Best Served Cold

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Best Served Cold Page 2

by Rebecca Deel

  He ignored the speed limit as he followed the asphalt ribbon into Nashville. At 3:58, he parked in the garage across the street from the hospital’s emergency entrance.

  Nate locked the SUV with his gear inside. After checking the room number Deke texted him, he crossed to the emergency entrance and navigated the maze of halls to Stella’s floor. A few medical personnel passed him. Each looked at him with questions in their eyes, but no one stopped him. A U.S. marshal stood outside her door.

  When he approached the marshal, the man’s hand shifted to rest over his weapon. Nate slowed as he neared the guard. “I’m Nate Armstrong. I’m reaching into my pocket for ID.”

  The sharp-eyed man nodded, hand still resting on his weapon. With slow, deliberate moves, Nate removed his wallet. The marshal examined his ID before allowing him entrance to the room.

  A ball of ice formed in his stomach as he noted the lack of security aside from the marshal. A hallway exit close to Stella’s room. Storage closet nearby. He wanted Stella out of here so he could protect her better. Nate knew in his gut the perp wasn’t finished with the lady marshal.


  Nate tapped on the door and nudged it open. Inside the room, Deke surged to his feet, weapon in hand. He relaxed when he recognized Nate. Crossing the room, he met Nate at the door.

  “She’s been asleep for two hours. The doctor said she would leave the hospital this afternoon.”


  “Slight concussion, bruising around the throat where he choked her, bruised ribs.” Stella’s partner hesitated.

  Nate’s muscles tightened. “Tell me.”

  “He punched her in the face and kicked her in the ribs hard enough to throw her against the wall.”

  Rage boiled in Nate’s gut. “And that caused the concussion.”

  “She’s lucky he didn’t break her jaw or shatter her cheekbone.”

  “Durango’s going after this guy, Deke.”

  The other man stiffened. “The marshals protect their own.”

  “You have to abide by the law.”

  “And you don’t?”

  “No one comes after my girlfriend without repercussions.”

  “Don’t forget one of your teammates is a cop. Don’t make him choose between his job and his unit.”

  “Go home and rest, Deke. I’m taking Stella to the cabin to recuperate when she’s released.”

  “The local cops will want access to her, as will the marshals. She’s the only witness.”

  “My priority is Stella. You’ll have access on my terms and on ground I control.”

  The marshal blew out a frustrated breath. “Keep in contact with me. She’s my partner and my friend.”

  “What we know, you’ll know.” Eventually. Josh wasn’t the only one with a badge. Deke might need plausible deniability.

  A sharp glance from the marshal conveyed his displeasure that Nate’s version of sharing intel wouldn’t match up with his own. Too bad if Deke didn’t like it. Nate’s first priority was Stella’s recovery and safety.

  Deke gave a salute and left.

  He wouldn’t apologize or change his mind. Nothing mattered to him more than Stella. Steeling himself, Nate walked toward the hospital bed. He flinched. Despite the dim illumination, he had no trouble seeing her swollen, discolored jaw and cheek. Oh, man. Deke was right. She was lucky her jaw wasn’t broken. He swallowed hard, battling the fury swamping his emotions. Whoever attacked Stella better hope the marshals got to him first.

  Nate picked up the chair Deke left at the foot of the bed and moved it close to the side where he could see the door and be closer to her. He covered her hand with his, grateful she was alive. For long minutes, he watched her breathe, alert to the occasional foot traffic in the hall.

  An hour after he arrived, Stella stirred.

  He tightened his grip on her hand. “You’re safe, sweetheart.”

  Her eyelids fluttered. “Nate?”

  “Right here.”

  “You came.”

  “I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

  She moaned. “I didn’t want you to see me like this.”

  He brushed strands of dark hair away from her bruised cheek. “You always look beautiful to me.”

  A tear trickled down her face.

  Nate’s heart squeezed. “Don’t cry, baby. I can’t take it.”

  “Delta men are tough.”

  “Except when it comes to their women. Have you seen Josh and Alex lately? Their wives have them wrapped around their fingers. How do you feel, Stella?”

  “Like a truck ran over me.”

  “Deke says you’ll be released today.”

  “I can’t go home, Nate. Crime scene.”

  “We’re going to the cabin.”

  “The cabin? Wait. You’re staying?”

  Did she not want him to stay? His gut clenched. “I’m not leaving you. Rio and Quinn are here, too. We’ll help you heal, then we’re going hunting.”

  “I’m a cop,” she said, her voice raspy and sharp.

  “A great injured cop. Let me help, baby. I can’t sit on the sidelines, and Durango thinks of you as part of the team.”

  She studied his face. “What about you? Do you think of me as a teammate?”

  “Don’t you know? You’re much more than a teammate to me. You’re mine to protect and care for, Stella.” He lifted her hand and kissed the back of her fingers. “You matter to me. Let me take care of you and help you heal. When you’re ready, we’ll help you track this guy down.”

  “I can handle it on my own.”

  “I’m not questioning your skill. Stella, we’re dating. I have a personal stake in tracking this guy. Would your behavior be different if I were the one in the hospital?”

  She turned her head away from him.

  Nate’s heart clenched. Maybe she was angry with him or felt he was too possessive. “Stella?”

  “You would have fought back and taken him down.” Her voice sounded choked.

  “I’m not Superman. I’ve been laid out flat plenty of times. Your thug had the advantage of surprise and body mass.”

  “I’m well trained, Nate.”

  “So am I and still I’ve taken my share of pounding over the years. No matter how good we are, someone is better. That’s why we train and learn from others.”

  From the corridor, the sounds of the hospital coming to life filtered through the door. Nate knew the nursing staff would soon begin the morning routine for their patients and deliver breakfast.

  His lip curled. Less than appetizing cuisine. He couldn’t wait to ply Stella with fresh food. She needed food rich in nutrients to help her heal faster. To spoil his girl was a pleasure he didn’t have often.

  “When did you return stateside?”

  “Two days ago. I planned to call tonight.” He grinned. “I’ll wait a few days before I ask you out on a date.”

  “Unless you want me to scare little kids or make people think you’re the one who bruised me, it’s best I stay out of sight.”

  “Gives me more time with you.” Nate kissed her, conscious of her bruises. Time enough later for serious kisses. “I missed you, sweetheart.” More than she knew. Dating Stella long distance grew harder as the weeks passed. If their relationship progressed on its current path, he and Stella would have decisions to make in the near future. If the lady marshal was in this relationship as deep as he was.

  Her hand brushed his jaw. “I’m glad you returned safe. Are the rest of the guys okay?”

  “They’re fine. Got intense there for a while.”

  “I recognize an understatement when I hear one.”

  “One of the other Fortress operatives took a bullet in the side. Rio says he’ll recover.”

  “Other than that, your mission was successful?”

  “Rescued the lady and brought everybody home in one piece.” A definite success in his book.

  A knock on the door brought Nate to his feet. He moved between Stella and
the door. A blond-haired man poked his head around the door and flashed his badge. “Cal Taylor, MNPD. Is Stella awake?”

  Nate glanced over his shoulder. “You up to a visit from the police, baby?”

  “It’s fine. Detective Taylor, this is Nate Armstrong.”

  Taylor’s eyes narrowed. “You’re part of Durango.”

  His eyebrows rose. “That’s right.”

  “Eli Wolfe, Jon Smith, and I served in the SEALs together. I walked away from the Teams before they did.”

  “Eli and Jon are good men.” Taylor must have left before Durango worked joint missions with Eli and Jon’s SEAL team because Nate didn’t recognize him. He’d touch base with the other men before letting down his guard with the detective.

  “What did you discover, Detective Taylor?” Stella asked.

  “It’s Cal. We ran the ballistics test on your weapon. Doesn’t match the bullet that killed Barnes.”

  A wry smile crossed her lips. “Nice to have confirmation I didn’t shoot my boss.”

  “We have to eliminate you before moving to a less obvious solution.”

  “I understand. To do otherwise would have been stupid.”

  Nate understood it, too, but he didn’t like Stella considered a suspect in a murder investigation. He returned to his seat and clasped Stella’s hand.

  Taylor’s gaze dropped to their hands before flicking back to Stella’s. “How do you feel?”

  “I’ll live.”

  “Have you thought of anything new?”

  “I still think he’s familiar, but can’t nail down why.”

  Someone she knew from work or a case? Maybe a neighbor or friend. If the attack was related to one of her cases, Nate may have to go around the legal system to obtain information. He wouldn’t have a problem with that. His girlfriend might.

  “Think about it once in a while, then put it away and focus on something else. Your subconscious will work on the connection if you don’t force it. You’re a cop. You’re a trained observer. What you noticed will surface. Do you know why your boss was at your apartment?”

  Stella’s hand trembled in Nate’s. He tightened his grip, offering support.

  “I told you before, Cal. I don’t know. Ty walked me to my car. He was still standing in the office parking lot when I drove away.”

  “How long was it between the time the attack began and the time Ty showed up?”

  Stella’s brows furrowed. “Two minutes, maybe. Seemed longer than that.”

  “Most fights last only a couple minutes,” Nate said. “Barnes must have followed you home.” Why? What reason would he have for doing that? Made him wonder if Stella’s boss was protecting her.

  “Have you received threats?”

  “Not today. Come on, Cal, you know threats come with the job. U.S. marshals aren’t popular, especially when we handle witness protection. Most people we relocate aren’t sterling examples of good character. They’re people who turned on a fellow criminal.”

  “Do you have many witness protection cases?”

  She waggled her hand.

  “We’re on the same side, Stella.”

  “I can’t talk about that with you. I haven’t had recent credible threats concerning a witness relocation.” Her gaze shifted to Nate. “Deke and I haven’t wanted to travel as much.”

  A warm glow burned inside Nate, giving him hope Stella’s feelings for him were deepening. He knew from conversations with Deke the marshal was concerned about his twin daughters growing up with an absentee father. But Stella? The sole reason she would have asked for reassignment was because of Nate. He squeezed her hand.

  “Is it possible a family member learned who handled the witness relocation?”

  “Of course, just as it’s possible the person responsible for the relocation to begin with learned my name.” Her gaze locked onto Nate’s. “Deke and his family might be in danger. We have to warn him.”

  “He knows, sweetheart. If you are a target, so is he. You work all your cases together, right?”

  “Unless one of us is given a special assignment.” To Taylor, she said, “Did you find trace evidence at the apartment? Fingerprints, anything?”

  Nate caught the hesitation in Stella’s answer, but Taylor didn’t know Stella as well as he did. He’d made it a point to learn everything he could about the lady marshal. Everything about her fascinated him, from the way she held her tea mug to the strawberry-scented shampoo she used on her gorgeous chocolate-colored hair.

  “Black ski mask in the bushes and burned rubber in the parking lot. Several smudged prints. We eliminated yours. We lifted another set of clear prints, but the ID is blocked.” Taylor turned to Nate. “I assume those prints belong to you?”

  His lips curved.

  “Thought so. Though the Army is protective of Special Forces missions, you’re not on active duty anymore. I’d guess Fortress is responsible for the heavy-duty protection.” He returned his attention to Stella. “I’ll do what I can to identify the man who killed your boss, but you’re not giving me much to work with.”

  “Deke and I will find out who did this.”

  “Keep me posted on what you learn. I’ll do the same from my end. We can help each other and bring down the killer. I don’t care about jurisdiction as long as our perp is behind bars or on death row.”


  In the early afternoon, Stella crossed the lobby, Nate on one side, Deke on the other with a third marshal at her back. She felt ridiculous with the burly male escorts. Then again, a good gust of wind would put her on the ground. She couldn’t fend off another attack. For a woman who stayed in shape, feeling this weak and sore galled her. The oaf who attacked her last night did a great job. She sighed. Maybe her conditioning slipped. Whatever the case, the next few days would pass all too slow as her body recovered.

  “My SUV is parked at the entrance doors, baby,” Nate murmured.

  She wanted to say she could walk fine, thank you very much. She’d be lying to herself and them. Nate didn’t deserve her bad attitude after dropping everything to come to her bedside. “Thanks.” A few days and she’d be back to normal. Though her body hurt, she didn’t have permanent injuries. Stella realized her assailant could have killed her if that was his intent. So why hadn’t he? Maybe Ty’s presence derailed the attacker’s plan.

  Stella shoved the guilt into a mental box. A time would come to deal with the emotion after this guy occupied space behind bars or in the ground.

  The entourage halted a few feet from the door. “Wait here,” Deke said. He strode from the hospital. Within minutes, he returned. “Clear. Let’s get out of here.”

  Nate escorted Stella to the SUV and helped her inside. She eased back against the seat, grateful for the plush interior of Nate’s vehicle. She needed the extra cushion to tolerate the drive to the cabin.

  “I’ll follow you and Nate in my car,” Deke said.

  “Take care of your family. Rio and Quinn are waiting at the cabin. Nate and I will be fine.” She smiled. “Knowing Nate, he has more firepower with him than you do.”

  A stubborn look settled on the other marshal’s face. “You’re my partner, Stel. If I had been attacked, would you step aside and allow someone else to protect me?”

  She twisted to look at Nate. “I’ve heard something similar in the last few hours. I’m surrounded by men who have an enormous protective streak.”

  “I’ll follow you,” Deke insisted. “My family is safe. I sent them to visit my wife’s parents in Alabama. Once we nab this guy, I’ll bring them home.”

  Stella sighed. She couldn’t force him to stay away from her, even if it was the safest course of action. “Thanks.”

  He gave a short nod and closed the door.

  Nate cranked the engine, scanned the parking lot one more time, and drove from the hospital entrance onto the streets of Nashville. The warm fall sun on her face lifted her spirits. Her gaze slid to the man behind the wheel. “Not going to say I told you so?”<
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  A snort. “I’m not that stupid.”

  “Nate? Thank you.”

  He glanced her direction before concentrating on the road. “For what, baby?”

  “Being here for me. I wanted to call you, but I thought you might be out of the country.”

  His hands clenched around the steering wheel. “If you need me, I’ll find a way to come to you, no matter where I am. Call me next time.”

  “What if you’re on a mission? I don’t want to endanger you by calling at the wrong time.”

  “Our phones are muted when we’re on an op. I’ll listen to your message as soon as it’s safe. Believe me, I have too much to live for to be reckless, and I would never put my teammates’ lives at risk. I want to know when you need me, Stella. I’m trusting you to be honest with me.”

  How did she find a special man like Nate Armstrong? Most men she had dated couldn’t handle her job. Nate took it in stride. “You’ll do the same, right? This isn’t a one-way street. I expect to hear from you if you need me.” Although she couldn’t imagine him needing her for anything. He was capable, competent, confident. Why would he need her?

  “I’ll call or have one of Durango contact you.” He threaded his fingers through hers. “You’re exhausted. Rest, baby. I’ll wake you when we reach the cabin.”

  Stella longed to ignore his suggestion, but he was right. She arrived at the hospital after two and slept a few hours before waking with Nate at her bedside.

  Reclining the seat, she settled into a more comfortable position and let herself drift. It seemed mere minutes passed before Nate stroked her cheek.

  Stella squinted at the glare of the sun. The SUV was parked in front of Rod Kelter’s cabin. As she scanned the porch with the rocking chairs, the front door opened. Two familiar men stepped out and approached the vehicle.

  Rio Kincaid, Durango’s medic, opened Stella’s door and studied her face. “Ouch. Let’s get you inside, sugar.” He unbuckled her seatbelt and helped her shift her legs to the side of the SUV and slide to the ground.

  She gritted her teeth, refusing to let a groan escape. After sitting in the same position for over an hour, she’d stiffened up.


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