room emptied of smoke, Dylan began to close the windows. “I think we’ll leave in the morning since I’ve heard it’s not going to warm up. Summer’s over early. If I know Dad, he’ll want to get a jump on school preparations and suggest leaving even before I do.”

  As Dylan finished with the windows, Maddy’s stomach suddenly noticed his sleepwear, or in better terms, lack of it. He wore only a pair of black karate pants. Bare chest muscles flexed as he finished cranking the last window.

  “Aren’t you cold?” she asked.

  “I wasn’t until I came in here,” he admitted as he stepped back toward the fire. “I’m under a heavy down comforter. You’re under that light quilt.”

  She jutted her chin forward. “Well, your designer picked it out. She forgot the heated blanket.”

  The corner of his lips inched into a smile. “Tell you what, I’ll give you my comforter, but you’ll have to share.”


  A log popped at that moment, accentuating the tension. He’d just offered to share his comforter. Her mouth dried as he bent over and loaded some larger logs onto the grate. Madison crawled back into bed and rubbed her feet on the sheets, trying to use friction to banish the chill in her toes. “Thanks for the offer, but I’ll be fine. The fire will warm this room quickly.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Are you planning on being awake for a while? You’ll have to keep the fire going to get these stones heated.”

  Dylan’s chest flexed as he straightened and Maddy swallowed. The room wasn’t the only thing heating up.

  “Of course I’ll stay up,” Maddy insisted. “Just tell me wh
at to do.”

  He laughed, a deep sound that echoed in the room. “Wait here,” he said. He returned with the down comforter and with a flick of his wrist settled it over her. “I’ll make you a deal. Let me catch a few winks on that side of the bed and I’ll keep the fire going.”

  Another deal. Madison glanced at Dylan and then her fireplace. Once again, like with saving Summerhaven, she had two choices. This time, instead of Dylan or condos, it was that Dylan could stay in her bed and keep her fire going or her teeth could chatter when it burned out. Fate was infuriating. “Fine. But you have to stay on your side.”

  The left corner of his mouth lifted. “Afraid your body might wander?”

  Yes! “No, but my feet are very cold and you may not like it if you leave your designated space.”

  He pointed. “Scoot over. I promise to behave, but only if you do the same thing.”

  “Me not behave? In your dreams, buddy.”

  Dylan’s obsidian eyes intensified. “Oh, definitely in my dreams, Maddy. You’ve definitely been there. Shall I tell you about them?”

  No, she didn’t need to hear about his dreams. The one she’d had just the night before was still vivid. Her body shook, but she wasn’t sure if it was from residual cold or from the illicit thrills his words caused. She tugged Dylan’s down comforter up to her chin. “I’ll pass.”

  “You definitely made some passes, too.”

  He stoked the fire and then slid beneath the covers. The mattress dipped and Maddy rolled toward him. She touched his bare chest and then quickly wiggled away. She flipped over, presenting him with her backside.

  “We’ve got a long drive ahead of us tomorrow and we’ll have to pack. Get some sleep.” His voice sounded tired.

  Although how could she sleep? She’d shifted so that her back was to him, but that didn’t help. His body heat had invaded the covers. Not only was she warmed up, but she was also on fire. If she turned over, his naked torso would be inches away. She could already hear his rhythmic breathing, and sense the slight tingle on her neck from his steady exhales. Her dream last night had been so real. She’d caressed his chest and…. She groaned.

  He raised himself up on one elbow and tapped her shoulder. “What, can’t you sleep?”

  Maddy scooted over toward the opposite edge, almost to the point of falling off. “Isn’t that obvious?”

  “What, never had a man in your bed before?”

  He pleased tone irked, and Maddy bristled at his cavalier attitude. She flipped over, immediately realizing her mistake. All she had to do was stretch out her arms and his face and body was within reach. The man was her pied piper. “It’s not as if I didn’t have opportunity.”

  “Of course not,” he said, as two fingers smoothed out a lock of her hair, spreading it over the pillowcase.

  “Stop being condescending,” she ordered, shaking her head and mussing his handiwork. “Just leave me alone.”

  He reached out and lifted another strand. Then his finger snaked down her forehead and traced her eyebrows, his fingertip even lighter as he urged her eyelids closed.

  “Poor frustrated Maddy,” Dylan teased. “Too bad you rejected me.”

  “Frustration is only a state of mind. As I’m now warm, I’m fine. Is it your intent to keep me up all night with your blathering?”

  “No.” The one word was atomically charged.

  “Then just what is your intent?” she asked irritably, and then instinct had her quickly opening her eyes. Dylan’s mouth hovered mere inches above hers.

  “You really want to know my intent?” he whispered. “Let me show you.”

  Nectar couldn’t have been sweeter, Maddy realized as she lost herself in his kiss and opened her mouth to give him further access. He slid his tongue inside.

  Years ago he’d been tender, and this current kiss reflected that. It wasn't designed to possess or plunder. It was more an exploratory start, almost tentative. Yet, it was a kiss designed to give pleasure. Sweet, tender, soft, gentle, but still calling forth increased passion with every flicker of his tongue, every press of his lips.

  The woman she was demanded more and the desires of her flesh overruled any objections that her heart and mind attempted against his sensual onslaught. She wrapped her arms around his neck and into his silky black hair. His mouth mated with hers.

  This was no dream.

  He pulled her toward him using his left arm, and he ran the tantalizing fingers of his right hand down her shoulder and over her breast.

  As her nipple arched to meet his exploring fingers, a shudder of desire rushed over her. She wanted to feel, to lose herself, to forget for tonight the mess of her life and sink into pleasurable abandon and promised nirvana. Forget what she’d said about love. Let chemistry overpower. Let it take her to that sexual place she’d read about, but never experienced.

  But, like with all of his kisses since their engagement, he was pulling away.

  Her eyes attempted to focus and she blinked as he drew back, ending the mind-drugging kiss. What was he doing? Where was he going?

  “The fire could use some tending,” he said, the excuse obvious and lame. But Maddy knew the truth. The fire was fine. He was ending the intimacy by hopping out of bed.

  “Oh.” Her one word said it all, and she shifted uncomfortably to prop herself up on her elbow.

  “Get some rest, Maddy. Sleep well.”

  But rest wasn’t easy to come by as that gloriously honed body bent and tended the fire. Her body still hummed, and fumed, from being so quickly aroused and then so similarly rejected. “So that’s chemistry,” she said bitterly.

  He added another log to the fire. “Don’t be trite.”

  “Trite?” She resisted the urge to scream her frustration. “I’m not a ping-pong ball. You can’t just toy with me, work me up and prove how masterful you are. You might be able to flip your desire on and off like a light switch, but I don’t have that luxury or experience.” She scathed the last words.

  He returned to the bed and ran a smooth finger over her cheek before crawling under the covers. “You’re not a toy; you’re my wife. You made your wishes about sex clear. Not without love. So I stopped. Now get some rest. We leave for Chicago in the morning.”

  He rolled over and turned off the lamp, sending the room into semi-darkness, the only light from the glowing fire.

  Maddy sat there, appalled at how he turned the tables and used her own words against her. But perhaps it was wise that he’d stopped. She’d wanted Dylan’s kiss. She’d wanted him to make love to her, to take her virginity and make her a woman. She’d wanted it that sixteenth summer; she’d wanted it tonight. For a moment she’d wanted to make their marriage real.

  But this wasn’t a real marriage. She had to be honest. While chemistry meant she could make love to Dylan, she couldn’t make love to Dylan just because her body would be pleasured and satiated. She wasn’t that type of girl. She never had been.

  She should be grateful that he’d stopped before he’d done more than just kiss her. She’d crossed the line.

  But she wasn’t grateful. The old Dylan had to be buried deep inside her husband, somewhere. Maybe if she had made love to him, maybe she could have shaken his conscience. That aside, his rejection had stung. She wouldn’t have stopped, yet he had. For a moment she felt undesirable. The man drove her crazy. Push. Pull. Hot. Cold. On. Off.

  “Go to sleep,” he said suddenly.

  “I was,” she lied.

  “Of course you were,” he said.

  She couldn’t take it any longer. “I’m not going to beg.”

  He rolled over and faced her. “All you have to do is ask. Just say the words. Are they that hard?”

  His hand found her breast. Her breath caught in her throat. “Just one word Maddy.” His fingers pebbled her nipple through the fabric. “Do you want me to make love to you? Can you handle it? No guilt? No second thoughts?”

  She needed his mouth. Needed the pressure between her legs assuaged. The
word burst forth. “Yes!”

  “About time.” Dylan pulled his hand free, ripped at her nightgown and circled her nipple with his mouth. The sensitive skin between her thighs moistened and grew heavy. She wanted to explode. He kissed her neck and then somehow the nightgown was gone. He pressed on the fabric of her panties, and then simply yanked and they too ripped away.

  Her mind lost focus as Dylan’s teeth nibbled and his mouth devoured. Her body went wild.

  “That’s right, let go,” he whispered as he moved his kisses to her other breast. Firm fingers began stoking the fire between her legs, rubbing her wetness in circles and making her buck. Then he moved his face between her legs. Her inner thigh clenched as he placed a wet kiss on the skin there, and then he simply placed his whole mouth over her center and kissed her, his tongue flicking out to tease her nub.

  As her climax began, Maddy turned her head to the left. She could think of nothing but what Dylan was doing, and the massive release he’d cajoled out of her very willing body.

  She fisted the side of her bed in a weak attempt for a grip, but found herself denied as Dylan swallowed her climax. His fingers found her next, first one then two, as he stretched her tight opening. He kissed her again as his fingers moved deep within.

  She opened her eyes, in the glow of the fire seeing Dylan’s head concentrating on nothing but her pleasure. The intensity that was this man overwhelmed her, but as he brought her to orgasm again, she let her head fall back onto a pillow and splintered.

  She’d ached for Dylan for far too long. The future could take care of itself. She’d think about it tomorrow.

  He brought his face next to hers and kissed her lips, letting her share her own sweetness and it was then she realized that although he was naked up top, he had way too many clothes on below. He bulged against his karate pants and Dylan broke their kiss, pulled off his pants and threw them aside.

  In her innocence, she reached for him, wanting to know. Her touch found him and he jerked. “Does that hurt?”

  “No. It makes me want you more. Do you know how much I want you?”

  He pushed her back against the mattress and slid his mouth down her body one last time before he rested over her on all fours.


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