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FOUND: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel

Page 15

by Korin, Scarlet

  Jerome grinned smugly from ear to ear. “No problem, ma'am. It's my pleasure.”

  “My mom always says there are no good people left, but I think she's wrong,” Kaitlin commented, half-talking to herself while turning and putting the cash in the register. What she didn't notice was Jerome's arm snaking down and taking a big handful of my ass. “Want a receipt?”

  “No... I trust you,” Jerome replied to her. “I get the sense that both me and you can tell good people from bad.”

  “Sure.” She smiled to both of us. “Thank you both. Make sure you have a nice day.”

  “Bye,” I half-whispered. Sweat must have been dripping from my brow.

  “I will. I will,” Jerome beamed contentedly in the knowledge of what he had gotten away with.

  I headed to the exit with Jerome slowly following me. Outside my eyes went straight for Boyd's Harley, which stood at the other side of the lot to my left. All I could think of was to try and distract him and hope he would miss the obvious. I stopped abruptly in front of him and acted confused trying to point him away from the bike. “Where's your car?”

  He kissed his teeth annoyed. “I told you. It's round the corner. You stupid or deaf?”

  I smiled when he stepped past me. So much for being stupid. My distraction worked to perfection.

  Jerome kept in line with my pace while we made our way to his Escalade. Stationed around the other side of the building, it was hidden from my view when I parked.

  “Get in,” he ordered.

  I took my seat on the passenger side. His gun was out again by the time he sat down next to me. Not speaking, he drove out of the parking lot and back onto the main road. We were quickly traveling up the highway and along Death Valley Road.

  ~ Chapter Twenty ~

  “I tell you, bitch,” Jerome told me as he drove recklessly back into the desert. “I'm going to get it out of you soon. I don't know what you've done, but you've been up to something... You couldn't have hitchhiked. Not in this heat...”

  Throughout the journey I kept my lips sealed. I stuck to a story that the chains in the basement broke loose and I managed to walk up the trail before being spotted by some tourists on their way to Barstow who dropped me off in Baker to find my own way home. He didn't buy it, but at the same time he wasn't frothing at the mouth. In his head I assumed the thought that he may have lucked out in finding me won over. It certainly explained the egotistical smile on his lips the entire journey.

  “...I tell you what, nothing like this will be happening again. Ever. This time you're down there for good. At least... until I can reason with you again.”

  I eyeballed the barrel of his gun. Gripped in his hand and against the wheel it had pointed at me from the moment we left. “Is that what you call reason? Pointing that thing at me?”

  He spat out of the open window next to him. “You be acting like a ho, I treat you like a ho. To be honest I'm starting to wonder if you'll never stop acting up.”

  “Jerome, get it into your head. I'll never be yours again. You destroyed any feelings I still had for you when you smashed my face in Crenshaw and gunned that cop down.”

  His pleased smirk only grew. “We'll see... we'll see. I like a challenge.”

  Jerome pressed down his foot on the accelerator and we sped ever closer to Virgil's place. The sun was setting and the colors filling the Death Valley sky were a mixture of breathtaking blues, purples and reds. If I wasn't in this situation I would have called it beautiful.

  “What's the time?” I asked. The clock in Jerome's car died months back.

  He quickly glanced at his watch, “Six. Why you ask?”

  “I want to catch one of my soap operas.”

  “Shit... you one funny bitch.”

  I wasn't annoyed by his threatening tone. My mind was preoccupied trying to piece together when the MC would be arriving at the house to meet Boyd. They were coming a long way from Midnight, but since I set off this afternoon a lot of time had already passed. Boyd said to expect him in Barstow for nightfall. For all I knew, with the sun setting, Jerome could be driving into a club meeting. One in which he was the first order of the day. Hopefully. It didn't take away all of my anxiety from being in a car with a psycho, though it sure helped.

  Five miles out Virgil's pad came into view. I craned my neck out of the window to catch any sign of Boyd. If he, or the MC, were around they certainly weren't letting on.

  “What you doing woman?”

  I straightened myself up. “Taking in the view. Thought I saw some horses in the hills.”

  “Horses? Who wants to see horses? The only good thing up here are the rattlesnakes. I love me some snakes.”

  His affinity with rattlesnakes didn't surprise me. He was filled with as much cold blood and venom as the worst of them.

  The path that led to the house was narrow, long and could barely be called a road. It didn't take long for us to get up there. Coming into view it was as still as the desert.

  “Ready to cook when you back?” Jerome asked the second we pulled up out front. “I got dinner piled up in the trunk. You can make us something good.”

  “Cook it yours---”

  “FUCK!” Jerome screamed.

  A huge bang had rang outside, followed by a ping against the front of his Escalade.

  “What the fuck was that?” He shouted while half-outside of the car. “One of the tires gone?”

  Again the loud blast exploded through the air. Instantly I realized that Boyd must be firing potshots at the car.

  “Oh shit! Oh shit!” Jerome, understanding too, dived back inside the car and next to me. “Gunshots! Motherfucking gunshots! What the fuck?”

  Fighting to get through his weight, I screamed, “Boyd! Boyd! I'm in the car.”

  “You mother fucking whore!” Jerome hissed and drove an elbow straight down into my chest. He stuck his hand through the opening and fired shots – at least four - randomly at the house. The curse words poured from his mouth with each pull of the trigger.

  In reply, another bullet shot out from the house, this time taking out the windscreen, and Jerome dived low into the car with me. The glass above was cracked into a million and one pieces. Temporary silence swallowed the scene. All I heard was the beating of my heart and the desperation of Jerome's breath.

  Then the silence broke.

  “Young! It's Boyd Vendrell! Let Cassie go and step away from the car. There's still a chance we can do this without bloodshed if you play your cards right! You don't need to get her involved,” he shouted as loud as his lungs could.

  “You wrecked my goddamn car mother fucker!” Jerome snarled again, jumping upright and firing off more shots at the house. He swung his arm furiously without any desire to aim. “You gonna die punk!”

  Another bullet fired and the whole of Jerome's weight was back on top of me while he hid from the assault. It was a warning shot. Boyd sent it over the car's roof.

  “Think, Young! Think! That's a powerful gun you got there, but how many shots have you got left? You had what, nine in that chamber? Come out and we can talk!”

  “Shit,” Jerome seethed between his teeth realizing he had been too careless with his bullets.

  “Come on... I've got a few clips on me. Is the same true for you? Let her go, come out and I give you my word of honor that we can talk! You owe my club a lot of money, but if we can fix this without you hurting her I'm willing to let you walk.”

  Honestly, I would like to say I am brave and tough in a crisis, but the second the bullets began shooting my eyes were locked tight and I was as useless as a newborn. From my head to my toes I was petrified. All logical thought left me. All I considered was hiding and survival.

  Though when Jerome heard Boyd's plea to let me go he instantly brought me back to reality and the middle of the situation. Jerome took a fistful of my hair and, sliding out of the car, dragged me with him.

  “Let her go!” Boyd's voice urged from an unseen position in the house.

; “Vendrell! Where the fuck are you? You like this? I got her... I got a gun against her blond head. You like that? How does that make you feel?” Jerome pushed me against the car and shook me like a rag doll. He nearly ripped out my roots.

  “Let her be! This has got nothing to do with her. Let her go and we can talk civilized!”

  The tears welled in my eyes. “Please. Listen Jerome. Listen”

  “Bitch be quiet!” He screamed, slamming my head down into the car and then jamming the gun to my temple. “You no use to me anymore whore! Now Vendrell! Listen up! You got two choices. Throw down your weapon, get your ass out here and I'll let her free. Or stay where you are and I put a bullet in her whore-ass head!”

  Bent over the car I stared inside the house and trembled as I waited for Boyd's reply. Death knocked on my door, though the last thing I wanted was for him to willing toss himself to the lions.

  “Well, punk? What's it to be?” Shouted Jerome. “She mean that much to you?”


  “OK! OK! I'll do as you say,” Boyd called out, his voice nearing. “You win Young... I'll come out, but don't you hurt her!”

  I may have been a scared lamb, but in my mind's eye I saw exactly what was going to happen next. Boyd was stepping into danger because of me, and Jerome wasn't to be trusted. I screamed like a banshee, “Don't! Don't come out! Don't trust him!”

  “Shut it!” Jerome slammed his arm into my back.

  “OK, OK!” Boyd called. “I'm walking out!”

  I peered over the car and saw him appearing through the front door. In his left hand he held up his gun dangling on a fingertip, in the other he carried two clips. Walking out onto the dust in his big leather boots he moved slowly and with control, stepping without fear. Behind the house the sun was setting and the day's heat gently ebbed away with a gust of wind that blew through his hair.

  “Toss 'em!” Jerome belted out, his body shaking with fury. “Throw it all to me!”

  Instantaneously the gun and both clips were thrown over the car and behind. Boyd was left standing defenseless out in the open.

  “Boyd!” I yelled while Jerome pulled my fighting body around the car and towards the house. “Run! Run! Fucking run!”

  But he didn't. Boyd stood, as fixed as an oak tree, in that Death Valley plain. He raised his hands up and insisted, “Now let her go, Young. She needn't be part of this!”

  I scratched Jerome's hands with my nails as he choked me with his forearm in a hold I couldn't escape. He held the gun to the back of my head with us situated only five feet from Boyd. The light may have been falling and Death Valley darkening, but his bright blue eyes were focused on mine.

  “I tell you what,” Jerome chuckled through his words, “You're too easy. Drop your gun for some two-bit whore? Just 'cause you got a hard on for her since you were a kid? That's fucking stupid.”

  Boyd held his stance. “It's the right thing to do. You and me live this kind of life. She doesn't.”

  Jerome's chuckling turned into full blown shriek. “She a ho. I know that. She nothing! And she'll never be more than a nothing bitch ho!”

  Suddenly, after seven long years together, what he thought of me came into stark focus. For years - even with all the shit I took - I had been loyal and devoted to him, yet a ho is all he viewed me as. Deep down.

  Jerome might have lost it when I made it clear we were through, but it was all due to him losing face rather than any feelings he felt towards me. I'd broken his image of how he wanted his woman to be, and he couldn't handle the reality. Me telling him we were done was an attack on his identity. I kicked out his sandcastle of him being a powerful man who should be submitted to at all times. After that all the only thing left was for him was to explode.

  “Let her go, Young,” Boyd urged, “I've given you what you demanded. It's time you follow through.”

  Jerome lowered his head and whispered into my ear, “Watch this bitch.”

  His Desert Eagle swung from the side of my head and aimed directly at Boyd.

  “No! Don't---” My pleading words were broken by the firing of Jerome's gun. Once again, tearing its way through the world.

  The bullet struck Boyd straight in the center of his chest. His hand reached to his chest and he coughed. Taking step forward, almost like he was falling, he recovered before collapsing back into the dust. It swept up around him, almost obscuring him.

  “Boyd!” I screamed with the thud of his weight hitting the ground.

  My heart drummed. My emotions rocked. I was sick the the depths of my stomach. The same as the cop on the road, Jerome murdered without a second thought. Boyd – the only reminder of a happy past I left behind.

  But this time I didn't freeze. Hatred and anger charged through me. Adrenaline kicked in and I fought like a caged beast.

  “Shit! Bitch! What the hell?” Jerome stammered shocked while trying to keep hold of my battling body.

  Worse than any cornered animal, I tore at his arm with my nails and drew blood while my legs kicked back at his shins harder than any thoroughbred horse.

  “Fuck!” He groaned in pain completely overwhelmed.

  My teeth sank into the forearm and his gun instantly he dropped it to the floor. A knee, backed by everything I possessed, to his balls sent him reeling in agonized pain. All conscious thought left me. I attacked completely with instinct.

  When I came to, I was standing above his prone body. This time his gun was in my hands.

  “Fuck! Cassie! Fuck!” Jerome begged raising an open palm towards me. “Goddamn that hurt. Now easy, baby, easy! You don't know what you're doing with my gun. Put it down before you have an accident.”

  I gazed down the sight – the metal lining up with his forehead. My shaking hands clutched tight and strained to keep it steady. Appearing below me, Jerome's face was a mask of horror. His eyes struggled to believe what they were seeing.

  “Cassie... Cassie! What are you doing? What are you thinking?”

  “You bastard... You fucking bastard!”

  “Come on baby, come on baby. Point that away,” he coaxed while edging himself backwards. His suit covered by the desert.

  “You killed him!” I sobbed. “You killed him just like that... He would have kept his word. I know him... Even after the shit you did he would have let you go. He would have stuck to his word... I know him...”

  “Maybe... maybe not.”

  “Stay still!” I demanded at the first sign of him attempting to stand. “Don't you dare move!”

  “OK! OK baby. Whatever you say. Just point that gun away. I'm your man. We shouldn't be fighting like this.”

  Tears trickled down my cheeks. “You... You killed him!”

  “I... I had to. He would have done the same to me. You gotta understand, baby.”

  “No! He gave up his gun! He would have talked things through with you. He's a man of his word! I know Boyd. He's exactly the same now as he was when he was a kid!” My crying may have almost blinded me, but it didn't stop what I needed to say.

  Jerome trembled. “Come on Cassie... baby. Let's talk about this. Put the gun down and let's talk.”

  “What? Like you agreed to do with him?”

  “There's one shot in that gun. Come on now, Cassie. You're gonna miss. You know it, I know it... I'll let you stop now before I get really angry with you.”

  “No!” I paced to within a couple of feet from him. “I'm not going to miss!”

  He sneered at me, his light expression completely changing to darkness in a heartbeat. “You ain't got it in you to pull the trigger! You're the same scared whore as when I found you in that strip club...”

  In the past cruel words from him would have broken my spirit. But not right then. They only urged me on.

  “...Bitch! You ain't got the guts. You think you can---”

  I screamed with years of frustration shattering out from my lungs. I pulled the trigger in rapid succession, firing straight down into the ground where Jerome sprawled. The
first shot rang out, yet after that I was left only clicking.

  I fell back to the floor staring at the smoke lifting from the barrel of Jerome's Desert Eagle. I knew the shot had connected.

  Right then the only thing on my mind was Boyd. I tossed away the gun and ran to where he lay. Flat on his back, with both of his arms thrown against the ground, he looked frozen in time. Almost like an atomic bomb had dropped and stopped him in the middle of his life.

  “Boyd... Boyd...”

  Crouched down next to him, I cradled his head in my arms. My tears trickling down onto his cut.

  “Boyd... You can't be dead... Boyd... Wake up. Please wake up... Those days we spent as kids were the happiest in my life. You can't go... I've only just found you again.”

  I embraced him, my tears falling down on his face.

  “Cass...” The words slipped from his mouth softly.

  “Boyd... Boyd! Talk to me... Focus on me. Don't die. Please don't die...”

  “Cassie...” A tilt of his head urged me closer. “The...”

  “What is it? What are you trying to say?”

  “The vest...” He coughed, his lungs struggling for air. Groaning he took a handful of his white t-shirt and raised it up. Underneath, wrapped tightly around his chest was a black bulletproof vest with Jerome's bullet driven into the center of his heart. Its metal was hot and faintly sending a smoke trail upwards.

  I couldn't believe it. He was going to be alright.

  When we were kids Boyd and me were inseparable and that remembered loyalty was enough for him to risk a bullet for me. No one. Not anyone in this world has ever risked or given me as much as he just did.

  More tears burst forth from me, but this time they were tears of joy. As quickly as they came, I felt Boyd's arms link around me.

  “Was that you firing the shot?” He asked. “You got him?”

  I nodded into him, burrowing my head into his vest.


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