Vile Wasteland (A Post Apocalyptic Novel)

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Vile Wasteland (A Post Apocalyptic Novel) Page 11

by Keep, J. E.

  "You’re not pissed, are you?" she asked curiously, though she couldn’t bare looking at him. The difference in their age seemed so much grander at that question, but she felt so needy for that sweet, tender man she’d known only a few hours ago.

  Kissing the top of her head he rubbed her side. It took him a while to answer. "I’m sorry you had to sell yourself to that jackass," he said at last. "I don’t like bein’ lied to. Not at all. And I normally don’t forgive it, but..." he hesitated, looking down at her in the dim, moonlit night, "You’re a young woman. And you only recently had to give it up. And it was probably somethin’ you’d rather forget. I understand how shitty that was. Or I try to."

  She rested her head against his arm, feeling very low, but her hand felt along his knee as she continued eating. Even through her self-pity, she couldn’t stave off the hunger. "I didn’t want to keep lying to you. Not after you said that stuff," she nuzzled her nose along his bicep, her dark eyes glancing up at him sheepishly. "I’m going to pretend it was you anyways."

  He paused, something about that last statement touching him deeply it seemed.

  Reaching over, he wrapped both arms around her, hugging her firmly. He kept her in that position long before breaking to let her eat some more, a smile on the man’s broad face.

  She eagerly went back to the food, cutting her mouth just a little in her hurry before finally having her fill and resting back against him. "They most active at night or what?"

  Resuming eating with her he responded, "Kinda. They got an advantage at night, because they don’t always use guns. And they don’t care about stumbling around in the dark. Not that they see better than us or anything, they just fuel on chaos it seems. But the morning is the worst time for them typically."

  It surprised her and she looked at him curiously, "Why do you think that is?"

  Munching on a piece of jerky he took his time before responding, "Stay up all night partyin’ and you see how good you are in the morning." With a wry grin he bit off another piece.

  She tittered, kissing his arm through his jacket, then moving up to his cheek, "I guess we better be good out here, huh?" she lamented as she backed away once more, settling in at his side.

  The two of them done with the travel food, he closed it up and tossed it back into his bag before bringing both arms around her and pulling her against him tight. "We’re safe up here," he said, giving her lips a kiss, "I took us this way because it’s safest. It’s the hardest path, and it don’t take you anywhere directly they’d ever wanna go."

  "Even if they’re being erratic," she asked as she felt her breasts soften against his chest, her head tilted back as she craned up, brushing her lips against his chin, "I like you, but I don’t wanna die just for one go of it."

  Rubbing her side and giving her lips another tender kiss he smiled, "S’okay then. We don’t gotta do nothin’ if you’re afraid. I’ll even keep watch while you sleep for a bit. But don’t let the fear get to you. We’re way off their trails, and I’ve travelled these paths many a time by my lonesome." His voice was deep and soothing, the man obviously wanting her to be calm so she could rest.

  The way she licked her lips insinuated she wasn’t quite done, and as she shifted from his grasp and lay low on the ground, her hands parting his thighs, it was obvious. "Just keep watch over me," she requested, her fingers both trailing along his inner thighs.

  Grent licked his own lips in response to her automatically, his own loins twitching. "You don’t have to do that," he reminded her, their eyes accustomed to the dim moon light so he could still make out a faint sight of her, and he was still smitten.

  "Shut up, Grent," she teased with good humour as her hand ran along his package, caressing it like some prized possession. "Just make sure we live to the end," her finger found the button on his pants, dragging down the zipper and shifting herself closer to his body.

  That beast of a cock he sported bulged beneath the thin layer of black spandex, it wasn’t fully engorged yet, but she could see it was well on its way already from her titillation. "Damn right we will," he husked, "I plan to make you fall in love with me when we’re done," he said, his thighs wide, brushing the backs of two fingers over her cheek.

  She hid her smile against his cock, licking over the tip the moment she unveiled it. Though it was still a tease, it was something different from her prior actions. It was somewhat amazing that she could make it feel completely unique, yet still so exquisite. The new angle helped, of course, as did the risky venue as she began suckling him eagerly.

  Grent was good; he kept his quiet and his head up on the watch. With his two arms draped over his knees and her mouth wrapped around that sensational girth of his, she could hear his breathing growing heavier. The swollen tip throbbed and leaked its precum into her mouth as she worked it, the older man obviously straining to hold in his approval of her expert ministrations.

  She didn’t mind him holding back. This time, she wanted him to, and she kept drawing him closer to the edge before she changed her pace and tempo, letting the sensation subside before teasing him to the top again and again. Her mouth was tired, her lips numb and her jaw sore, yet still she sucked him off. Her hands ran against the inside of his thighs, over and over again as she bobbed, the saliva drooling down and pooling atop his sac.

  It was an apology and devotion all in one, and her tongue caressed him affectionately. She pleaded for his full forgiveness, to get past her lie, even if she didn’t need to. Even if he didn’t understand.

  The stoic man cracked eventually with soft little groans, barely loud enough for her to hear as she supped at his loins so closely. With his cock so stone hard and molten hot, she knew it was on the edge. She could pull his release from him at any moment if she chose to, but she’d been teasing him along endlessly instead.

  When finally she felt he’d reached the point that was enough, she finally allowed him that sweet, denied release into her warm mouth. Pressing her lips down in her set speed, she could feel the full cock strike against the back of her throat, her mouth held open so wide as she accommodated him.

  It wasn’t something she often did, taking a man all the way at the very end, but he was special. For her, this time was important.

  As big and powerful as he was, he kept nearly completely still, though she was too much for him to be perfect. His hips twitched, that gargantuan cock of his spasmed, and a flood of creamy cum poured into her throat in long, seemingly endless streams. His voice broke the silence of the night with a quiet ‘ah’ sound, the pleasure too intense for him to deny any vocalization at all as she drained his loins.

  When at last she was done, he shifted and pulled her back to his side, pressing her into his chest in a warm embrace.

  She was all too eager to be next to him once more, and as she swallowed and rubbed her throat, her arm went around him. "You can sleep first," she murmured, "Probably best you’re awake at dawn anyways."

  Tucking his girth back into his pants he kissed her lips and held her so close. "Not enough of us for real shifts," he explained, "you get your sleep, then leave the rest to me." Rubbing those two massive hands over her form he kissed her again, the large man so obviously smitten with her. "I won't let a thing happen to you, believe me."

  "Y’sure you’d be okay without sleep?" She realized it was silly to argue with him, but still. She was a woman who wanted her sleep - and lots of it - and had trouble fathoming someone willingly going without.

  With a broad smile he rested her head against his chest, "Just go to sleep already," his voice was weary and joking but resolute. Maybe it was the fact he was twice the age of most of the men she’d been with, but he always sounded a little more fatigued than most after they had sex.

  "Fine, fine," she sighed, crawling into the sleeping bag. "Fuck you’re bossy," she teased, but almost immediately sleep grasped her and he could hear her breath become deep and regular.

  Chapter 12

  When she awoke at dawn, Grent was looking
alert. However it was that he managed to make it through the night, he’d done it and come out looking better for it.

  Pouring some water into a bowl of dehydrated cereal bits he handed it to her with a smile. "Morning love. Hope you’re ready for a long trek. We go the rest of the way today."

  "Always ready to go the rest of the way with you," she said, though the sweetness of the words were tempered by how grumpy and tired she sounded as she moved to his side, "So you kill a fuck ton of them while I was sleeping?"

  Kissing her forehead as she began to eat he looked out over the valley below. Lit up by the rising sun, the mix of green, blue and old world ruins in grey was a sight to behold. "Oh yeah," he responded, "all of ‘em. So it’ll be clear sailing from here on out."

  "Awesome," she nodded, eating her food quickly, "Thanks for that. Saved us a lot of trouble," she joked back, though her tone was dead serious. She seemed so tired, but as the sun began to wash over her, it perked up her skin and eyes.

  "You know, we’re probably goin’ to see something pretty fucked up, aren’t we?"

  Shaking his head he said, "No." Then looking back to her he added, "No probably about it. If we make it there, it’ll be fucked up. I can guarantee it." He gave her a half-hearted, uneven smile. "But don’t you worry about that. Eat up, and we’ll head out."

  Dutifully he began to roll up the sleeping bag, stowing away the few things they had out. "The important thing to remember is: they’re not people anymore. Haven’t been for a long time."

  "No problem, boss," she said, her tone turning a bit stony and hard as she finished her food, clearing everything away quickly and helping him pack, "They took my stuff. They’re as good as nothin’ to me. They sentenced my friends to death."

  Chapter 13

  They began early even after a late night, but they saw no sign of the Viles nor anyone else for that matter. When they stopped for lunch Grent took out his binoculars and scoped out the valley below. "C’mere," he ushered her over.

  Her pulse quickened as she stepped over to him, seeming more cautious and alert almost as soon as he’d said the syllable.

  "What’s up?" she asked, her tone tense.

  Putting the binoculars to her eyes he showed her what lay ahead. In stark contrast to the old ruins of cement and steel that was a pre-apocalyptic human city at the heart of the valley, their destination ahead was white, smooth and rounded. Low round circular buildings and high, ovular towers of unbroken white were what remained of the colony she knew for but a few years as a girl.

  From a distance they appeared purely white, but through the binoculars she could see they were marked, painted, with red. Great, freakish depictions of crazed faces or demons, they were terrifying and the colour spoke of blood.

  "Notice anything?" he asked her, hands on her shoulders.

  "Fuck, makes the decorating at the bunker look good," she said, continuing to stare through the lens, trying to get a decent grasp of good places to hide and retreat, then looking for where they might need to go.

  It was just past midday by this point, the morning behind them, and Grent shook his head, "No. Not that. Do you see any movement?"

  She didn’t. The area seemed still, no signs of anyone or anything moving but the flap of torn fabric here and there.

  "Some hell," she said before she moved back, staring at him, "So wait... where the fuck are they?"

  Taking the binoculars back from her, the tall ruddy-blonde man peered through again at the destination. Taking his time before answering her he scanned more of the valley below, though it was so large the search seemed fruitless, "I don’t know," he said simply. "Out on another raid?" He postulated.

  "All of ‘em? I mean... that seems pretty fucking organized to me. Man... this creeps me out, not knowing where they are. I feel like they could be right on top of us and we won’t even know. At least when we knew where they were - or thought we did - we might only be worried about a scattered couple fallin’ upon us..." she stared at him with worry plain on her features.

  Looking to her with his serious, unreadable expression he shook his head. "You’re worrying for nothing," he stated and tucked his binoculars away, beginning to get ready to head back out. "Like I told you before, there is no reason for anyone to come this way, least of all the Viles. If they are out on a raid, they wouldn’t have come this way. Besides," he said, "for our mission, right now at this moment, them being gone is a good thing."

  "Just creeps me out," she shivered, looking up at him. "Are we goin’ to raid them if they’re still gone?"

  Pulling his pack back up over him he gave her a curious look, "We’re goin’ to go in and scout them out, same as before. We’ll see the situation once we get there." He clasped his equipment back in place and hefted his large automatic rifle, "Even if they’re gone the most the two of us could do is nip a few things."

  "Yea. Like my backpack," she said, hope edging out her fear. Everything about her posture changed in a moment, "Even if they are changed, most of what I had was tech. They’d have to have changed a lot to use that, yea?"

  Furrowing his brow he looked to her, "You were carrying old world tech?" he asked. This was obviously new information to him, the two having not discussed it before. He went quiet as he forged their path ahead, his pace having picked up yet again from the morning.

  "Well... yea. Figured it’d be the best thing to trade for food out here. Why?" she fell in step behind him, struggling a bit to keep up.

  Shaking his head he said, "Just doesn’t make any sense. They smash that stuff more likely than they’d give it a second look." He fell into an uneasy quiet, his mind obviously whirling with possibilities as they continued on.

  She let the silence drag on, her own mind trying to work through the intrigue and coming up short. Still, she couldn’t keep her thoughts silent, reeling with the idea that them having her tech could become very troublesome.

  "You said they didn’t use guns a lot, yea?"

  "Right," he said, his gaze focussed ahead not letting the questions disturb his focus. "They know how to use them, though they aren’t patient enough to make great shots. However, they stink at taking care of weapons, so they tend to break on them fast. Hence, you don’t find many toting guns."

  She frowned, her eyes moving over the landscape, looking for any sign of motion. Despite his assurances, she remained cautious of their current surroundings.

  So they couldn’t be using her stuff to make weapons. Then what? Certainly not trading. She shook her head, "Doesn’t make sense," she agreed.

  Lost in his own thoughts Grent had no more to add. The pair continued on, and though he stopped routinely to scope out ahead, they continued to see no signs of the Viles before them. They made excellent progress because of it, so they arrived near the edges of the old colony before sunset.

  Stopping beside a series of rocky outcroppings he began to remove his backpack. "We’ll strip down to the bare essentials from here," then looking to her an expression of concern crossed his face. "Actually, might be best if you wait here, watch the stuff while I go on ahead and check out the site." The older man’s gravelly voice was rich with concern for her, she could tell.

  She stared at him. Despite the reason for his protest, she could see the wisdom in it. She’d just slow him down and distract him, and he was far more skilled than she. Still, she knew she was far from useless, and her posture straightened, "You check it out, but give me something less nerve wracking than sitting here hoping you’re back soon."

  The older man paused, obviously nothing coming to him. The notion of her staying behind and watching their things had just been an excuse, he didn’t have more. Though after a moment he pulled the binoculars from his pack and offered them to her, "Keep an eye on me and the colony. If you see something I need to be wary of, give a high pitched whistle like a bird call. Can you do that?" he asked.

  "Yea, ‘course," she nodded, giving him a smile. "Fuck, you know I’d come with if I didn’t figure you’d get you
rself killed over me, right? If you find my bag, I might just love you too," she teased his emotions, though there was sincerity under the surface.

  With an uneven smile that was at once wry and warm he gave her the binoculars and leaned in, kissing her lips. "Remember, bird whistle. Don’t go shooting off any guns. Even if trouble breaks out," he warned. "A gun will bring every Vile for miles running after us. They are a last ditch thing we turn to only after we’re fucked," he cautioned her as he stood and got ready to go.

  She chased after his lips for a second, then nodded, "Yea, alright. I’ll see you soon," she tipped the binoculars impishly. "Undressing you mentally. Thinkin’ of what I’ll do to you once we get back to safety."

  The large mercenary couldn’t help but grin toothily at her. Shouldering his rifle he took out his long military grade knife and headed out. For a man of such a size and age, it was amazing to see him move so quick and at such a rate while bent low for cover. It was obvious his long life of rigorous hard work in the field had resulted in making him a pinnacle of fitness and ability.

  She saw him close the final distance and make his way cautiously around the edge of one of the broken walls that ringed the old colony.

  Her pulse was quick, but she pushed that fear aside, instead becoming hard. Taking a final scan around with her naked eyes, she quickly lifted the binoculars, beginning the slow, careful scan.

  The whole process took some time, as despite his speed and ability Grent was cautious. He was careful to stay within her field of view, only slipping behind things for brief flickers of time as he passed from one area to another.

  Surprisingly quiet, the lair of the Viles proved empty from what they’d seen. Grent gave a wait sign to her, then disappeared out of her view, going inside one of the circular buildings. Time passed. Seconds. Then a minute. When he returned he gave her a thumbs up, and she could see a smile on his face. Her heart skipped a beat; perhaps the news was good!


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