Rainier, Heather - Her Gentle Giant: Remember to Dance [Divine Creek Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Rainier, Heather - Her Gentle Giant: Remember to Dance [Divine Creek Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 21

by Heather Rainier

A song started, and another dancer took the stage, this one of medium build with long auburn curls. Her body shimmered as the lights reflected off her body glitter while she danced. She worked her way down the stage and over to their table when the men held paper bills between their fingers.

  She grinned and flirted as she danced, blowing his dad an air kiss as she trailed her hair over his shoulder when she spun over him. He grinned and “mmm-ed” but politely kept his hand gripping a bill at the edge of the stage, flirting back. She did it again, slipping the bill from his grasp in the same move. She paid similar flirtatious attention to all the men as the bills kept coming before dancing her way to the other end of the stage.

  The club had gotten busier, and they were on their second round of drinks when the pretty blonde dancer made her way to their table. “Hello, boys. Did you like my dance?” she asked flirtatiously, slipping her forearm through Ethan’s and sliding her hand over Jack’s shoulder. The men commented positively and slipped her more bills, for which she thanked them kindly.

  “We sure did, sweetheart. What’s your name?” Ethan slipped her a ten as Justin rose from his seat next to Eli and offered it to her. She smiled at him and sat down.

  “My name is Charlotta. I haven’t seen you here before. Where are you all from?”

  “Most of us are from Divine. Can we buy you a drink?” Justin offered when the waitress reappeared. Charlotta nodded and told the waitress what she wanted.

  “I understand there’s a man among you tonight who’s tying the knot soon,” she said, looking up at Justin.

  Justin slapped Eli on the back. “This is Eli, one of the best friends a guy ever had.”

  “Well, congratulations, Eli,” she said in her smooth-as-honey voice.

  Charlotta made conversation with them for several more minutes while she drank her mixed drink as a couple of other girls approached and chatted with the other guys. All of the men were well aware of the rules and did not touch any of the dancers but allowed the women to touch them. Poor Brice had his hands stuck in the pockets of his jeans, like he was afraid he would forget and wind up getting kicked out, but his grin was a mile wide.

  A dancer with platinum blonde hair came and sat in Peter’s lap and began flirting with him. Cool as a cucumber, he grinned and offered to buy her a drink. He chatted with her as if this happened to him every night and twice on Sundays, but he kept his hands resting on the arms of his chair. Wes and Evan were approached by a sexy little dancer with short, black, spiky hair who evidently knew them from previous visits, calling them by name. She offered a lap dance to them, and when they accepted, she led them to a couch along one of the walls not far away.

  Charlotta sat and talked for another minute or two with Eli and Justin about mundane things, telling them that she was student working online toward a degree in psychology. The tips helped to pay bills and tuition.

  The next dance song began, and the tiny little strawberry blonde with shoulder-length curls bobbed out on the stage, dressed in a schoolgirl outfit, dancing to Nickelback’s “Shakin’ Hands.” She danced and flirted with the customers from the stage, revealing her tight little tush as she spun on the pole.

  Dancing to the hard rock beat, she made her way down the stage to the bachelor party, gyrating and dancing for the admiring men. She winked at Charlotta, who grinned conspiratorially as the little blonde popped her top open in Eli’s face, making him grin broadly. She slipped the necktie off and draped it around Eli’s neck and pulled him a little closer as his friends hooted and hollered in encouragement. She gave him a crooked little grin and winked then pecked him on the cheek very lightly, and this time her smile reached her eyes when all he did was wink back and nod appreciatively, handing her a paper bill for her efforts.

  She spun on the pole at their end of the stage, and the men kept the tips coming, assuring her continued attention. Her top came off to loud cheers, revealing her perfect, full breasts, just right for her small size. As the song came to the final chorus, she stripped her schoolgirl skirt off, revealing the pure white G-string underneath. The only other thing she had on were her little white lace anklets and her white schoolgirl high heels. She returned to their end of the stage and thanked the guys and flirted briefly as she collected the tips they gave her. Eli handed her the tie she’d slipped around his neck and a couple of folded bills, thanking her as she blew another kiss to him.

  “That’s Cami. She’s a little sweetie. Thanks for remembering the rules earlier, you know, not touching?” Charlotta added softly to Eli. “A drunken customer pulled her from the stage one night last week while she was dancing. It scared the daylights out of her. We appreciate the men who really are gentlemen. Eli, may I offer you a lap dance?”

  She asked so sweetly, Eli imagined that she never got turned down. He smiled apologetically at her and said, “I’m sorry, Charlotta. I wouldn’t feel right about doing that. My fiancée—”

  Charlotta held up her hand to stop him from apologizing further. She seemed more impressed than rejected by his refusal. “Don’t apologize, Eli. I think it’s sweet of you, but I did have to at least offer. Well, I need to go get ready to dance again. Would you mind if I stopped by your table again in a little while?” she asked as Eli rose from his chair.

  “We’d like that very much, Charlotta. We’ll save your seat,” Justin replied.

  Eli was developing a nice buzz when Cami walked up, bubbly as could be. “Hiya, fellas! How was my dance earlier? Did you like it?” she asked as she smiled up at them. She could not have been more than five feet tall, though her high heels helped. The other men greeted her and slipped her numerous bills, which she tucked in her G-string, thanking them enthusiastically. Eli doubted all of those were ones.

  “Could we buy you a drink?” Eli said, offering her his chair and standing to his full height.

  “Oh, my goodness you’re tall as an oak tree, aren’t you!” she said giggling. “I’d love a drink, thank you.” She sat in Eli’s chair and gave the waitress her order. “So what brings you here tonight? Are you from out of town?”

  A couple more girls who’d finished their dances joined the group, making small talk with the men after ordering a drink.

  “Bachelor party,” Eli said as Jack slapped him on the back. “I’m getting married next Saturday.”

  “Oh! Congratulations! By the way, I’m Cami. So what do you do…” She hesitated.

  “Eli! Sorry, my name is Eli. I’m a bouncer at a club in Divine.”

  “Really? Divine is such a pretty town. What’s the name of the club, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  He told her, and they talked for a few minutes. They asked her if she liked her job, and she said she did most of the time and the money was good. She asked them if they had traveled much and then revealed why she was working in the club.

  “I’m a student right now, but after I graduate in May, I’m taking off for three months to travel through Europe with a couple of friends. I’m dancing three nights a week right now and putting the money I make away for the trip. It’s sort of a last hurrah before settling down in a career.”

  “What’s your major?” Ethan asked, hailing the waitress for another round for the ladies.

  “Thank you. My major is business management. I’d like to have my own nightclub someday. The hours suit me.”

  “Ethan here owns The Dancing Pony in Divine,” Jack said, joining the conversation after the dancer he had been talking to left to go perform on stage.

  As they talked with the girls, they never ignored the dancers who performed on stage, showing their appreciation with their tips. The pace of the conversation was different than in a regular club. The dancers who sat with them allowed them to enjoy the view, spreading the money around, so to speak. Wes and Evan returned to the table and offered the dancer who had just given them both lap dances a drink, which she gladly accepted.

  “Charlotta told us about your scare last week. I’m glad you weren’t injured,” Justin softly remarked
to Cami.

  “Me, too. I guess the poor guy got too drunk and forgot the rules of the club. By the way, thanks, Eli, for remembering them earlier. Your whole group are real sweethearts, and I appreciate the tips.”

  “You’re welcome, Cami.” A few minutes later, when the waitress returned, Eli said, “Buy you another drink?”

  “Sure, I have time for another quick one, and then I’ll need to get back to work. Eli, since this is your bachelor party, could I offer you a lap dance?” Cami asked, her voice silky and seductive as she leaned into him a little. She looked over his shoulder and smiled. Eli looked up and saw Charity standing behind him with a devious grin, holding out her phone to him.

  “A quick phone call for you, sexy.” Eli took the phone and put it tightly to his ear so he could hear.


  He smiled as Rachel said, “Hello, handsome! Are you having a good time?”

  “Yeah! How about you?”

  “None of them compare to you, Eli.” Even over the noise, he could hear the sexy tone she used.

  “Same here, angel.”

  “Eli, listen, I want you to have fun tonight. No regrets, right? I trust you. I want you to let Charlotta and Cami dance for you this evening. I want you to enjoy yourself.”

  “Angel, are you sure? I’m having a good time.”

  “Let them dance for you, but remember when we get home tonight I’m giving you a real lap dance.” He growled into the phone at that thought and heard her giggle. “I love you!”

  “I love you, too, angel.” The connection ended, and he handed the phone to Charity and asked, “What have you been up to?”

  Charity scoffed and rolled her eyes and grinned at him. “You weren’t cooperating with her plan. I had no choice but to call her. I think it made her night when I told her you refused the lap dance from Charlotta.”

  * * * *

  Rachel knew that Eli’s bachelor party was not the typical bachelor party. They had not been turned loose in the strip club to sample the delights of all the women who made their living there. Charity had been along to raise the standard of conduct a little and help form a buffer around Eli.

  The same basic privileges were afforded to her at the other club. Grace had Adam sit right next to Rachel, and though there were a number of dancers, none touched her inappropriately. Once she made the call and talked to Eli, giving him a green light to interact with the two dancers Charity had specifically hired for him, Adam did the same basic thing for Rachel and found two dancers who were conversational, charming, and willing to work within the same parameters.

  No one touched the zippers on her skirt or anything under it, nor were they allowed to touch from the top of her cleavage down, ensuring her breasts were untouched. She had an interesting encounter with one of the two dancers Adam had hired to entertain her personally. He had agreed to the rules, and as he had danced for her, he lifted the silver heart to look at it since it rested well above her cleavage. When he saw a man’s name, he gently turned the tag, and she saw more than just the expected smiling reaction in the dancer’s eyes.

  Later, he gestured to the silver tag on her collar. “For some people, that tag has a powerful message from your fiancé. I take it as an honor to be one of the dancers chosen to entertain you.” He sipped his drink and grinned up at Taylor, her other dancer, as he danced for Rachel from the stage she sat next to.

  Rachel’s curiosity was piqued. “What does it mean to you? I’m sorry, that sounds rude. The collar was a shower gift, but the tag means something special to me. What does it mean to you?” She hoped she didn’t offend him with the blunt question.

  “It means that you are precious and valuable to your fiancé. It’s a way of marking you and warning others off, obviously. It is also significant because you allowed him to display it on you openly like this. You must be deeply in love with him.”

  Rachel’s cheeks tingled with heat, and she said simply, “Soul deep.” She missed Eli very much in that moment.

  “I can see that.”

  Grace and the others were blissfully ignorant of their conversation, busy cheering for Taylor and waving bills to get him to come dance for them. Even her mom was busy flirting and having fun. She smiled at Brandon and thanked him. The conversation was a strangely comfortable moment in the midst of in a sea of erotic and, at times, comical interaction between the women and the dancers.

  “How’s your drink? Are you ready for another?” Brandon asked, once again playing the role of exotic dancer. She had him order another for both of them.

  He peered at her and said, “You’re looking serious and contemplative. I’m sorry if I ruined the sexy bachelorette vibe you had going.”

  “You didn’t, not at all. But you have given me some food for thought.”

  “Well, Rachel, it has been more than a pleasure to serve you and your fiancé tonight. Make sure and tell Eli I was honored,” Brandon said as he rose from his seat. “How about I give you something more…stereotypical to think of for a little while. After all, you are in a strip club. Ready for another lap dance?” he asked with a devilish gleam in his pretty green eyes.

  “Twist my arm, why don’t you?” She enjoyed the attentions of both Brandon and Taylor. They were sexy, sensual, and erotic in their moves and dances without carrying it too far. But she felt an unmistakable camaraderie with Brandon.

  * * * *

  Eli felt his cheeks flush with pleasure that refusing the lap dance meant that much to Rachel.

  Charity grinned widely and continued. “Rachel wants you to have a good time. She wanted me to find two beautiful dancers that looked nothing like her who would work within her parameters but still show you a sexy, good time.”

  “She did, did she? What limitations did she give?” he asked, looking at an impish Cami as she giggled behind her hand before answering him.

  “Basically, we can touch you anywhere except for your hair and your crotch. Everything else is fair game. I like your fiancée. She’s got spunk!”

  “You have no idea.” Eli found it ironic that Rachel’s voice on the phone had gotten him hard when the sexy little thing wearing nothing but a thong and those high heels hadn’t. Maybe the sight of them only affected him when Rachel wore them.

  “Well, now you have no worries, right? You know me and Charlotta will be taking good care of you and that we will keep our hands out of your fiancée’s private territory. Charity said that you receive a lot of unwanted attention from women who come in the club and that Rachel is the jealous type. We know how that is. We both have boyfriends. At least our bouncers keep most of the customers from touching us. You kind of have to take it, don’t you, or lose their business?”

  Eli shrugged. “It’s not as bad since Rachel and I got engaged. She handles it pretty well now and has even made some new friends that way. Most people are pretty decent that come in there.”

  “I’m going to talk to Charlotta about visiting The Dancing Pony sometime. It would be nice to go out to a club and keep my shirt on while I dance with something besides a shiny pole,” she added, chuckling. “Enjoy your drink, and I hope you take me up on the offer of a lap dance. Charlotta is coming on now and then she’ll come sit with you again. You should let Char give you a lap dance. She’s smokin’ hot!” She patted his chest before leaving their group to mingle with the customers.

  Charlotta did a slow, sexy striptease out of a sexy red satin evening gown and gloves to “Santa Baby” sung by Kellie Pickler. She paid special attention to Eli but danced for all the men seated at the stage. Later, she rejoined them at their table, clad in her red satin G-string and red tasseled pasties, thanking all the men as they handed her more folded bills.

  Justin ordered Charlotta a drink, and she chatted with Eli, Justin, and Charity. “You’re fiancée sounds like a lot of fun, Eli. Are you ready for your lap dance?” The other men happened to hear her question and cheered him on, even Peter.

  “Sure,” he said, meeting with shouted approval from
all the men.

  Charlotta rose from her chair and led him to a low bench-like seat located at the end of the stage. She sat him down on the edge. Placing her hands over his on the seat, she said, “Just keep your hands here and let me do the rest, Eli.”

  She leapt onto his thighs, gracefully resting on her shins. Balancing perfectly, she rose up to press her perfumed breasts into his face and began to dance for him, gyrating to the loud music. She slid down onto only one of his thighs and continued to dance for him, sensual and sexy, but she was true to her promise to Rachel and Charity and never once touched his cock or his hair, even accidentally.

  After the dance, she escorted him back to the table and sat in the seat Justin offered while Charity sat in Eli’s at his insistence. Charity saw to it that Charlotta had another drink and slipped her an extra tip for executing the dance without breaking the rules.

  Cami’s next dance started, and they enjoyed watching her shake her tail feathers, this time in a little Christmas Elf costume. She danced to another Christmas song, “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” sung by The Ronettes, and playfully slipped a red and white Santa hat on Eli’s head and kissed his cheek, Cami threw down her best moves for Eli and his table as the smiling men waved money for her to come and collect. She flirted with them enthusiastically before moving down the stage to entertain the other customers. Charlotta chatted with them a while longer then excused herself to go get ready for her last dance. They invited her back for one last drink afterward before it was time for them to go. She happily agreed and excused herself.

  After finishing her dance, Cami returned immediately to their table, clad in her red and white candy-striped thong and stilettos. “Charlotta says we’re going to visit The Dancing Pony some night when we’re both off for the evening and our boyfriends can get away.”

  Charity had a twinkle in her eye. “Cami, why don’t you call me and let me know what night, and I’ll make sure and let the girls know. I have a question for you. Have you ever been asked to give lessons in striptease?”


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