Part-Time Lovers: Clare Chronicles, Book 1

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Part-Time Lovers: Clare Chronicles, Book 1 Page 5

by Shelley Munro

  Her hands rose to run through his silky hair as she pressed closer. Such a nice hard body. One only a foolish woman would ignore.

  “We can’t do this here,” he murmured. “The boys.”

  While she was pretty sure her sons were unlikely to stir, she pulled back and gripped his hand to lead him to her bedroom.

  “What about the rest of the dishes?”

  “I’ll sort them out in the morning.” Even though it would throw off her schedule.

  “Let’s go then.” A slow smile bloomed on his lips, fascinating to watch and one that sent waves of fluster crashing through her body.

  She couldn’t let him take control of this—whatever it was between them. It was necessary to keep the upper hand to save herself from heartache. Yvonne dropped his hand and strode ahead to push open her bedroom door. She flipped on the light and stalked over to draw the curtains. Behind her, he closed the door and the sharp click of the lock engaging seemed like the turn of a key of a cell door.

  Deep breath, Yvonne. Take control and throw him off course.

  She forced her lips to a smile, pinned it in place and turned to face him. “I’d really like to try out the vibrating butt plug. Are you game?”

  He blinked. “We could do that.”

  “Good,” she said. “Why don’t you strip off and get on the bed while I get the lube? Would you like to lie on your back or would kneeling on all fours work better for you?”

  Nolan made a choking sound. “You want to shove the plug in me?”


  She restrained her smirk with difficulty and waited a beat while she grappled for control. “I thought we could have turns.” Perfect delivery. “It’s not as if I’m gonna tell anyone. What happens in this bed stays in this bedroom.”

  His expression had turned impassive seconds after she made her announcement, and curse it, she couldn’t decipher his thoughts.

  “You have had anal sex before?”

  “Not receiving,” he said.

  His eyes were burning holes in her, making her wonder if she’d gone too far. “Don’t you think you should experience the act from the other side at least once? I have plenty of lube and know exactly what to do. If it hurts you too much, I can stop.” Heck, if she laid it on much thicker, she’d start clucking like a chicken.

  “You’re right,” he said suddenly. “I’d love to fuck your ass, but it’s only fair if you get to do me too.”

  Yvonne froze in the middle of mentally marshaling another argument. Had he said she was right?

  Nolan started to strip, and bemused, Yvonne picked up the bottle of lube. She squeezed it to within an inch of its life to stop herself reaching for him. Bronzed skin. Long, muscled limbs and that light brown hair with blond streaks. Tight butt, just perfect for forward propulsion. Be still my heart.

  “You’re gorgeous,” she blurted. “We always make love in the dark, and I never get to appreciate your sexy body.”

  The tension noticeably seeped from his shoulders and his grin was pure, natural Nolan. “Now that you come to mention it, I don’t get to see you often either. Strip, darlin’ Yvonne.”

  Visions of cellulite and a body that had borne two children zapped to the forefront of her mind. Every instinct told her to object, but one glance at his smiling face had her obeying. With the lube set aside, she started to disrobe. Her thick wool socks hit the floor first, followed by her blue jeans and her maroon jumper. Soon she was left in nothing but her bra and panties.

  “Keep going,” he said, folding his arms over his broad chest.

  His brown eyes held a dare she couldn’t refuse. Yvonne flicked her bra closure and the cups loosened, gaping forward to display her curves.

  “Pretty. Come closer and let me taste those sexy nipples of yours.”

  Her feet stayed firmly planted. “You’re just trying to change the order of events.”

  “Nope.” His good humor sparkled from those big, brown eyes. “You’ve made a fair point. I wouldn’t let just anyone do this to me. I trust you.”

  Something warm spread through her chest, and she smiled back, prowling over to the bed and stopping right beside him. His large hands closed on her hips, right above the elastic band of her panties. He craned his neck and captured one nipple between his lips. The draw of his mouth, the tight surge of suction almost took her out at the knees. She grabbed his shoulders for purchase while she savored the swirl of sensations.

  “Harder,” she said, wanting, needing evidence of his attentions the next day. He released her nipple and sucked a mark on the underside of her breast. Like liquid heat, his touch spiraled down to converge in her pussy. They’d hardly started, yet already her body ached for him and his touch, his presence detonated bursts of pleasure that rippled through her body. Only Nolan. Boyfriends past, her husband…none of them managed to set her afire like Nolan.

  He lifted his head, his eyes full of passion and heat. Lust. An answering surge filled Yvonne, and she was tempted to jump him and get to the good stuff. No. She’d go ahead with what she’d suggested, see if her depraved—according to her ex—sexing put him off. Best she learn now.

  The truth. She thought he’d enjoy anal sex—she’d make sure he did, and when her orgasm finally came, it would be even more enjoyable due to the wait.

  “I love the way you react to my touch,” he whispered.

  “Are you sure you’re up for this?”

  His gaze went to his cock, and he smirked. “Be gentle with me.”

  “Talk dirty to me. Tell me what you’re going to do to me, with me.”

  “You like dirty talk?” he asked in surprise.

  “Sounds good in theory. Why don’t we try it and see?” Heck, lots of firsts tonight, she thought. “Assume the position.”

  His baleful look made her giggle, but he knelt on the bed. She noticed his erection had subsided and realized he wasn’t as calm as he portrayed. Yvonne picked up the lube and unlocked the drawer where she’d placed her collection of toys. She’d already checked out the instructions and the batteries were fully charged.

  When she reached the bed, she saw Nolan’s muscles were locked. If she gave a loud shout, he’d probably leap for cover. Although her suggestion was a test, she intended to make him feel good. She slid her hands over his ass and lower to stroke his cock. She kissed the smooth pale skin that didn’t see the sun and gradually his muscles relaxed. “This is going to be fun.”

  “Okay for you,” he said drily.

  “Don’t worry. Once the plug is in place, I’ll take you in my mouth and soon you’ll feel as if you’re flying.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  Laughing, she lowered her head and gave into the temptation to nip his ass cheek.

  “Hey.” His reproving glance made her grin widen.

  Yvonne squeezed lube onto her fingers and spread his cheeks to run her fingers across his puckered entrance, not attempting to enter but intending to awaken his nerve endings, to help him relax. She paid attention to his perineum, pressing firmly. “Talk dirty to me.”

  “I think about fucking you all the time,” he said. “I’ve never been with anyone like you. You’ve climbed inside my head. At first, it pissed me off, but I’ve come to like you there. I love your womanly body and the fact you eat food instead of complaining about diets all the time.”

  Yvonne listened to his smooth tone and his compliments and the warmth in her chest spread. She dipped a finger inside him, surprising a moan out of him.

  “Holy hell,” he muttered.

  “Don’t be a baby,” she said, pushing her finger deeper. “You’ve gone light on the dirty. Tell me how you want to fuck me.”

  “Hard,” he said. “Deep and fast. I want to seize my pleasure, but I want to give in return. I imagine you’re just as desperate for me as I am for you. I’m deep inside you, thrusting in fu
ll-on strokes. Your pussy is tight, hot, and you’re spurring me on, your nails digging into my shoulders.”

  A quiver went through Yvonne and when she shifted her weight, she smelled her arousal. She slipped another finger into his warm heat and his entire body shuddered. “You okay?”

  “Hurts a little.”

  Yvonne reached to curl her hand around his cock. She pumped his shaft several times while she continued to invade his entrance with her fingers. “You can do this,” she whispered, so turned on she was clenching her legs together to try to up the pressure on her clit. It wasn’t enough. Her breasts were heavy while her nipples felt tight, needy. Her excellent idea of teasing Nolan had teeth, and they were biting her on the butt.

  By the time she’d added three fingers and decided he was relaxed enough to take the plug, she was a mass of writhing nerves. “Keep talking, buster.”

  He barked out a laugh then groaned when she withdrew her fingers. “That feels weird.”

  “In a good way?”

  “Surprisingly,” he said. “When this is finished, I’m going to lick your pussy, gather up all those delicious juices on my tongue.”

  “Are you going to pay attention to my clit?”

  “Just enough to keep you on edge.”

  “You intend to torture me,” she said in disapproval.


  After lubing the plug, she slipped it into him. She went slowly, allowing him time to get used to the plaything. With a slow twist, the toy slid into place, the flared base sitting comfortably against his entrance.

  “Well done,” she said and smoothed her hand over his butt. She moved positions and slipped beneath his kneeling body. His cock was only at half mast, but she intended to fix that and make him come hard enough to see stars. “Are you ready?”

  “I thought this was meant to feel good, Kinky Lady.”

  “It will. I promise.” And she sealed her lips around his cock, teasing and licking in the way she knew he enjoyed while she battled the negative connotations his careless name for her held. Past news. History.

  His breath hissed out, and her urge to grin tugged hard at her restraint, popped her past hurt feelings of her ex. One more surprise in store for Nolan. Without taking her mouth off his cock, she flicked the remote switch on the plug to start it vibrating.

  Nolan cursed, and she would have chuckled if her mouth hadn’t been full of cock. His shaft grew noticeably and pre-come released on her tongue. She upped her attentions, taking him deeper and moving faster. Yvonne made one change to the remote setting.

  “Fuck.” Nolan gasped. “That feels…fuck.”

  His cock grew even bigger and suddenly he was shooting down her throat, his groans and mutters telling her he was enjoying the hell out of this orgasm.

  Gradually, she slowed her attentions and eased back. She ceased the vibrations of the plug and crawled up the bed so their faces were level.

  He didn’t comment, instead kissing her with real passion. His weight went down on her as their mouths fused, parted and came together again. When he lifted his head, he teased wisps of hair away from her face and yanked off the scrunchie she’d pulled her hair into while cooking dinner.


  “I liked it,” he said. “I didn’t expect to.”

  “You were humoring me.”

  “I’d do anything for you, Yvonne.”

  Not true. He hadn’t stood for her against his mother—not until recently. He hadn’t pulled out of the reality show, and now it was too late. She had to remember that because if he’d done it once, he could do it again.

  Chapter Four

  A fortnight later, just after midday on a Friday, Yvonne found herself disembarking from an airplane with Nolan and not a kid in sight. When she’d tried to wriggle out of going to Auckland, using the café as an excuse, he’d made a personal appeal to her aunt.

  Gina, who never took sides, agreed Yvonne deserved a weekend away from her job and the boys. She’d cut Yvonne’s arguments short by saying if Yvonne took a weekend off, then Gina would feel justified taking a break later in the month. Her aunt—the workaholic. Shocked, Yvonne had stuttered her assent, and now she was suffering the consequences.

  “Where are we staying?” she asked, once they’d navigated the airport and collected their bags.

  “Tyler recommended a place.” Nolan wheeled his bag outside and headed for the cab rank. “Susan is expecting our call.”

  “Have you met her other friends?” Yvonne asked once they were in a cab and on their way to the city center.

  “I have. There’s Maggie and her husband Connor. Julia is the owner of Maxwell’s, and she’s married to Ryan. You’ve met Christina already. Don’t worry. You’ll like them.”

  “What’s Maxwell’s like?”

  “Did you see the clip on Farmer Wants a Wife?”

  Hell no. She shook her head, and hopefully didn’t reveal the flash of fury that punched through her like a bullet. She hadn’t watched the show on principle.

  “We filmed a segment there.” His gaze bored into her for excruciating long moments, and her heart rate did a little change-up. “You’ll see the club for yourself. It’s on K’ Road and has been in Julia’s family for several generations. All the girls—Susan, Christina and Maggie—dance a few nights a week. Julia too.”

  Yvonne’s brows shot upward along with her respect. “Wow.” She presumed the costumes were skimpy. “They must be fit.”

  “Most people hear the word K’ Road club and turn up their nose, but it’s not like that. The clientele span the ages and you’ll see groups of women on their own.”

  “That’s unusual. When I think of a club, a group of horny men comes to mind. Drunk men.”

  Nolan chuckled and laced their fingers together. Her heart did another one of those gear changes. Lord, this man was getting to her. She was trying so hard to remain aloof, to keep her scabbed-over heart safe, but he made detachment difficult.

  “I thought the worst when Susan announced she was a dancer on the very first day of the reality show. My mind veered in the wrong direction,” Nolan said. “You’ll see when we visit the club.”

  Yvonne stared out the cab window at the buildings—first commercial ones, but soon residential properties butted against shops and businesses. Office blocks. “I haven’t visited Auckland for years. It’s much busier than I recall.”

  “More traffic too. Is there anything in particular you want to see?”

  “Will we have time to catch the ferry to Rangitoto? The boys are keen on volcanoes and Michael wanted to know if we were going to visit.”

  “Sure, we can do that on Sunday morning. Our flight back is an early evening one, so we have plenty of time. Would you like to bungee off the Sky Tower?”

  Yvonne snorted. “You have rocks in your head if you think I’m jumping off a tower, but you go right ahead.”

  “Just teasing, but I wouldn’t mind going to the top. I didn’t get a chance to last time I was up here. We should drive to the top of Mt. Eden too. We can get some shots of the crater and some city views for the boys.”

  The hotel was quiet and luxurious and not far from the harbor. Yvonne gave a gasp when they entered their room. A large king-size bed dominated the space, but the view beyond drew her straight to the window. The blue water sparkled in the sun and yachts raced across the waves, their sails bulging with air. The classical cone shape of the dormant volcano Rangitoto was evident from where she stood, and she knew her boys would have loved seeing the island.

  “You’ll need to take some photos,” Nolan said with a smile.

  “I will.”

  His arm curled around her waist and she managed not to jump. Since the television show had ended, he stroked her at every opportunity. Other people present—no problem. And if they were alone, he still touched her.

Holding her hand.

  Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.


  It was those kisses that struck the killer blow. She didn’t have any immunity, and damn it, those barricades around her heart kept cracking. The sticking-plaster fixes were useless. They didn’t last.

  “I’ll give Susan a call. Do you want to change first?”

  Yvonne glanced down at her jeans. “I didn’t bring many clothes. Will I be okay like this?”

  Nolan’s quick grin flashed—the one that shot a bolt of lust through her every time she witnessed it. “I was impressed by your light packing. I’m going in jeans, but I know women worry about things like clothes, so I’m giving you the option.” He picked up his cell phone and hit speed dial.

  Yvonne listened to him speak to Susan. He didn’t flirt, but his voice held warmth. She’d heard gossip, of course, even though she hadn’t watched the reality show. He mightn’t have found love with Susan but their friendship was obvious.

  He hung up. “Susan said we can go now and to knock on the door. Do you fancy a walk up Queen Street? We can grab a coffee and something to eat on the way.”

  “I’d love to walk and window shop. I want to get the boys a small treat. Maybe a toy or a book.”

  Drawn by the excitement on her face, Nolan reached for her and closed his mouth over hers. His lips lingered as she pressed closer, fitting her curves against his body. He groaned and lifted his head, affected by the simple kiss.

  “We’d better go or we’ll never leave this room.” He hustled her out, and unable to resist, he grasped her hand as they walked through the hotel foyer. He enjoyed the slight widening of her eyes each time he touched her in public, but it also showed him what an ass he’d been before appearing on the reality show.

  He’d treated Yvonne like a naughty secret. Even though he hadn’t meant to, he’d demonstrated his lack of care when he’d merely wanted to keep his feelings for Yvonne private. He’d known his mother would assassinate her character because she’d done that with every woman he’d dated. He’d wanted to save Yvonne from the drama, the gossip, but in the end his mother had done her worst.


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