Best Served Cold

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Best Served Cold Page 6

by Rebecca Deel

  “He’s like a bad penny,” Alex said as he sat in the recliner, leaving the other end of the couch open for Nate. “Can’t get rid of him.”

  Nate wished he could dropkick the irritating fed off the nearest cliff for the way he went after Stella. “He wasn’t happy to see me, Rio, or Quinn.”

  “I’ll bet. Stella’s out on bail?”

  “Yeah.” Stella couldn’t post bail on her marshal salary and he didn’t want her sitting in a jail cell. “The feds took her shield and passport.”

  “Standard procedure.”

  “Josh, you should have seen how the agents and local cops looked at her. I’m telling you, if they could have gotten by with it, she’d have a bullet in the back of her head right now.”

  “Cops have to watch each other’s backs, Nate. On the streets, it’s us against the criminals. When one of our own turns on a fellow cop, that trust is broken and generates strong emotion. She was lucky Deke insisted on accompanying her to the CJC or she might have been the victim of a number of accidents.”

  “Brent said law enforcement wouldn’t lift a finger to help her.”

  “He’s right. Anyone who stands with her is also a target, as you discovered.”

  “How’s the fed who punched you?” Alex asked.

  “Flat on his back when I left the parking garage.” A grim smile curved his mouth. “He took a nap.”

  “Will he press charges?”

  He leveled a look at his friend. “Civilian witnesses will verify the fed punched me first.”

  “You have names and numbers?”

  “In my phone.”


  “Who is Stella’s lawyer?” Josh asked.

  “Jane Southland from Fortress.”

  A soft whistle from Durango’s leader. “That lady’s a barracuda in the courtroom.”

  “She fought like a wildcat to reduce Stella’s bail, but the judge wouldn’t cooperate.”

  Deke strode into the living room, feminine laughter following in his wake from the kitchen.

  Stella’s laugh made Nate smile, glad she had a distraction with Del and Ivy here. “Learned anything new, Deke?”

  “No, and I won’t unless it’s by accident.” He sat in the armchair across from Nate. “The FBI grilled me along with Stella, and Riley suspended me, pending an investigation. The deputy director thinks I’m guilty of something, he’s not sure what. If he can find evidence linking me to Ty’s death, I’ll be behind bars and without a badge, too.” He scowled. “And I don’t have the money to post bail.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Alex said. “We’ll cover it if it becomes necessary.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that,” he protested.

  “You’re our friend,” Josh said. “And you’re not asking. We’re volunteering. You and Stella put yourselves on the line to protect Del and Ivy on two occasions. We’ll never forget.”

  Deke waved that aside. “You would have done the same if the circumstances were reversed.”

  “Exactly,” Alex said. “We have your back like we do Stella’s.”

  “Does the offer extend to a job?” said the marshal, his tone dry.

  Josh’s eyebrows rose. “You plan to leave the marshal service?”

  “Let’s say I’m open to other possibilities. I’d rather not have to watch my back every time I work with another marshal.”

  “I’ll keep it in mind. Since you’ve been cut out of the investigation, we’ll work around the fed roadblocks.”

  “Fortress?” Alex asked.

  “And Ethan. I’m amazed how many people owe my brother-in-law favors.”

  “Brent’s aware of Stella’s situation,” Nate said. Knowing him, he’d already started an investigation. The man despised injustice and, because she was involved with Nate, would use the full resources of Fortress Security to uncover the truth. “I’ll contact Zane Murphy.”

  Deke frowned. “Who is that?”

  “Communication and research guru at Fortress,” Alex said. “He’s crazy smart and has a soft spot for ladies in distress.”

  “In which direction should we point him?” Nate asked.

  The marshal shot him an intense look. “What do you mean?”

  “Come on, Deke. We’re way past that now. You and Stella were given a special assignment. Does it have anything to do with Barnes’ murder?”

  “The assignment is classified.”

  “Don’t.” Nate scowled. “Stella’s life is at stake along with her freedom. If that assignment is the reason she was attacked and framed, we need to know what you were investigating.”

  “You can’t believe we’d blab to the media.” Alex folded his arms across his chest. “Of all people, you know how much we hate the limelight. We have valid reasons for remaining anonymous, especially now that Josh and I are married. Our wives would be targets if our identities were shared in the media. No one will ever hurt Ivy again and Josh is as protective of Del.”

  Resignation filled Deke’s gaze. “Barnes asked us to investigate a leak in the office.”

  Nate frowned. “Riley mentioned that at the restaurant.”

  “He blamed Stella and would love to nail me as an accomplice.”

  “Inside job.”

  “Barnes suspected someone. He wanted us to investigate without preconceptions so he didn’t share a name. Per his instructions, we treat everybody as a suspect until we prove innocence.”

  “Did Riley know about your assignment?” Alex asked.

  Deke shook his head. “Ty didn’t want anyone to know. Our lives would be in danger if anyone suspected we were hunting for a traitor.”

  Which made Riley as much a suspect as everyone else in the office. Durango had run across more than one member of the top military brass whose definition of security differed from their own.

  “What made Barnes suspect a leak?” Josh asked.

  “Too many close calls with witness protection details. We lost a marshal from our office last year. In the past six months, several safe houses were compromised and three protected witnesses were killed.”

  “Not including Del and Ivy’s safe house breach?”

  “That’s right. Ty was convinced the marshal’s death was connected to the leak. Riley blew it off as a coincidence.”

  Josh grunted.

  Nate glanced at his friend. Yeah, too much of a stretch. “Riley knows better.”


  “Somebody Stella trusts is framing her for murder to cover his own tracks,” Josh said. “We need a list of the marshals in your office, Deke. By the time we finish this investigation, there won’t be any secrets.” He eyed the marshal across from him. “I hope you’re serious about other employment. When this investigation is over, it may not be safe for you or Stella to remain marshals.”


  Stella sat in the Adirondack chair, enjoying the cool breeze on the early November night. Before long, this time of evening would be too cold for her to sit outside. As it was, the Nashville area was experiencing mild temperatures for this late in the year.

  “How are you, Stella?” Ivy asked from one of the rocking chairs.


  “Not a chance.” Del reached over to clasp her hand for a moment in a gesture of support. “We know how much you love your job. Being arrested for murder and losing your badge must be tearing you to pieces inside.”

  “How did you become so wise?” she whispered. She felt as though a heavy weight sat on her chest, constricting her breathing.

  “Not wise. You’re our friend. Be honest with us, Stella.”

  “You want the truth? I feel hunted and betrayed. I’m scared to death I’ll spend the rest of my life in prison and lose Nate. Worse, I’m afraid whoever framed me will kill him.” Her voice broke. “I couldn’t live with that.”

  “He’s Delta,” Ivy said. “Nate is hard to kill, like the rest of Durango. Men more dangerous than the marshals have tried and failed.”

One of the feds already went after him.” Still made her blood boil. Cops should be above that. She expected rejection and rough treatment at the hands of law enforcement. Nate didn’t deserve to be targeted by men who were supposed to protect him.

  “He handled it,” Del pointed out. “The fed was lucky. Nate could have put the man in the hospital.”

  “I asked him to go back to Otter Creek,” she confessed.

  “I can imagine how that went over.” Ivy laughed. “Wish I’d seen his expression.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Nate refused. He’s taking two weeks off after I’m cleared so we can spend time together.”

  “Good.” Del glanced at her. “He misses you, Stella. Whenever Durango gets together for social occasions, he spends more time on the phone with you than with his teammates. Nate is lonely and he’s not interested in anyone but you.”

  “I’m lonely, too.” She sighed. “I don’t know how much longer I can handle a long-distance relationship.”

  “You’re breaking up with him?”

  “No! I’m more than halfway in love with him. I won’t give him up.” She swallowed hard. “Unless prison forces me to. I won’t ask him to wait when there’s a good chance I wouldn’t make it out of prison alive.” Stella’s hands curled into fists. “Cops don’t survive long behind bars.”

  “That won’t happen,” Ivy said.

  “Durango is relentless,” Del added. “They’ll dig until they know who framed you and killed your friend. Focus on the life you want with Nate.”

  “When I woke up in the hospital, I thought I was dreaming when I saw him.”

  “He’s crazy about you, Stella. If Durango had been on a mission, he would have found a way to be with you.”

  “That’s what he said.”

  “Yeah? I have a feeling you would catch the first plane to Nate if he were injured on a Fortress mission.”

  “Nothing would stop me.” Silence fell between them, a comfortable silence between good friends. “Thank you for coming to be with me.”

  “Friends support each other.”

  “I think one of my friends at work betrayed me.”

  Ivy twisted in her seat to face Stella. “Not Deke.”

  Her response made Stella smile with amusement. At first, Ivy was afraid to trust Deke. As a victim of abuse, all men were dangerous in her book. Until she met Alex. Ironic that the tough Delta sniper never caused Ivy a moment’s fear, yet he was one of the most deadly men of Stella’s acquaintance. “Another marshal.”

  “Was the attack related to a case?” Del frowned. “People Josh arrests have hard feelings. He’s had more than one threat to deal with in the short time we’ve been married.”

  “It’s possible.”

  “But you don’t think so?”

  Stella shook her head. “Deke and I were looking into a leak inside the marshal office.”

  “Oh, man. The person you’re hunting framed you?”

  “We won’t overlook retribution from a case, but it will be difficult to narrow down. I’ve worked many cases in the last few years.”

  The front door opened and Alex stepped onto the porch. His gaze tracked to his wife. “Ready to turn in, angel?”

  A broad smile crossed Ivy’s face as she glanced at her cousin and Stella. “See you in the morning.” Her husband drew her to her feet and she walked inside with him.

  “She looks so happy,” Stella said, eyes lingering on the closed door. She admitted to herself she wanted that kind of life with Nate, one filled with joy and eager anticipation at the prospect of years together with the love of her life. Thrilled for Ivy, Stella longed for the same.

  Del laughed. “Alex is just as happy. He always sends her flowers or buys her a new charm for her bracelet.”

  Stella straightened in the chair. “I didn’t ask if she had new ones. What did he buy her?”

  “Oh, no. Have her show you tomorrow. I will say he’s on a roll.” She stood. “I’ll find Josh and turn in myself. You coming?”

  “Not yet.” Stella couldn’t bear to be confined inside.

  “Good night, Stella. Get some rest. You’ll be cleared of the charges soon, then you and Nate will have time together before you both decide the next step.”

  “You’re sure there is a next step for us?”

  “Seeing you together, there’s no doubt. Nate is as crazy about you.”

  She hoped Del was right. She’d hate to feel this much strong emotion by herself. “Sleep well.”

  As the door closed behind her friend, Stella moved to the porch step. The breeze kicked up and ruffled her hair. She closed her eyes and leaned against the porch rail, reveling in the freedom.

  Someone walked onto the porch behind her. Without looking, she knew her visitor was Nate. “Hey.”

  “Hey, yourself. Been enjoying your time with Del and Ivy?”

  “I can’t believe they dropped everything to come. Their friendship is invaluable to me.”

  “How are you, sweetheart?” He sat beside her.

  “You want the truth?”


  “I’m scared, Nate.” When he wrapped his arms around her, she rested her head against his shoulder, taking comfort in his nearness and warmth. “I always wanted to be a cop because I had great respect for law enforcement. Now, one of my own might have turned on me. I could lose everything.” She pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. “What I fear most is losing you.”

  His arms tightened. “You won’t.”

  “I wish I could believe that. Promise me something.”

  “I have to know what it is first,” he said, his voice filled with suspicion.

  “If I’m convicted and sent to prison, walk away and find someone to share your life.” Even though knowing that would devastate her.

  “No.” Nate’s flat voice sent chills down her spine.

  “Be reasonable. You deserve a full life.”

  “I’ll have one. With you.”

  Stella froze. “Nate?” What did that mean? She was afraid to hope her boyfriend wanted the same thing. Why dream when she faced a possible prison sentence?

  “This isn’t the time or place to discuss it, baby.”

  “That’s not fair. You can’t drop a bombshell and table the discussion.”

  “We’ll talk after you’re cleared.” He cupped her chin in the palm of his hand. “For now, remember we have the full resources of Fortress Security at our disposal. They are the best in the business. More than that, I won’t let anyone separate us for years. You mean too much to me.”

  Nate stood and drew Stella up beside him. He bent his head and took her mouth in a series of kisses, some long, some short. When he released her, he brushed the back of his fingers over her uninjured cheek. “It’s late. You need sleep. I’ll walk you to your door.”

  “You’re going to bed soon?”

  He shook his head.

  “Why not?” Nate hadn’t slept much since he received Deke’s phone call the night of her attack.

  “I’m taking the first shift.”

  She blinked. “You’re protecting me again? Nate, you need sleep.”

  Amusement sparked in his eyes. “I’ll be fine. Quinn will spell me in four hours.”

  Knowing it was useless to argue with her Delta warrior, she preceded him into the cabin. The lights were dimmed and the house quiet. With silent steps, they climbed the stairs together. At her bedroom door, Nate gave her a light kiss and nudged her inside the room.

  Though she heard nothing, she knew seconds later Nate had returned downstairs. She shook her head in wonder. Special Forces soldiers were light on their feet, moving like ghosts. She could have used that skill a time or two while tracking fugitives.

  Stella got ready for bed and climbed beneath the covers. She prayed Nate was correct about Fortress’s help and abilities because she needed an advantage.

  Nate sat in front of the monitors in the security room, a mug filled with hot coffee in his hand, his second of this wat
ch. So far, nothing stirred. Wouldn’t last. This area was filled with nocturnal creatures. Last night’s visitors included a bobcat, raccoon, coyote, and several deer.

  He grabbed his cell phone. Was it too late to call Zane? He glanced at the clock. After midnight. Better wait, he decided. Z needed to sleep sometime.

  At that moment, his cell phone chirped. Nate’s eyebrows rose at the name on his display screen. “Don’t you ever sleep, Murphy?”

  “Not much. Maddox told me what happened with your girlfriend.”

  Nate sobered. “Will you have time to help?” He didn’t know anyone he’d trust more to uncover electronic secrets than Zane Murphy.

  “Already did some preliminary work on Stella. I unearthed a nasty problem.”

  He straightened. “What?”

  “Stella Grayson had $9,000 deposited in her account the night Barnes was murdered.”

  “That is not what I wanted to hear. She didn’t put the money in there. No way she had a chance, not with the police interviews and hospital stay.” Nate had to admit the money made Stella look at if she had been paid for killing her supervisor. If the feds found the money, the case against Stella would be stronger and give the FBI another excuse not to look any further for a murderer other than his girl. “Someone wants the feds to think Stella was paid for killing Barnes or leaking information.”

  “That’s my take.”

  “Can you make the money disappear and erase the electronic footprints?”

  “Of course.”

  “Do it. Stash the money someplace safe. We’ll need it for proof of a conspiracy. Stella has enough problems without adding murder for hire onto her sheet. Jordan will pin that on her if he has a chance. Can you track the funds back to the source?”

  “It will take a lot of time. The money trail has already zipped around the globe through several countries and shell companies.”

  “We may need you for more important searches. Can one of the tech trainees trace the money?”

  “Sure. It’s a good exercise for them. How else can I help you and your lady?”

  “Her partner gave us the names of five marshals in the office who were assigned to Nashville when the leaks began. I want everything from birth through the present.”


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