Negligee Behavior

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Negligee Behavior Page 10

by Shelli Stevens

  The back door swung open again a minute later and the punk girl came back out, sitting down on the bar stool next to her.

  She looked Brandy straight in the eyes. “I’m Val. I hear you’re working here now?”

  She couldn’t have been more than twenty-three, and the girl had more confidence than Brandy had ever possessed.

  “Hello. I’m Brandy, and yes, I just started yesterday.” She smiled. “I hope you’re feeling better today.”

  “Feeling better?” The girl raised a pierced eyebrow that Brandy just now noticed.

  “Yes, they said you had food poisoning yesterday?”

  “Oh yeah.” Her eyes danced with amusement as she leaned close. “I didn’t really have food poisoning. I was just having the best fuck of my life with my boyfriend, if you know what I mean. But don’t tell the boys. They love me, but I know that’d piss them off to no end. Especially if they realized I was getting some and they weren’t.”

  Brandy pressed a hand to her chest. Okay, so her parents owned a lingerie chain, but the people who ran in her circles just didn’t talk like that.

  “Ah, shit. I shocked you. Sorry, kid.”

  Kid? She was calling Brandy the kid?

  “Nice shirt, by the way, it’s almost retro.”

  Retro? “Oh, umm, thank you. I need to go shopping. I have no clothes.”

  “No clothes? Damn, now that is a problem. When are you going?” Val blinked and popped a mint into her mouth. “I don’t work until five, can I come?”

  Shopping with Val? She looked again at the dress the other girl was wearing. Was that such a good idea?

  “I can help you pick out some cute outfits.” Val narrowed her eyes. “How’d you do on tips last night?”

  “Oh…” She mentally counted the amount on two hands. “About eight bucks.”

  “Eight bucks? Total?” Val shook her head. “You poor kid. I’ll help you pick out some outfits that’ll get you an eight dollar tip with one customer.”

  The kitchen door swung open again and Marco came out holding her lunch.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Val wants to go shopping with me.”

  Marco stared at the other woman with obvious concern. “You should be taking it easy, Val. You were just sick yesterday.”

  “Ugh. I know, it was pretty horrible.” She pressed a hand to her stomach and made a face. “But I feel a ton better today. I think it’s all out of my system now.”

  Brandy blinked in astonishment. The girl was a great actress. If Val hadn’t confided in her that she’d been getting fu—er—making love, she’d have believed the girl had actually been sick.

  “Well, don’t push yourself.” Marco shook his head and set down the burger in front of Brandy. “Do you want something to drink with that?”

  “I’ll just have a diet cola, if that’s okay?” Brandy picked up a fry and took a bite. “Thank you, Marco.”

  Marco filled up a cup with ice and then went to the soda machine. Brandy never took her eyes off him, thinking about that kiss last night while eating one fry after another. God, when was the last time she’d eaten so much junk food? She never indulged.

  “He’s pretty hot, huh?” Val asked quietly next to her.



  Brandy opened her mouth to answer, but Marco turned around just then and made his way back toward them.

  “One diet soda. I’m going to run some numbers in the back. Let me know if you need anything.”

  She waited until he’d disappeared behind the kitchen doors and then sighed.

  “Yes, he’s a hottie.”

  “He’s single, you know.” Val stole a fry and gave her a pensive look. “Are you?”

  “Umm. Sort of?” She wasn’t about to go into the details of running away from her wedding two days ago. “But I’m not really his type.”

  Val laughed and stood up, walking behind the bar. “You’d be surprised just how much his type you actually are.”

  What? What did she mean by that cryptic remark? How could a guy like Marco possibly be her type? Brandy shot Val a disbelieving look as she picked up her burger.

  “Don’t give me that look. You’ve known the guy for, what, a few days?”

  “Two.” She took a bite of the burger and closed her eyes. Heaven.

  “Right. And I’ve known him for over a year. So trust me on this one.” Val poured herself a soda and then came back to the bar stool. “Hurry with that burger, Brandy. I’m getting the urge to max out my credit card.”

  “Oh. Is that wise?” She’d never maxed out a credit card in her life. And not because her parents had given her one without a limit, but because she never shopped. Never made big purchases.

  Well, besides her Lexus. That was the only time she’d dropped an obscene amount of money. And every now and then she had major twinges of guilt on that one, and considered trading it in for a Ford.

  “Wise? Hell, you’ll never hear me claiming to be wise. But I’m a damn good shopper.” Val looked around the bar. “Did you meet Sebastian yet? Was he here last night? He’s our resident Brit.”

  “Yes, he was here last night. He’s very…charming.”

  “Charming?” Val snorted. “The guy flirts with anyone who has breasts. But he’s a good guy.”

  “Yes, he is a bit of flirt.”

  “He’s single, too, or soon to be. But has a big ol’ mess of a love life. The guy should open a luggage shop, he’s got so much baggage.”

  Marco had hinted about something along those lines as well. What had happened to Sebastian? She finished off her burger and considered the possibilities.

  “You ready? Here I’ll take it to the back.” Val stood up and reached for the basket of food.

  “Thanks.” Brandy grabbed one last fry before she could take it. “Let me use the bathroom and then we can go.”

  Marco was shutting down his computer when Val came into the back.

  “Hey, try and be back by four if you could, around when the rush hits.”

  “Yeah, we’ll be back by then.” She sat down on the edge of his desk, crossing one skinny leg over another. The familiar scent of patchouli oil followed wherever she went. “I figure we’ll hit some thrift shops.”

  “Thank God. See if you can get her to burn the cat shirt.”

  “Ah, don’t you like pussy, Marco?”

  He sighed, used to her crude behavior by now. “I like it fine, Val, just not on a T-shirt.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “I’ll pick her out something cute.”

  He waited for her to say something more, or maybe get off his desk, but she just kept looking at him with an amused little smile.



  “Bullshit. I know that look on you and you’re hiding something.”

  She chewed on her lip and narrowed her eyes. “You have absolutely no idea who she is, do you?”

  “Who? Brandy?”

  “Yup.” She folded her arms across her chest.

  “She’s a bride who ran from her wedding.”

  “Okay, maybe so. But do you know who she is?”

  Should he? He stared at Val, his brain whirring through the past twenty-four hours and all the little things Brandy had said.

  “Think lingerie.”

  Lingerie? What the hell did lingerie have to do with anything?

  “Damn it all, Val, just tell me already.”

  “Oh no. This is too great.” She slid off the desk and shook her head, laughing outright. “She’s been sleeping in your house for two days and you had no idea she’s—”

  “All right.” Brandy pushed through the swinging doors and came into the back. “Are we ready, Val?”

  “Sure, Brandy.” Valerie closed her mouth and her smile widened.

  Christ, Val was just going to leave him hanging like this? Without telling him who the hell Brandy was? She was loving it too, judging by the blatant delight on her face.

p; “We’ll see you in a few hours.” Valerie winked and headed for the swinging doors.

  “Thanks for lunch,” Brandy murmured. She stayed behind, even after Val went up front. Offering a shy smile, she twisted her hands in front of her. “You were right, it is the best burger I’ve had. I’ll be sure to spread the word.”

  “Thanks, I’d appreciate that.” He didn’t want to hear about the burgers now, he wanted to know who the fuck she was.

  He couldn’t imagine her being anyone but a badly dressed choir teacher who could somehow tie his hormones and emotions into a knot.

  “Okay, guess I’d better go shopping. You’re probably as tired of this outfit as I am.”

  More so. He smiled and lied, “I don’t even notice what you’re wearing.”

  Her expression fell slightly and hurt flickered in her eyes. Shit, he’d just unintentionally insulted her.

  “That came out wrong. I’m—”

  “I’d better go. Val’s waiting for me.” She gestured behind her, and then spun around and practically ran out of the back office.

  The door swung shut behind her and he sighed. Damn.

  She’d rushed out before he could even apologize. Not like it would have helped much once the words were out.

  He slammed his fist on the desk. Who the hell was she?

  “I’m going to have a smoke. Want one?”

  Brandy wrinkled her nose and shook her head. Her feet hurt like crazy from all the walking and shopping they’d done.

  “I’ll go back and grab an iced tea at the coffee house we just passed.”

  “Cool. Meet me inside the shop across the street when you’re done,” Val grinned and pulled out her pack of smokes. “I saw the cutest corset in there I think you should try on.”

  Brandy swallowed hard and tried not to wince. “Right. A corset…sure.” She forced a slight smile, craving that tea now. “See you in a few.”

  Inside the shop, she let out a sigh of relief for the small respite. She’d just accepted her iced tea from a perky barista, when a hand closed over her shoulder.

  She turned, expecting Val’s face to swim into view.

  “You owe me one hell of an explanation.”

  Brandy stumbled backward as she eyed Gordon in shock. Damn. Double damn.

  “Gordon.” Her fingers crushed the plastic cup, and the cold beverage leaked a bit over the side onto her hand.

  Her gaze darted to the door, seeking a way out. The urge to run just as prominent as it had been on Friday. Maybe even more so.

  He must have sensed her intent, because he wrapped long fingers around her wrist in a move that guaranteed he had no intention of letting go until they talked.

  She licked her lips and tugged on her hand. “Gordon…”

  “Why don’t we go somewhere private to talk?” He jerked his head toward the door. “I’ve got a rental car parked just down the street.”

  Her pulse jumped and she tugged at her hand, but he made no move to loosen his grip.

  She leaned forward and said in a low voice, “Gordon, I need time.”

  “The hell you do.”

  Brandy blinked at the anger in his voice. Since he wouldn’t let go, she walked toward the entrance to the store before he created a scene—tugging him along after him.

  Outside in the overwhelming heat, she turned on him with a determined glare.

  “Listen to me. I need time to think.” She held up her hand when he began to argue. “And if you love me like you say you do—” and God help me if you do, “then you’ll give me this time.”

  “Okay, you’re not making sense. I think we should go back to L.A. and see Doctor—”

  “No. God, why aren’t you listening to me, Gordon? I need time.” Sweat beaded on her forehead and she took a few steps away from him. “I’m going to be real honest, you’re scaring me a bit.”

  “Is this about the girl in the room? I promise—”

  “No. Though that had to be the most screwed up thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” She shook her head and made a face. “I’m not sure we can fix this, Gordon. But if you even want one iota of consideration from me you’ll back the heck off and give me space.”

  His face contorted into a shocking mask of rage before he wiped his hands down it and made an obvious attempt at patience.

  “Listen, love muffin. You’re going to get your ass—”

  “Everything okay, Brandy?” Val came jogging across the street and paused in front of them. She grinned and dropped her cigarette onto the ground, snuffing it out.

  “Val.” Relief washed through her and she gripped the other woman’s hand. “We need to go. To those other shops across town.”

  Val gave her a scrutinizing look and then nodded. “Let’s go.”

  “Hold on a minute.” Gordon reached for her, but Val stepped between them.

  “She’ll give you a call later, buddy. Maybe.” Leaning forward, her voice took on an edge. “But obviously right now she’s not in the mood to chat.”

  Good lord, how embarrassing was it that she needed this petite little thing to defend her? But darn if she wasn’t grateful.

  Val ushered her away from the store and back to her car.

  “You know that guy?”

  “Yes,” Brandy muttered. “I was dating him…think that’s over now.”

  “Good call.” Val looked over her shoulder back at Gordon. “He’s creepy. And I’d bet my last cigarette he’s going to try and follow us. But don’t worry, I’ll lose him.”

  Brandy gave a soft laugh, some of the tension dissipating. But she had to admit Val probably hit the nail on the head. Something wasn’t right with Gordon, and she really didn’t want to stick around to find out what.

  Marco finished mixing up a Redheaded Slut and set the drink down in front of the woman standing at the bar.

  “Thanks, hon.” She winked, tossing her platinum hair and went back to join her friends who’d come in for lunch.

  She was cute, and a week ago he probably would have gotten her number. But today she did very little for him, she seemed too overdone. Too plastic.

  In fact, all the woman at the table looked the same in their various styled black clothing and matching haircuts. Which wasn’t exactly a surprise. It was like half the women in Vegas were just clones of one another: blonde, fake tits, way too predictable.

  Now Brandy. Brandy was like the antinorm. She was original, sort of like Val, but in her own conservative way. Maybe that’s why he was somewhat stuck on her. Whoever she was.

  The earlier conversation with Val had been running through his head all day. Who the hell was she?

  He checked the clock at the end of the bar. Three-thirty, they should be back any minute now.

  The door swung open and he looked up to the entrance, hoping it would be them. No such luck.

  Sebastian strode in and came straight to the counter, swinging one leg over a stool and sitting down.

  “And how are things today? Is Val sick again?”

  “Nope. She’s better today and came in here earlier to pick up her paycheck.”

  “Champion.” Sebastian scanned the bar. “Ah, look at the table of chits over there. Don’t they look lovely?”

  “Go for it. You’re not on the clock yet.”

  “Ah, but you see even if I was,” Sebastian murmured, his accent coming out more. “I own the bar. I can do whatever the fuck I want, mate.”

  “Co-own the bar. I believe that hole in my mass money market account would indicate that part of this place belongs to me.”

  “Ah, right you are, my friend.”

  Sebastian smiled at the group of giggling women who were watching them both at the bar.

  “So where’s Fräulein Maria?”

  Marco narrowed his eyes, refusing to be needled. “Brandy is out shopping for new clothes.”

  “Ah, by herself?”

  “Nope. With Val.”

  “Are you shitting me? Val and Brandy?” Sebastian’s mouth twisted and he ga
ve a short nod. “Interesting.”

  “Val said something to me before she left.”

  “Ah, she wants to shag you, doesn’t she?”

  Marco laughed and shook her head. “No, you idiot, she doesn’t want to shag me.”

  “But Brandy does.” Sebastian gave him a knowing look.

  Marco grew serious. “Yes, I’m pretty sure Brandy does.”

  “So why is that such a problem?”

  Good question. And the only answer he had seemed pretty flimsy. “She’s vulnerable. Forty-eight hours ago she was standing at that altar ready to get married.”

  “If the lass wants to shag you and you want to shag her, than I fail to see the problem.”

  “It’s not that simple.”

  “Sure it is.” Sebastian leaned forward, steepling his hands on the bar. “You know what this is? This is your conscience coming out.”

  Marco’s blood rushed faster and sweat broke out on the back of his neck. “No. I really don’t have a conscience. Never have. Which is why I made such a damn good defense attorney.”

  “Everyone has a conscience, Marco. If you think about it, that conscience is exactly why you left your other career.” Sebastian shrugged. “Not that everyone you defended was actually guilty. You have to realize that deep down inside you’re not as big of a badass as you’d like to believe yourself to be.”

  “I don’t want to have this conversation. Not today, not tomorrow and not even yesterday,” Marco grumbled, uneasy about going down that past emotional path. “In fact I did have a point before you steered this talk toward sex.”

  “Ah, well then I apologize. You know I’m an activist for a healthy sex life.”

  “Yes, I’m well aware of that.” Marco went to pour himself a glass of water.

  Sebastian’s comments had gotten under his skin, like it or not. A few years ago he’d thought he’d known what he wanted in life. Had finally reached a place where he’d convinced himself he wanted to be. But he’d been fooling himself. Himself and his family. And he doubted his dad would ever forgive him for his choices.

  “So what was your question then? Before I so rudely changed the subject.”

  “Right. My question.” Marco took a drink of water and set the glass down on the counter. He leaned forward, resting an elbow on the counter. “Does Brandy look familiar to you?”


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