Vile Wasteland (A Post Apocalyptic Novel)

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Vile Wasteland (A Post Apocalyptic Novel) Page 4

by Keep, J. E.

  She nodded as she tugged her jacket on over her shirt, buttoning the bottom of it tightly against the small of her waist, "As I recall, I agreed to that portion of the deal," she said. She still sounded just as confident and sure of herself, but it was hidden beneath a mask of sleep as she went to head back out for the promised food.

  True to his word again, Jarago showed no sign of what happened to the others. Returning with her to the main room he nestled up in a corner and seemed to drift off to sleep very quickly. The crew of this caravan were obviously well accustomed to sleeping through rough circumstances.

  Chapter 5

  When she awoke the next morning it was with a gentle rub of a familiar hand on the side of her stomach. Morning light hadn’t quite risen fully yet and was only beginning to peek itself above the horizon, facing away from sunrise, and it was still quite dark inside the old abandoned cafe. "Come with me," Jarago said quietly.

  She was not a pleasant person to wake, but she held herself in check, shutting her mouth and silencing any cruelties that were about to burst forth. Still, she was exhausted and felt the tightness in her muscles as she moved stiffly, following after her new leader. She hadn’t slept well on the hard floor, and she tried to rub and stretch the kinks from her body.

  Taking her with him outside, the cool morning air greeted her, though he was well prepared for it. This time of year, with summer approaching, it didn’t get that cold anyhow. Moving to one of the horses his men used, he took a rifle off one of the saddle bags, "You been trained in any weapons other than that knife of yours?" he asked, balancing the gun between his hands.

  "Yea. They took my gun," she lamented. Even through the tired haze of just waking, she was surprised by his actions. She was unaccustomed to men not becoming somewhat addicted to her affections until she rebuffed them at least a half dozen times. "I’m a fair shot."

  With a firm nod he shifted the rifle between his hands, "Any preference? Rifle, handgun?" he asked, looking her over all business like it seemed, much to her chagrin.

  "Rifle," she moved closer, her grainy eyes trying to blink the soft light of the rising sun away. "I like something I can wrap my hands around," she teased, her eyes moving up to his face.

  The business look melted as he gave a wry smile back to her, "I got just what you need then," he said, showing off the rifle, the sleek black metal of it. It was different from what she was used to, obviously constructed fairly recently, and not a holdover of the past. It was solid, sturdy, and a bit heavier than she was accustomed to.

  Shifting the rifle to one hand, he trailed the other down, smoothly unzipping his pants, and saying nothing but giving her a meaningful look.

  Her eyes trailed from the rifle to his hand, a smile growing on her lips as she fell to her knees in front of him. Bracing herself against his thighs, her hands squeezed him warmly before one worked to replace his and rubbing his package once more. She loved that part, the feel of it still clothed and protected from her skin. The tease of the bulge growing, and she nuzzled her nose up along it, scenting her own sex upon him.

  As much as she seemed to enjoy it, he did too. His cock was already firm in his pants, though it grew further, showing despite his facade of being all business, he had his mind on her in other ways.

  With his hand now free, he rested the rifle down and stroked the other palm over her blonde hair as she inhaled the aroma of his musk and her cunt still embedded upon his loins. "Glad to see you’re up for the challenge of keepin’ me sated," he said with a wry smile down at her. "Gal like you along, I’ll be walkin’ around hard twenty-four seven."

  Her eyes fluttered closed as she revelled in that familiar and yet unfamiliar scent, her mouth teased along it so gingerly as she kissed. Her teeth tugged at the cloth before letting it snap back, the sensation pleasant as she quickly moved to wrap her lips around the width of his member, her tongue working against the cloth and wettening it before she finally moved her hands to remove it from its confines.

  With a low, husky groan of desire, Jarago watched her upon her knees, working her mouth against his loins through his thin boxers. His hand pressed down upon her head firmly, encouragingly as the hefty girth of his cock sprang free. The shaft slapped against her face with all its heavy weight, so utterly hard with arousal as it throbbed heatedly against her flesh.

  She laughed, grabbing it tightly in her palm, "So eager," she chastised. Still, as her tongue worked its way up the bottom of his cock, she seemed so natural and at home. The patterns she swirled against his skin were complicated as the wet muscle jumped along his throbbing veins, tracing along them before deviating from her path, only to wetten another heated vein. As she slowly worked her way up his length, she never stopped teasing him to absolute fullness.

  Looking down at her, his handsome, smoothly dark face was lit up with desire and a bit of anxiousness; he wanted more right away. Yet he let her play, his own fingers pushing through her hair, entangling in her blonde strands as his thick cock drooled its slick precum. "What can I say," he husked in a low tone, "woke up this morning with a need that just wouldn’t fuckin’ die. I blame the new gal."

  She flicked her tongue against his full, swollen head before her mouth finally took him in, that wet, warm hole suctioning him tight. She was still fully dressed, and her hands went to the back of his thighs, pulling him in closer as she tried to find the right tempo that made him lose control. Her brown eyes stared up at him from under her blonde bangs, and there was such lust hidden within.

  She had been so repressed in the bunker, so unable to do anything but play with the men around her. And now she had someone here, fully at her command and so willing to reciprocate. She didn’t imagine she’d have time for that, though. Not with the others waking soon.

  Both of Jarago’s hands went to her head, his large palms holding her there as he watched her move so skilfully upon his dick. With a firm grasp on her he began to piston his hips, his thick cock pushed into her mouth faster and harder. It wasn’t the gentleness of last night; he knew that at this, she was a pro, and he took advantage, forcing the bulging crown to the back of her throat as he moaned into the crisp morning air. "Fuck yeah," he grunted, "god, you’re good," his eyes rolled back in his head at her expert ministrations.

  The way her tongue circled his head and rubbed back and forth along the shaft, how wet she was making him, it had its effect on her as well. That familiar, deep down craving that she had, until so recently, pushed aside and repressed was coming back full force as she felt the viscous liquid form from the back of her throat, her air cut short.

  And still her eyes didn’t move from his, focused so intently on watching his pleasure.

  There was a lot of it to see, and though he tried to force his gaze down upon her, he didn’t seem able to very often. Instead he bucked into her, fucking her mouth and throat, twitching as he felt his loins respond to her practised motions. When finally her skill paid off, he gasped, his smooth handsome face bunched up as he let loose a fountain of virile cum that laced across her tongue and down into her throat as he cursed her name approvingly.

  She couldn’t quite smile with his cock spreading her mouth so wide, but she surely looked pleased, her hands grasping him tightly and drawing him further in. It was her reward for a job well done, and she accepted every bit of thank you that he had to offer, cleaning him up adeptly with her tongue.

  He still twitched and shivered with the pleasure of her mouth as she so fully laved him. "Fuck you’re thorough," he exclaimed, until at last she was done and his still stiff cock slipped free of her luscious mouth.

  Licking his own lips he gave a deep exhale, "Damn, hope you stick around for the long haul," he stated.

  "Don’t start getting thoughts on how to keep me away from saving the bunker and we’ll see," she licked over her moist lips as she stood, dusting off the knees on her jeans. "Faster I get back to them, faster I can make up my own mind."

  With a shake of his head he tucked himself back int
o his pants, leaving a sizable bulge still before he picked up the rifle. "Whatever you say," he held out the gun, "all yours for the journey. And we’ll go get us some food before we head out, of course."

  She took the rifle, feeling its pleasant weight as her tongue licked against her raw, numb and cum-stained lips. "Whatever you say," she echoed as she took a step away from him.

  Bren was already up inside and preparing a meal. Unlike the night before, however, it didn’t seem it’d be a warm one. Jarago had stayed outside, but the wide man held out a dish of some dried mix of nuts and berries to her, "Welcome aboard," he said in his deep, baritone voice, giving her a rather hopeful smile.

  "Thanks," she rested the rifle aside, taking the offered food and immediately beginning to pop it in her mouth. Part of it was an effort to conceal the scent on her breath, part of it was her simple ravenous hunger. She could feel her panties, clinging damply within her slit, and she shifted uncomfortably.

  The large dark haired man was caught eying her repeatedly as he ate his own, though he spoke up at last, the other two members having just left to start preparing. "Hear you’ll be comin’ along for a bit," he said. "At least as far as Anagio, I bet," he was bent over, elbows on his knees as he ate his own morning rations.

  "I don’t know where that is," she shrugged, surprised to find her food all gone, having been practically inhaled by the young, attractive woman. She leaned forward, staring at him for a long time, "I hope that won’t be a problem though."

  He’d been nearly done all along it seemed, and was dragging out the last few bits which he unceremoniously popped into his mouth as she got up. "It’s the next stop. And no. Ain’t a problem at all," he remarked, standing up, towering over her as he smiled. With a hand out he sounded a bit formal, "Name’s Bren Tasler. But, y’know, you can just call me Bren of course. In fact, I’d rather ya do that."

  Her smooth hand glided into his, "Alexandra," she smiled. She felt a rush of dirty excitement as their hands met, and she held his grasp a bit longer than necessary, her middle finger flicking along his palm and resting at the pulse on his wrist.

  The large man didn’t seem in any rush to retract his grasp either, and held her hand as long as she let him. Smiling so broadly, she could see he wasn’t so bad looking. Definitely not the looker like Jarago, but his wide strong features, and the neatly trimmed hair and beard had its own appeal.

  "Been a long time since we had a pretty lady along with us," he said approvingly. "And I know I ain't never seen one so good lookin’. Let alone one that could drop a Vile like you did."

  "Woulda been two if you guys hadn’t come along," she responded cockily as she retracted her hand, grabbing her rifle firmly. Licking over her lips, she could still taste that distinctive flavour, hidden by the morning meal, and it caused her to grin, "So you comin’ or what?"

  With a firm nod, the smiling giant plucked up his own stuff, "Oh yeah, boss don’t like to be kept waitin’," he declared then ushered her on out.

  Awaiting her outside she could see Jarago ready to go, hat in place, rifle over his shoulder, and the other two had loaded up what appeared to be two pack laden horses and another two pulling a heavy cart. "Let’s go," called the handsome leader, showing no signs of the satisfaction she knew he felt from her thorough sucking.

  Every step was a delicious, tortured reminder of her own need, yet she pushed it aside, letting it ferment. She craved something, so carnal and satisfying that it was hard for her to keep her eyes focused on the road ahead. She knew she had to be careful, knew it far better than she had yesterday, but still her eyes kept trailing back to Jarago, wondering at who he was, and if she could trust him. His words kept haunting her, that she’d sold it cheap, yet she had no way of knowing if it was true.

  Chapter 6

  The day’s journey went by quickly. Jarago kept them all moving constantly, with few breaks, and then it seemed only for the sake of the horses and the cargo they hauled. It was a pace much in keeping with her own frenzy the day before.

  Though the group kept a vigilant watch, they saw no signs of any trouble that morning.

  When during one of the horses breaks, Jarago announced, "Rest a spell, gonna go scout ahead a bit."

  Bren came over to her, "Now’s about the only time you’ll get to eat before we arrive in Anagio," he said, and produced a pouch of some more dried fruits that had been tied to his own belt.

  She slumped back, the terrible night's sleep and the burning heat between her legs exhausting her. Still, she looked fairly alert, and she gave him a gracious smile, "Oh? How long’s that?" she asked.

  "I like to keep some of these on hand, boss only springs for fruits and berries at the end of a trip," he explained. Then looking ahead he squinted at the horizon as if calculating, "As long as there’s no trouble, only another few hours, I’d say. Close as we are, this’ll probably be the last stop, knowin’ the boss."

  She took a handful, thoughtfully popping them past her lips, "There any place comfortable there? Is it safe? What are the people like?" she asked, suddenly realizing how abrupt she was being and blushed gently, "I’m just curious."

  The giant of a man looked a bit overwhelmed by her questions, though her blushing made him smile and eased him again. He took some of the dried fruit for himself and began, only too eager to help her it seemed, "It’s an okay place. Been the safest spot in the valley for years, though nowadays it’s gotten a bit more tense ‘round there. You can feel it off the people, harder for ‘em to make a livin’ off the lands outside the town with the Viles runnin’ loose," he explained. "But that’s never stopped ‘em before, and the boss says the Viles can’t keep at it forever. They eventually gotta run outta juice with how nuts they are."

  "So... they’re just... what? Crazy?" she asked, her face screwing up a bit, "How long have they been like that?"

  Furrowing his brow he asked, "Don’t you know? They’ve been nuts like that for way over ten years now. Ever since the old colonies fell apart," he snorted a bit, "shit, they were the reason the colony fell apart. Well," he shrugged, "them and whatever done it to ‘em. Don’t you know?"

  "I’ve been in a bunker for ten years," she bit back a bit harsher than she intended. "I mean, fuck, I don’t know shit about this place. And if they’ve been goin’ at it ten years, why would they stop now?"

  Bren looked a bit put off by her snapping at him, but he answered, "Yeah, but, the reason you went back into the bunker was because of the shit they caused, right? I mean... otherwise you’d have been up here with the rest of us," he explained. Then shaking his head he said, "I dunno. Boss thinks that with how savage they are, they can’t be doin’ too good on their own, and eventually gotta run out of new Viles attacking us and all."

  "I was nine," her face screwed up a bit, "I didn’t really have a lot of people clamouring to tell me about how there were psychos rampaging and killing people." Her shoulders slumped and she popped another nut in her mouth. "I kinda wish I didn’t have to know about it now," she admitted, and there was fear running through her voice.

  Perhaps the large man was more perceptive than he seemed, or just too used to people being upset about such things, but he reached out and placed one of his heavy hands on her shoulder. "Stay near me if trouble breaks out, I’ll help watch your back," he promised.

  She looked like she was about to give another smart ass response, but her true fear seemed to keep her in check and she nodded. "Yea, thanks," she popped a dried berry between her lips. "Guess you guys must be the best of the best to still be doin’ this."

  Bren grinned broadly at her, "Well hate ta brag but this one time–" then the call of Jarago returning broke the moment.

  "C’mon, we’re movin’ out now," he said, looking serious and all business.

  She sighed a bit, but she pushed herself up straight, grabbing her rifle firmly and looking quite serious about her own abilities of defending the caravan. Her legs ached, her muscles screamed, and her pussy pulsed, but still she carrie
d on.

  They all set off then, the rest of the team knowing the drill so perfectly. Though as they left she overheard Jarago talking to Bren. "Looks like somethin’ happened at Anagio, buddy. Keep an extra special eye out the rest of the way, y’hear? Don’t want any trouble before we even get to the tough part of this journey."

  Bren nodded and patted his gun, "Don’t you worry, boss. With the new broad aboard, I’m on the alert anyhow," he affirmed, looking deathly serious.

  Her lust was a distraction, but fear was becoming a much more prominent emotion. Her gun was grasped so much tighter in her hands, and as she walked, her eyes scanned through the grass and landscape surrounding them. She knew she should feel safer traveling with the group, but nothing they had said soothed her mind.

  Despite the overheard worries, the rest of the trip went uneventfully. Instead, what she saw was the curious sight of an old world city, kept alive by desperate measures.

  Anagio, it seemed, was built in the ruins of a city along the river. Making use of but one part of the old place, it was nestled near the center of the valley. Tall buildings kept standing by makeshift work, metal and wood plating on the outsides, and what looked like some suspension bridges between them.

  As she approached she could see the remaining tall buildings seemed to serve as guard posts around a makeshift perimeter. The real city lay inside, a mixture of old, renovated buildings of the pre-apocalypse and even some of the new, circular white buildings from the colony of her youth.

  Guards manned the gates and towers, and they looked alert, guns at the ready as they approached.

  She lowered her own rifle, figuring it’d be best to seem unimposing, but she never stopped looking around. Suspicion and terror had left way for curiosity, and she felt her body straighten as she tried to peer around for the other humans.

  She wasn’t privy to the conversation that went on with the guards, Jarago handled it before the gates–made of a mixture of wire fencing and reinforced steel–swung open for them. Beyond she got her first sight of civilization upon the surface.


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