The Reconciling: The Overcome Trilogy Part I

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The Reconciling: The Overcome Trilogy Part I Page 18

by April Lynn Newell

  Chrissi shifts her weight, suddenly uncomfortable.

  “You have made a very great journey, I am so proud of each of you. I cannot wait for you—”

  “Why me?”

  “Chrissi!” Lesia chides her for interrupting the king.

  “No,” Chrissi closes the distance between them and Roi. “I deserve to know—” Suddenly she pauses for a second, cheeks bright red, but her boldness and curiosity overpower the shame that has risen up. For the first time she meets the king eye-to-eye.

  He smiles softly. Not the boisterous grin he wore a minute before, but a tender, caring expression.

  “Chrissi,” he says her name like no one else has, making it seem new; it almost makes Chrissi like the appellation. “I understand how you feel. There are so many questions and so little time right now to answer them, but I will do my best. I chose you Chrissi, and you Phil, and you Lesia, and you Kesil,” he pauses to meet Kesil’s bewildered gaze, “because I knew you were perfect for this journey, perfect for this plan.” Roi’s eyes fill with excitement and enthusiasm.

  “Plan?” Chrissi asks. Lesia nudges her elbow in Chrissi’s ribs.

  Roi laughs light-heartedly, “It’s quite alright Lesia. Chrissi has questions, as you all must. It is OK to ask. Yes, a wonderful plan to bring light back to your now very dark world. You cannot deny things have been…well tense at home, no?”

  The three ponder for a moment and recalling each of their parents and siblings and struggles beyond their control nod in agreement. Kesil’s eyes widen as Tok instantly pops into his mind, the tension his parents allow to flow into their home, and the file on his computer containing his deepest fears. He stares hard at the king, awaiting the clincher, the moment he says it is all Tok’s fault.

  “Mmm, yes,” Roi says as if replying to each of their individual recollections. Kesil shifts his weight towards the outside of the cave, moving half an inch away from the towering king. “Life was never meant to be easy but it was meant to be perfect,” Roi continues, ignoring the shocked expressions on everyone’s faces. “Yes perfect. I built a world, created the descendants to live in the garden, much like what you saw below. But a member of my army, a general,” he points above to the four-winged creatures, “decided he wanted to be king, regardless of the fact that he has not the power to care for the descendants that I do, that is necessary.”

  “Um…” Lesia lifts her finger to interject, “we are the descendants?”

  “Yes, though many, many generations have passed since the first descendants. That general broke away from everything good and light, causing him to embrace the darkness. You encountered many of his followers on your way here. I fear they are anxious for you to fail.”

  “But we are here,” Phil reasons. “Don’t you mean they were anxious for us to fail? His power is nothing compared to yours!”

  “Ahh, the teacher,” Roi places a loving hand on Phil’s shoulder. “No Phil, you have not yet completed your journey or our plan, if you accept it, that is. I would never force my plan on you. I want you to desire my plan and have a passion for it! While the general has power, it is nowhere near mine it is true, and he craves more and more. And he holds it so tightly he never shares with his followers.”

  “Why do you call me teacher?” Phil asks softly, looking up at the king whom Phil is very acutely aware of touching him and speaking to him as if he knows him better than anyone. Phil knows it is true.

  “That is your gift!” Roi exclaims, becoming excited once more. “You are a teacher! You love knowledge, no?” Chrissi and Lesia nod energetically and they all laugh. “Yes. You have the gift of recalling, of questioning, of sharing what you know in a way that others can understand, even if they could not before. Your path in the plan is that of discernment between light and dark.”

  “Ooh! Ooh! What is mine?” Lesia bobs up and down in excitement.

  “Yours my dear Lesia is the gift of encouragement.”

  Her face falls, “Um, with all do respect your honor,” Phil rolls his eyes at the title she probably picked up from a rerun of Law and Order, “I must have the gift of healing. I healed Chrissi!”

  “Ah, where you were at when you healed Chrissi was a very dark place where words become more real. See on this plane—for you have not traveled miles away from home to a foreign country but to another dimension altogether, for all intents and purposes you are above the plane you call home—the darkness that you sense on the natural plane becomes reality. Thus, when you were in Madqarah the unkind words you used were as a sword but the kind words you then used were as healing balm to Phil. The same is very true for when you go home, however, on the natural plane the general and his wiley ways are limited by my power and he is unable to do such damage to the descendants, there he works in deceit with emotions and the mind.”

  “But…encourager?” Lesia’s face falls even more as she begins to pout. Everyone else seems to sink slightly as the weight of what Roi just shared settles.

  Roi, unphazed by Lesia’s subconscious attempt at manipulation, explains, “Yes Lesia, you will play a vital role in this plan as an encourager.” Lesia perks up a bit. “Encouragers are so essential to the world. You are my voice to edify others, you are my arms to comfort them; you are going to pick up the fallen and build up the descendants, bring them together. You are a leader.”

  Lesia now holds a look of terror, “Leader? I am not a leader. That is too big a part to play. I don’t want it!” She begins to take a step back.

  “My child,” Roi holds out his hand to her. Hesitantly, Lesia puts her hand in his. He wraps his free hand over hers and holds it snugly, reassuring, “You are able because I am able. I have never once left you alone on this whole journey. I will not start to leave you now. In fact, my dear Lesia, you have been a leader all along. Do not your school friends follow you? You already have influence.”

  Phil clears his throat, “Well, um, King Roi, that brings up questions in my mind.”

  “I would expect no less,” Roi turns toward Phil, still wearing a genuine smile and wrapping his arm around Phil’s shoulders like long-time friends, leading the group towards the mysteriously beautiful fountains.

  Despite his doubt, Phil cannot help but smile as well. He tries to be serious, stoic even, “King Roi, if you were with us the whole time why didn’t you just give us the Book? Why were we attacked and almost killed trying to get it? Furthermore—”

  “Science face,” the girls mutter under their breath.

  “Furthermore, if you are with us all the time, why does Lesia have to be your arms and hugs and stuff?”

  “Very good questions!” Roi exclaims with a proud smile. “To your first, I am always available, as are the words in the Book so long as you ask, so long as you believe, so long as you invite me. You must draw on my power. I will never force it upon you. It’s your choice. I was singing over each of you the whole way here making my power accessible when you most needed it, hoping you would accept it. To your next, I am not exactly corporeal on your plane though I am present. You will not be able to see me the way you do now when you go home, in fact, this is not even my dwelling place. I knew you would need to see me here to fully understand.”

  “Where will you be when we go home?” Lesia asks, tears swelling up.

  “ Everywhere!” Roi answers with wonder. “You will be able to hear me, to sense me and be my hands and feet to those who need light, as you have received. Someday, someday soon you will meet me again on your plane, a different version and very corporeal.” He gives Phil a little squeeze before turning to Chrissi, leaving no room for Phil or Lesia to question further. “You, too, have a question Chrissi.”

  Roi was stating a fact not asking if she has one. Tears flood Chrissi’s eyes and threaten to spill over onto hot, flustered cheeks.

  “Roi, why do they get gifts and I get a curse?” The tears pour forth before Chrissi can even try to stop them. “Why can Phil know everything and Lesia be a leader who will help others but I…I
condemn life to decaying waste?” Chrissi tries to take a deep breath but struggles and chokes on the emptiness in her chest.

  “Chrissi,” immediately the sound of her name from his lips soothes her anxieties. “I have not cursed you, I have gifted you just like the others. Everyone has a gift from me who is willing to follow, who is willing to believe and draw on my power.”

  Kesil, still at the entrance to the cave, looks down at his feet.

  “Unfortunately, like genetic disease darkness can be passed down from family member to family member. It is subtle but shows many signs, such as a gift being used improperly. However, unlike many genetic diseases, darkness can be healed and demolished by light—like turning the light on in a dark room. All you need is my power, the power of the light which I freely give to all who ask. You asked and had faith when your dear friend, Phil, was in trouble. That faith allowed you to act in your true gift—healing.” Roi meets Chrissi’s watery gaze.

  “How…how do I get that power? How do I rid myself of this disease?” she stammers.

  “Ah but that is just it, you cannot, I can.”

  Silence befalls the cave. Even Kesil is on edge, wondering just what is going to happen next. Chrissi doesn’t let go of Roi’s gaze as she stands on the peak of decision. Fear and anxiety fill her up, making her feel like she cannot breathe steadily. She breathes in deeply and slowly. For as much as she has wanted nothing more than to be rid of her curse, it is terrifying to think of life without it. Life without her curse is a life unknown, a life full of newness and change.

  “Take it. Take it please!” she falls to her knees before King Roi but before they even touch the cobblestone beneath her feet she feels different, lighter.

  “It is done,” Roi says with sheer joy, opening his arms for Chrissi to fall into.

  She does and finds herself in the gentlest, warmest, safest embrace she has ever felt. Lesia and Phil join in a group hug and the light fills each of them to the brim and overflowing with joy and peace in whatever plan King Roi has for them.

  “Now with your exciting decisions I give another gift, one that will help you know light warriors from dark ones. New names!”

  Lesia gasps.

  “Oh but don’t worry,” Roi chuckles placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “These will be for those on this plane, you will still go by your first names at home.” He rubs his hands together in anticipation. “Phil, you will be known as Philos, a friend to all!” Roi moves his hand from Lesia’s shoulder to Phil’s head, then to Chrissi’s. “Chrissi, you will henceforth be known as Zoe, life giver and healer!” He replaces his hand on Lesia’s shoulder and looks deep into her eyes before saying, “Lesia, dear Lesia, you will be known as Ekklesia, the uniter, the encourager.” He smiles happily and claps his hands together before looking longingly towards the entryway.

  Kesil stews at the opening of the cave. Without realizing, at some point he had stepped completely outside of it. He stands, arms crossed and brow furrowed looking on at the infuriating scene. His clenched jaw utters no words at all.

  As they disengage from their group hug, Chrissi looks back at Kesil. His face strikes fear in her heart. For the first time during the entire journey, she is afraid, not just for, but of, Kesil.

  “Kesil, come in,” Roi invites, compassion mixed with melancholy in his voice.

  Kesil’s lips purse and his jaw tightens even more as he deliberately shakes his head “no”.

  Tears fill the king’s eyes as he encounters Kesil’s battle within, “I will always be waiting Kesil.”

  “Who is your general?” Kesil bites back.

  “He is no longer mine and I question if he ever really was.”

  “His name!” Kesil yells. The others stand stock still, afraid of what may happen to a teenager who gives into outburst towards the king, but still desiring Kesil to take one step closer.

  “His name is Tok,” Roi answers sternly. “And all that I have shared about him today is truth. He has taken darkness into the natural plane threatening my people. He wages war against me and every living thing that stands in his way of power.” Roi’s voice is that of a judge, filled with authority that one would expect from a respectable king. Still, it strikes a healthy fear in each of their hearts. “It is time for you to go home now,” he continues, softening his voice slightly as he addresses them all. “Are you ready?” He glances up at Kesil one last time, one more chance.

  “What about the prophecy I received?” Kesil asks challengingly, avoiding Chrissi’s gaze. “Is it truth?”

  “Ahh,” Roi smiles meekly. “I’m afraid it is a sort of truth, distorted by the deceit which Tok has mastered. But, it doesn’t have to happen. The future can change with one choice. One single decision.”

  The invitation once more hangs in the tense air, but Kesil turns his back to the cave and to the king.

  “Very well, I will send further instructions soon,” Roi winks at the three before him, “Oh, and Chrissi, say hi to Davy for me.”

  And with a sweep of his hand they find themselves on the main road, right outside of their town on a crisp early September morning.


  Chrissi, Phil and Lesia find themselves in a row in the middle of the main street into town—a road that rarely has traffic. Kesil is a few feet behind them, back turned. He still clutches the Book under one arm. When he realizes what he still holds, he drops it and begins to walk in the direction of town, a scowl clearly visible on his face.

  Chrissi jogs to catch up to him, leaving Phil and Lesia silently wondering if they missed something. Phil picks up the Book as they make their way towards their friends.

  “Kesil! Wait!”

  “What?” Kesil spins around angrily, his fists clinched at his sides.

  “What’s wrong?” Chrissi reaches out to touch his shoulder comfortingly but Kesil jerks away and continues walking.


  Chrissi keeps up with him this time, “Obviously something. Why didn’t you go into the cave? Meet the king?”

  “Because!” Kesil yells, still walking briskly. “Because maybe he shouldn’t be king! Maybe everything he said was nothing but lies!”

  “But Kesil—”

  “But nothing Chrissi!” Kesil turns to face her. “Bottom line, we have no idea who is lying and who is telling the truth. All of you are so quick to believe Roi before you have even heard Tok’s side.”

  “Kesil you told us how Tok makes you feel, how strange and dark he seems. You said that! You’re the only one who has met him and your description certainly didn’t give us any reason to trust him!” Chrissi felt anger rising in her now.

  “You…I…ugh!” Kesil marches forward again.

  “Kesil! You can’t just ignore the King of the Universe!”

  “Watch me!” he calls back without stopping.

  Lesia and Phil catch up to Chrissi, standing in the middle of the road angry and disappointed.

  “Well, that was quite the scene,” says Lesia.

  “What’s his deal?” Phil asks Chrissi.

  “You heard him,” she says softly, “he chose a side.”

  The three stand there in the middle of the street silently for a few minutes, watching their friend leave them and all they have been through and learned.

  “He loves us,” Lesia says, breaking the silence.

  “Kesil?” Phil asks incredulously and confused.

  “No!” Lesia rolls her eyes. “King Roi. I had this image of a powerful ruler you know, what the ultimate king would be like and honestly…my image looked more like Tok. Who can hold all that power and it not corrupt them?”

  “Roi. He isn’t like us. He’s different,” says Chrissi.

  “Perfect,” Phil completes her thought.

  Chrissi smiles, “Yeah, perfect.”

  Exuberance for the mission they will soon be given and mourning for a friend lost fill their hearts as they continue their trek into town towards a rising sun. Chrissi drinks in t
he yellow and orange hues finding a new peace in the colors she once abhorred.

  “You know I used to hate the sun,” she says. “The gold colors it paints the sky with always made me angry, but now I see them differently. Now they are…” Chrissi pauses, unable to find a word befitting her newfound feeling.

  “Healing?” Lesia tries.

  “Yes!” Chrissi throws her arms around their shoulders, one friend on either side of her, “Healing!”

  “So let’s try it out!” Phil says pulling Chrissi to the edge of the street where some wild flowers were growing.

  “Ok,” Chrissi says reluctantly.

  “This one!” Lesia bounces over and points to a wilting weed.

  Chrissi removes her right glove and moves slowly towards the weed. Her index finger touches the very top of the plant and as the familiar golden light glows around it she sighs, “Oh well.” She shrugs and starts to turn towards town again.

  “Wait! Chrissi look!” Phil says excitedly.

  She turns back to see not a rotting weed but a newly vibrant and green one. No longer wilted it stands tall and strong.

  Chrissi beams.

  “Incredible,” says Phil.

  Lesia grabs Chrissi’s ungloved hand and pulls her back to the road towards town. At first Chrissi starts to pull away but gives in to the newness of her gift and relaxes. A couple of blocks down the street houses begin and she slips off her other glove and tosses both in a nearby trash can on the curb.


  Chrissi sits at her desk in her room staring at an overwhelming stack of books and worksheets. She sighs, sinking down into her chair.

  “Well, that’s what you get for disappearing for an entire night and then sleeping for three days straight!” her mom chides lightheartedly as she walks by Chrissi’s bedroom.

  “I swear mom, I was gone for weeks! It was so intense! I was exhausted and there were—”

  “I know sweety, don’t worry I was only teasing you,” her mom assures her. “I won’t pretend to understand everything you told me but something in me knows it was the truth. Regardless, you do have to catch up on all that work!”


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