Vile Wasteland (A Post Apocalyptic Novel)

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Vile Wasteland (A Post Apocalyptic Novel) Page 9

by Keep, J. E.

  "I’m always good," she promised as her mouth suctioned around his cock. She was used to these clandestine meetings, the public nature of such things, and usually she was so good at being discrete. This time, however, she was working with such furor and intensity that her surroundings didn’t matter at all. She was intent on getting him off as quickly as possible, and everything about her motions pleaded with him to hurry.

  The sleazy scene in the dark alley went by in such a tawdry manner. Jarago took hold of Alex’s hair and head in both of his hands, helping move her mouth upon his cock faster. Despite the nature of their little tryst, he didn’t do a good job of being quiet. The man groaned in pleasure even as feet tread on by unbeknownst to them both.

  She could feel the hot flesh of his cock swelling in her mouth as he gripped her hair, "Fuck," he cursed, "suck it out."

  She rolled her eyes a bit, even as she enjoyed his vulgarity, and clamped her mouth around him tightly as her hand grabbed him, coaxing her to the back of her throat. Eyes watering, saliva pooling, she felt him swell within her and she prepared for the onslaught.

  The man was rough with her as he bucked his hips, giving a series of noisy ‘ah’s’ as he pumped his load into her throat. He had to let go of her head towards the end, to rest a hand against the grim back alley wall to hold himself up, though he didn’t need to be egging her on with it in the first place, for her expert lips were suctioning his seed out of him so gloriously without his interference.

  "Oh fuck yeah," he cursed as she drained the last of his load away. "Good goddamn job," he swore, licking his lips.

  When finally he finished and she swallowed his seed, she was red faced and gasping for breath. Pushing herself up from the alleyway, she looked at him with a bit of hardness to her eyes, though it was tough to see as her forced smile seemed so genuine, "You said you had good news for me."

  Tucking himself back into his pants he nodded to her, "Yeah, c’mon." He started walking back out of the alleyway, talking as he was going. "You need to negotiate trade for your people, right?" He said, sounding like he was finally taking her situation seriously. Or trying to sound like he was.

  "Yea, for food and stuff," she agreed, curious to see if he knew about the situation in town or if he’d be honest with her about it. She followed – or rather, was dragged – along, looking up at him as he spoke.

  "Well," he said, giving her a cocky smirk, "just so happens you sucked the right dick." The man knew no shame and she tried not to roll her eyes. "I can get you a chance to speak with the head of the town. The best and maybe only man who might be able to get you what you need. How’s that for good news?"

  "How’d you manage that?" she asked, awe and scepticism mixing in her voice. She’d left her long hair down once more, and it flowed behind her as they moved, and she was just the faintest bit annoyed that he hadn’t noticed her lack of a jacket.

  With a casual shrug of his shoulder he said, "I’m meetin’ with him to discuss a trade of our guns to his guards. As you pointed out, the town was raided, and they need more equipment. Bad. So… I’ll take you along. Introduce you. And well, the rest is up to you, sugar." He gave her a smarmy grin, "The man likes pretty women. And you know how to get what you need."

  She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, instead staring straight ahead. She seemed rather deep in thought for the rest of the way, not talking much, but her pace seemed a bit quickened and more determined and there was a flush of anger beneath her skin.

  This was just what she was afraid of back in the bunker, having everyone there think she’s nothing more than a slutty hole to fill. It was the reason she’d held on to her virginity so long in the first place. Worse than her anger at Jarago, though, was the shame she felt at the new heat that was growing in her loins at the thought.

  The building they were going to was without a doubt the largest in the town. One of the new, circular structures that were from the re-colonization attempts a decade ago, it still looked pristine and new, unlike the older, refurbished structures about the place. They had to pass several guards, and Jarago had to explain his purpose and provide a letter to one woman before they were finally let into a waiting room.

  Leaning over to her in his seat, he said, "Keep quiet until I introduce you, sugar. I know how to deal with this guy." She didn’t have much time to respond for the secretary opened the doors into a large circular office and waited for them to head in.

  She was going to tell him not to speak for her and not to say anything without her go ahead, but in the whirl of doors and people, she never got a chance. Please don’t be an asshole, she willed him, staring at his head, Don’t offer me up like I’m some whore. She knew it was useless, even if she did say it aloud, and the way her stomach churned was making her regret ever running into him. She didn’t trust him, not like Grent. Even if he was helping her.

  The room inside made the bunker she grew up in look Spartan by comparison. It was in many ways similar, but not only was this the only place in the world above she’d yet seen that looked clean, it was also opulent. Old world items were assembled and fixed up, even a few pieces of technology that seemed to work, like a computer.

  Though behind the desk was a man–a little shorter than Jarago–but with milk-chocolaty smooth skin and long, sleek black hair that was streaked in a few places with white. The man had to be a good ten years older than Grent at least, though he looked well, aside from the round, black glasses he wore.

  Standing up he gestured them to the seats in front of his desk, "Come in," he began, his voice having some strange accent to it she’d never heard. "Take a seat and be comfortable," when his dark brown eyes turned to her she could detect something there in his gaze as he looked over her. "A new assistant?" he asked.

  Jarago butt in immediately, "Yeah, she’s just joined my team in fact," he said. "Alex, this is–"

  And the older man stepped around his desk, dressed in a formal shirt with tie, vest, black pants and shoes like out of some old photo. "Dr. Kenir Feysar. A pleasure, madam." He took her hand without much delay, smoothly kissing the back of it like some gentleman out of a movie.

  Even though mentally she was annoyed, it was nearly impossible to tell. In fact, she looked practically coquettish as she tilted her head down and to the side, as if paying respects to someone far better than her. Her body language changed and became more submissive and accommodating, and she made even the simple t-shirt and jeans look amazing with the way she arched her spine to bring out the curves of her breasts and ass.

  If he was going to be an asshole, she was at least going to get what she wanted on her own terms. She wasn’t going to leave anything to fate.

  The aged doctor, as he called himself, stroked a thumb over her hand and lingered his dark brown eyes upon her a while before finally Jarago interrupted, "About the weapons then, chief. We got a full load, but they’re already promised to the next town we’re set to visit."

  She noticed then a curious thing. The leggy woman who served as his secretary looked quite similar to him, and was very likely a relative of his.

  "Ah," the doctor said, slipping back and sitting on the edge of his desk, "now that would be a shame." His eyes turned back to her though, and the elder man smiled right at her even as he spoke to Jarago, "I think we can offer a price that will accommodate for your lost deal and the fallouts from it."

  She didn’t remain still, her eyes and face turning and looking around the room, as if not entirely listening to the boring talk of business, though she very much was. She gave a smile to the secretary, then remembered what some of the traders had said about the town being run by a family. It made sense.

  The two men talked over terms and prices a while, and it got tedious, though one thing she couldn’t ignore was the way the elder gentleman’s eyes remained on her. Even to the detriment of his negotiating position.

  When finally he shook hands with Jarago with an agreement, the pale-blonde caravaneer said, "Well, I’ve gotta be headin’ o
n to see to that then. If you got anythin’ else you need," he pointed to Alex, "just let the assistant know, and she’ll inform me." He smiled and left, the secretary closing the door behind her and the retreating Jarago.

  She hated being left alone, but walked up to his desk rather brazenly, "Hey, so. I’m not here about guns or whatever," she smiled a bit, leaning down and placing her hand on the desk casually, facing him. "I have a bunker of friends that are dying, and I need to get them food. Someone stole all my trade goods, and I’m up shit creek without a paddle. Since you’re the big shot around here, I hoped you’d have some ideas."

  The way she drew her pink lips into her mouth, that angle that let her hair spill down over her face was all so practiced and controlled as she tilted it demurely.

  The dark elder gentleman listened to her curiously, arching a brow and shifted his head. With a faint smile he reached over, his hand coming to her chin as he spoke to her in that curious accent of his, "Such a big responsibility for so young a woman. You must feel rather flustered standing in this office, making such an appeal." The man’s eyes trailed down over her again, and though the jeans and shirt she wore were not by themselves appealing, the way her body–and bust in particular–filled them so completely was quite tempting.

  "There aren’t many of us left," she admitted, her tone softening and losing a bit of that customary slang. She was testing him out, seeing what he responded to best, but she had a feeling it didn’t matter. It was going to come down to how much he wanted her, regardless of the pretty or ugly words that spilled out of her mouth. "I really need some help."

  Kenir’s hands were smooth, not the rough hands of Grent or even Jarago, it was pleasant in a way. He stroked from her chin lightly back along her jaw line. Licking his own dark lips he asked, "These are tough times, madam Alex. It is hard for anyone to get or give help," shifting towards her he sounded a bit sad about the situation. "Most people can only look out for oneself these days. And one's own family."

  "Yea, I know," her eyes dipped down. "That’s what I’m trying to do. They’re all the family I have, really. I just... I kind of got fucked over by some Viles, so I’m a bit at a loss with what I can do. Returning empty handed means they’re dead, though. It’s not an option."

  His hand traced back along her cheek to her hair, brushing along her ear as he felt her blonde locks. "That is a tough situation," he said in his smooth voice, "after the recent raid, it is all I can do to look out for this town." With a sad expression he added, "Which pains me so, as pretty and fair as you are, Alex, I would love to be able to call you one of my own." He had such a persuasive manner about him, his voice quite delectable, no matter what he seemed to be saying.

  Even after thinking it over she didn’t get it, and the way her eyes squinted made that easy to tell, "One of your own?" She had all but ignored his wandering fingers, letting them caress her unblemished skin and her soft hair, but as he seemed unable and unwilling to help her, she took a small step back. Not entirely out of his reach, there was a bit of distance between them.

  "Will you think about it?"

  "Well, as I said, my hands are a bit tied..." he shrugged helplessly. "I can give you two options, darling Alex," and he held up two digits demonstrating thus, smiling like a kindly father at her.

  "Well, that’s more options than I had before," she gave him a disarming look that seemed part teasing, part sultry before it quickly fell away, as if it had never been there in the first place. It was just enough time to illicit excitement, then make him wonder if it was real.

  With a soft chuckle he explained, "Just this morning, a few hours ago, I hired a man to take care of our little supply problem," he said. "Hopefully, in time, he will find out what the Viles did with our precious supplies, and if so," he shrugged, "then we will be open for business again. You can wait for that, or maybe go yourself, see if you can find information or something that might help the cause."

  Holding up the second finger, "Two, darling Alex," and he stood up, standing before her and smiling down dashingly, "this town needs a strong leadership. My family has done that, but since the raid, I’m afraid," he sighed, "I no longer have a woman to give me the children I need to carry on my legacy," and his smooth, chocolaty hand reached out, brushing against her bare arm.

  She held back her laughter, though it was hard to find a way to keep the grin from her face. When the first part finally dawned on her, however – the part where he obviously lost his concubine – she was stricken by both anger and sorrow; anger at how disposable she was, and sorrow that she was lost.

  She wasn’t a monster, not by a long shot, and each death rattled through her and quickly her smarmy humour was lost to one of mourning, "I’m sorry for that, sir," she murmured. "Still, I’m not... the settle down and raise kids type. Not now."

  With only the briefest moments of grief in honour of the mention of his fallen concubine, he slid his smooth touch up her arm and brushed the blonde hair from her neck, "Oh, dear girl," he began, "you will not have to raise them." He leaned down towards her face, smiling so handsomely despite his smarm, "Leave that for others, hm? You would only need concern yourself with the... more glamorous and pleasing parts," and he slid in nearer to her.

  "From what I can tell, childbirth isn’t exactly a walk in the park," she looked at him sceptically, as if realizing just how sexist he was being. She could feel their breath meet between them, both so close, but she didn’t pull away.

  The man's other hand took hers, holding it lightly as he tilted his head to the side and approached her, looking as if he were going to kiss her at any moment. "Oh darling, I am a doctor. I have access to medications. The finest for my family; only the finest. You would be in bliss, rather than agony, I assure you. And," he shrugged casually, smiling unevenly, "not only during childbirth too, if you wish it."

  Well, that much was tempting, but she still shook her head. "I got a family of my own. Didn’t birth them, but they still need me to take care of them. Especially now. Sorry," she shrugged her shoulders. "If I find someone as hot as me, though, I’ll point her your way."

  Furrowing his smooth brow he looked disappointed and saddened, "I think we both know that is not going to happen, darling Alex." He gave a light smile, "All the same, if you change your mind, my offer stands." He turned and took a piece of paper from his desk, jotting a note down then folding it and putting it into an envelope before handing it to her. "If you change your mind, just use this to get back in and see me."

  With a cheeky grin he leaned in and whispered, "You and I would make some very pretty children, I think."

  "Kind of impossible not to," she folded the envelope and stuffed it in her pocket with the rest of her credits, giving him a soft stare. "Look, if there’s anything you think of that you can do, I’m probably going to be around for a while. Seeds, food, whatever... But otherwise, thanks. Who was it taking out the Viles?"

  With a simple smile he said, "A mercenary. Ah, you can ask my secretary for the name if you wish," he feigned ignorance at the man’s name.

  Giving her another look over he added, "In the meantime, while we sort out our problems, you could do yourself a favour and spend some time with me, you know? It’s no use to waste your time fretting about something you can’t influence when you could be working on a future of some kind." The old man was persistent at least.

  She really did feel a bit bad, and a lot angry, at the man, and squeezed his hand, "Until they’re fed, I don’t think there’s anything in the world that can shut my worry up. Thanks so much for everything, though," she took a step back, patting her pocket. "I know how to get in if I need to see you again."

  Looking displeased with her refusal he bowed his head and went to the door, opening it for her, "Good luck, madam. You know where to go if you decide you truly need something bad enough."

  "I do," she gave him one last look before ducking out the door, scurrying to put distance between the two of them. She felt her heart pounding in her chest a
s she tried to get some fresh air.

  Having left the sleazy old man behind, she exited into the light of day. It was already mid-afternoon according to her forearm display, having spent most of her time dealing with merchants, Jarago and then that old pervert.

  She almost felt like she needed another bath, but instead she headed right towards the bar Grent stayed at, feeling the burn of anger and embarrassment in her cheeks and chest. She needed someone warm and comforting, and helpful.

  Entering the bar she found him at his usual booth, a heap of fried wings and some crisp vegetable she wasn’t familiar with in a couple of baskets before him. The handsome man saw her coming about the moment she entered and was already placing an order for more food and drink before she could get to him.

  With a wipe of his hands upon a towel he stood up and greeted her, moving to embrace her in a casual but tender gesture before she had a chance to do anything else. "I got good news," he said.

  Her body, everything, just immediately relaxed. She even felt that anger melt away and be replaced by tender affection, and she moved into the booth next to him, rather than across. Licking her lips, she wondered if she should tell him she already knew, but decided not to rob him of that pleasure, "What’s up?"

  Smiling at the sight of her sliding in on his side rather than across from him, he put his arm around her and resumed eating. One thing the man did was pack food away. He shoved his basket towards her, "Help yourself, there’ll be more here for you shortly," he explained.

  "And the news?" He smiled to her lightly, not the smug smile of Jarago or the sleazy look of Kenir, just a pleasant happy smile she knew only meant he was delighted to tell her good news. "Had the meeting with the town leader, like I told you, and... he’s hired me to look into what happened to their supplies. A big job. Very big. Once I check out the Vile camp, I’ll have authority to put together a group, if the situation warrants it, to go reclaim the stuff."


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