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Virtuous Page 24

by M. S. Force

  “That would be nice.” I can’t yet conceive of how this life he has in mind for us would work, but I don’t need to figure that out now, not when there’s a red carpet to walk on the arm of the man I’ve fallen in love with.

  A roar from the crowd gathered outside the hotel greets Flynn when he emerges from the limo. He reaches for me and helps me out before he waves to acknowledge the fans.

  “We love you, Flynn!”

  He smiles and waves some more before we proceed toward the hotel, stopping to chat with TV reporters.

  One of them, a willowy blonde, greets him with a kiss on his cheek. “We’re here with Golden Globe nominee Flynn Godfrey. How are you feeling tonight, Flynn?”

  “I feel great. It’s always nice to be nominated by the Hollywood Foreign Press.”

  While he talks to her, I stand by his side, taking it all in as stars I recognize from TV and movies walk by. I try not to stare like the awkward newbie I am, but it isn’t easy.

  “We’re hearing that this is going to be your year. Anything to say to that?”

  “I’ve had a great year. No matter what happens tonight or in the next couple of weeks, I have no complaints.”

  “Who’s with you tonight?”

  “My parents are here somewhere, and this is my friend Natalie.”

  “Nice to meet you, Natalie.”

  “You, too.”

  “Who are you wearing tonight, Natalie?”

  “Gucci Couture.”

  “Well, good luck to you tonight, Flynn. We’ll be pulling for you.”

  “Thanks, Debra. Nice to see you.”

  Reporters covering the red carpet stop us four more times, each of them asking similar questions. The last one tries to get Flynn to spill the details about us, but he deflects with his usual brand of charm and humor. As we walk away from him, I can tell Flynn is annoyed.

  “Sorry about that,” he says.

  “It’s fine. You handled it perfectly.”

  “They think they have some sort of right to the details of my private life just because my job is public.”

  “Oh my God,” I whisper. “There’s Johnny Depp!”

  His low rumble of laughter wipes the tension from his face. “Do I need to be jealous?”

  “Not at all, but that’s Johnny Depp.” I sure do wish I could share this night with my sisters, who would never believe the people I’m seeing in person. It’s the who’s who of Hollywood, all in one place. And I’m right in the middle of it wearing Gucci Couture and dripping in diamonds on the arm of Flynn Godfrey, who loves me. Someone please pinch me so I’ll know this is really happening.

  Flynn waves Johnny over, and they do the man-hug routine. “This is my girlfriend, Natalie. She’s a big fan.”

  To my profound surprise, Johnny Depp hugs me, too. I’m going to faint. Seriously. I’m not sure which is more exciting—meeting Johnny Depp or hearing Flynn introduce me as his girlfriend.

  “That’s long enough,” Flynn growls when Johnny shows no sign of ending the hug.

  “He’s a buzz killer, eh, love?” Johnny asks.

  “Um, in this one particular case, yes, he is.”

  The two men laugh and shake hands before Johnny kisses my cheek. “You’re a lucky man, Godfrey. Good luck tonight.”

  “Thanks, Johnny. See you inside.”

  “That was the second-coolest thing that’s ever happened to me,” I tell Flynn when we continue on our way into the hotel.

  “Dare I ask what took first place?”

  “Meeting you, of course.”

  “That’s a very good answer, sweetheart.”

  “You called me your girlfriend just now.”

  “Did I?”

  “You know you did.”

  “I must really love you to be telling people you’re my girlfriend.” He puts his arm around me and kisses my temple.

  I feel like I’m floating through a dream as we walk into a massive ballroom filled to overflowing with Hollywood’s glitterati. Everywhere I look, I see someone I recognize, and in many cases, people I’ve admired most of my life. It’s surreal in every sense of the word.

  Flynn is greeted warmly by everyone, and it’s obvious he’s well liked by his peers, most of whom wish him well tonight. He introduces me to everyone as Natalie, just Natalie. When Meryl Streep compliments my dress, I’m so tongue-tied I can barely squeak out a thank-you.

  We’re seated up front with the other nominees. As producers on the nominated film Camouflage, Marlowe Sloane and Hayden Roth are at our table. I haven’t forgotten the way Hayden talked to me the day we met, but he seems slightly less scary in a tuxedo with his mane of dark brown hair combed into submission. He’s every bit as handsome as Flynn, but I don’t feel a shred of attraction to him. First impressions are lasting, and he’s going to have to work really hard to convince me he’s worth my time.

  Marlowe hugs me like we’re old friends and raves over my dress. She’s in white, which is offset by the light tan from yesterday. Her long red hair has been gathered into an elaborate updo, and she’s glowing from excitement.

  “This is going to be a big night for Quantum, boys,” she says. “I can feel it in my bones.”

  Flynn scowls at her. “Shut up, Mo. You’re going to jinx us.”

  She rolls her eyes at him. “It’s too late to change the outcome now, so calm yourself.”

  Flynn glares at her as he knocks on the tabletop.

  I love that he’s superstitious and doesn’t take anything for granted. That underlying humbleness is one of his most attractive qualities.

  The show begins with great fanfare as Tina Fey and Amy Poehler take the stage to welcome everyone. I wonder if Leah has seen us on TV yet, and my belly flutters at the thought of how many millions of people are watching at home. The ladies are hysterical as they roast the nominees.

  “And check out Flynn Godfrey,” Tina says disdainfully. “They finally did something about his chronic ugliness. I mean, really, how can someone so ugly be such a huge star?”

  My heart stops at the mean-spirited commentary until I realize Flynn is cracking up laughing next to me.

  “And that smile,” Amy adds. “So gross, right?”

  “Ugh,” Tina says. “How anyone can kiss that face. It’s truly a face only his mother could love.”

  Estelle Flynn’s laughing face appears on the screen, and the entire theater joins in as she blows a kiss.

  Flynn shakes his head at the two women, who are congratulating each other on their successful bit.

  I’m not quite sure what comes over me when I lean over to kiss his “ugly” face. I realize the whole theater saw it on the big screen when their applause nearly deafens me. Flynn gifts me with a huge smile that tells me I did exactly the right thing.

  The evening takes off from there with award after award, touching acceptance speeches and musical entertainment. I’m dazzled by the gowns, the gems, the gorgeous women and the handsome men.

  I can feel Flynn’s body tightening with tension as we get closer to his category—best actor in a motion picture, drama. He leaves me only for a few minutes to present the best screenplay award with Marlowe. They are greeted with enthusiastic applause as they take the stage.

  Watching them together, I’m struck by what a gorgeous couple they would make. The same chemistry they’ve demonstrated time and again on the big screen is readily apparent as they banter their way through the award presentation.

  He returns during the next commercial break, stopping along the way to shake hands with friends. The stage managers call for quiet as we return from the commercial to the segment that will include Flynn’s category.

  I reach for his hand and cradle it between both of mine.

  He gives me a squeeze and a smile that tells me he appreciates my support. I want him to win so badly, my stomach is filled with nervous butterflies.

  Finally, it’s time, and Dustin Hoffman takes the stage to announce the nominees for best actor in a motion picture, drama.
When I hear Flynn’s name called, it takes a second to sink in that he actually won. Oh my God, he won! And then he’s leaning over to kiss me before heading for the stage.

  I’m on my feet clapping and crying and hugging Marlowe, who is also crying.

  “About fucking time,” she says for my ears only.

  The applause goes on long enough that Flynn finally calls an end to it by beginning to speak.

  “Thank you to the Hollywood Foreign Press for this incredible honor.” He pauses for a look at the slim marble pedestal with the golden globe on top and shakes his head as if in disbelief. “I’m really proud of the work we did on Camouflage, and I want to thank the injured servicemen and women at Walter Reed who were so gracious in sharing their stories with us.” From memory, Flynn lists each of them by name and rank, drawing resounding applause. “I owe my sincere thanks to the entire team at Quantum as well as my personal team.” The only names I recognize on the long list of people he mentions are Addie and his publicist, Liza. “I’d be remiss if I didn’t express my profound thanks to Max Godfrey and Estelle Flynn. I’d be nothing without them, and I love them and my annoying sisters with all my heart. Ian, India, Ivy, Connor, Mason and Garrett—Uncle Flynn loves you. Now go to bed. I want to thank Natalie for being here tonight and for changing my life so completely.”

  He blows me a kiss that brings new tears to my eyes.

  “Finally, we’re all deeply indebted to the servicemen and women and their families who sacrifice so much so the rest of us can live in peace and prosperity. Please don’t ever miss a chance to thank them for all they do or to give a veteran a job. It’s the least we can do for what they do for us. Thank you again for this amazing award.”

  We’re on our feet again, cheering as he leaves the stage, and then Marlowe is hugging me and squealing with excitement. “I’m so damned happy for him. He is long overdue. You know what this means, don’t you?”


  “He’s the frontrunner for the Oscar now.”

  “Oh my God, that’s crazy.” I wonder how I’ll ever stand the suspense of waiting to hear if he’s nominated for an Oscar and then to know if he wins.

  He’s already told me he’ll be gone awhile if he wins tonight, so Marlowe, Hayden and I settle back into our seats to enjoy the last few awards of the evening. Flynn returns to the stage a short time later and is joined by Marlowe and Hayden and the cast of Camouflage to accept the award for best motion picture, drama.

  Hayden does the talking this time, thanking the Hollywood Foreign Press as well as the Quantum team and everyone involved in the making of the film. “Flynn, my oldest and dearest friend, you were beyond amazing in this film. You were our heart and soul, and I can’t thank you enough for everything you did to keep me sane during the shoot.”

  Flynn pats his friend on the back. He’s glowing with pleasure at seeing their hard work rewarded.

  The show comes to an end, and I’m beginning to wonder what I should do, when Flynn comes for me, taking me by the hand and leading me backstage to be with him for the press interviews. Before we proceed to the pressroom, he takes me into a dark corner of the stage and hugs me.

  I wrap my arms around him, overcome with the emotion of the moment—the thrill, the excitement, the pride.

  He takes a deep breath that he releases slowly, and I suspect it may be his first deep breath of the day.

  “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thank you for being here with me.” He punctuates his words with a sweet kiss that makes my head spin with the pleasure and connection I share with him.

  “Let’s get this press shit over with so we can party.”

  “I’m with you.”

  He tucks my hand into his arm. “Yes, you are.”

  Every reporter asks about me, but he deftly dodges the questions and keeps the focus on the film.

  An hour later, we’re finally free to leave for the parties, which are epic and packed with celebrities. Everywhere I look, I see another famous face. Flynn is an attentive date, introducing me to everyone, including Elton John, making sure my glass is never empty and that I get some food. Though the party we’re currently at is insanely crowded, a table is made available for us so we can sit and have something to eat.

  “What a night,” I say to him when we’re alone for the first time. My legs and feet are aching from standing so long in heels.

  “It’s so much better because you’re here.”

  “I loved being here, and I couldn’t be more excited if I’d won the award myself.”

  “We’ve got to make an appearance at two more parties, and then we’re out of here. Okay?”

  “Whatever you want. It’s your night. I’m just along for the ride.”

  He smiles and kisses me right there in front of everyone.

  I’ve never been happier in my life than I am in that moment.

  Chapter 21

  What a night. Only now that I have the statue in hand can I admit to myself how badly I wanted it. And having Natalie with me to share in the magical evening only makes it that much sweeter. Liza has been texting me relentlessly, wanting to know more about Natalie, who made herself into a star with the kiss after Tina and Amy’s good-natured ribbing.

  Everyone wants to know who she is and what she means to me after I further “outed” us during my acceptance speech. But I stick to the script and decline to answer questions about her or us. I instruct Liza to do the same and tell her to stop texting me and go have a drink.

  She’s not amused.

  We finally meet up with my parents at the third party, and they’re thrilled with my big win. They greet Natalie with hugs and treat her like she’s already a member of our family. I love them for that and a million other things. I love that I’ve made them proud, which has always been so important to me.

  The four of us spend an hour together celebrating and getting drunk on champagne. I’ve never seen Natalie so excited and animated. She’s loving every second of her big night in Hollywood, and it’s thrilling to watch her reactions to every new person she meets.

  I wanted to claw out Johnny Depp’s bedroom eyes when he hugged my girl for a little too long before, a reaction I’m not proud of in hindsight. He’s a friend and didn’t do anything wrong. But I hate that Natalie finds him attractive. And yes, I know that’s totally unreasonable because most women—including all three of my sisters—think he’s irresistible.

  As the clock strikes two a.m., my mother decides she’s had enough. “Take me home, Max.”

  “As you wish, my love.” He winks at me. “And that, right there, is the secret to a long and happy marriage.”

  They offer to drop us back at The Beverly Hilton, where I’ve booked a two-bedroom suite for the night. In light of my colorful dreams the last couple of nights, I plan to make use of that second room. I can’t sleep next to her and not touch her. I’m not made of stone.

  While we wait for my dad’s driver to bring their car around, I discover I’m more than a little drunk and Natalie isn’t in much better shape. She’s leaning into me with a sort of reckless abandon that I find wildly attractive. Who am I kidding? Everything she does is wildly attractive to me.

  And my parents are tuned in to the connection between us. I’ve noticed them watching us with barely restrained glee. They know this is different as much as I do.

  Dad’s driver pulls up to the main door of The Beverly Hilton. They get out to kiss us both good night.

  “Proud of you, son,” my dad says gruffly as he hugs me.

  His praise brings tears to my eyes. “Thanks, Dad.”

  “And Natalie, you look positively gorgeous tonight,” Max says when he hugs her. “I hope we see you again very soon.”

  “I hope so, too, Mr. Godfrey.”

  “Max. Please call me Max.”

  “Thank you, Max.”

  We hug and kiss my mom and wave them off as they leave. I take Natalie’s hand and lead her into the lobby, which is still full of peopl
e even in the middle of the night. I’m waylaid by well-wishers and requests for autographs, which I take care of quickly so I can get Natalie upstairs.

  We have the elevator to ourselves, so I sag against the back wall and she sags against me. I wrap my arms around her waist and nuzzle her neck.

  “My feet are killing me. I haven’t worn four-inch heels in, well, ever.”

  “I’ll give you a foot rub.”

  She groans in anticipation, and that quickly, I’m rock hard.

  “You were the most beautiful woman in that room tonight.”

  “Sure I was,” she says with a laugh.

  “You’re the only one I noticed.” I hold up the award that hasn’t been out of my hands all night. “Hang on to this for me?”


  I love her gasp of surprise when I sweep her up into my arms and carry her down the long hallway to our suite.

  “Flynn… What’re you doing?”

  “Your feet hurt. I’m just giving you a lift. Can you grab the keycard out of my shirt pocket?”

  She roots around inside my suit coat until she finds the key, which she hands to me with a goofy smile.

  “You’re drunk.”

  “I’m not drunk. I’m pleasantly buzzed.”

  I put her down outside the door and use the keycard to gain entry. She goes in ahead of me, and I love her reaction to the elegant suite. “This is awesome!”

  “I’m glad you like it. You’ll find your bag in that room.” I point to the larger of the two rooms, which I’ve designated as hers. Addie has seen to all the details, as always.

  Natalie kicks off her shoes and groans again from the relief of being free of the shoes. That groan of hers is an incredible turn-on. “Will you unzip me?”

  I cross the room to her, where she stands before the window that looks out over Beverly Hills and Hollywood in the distance. I find the zipper tab under her right arm and ease it down below her hip, nearly drooling at the sight of the silky, smooth skin that comes into view as the dress falls open.

  I’m unable to resist temptation, which is how my right hand ends up encircling her ribs. Her head comes back to rest upon my shoulder. “Flynn…”


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