Best Served Cold

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Best Served Cold Page 11

by Rebecca Deel

  Brent shoved his phone into his pocket. “Nate, Cal will be here in fifteen. Check on your girl and stay out of sight. No point in raising more questions than you want to answer. Quinn and I will handle this.”

  “Yes, sir.” He trotted into the building. Inside, Luke and Natalie were locked in an embrace, relief on his face, tears staining hers. Though pale, his girlfriend was smiling at him.

  Stella stripped off the vest and set it aside before crossing the lobby to Nate. “Did we get them?”

  “Handcuffed to the gate. Cal should be here soon.”

  “Do you know their identities?”

  “Deke said they work for Manetti.”

  “I was afraid of that. How many more witnesses will die before we plug the leak?” she murmured, her attention on the reunited couple.

  “We’ll get him. Luke and Natalie are safe. Brent will put them in a safe house until we catch this guy, then relocate them with new identities if that’s their wish. No one will find them.”

  An unmarked police car with flashing lights stopped at the entrance to the compound. As Nate removed his vest, Taylor climbed from his car and extended a hand to Brent.

  “Is Deke all right?”

  “Ticked off. He said they hustled Natalie out the back door while those two tried to breach the front.”

  “Are the other marshals okay?”

  “Didn’t say.”

  “Manetti’s men must have spotted Deke and Quinn and followed them.”

  “How is Natalie?”

  “Scared, mad, and happy to be with Luke again.”

  Nate circled her waist with his arms and wrapped her in an embrace. “We need to move Luke and Natalie to a more secure location in the building. No point in placing Taylor in an awkward position. If he doesn’t see them, he can’t enter their names in a report. Quinn and Deke’s statements ought to be enough to hold these guys a while.”

  “The marshals will ask questions when Natalie doesn’t turn up in another safe house.”

  “We’ll deal with it. Come on. Let’s move these two”

  “Luke, Natalie, would you like a drink?” Stella asked.

  “I’d love a soft drink.” Natalie tucked her blond hair behind an ear with a hand that shook. “I need to sit down soon.”

  “Adrenaline dump.” Nate patted her shoulder. “It will pass, but it zaps your energy for a while.” He held out his hand. “I’m Nate, Stella’s boyfriend. It’s nice to meet you, Natalie.”

  A broad smile curved Natalie’s lips. “You’re her boyfriend? Stella, I didn’t know you were dating.” Her cheeks flushed. “I guess the subject wouldn’t come up.”

  “I haven’t seen you in several weeks.” She smiled. “If I had, I would have shared how amazing Nate is. He’s also a fabulous chef.”

  Luke tucked Natalie up against his side. “I’m a klutz in the kitchen.”

  “That’s the truth. Everything he cooks comes out charred. How did Manetti’s men find me?” Natalie asked.

  “Let’s talk upstairs,” Trent St. Claire, one of the other operatives, said. “There’s a large kitchen on the second floor with vending machines. If you don’t find what you want, I’ll buy whatever you want.”

  Nate glanced at Trent. “Does that include a porterhouse steak and a baked potato?”

  “Only if the lady wants it for herself. You buy your own.”

  “That hurts, man. I thought we were buddies.”

  A slug on the shoulder was his response. Nate grinned at his scowling teammate.

  The young couple followed Trent to the elevator. The operative dug out his key card and passed it in front of the reader. When the steel doors opened, he motioned the others inside. By the time they entered the kitchen, Natalie was struggling to stay on her feet.

  “Sit down, honey.” Luke led her to the closest table. “Does a Coke sound good?”

  She nodded. Her gaze shifted to Trent who was stationed at the door. “Are we safe?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” His eyes warmed as he smiled. “No one will reach you. Security is our business and we’re very good.”

  The young woman turned to Stella. “What happened to your face?”

  “Ambush in my apartment. I’m fine. The man who hurt me won’t be fine for long.”

  “Do you know who it was?”

  “Too dark to see.” She sat by Natalie and squeezed her hand. “Don’t worry. We’ll find him.”

  “Where’s Deke?” Luke asked. “Will he take Manetti’s men into custody now?”

  “That comes later,” Nate said. “For now, a Metro police detective has them. We don’t want your names in the police reports. Manetti has a long reach. The less information his people have, the better for your safety.”

  “We should have been safe.” Luke pressed a cold bottle of Coke into his girlfriend’s hand. “How did they find us?”

  “Did you contact anyone from your former life?” Stella asked.

  He shook his head. “I didn’t want to compromise Natalie’s safety. They still found us. Natalie could have been killed.”

  Stella’s hand clenched. “You have every right to be angry, Luke. We promised you protection and we failed.”

  Nate couldn’t help himself. He covered her hand with his. “Tell them, baby. They have the right to know.”

  “What should we know?” Luke demanded.

  “The marshal service has a leak.”

  Natalie gasped. “How can that be? Was your computer system hacked?”

  “We don’t know,” Stella said. “We’re looking into it.”

  “If you move us, we still won’t be safe?”

  “Fortress is taking over your security,” Nate said. “The marshal service doesn’t have a list of our safe houses. Until the leak is plugged, Fortress operatives will protect you.”

  “Are these guys good?” Luke asked Stella.

  She laughed. “Fortress Security is the best in the business. I’ve seen them work. No one will slip past these men and women.”

  “Would you trust them with your life?”

  “I already have. They’re former military or law enforcement. Brent Maddox hires the best.”

  “They’re bodyguards?”

  Nate chuckled. “Among other things. We specialize in retrieving hostages and tracking terrorists. Many of us were in Special Forces.”

  Luke whistled. “What about you?”


  “Thank you for your service,” Natalie said. “My father was a veteran. He was my hero.”


  “He and Mom died in a car accident last year. I was an only child.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss, Natalie. I understand now why you were willing to leave your old life behind.”

  She smiled. “I’ve been in love with Luke since high school. We wanted to marry after we finished college. Manetti and his goon squad sidetracked the plan.”

  “Not sidetracked, honey. Delayed.” Luke kissed her. “Maybe Fortress will arrange a wedding for us.”

  “I’m sure Brent can work something out. It would be fun.”

  “What can I arrange?” Brent strode through the doorway.

  “A wedding for Luke and Natalie.”

  Nate’s boss grinned. “I’d love to. Let me know when you want to arrange it. I’m Brent Maddox. I own Fortress Security.”

  “You have decisions to make before you choose a wedding date,” Stella said.

  “What decisions?” Luke clasped his girlfriend’s hand.

  “Manetti’s been convicted, so we don’t need your testimony. However, his people will keep hunting you. If the leak is a marshal, no matter which safe house Natalie’s in or who handles her case, her safety is at risk along with yours. That’s why we’re asking Fortress to hide you both.”

  “I don’t want to be separated from Natalie again.”

  “I wouldn’t ask that of either of you.”

  “Will we be safe once you find the leak?” Natalie asked.

��We’ll have to relocate you. My question for you is do you want to remain part of the witness security program?”

  “Do we have another option? We can’t be who we were if we want to stay alive. I want a life with Luke. I want to raise a family with him without looking over my shoulder the rest of my life.”

  “I can offer you another alternative,” Brent said. “You can leave the witness security program and let Fortress relocate you and give you new identities. Manetti’s people won’t find you.”

  “What if your security is compromised?” Luke asked.

  “Doubtful, but we’ll have a safety net in place. We’ll issue both of you secure, encrypted phones. With the new identities, we’ll build a complete background for you.”

  “May we think about your offer?” Luke’s gaze was intense.

  “You don’t have to make a decision right now. The offer remains open. It will take a few days to create your cover. In the meantime, we’re arranging a place for you to stay. You’ll have a team of two Fortress operatives with you at all times. You’ll be housebound if you insist on remaining in the Nashville area. Whatever you need to make your stay more comfortable, let my people know. We’ll try to get it for you. No matter what, follow the orders of your bodyguards. They know what they’re doing and they’ll only ask you to abide by rules that will ensure your safety.”

  “Thank you for helping us.” Natalie capped her empty drink bottle. “I don’t know how we’ll pay you.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “I am,” Luke admitted.

  “Tell Trent what you’d like. We’ll bring it in.” Brent shifted his attention to Nate. “You and Stella need anything?”

  “I could do with a hamburger and fries. What about you, sweetheart?”

  “Same for me.”

  “That sounds good to me, too,” Natalie said. “And a chocolate shake?” Her cheeks flushed. “Ice cream is my comfort food.”

  Stella laughed. “It’s mine, too. Shakes all around, Trent.”

  “Burgers, fries, and shakes. Anybody want something besides chocolate?” Trent’s gaze locked with Brent’s. “Shall I send someone else up?”

  His boss shook his head. “Take one of your teammates.”


  “We’ll need more food and shakes than you can carry if you include Deke and Quinn’s orders.”

  “Yes, sir.” St. Claire left the room.

  “Stella, is it possible for us to leave the witness security program?” Natalie asked. “We signed papers with the marshals.”

  “The program is voluntary. If you didn’t have Fortress Security’s help, I’d encourage you to stay in the program, but in a place off the grid with people I trust.”

  Most likely someone in Otter Creek, Nate realized. The bodyguards he and his Delta unit were training for Fortress would help if Ethan Blackhawk and his team of cops couldn’t provide protection. “Ethan?” he asked her.

  Stella nodded. “I can’t think of anyone better or more fierce to protect them.”

  “What about your trainees?” Brent asked.

  “That was my thought.”

  His boss’s eyes narrowed. “You know, that’s not a bad idea. I know you don’t have dorms yet. Is there a secure place they can stay?”

  “We can rig something up at the school. Security’s tight. Jon and Eli should be in Otter Creek within the hour, but they’re keeping tabs on Josh and Alex’s wives.”

  “Even better. I’ll send two more teams, arrange eight-hour shifts. Would Blackhawk supplement with police protection?”

  Nate thought about the Otter Creek police officers he’d met. “Most of them are green. Ethan and his two brothers-in-law are the most seasoned. Between them and the Fortress operatives, Luke and Natalie would be more than adequately covered. Brenna and Dana are with Jon and Eli, though.”

  “Ah. I’ll tell the other teams to stay on your witnesses. I’m assume Alex and Josh would agree to the trainees providing protection for their wives?”

  “We never thought they were targets.” He stood. “I’ll make some calls.”

  Nate strode down the hall. He called Durango’s leader.

  “Talk to me.”

  “The witnesses are secure for the moment. The boss is sending them to PSI.”

  “Not a bad idea. I’ll call Harris and have him set up rooms for them. Is Brent sending babysitters?”

  “Two teams in addition to the one due to arrive soon. You and Alex okay with trainees watching over the girls?”

  “As long as Ivy knows them, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Good. I’ll inform the boss. Would Ethan might be willing to cover a shift or two?”

  “Call him. Quinn and Deke?”

  “They’re fine.”

  “Excellent. Tell Stella the girls are home and Ivy was fine. Eli and Jon kept her and Del entertained with stories of their more infamous adventures. Alex received one phone call in four hours.”

  “Copy that.” That would ease Stella’s mind. After ending the call with Josh, he keyed in Ethan’s cell number.


  Nate blinked at the anger in his friend’s voice. “Catch you at a bad time, Ethan?”

  A sigh came through the speaker. “Sorry. The mayor just left my office.”

  He winced. “Enough said.” Henry Parks had a special talent for aggravating everybody in town. That he’d been elected to his position twice amazed Nate.

  “Is Stella all right?”

  “Recovering. Several colorful bruises, but nothing broken. Near thing, though.”

  “Glad to hear she’ll be okay. How can I help, Nate?”

  He summarized the situation with Luke and Natalie, ending with, “Would you, Rod, and Nick cover a shift or two?”

  “We’ll work it out. How many more visitors should I expect?”

  “Four more plus the two witnesses will leave here after dark. PSI trainees will keep an eye on Del and Ivy.”

  “Have the two new teams contact me when they arrive. In the meantime, who do I contact at PSI to coordinate coverage?”

  “Brian Harris. He’ll arrange housing at PSI. Ethan, we appreciate your help.”

  “Tell Maddox he owes me one.”

  Nate grinned. “Copy that.”

  “Watch your back, Nate. The feds have a long reach.”

  “So I’ve learned. Your favorite fed is involved.”

  A groan. “Again? Should have known. How is it Jordan always involves himself in our lives?”

  “He’s convinced Stella killed her boss.”

  “Then we’ll have to provide irrefutable proof that she’s innocent. Jordan never gets involved unless he thinks the case is a slam dunk. He won’t lift a finger to help her. In fact, he’ll muck things up.”

  Nate’s hand tightened around his cell phone. He and his friends would find the evidence to clear Stella, no matter how long it took or what it cost. He wasn’t about to lose the woman he wanted to marry and share his life with.


  Stella looked up as Nate returned to the kitchen. “Josh and Ethan on board with the plan?”

  “They are. The girls are home, by the way. Ivy did great.”

  Relief surged through her. Thank goodness. One less thing to worry about. “No problems?”

  “Josh didn’t mention any.”

  Her boyfriend turned to Brent. “Ethan says you owe him a favor.”

  “Yeah, I do.” He dug out his contact card and slid it across the table. “Give this to him when you return home.”

  Nate’s eyebrows rose.

  Stella tilted her head. Must be unusual if he looked surprised at that. She suspected the card listed Brent’s private number, one given to very few people.

  “What does this mean for us?” Luke asked.

  “You leave Nashville as soon as night falls.”

  The elevator dinged. Bags rattled as Trent and Quinn carried in the hamburgers and fries. Deke brought the milkshakes in dri
nk carriers.

  “Oh, that smells fantastic.” Natalie reached for one of Quinn’s bags.

  Stella helped her unload the hamburgers and fries. As the scent of grilled hamburgers filled the room, she realized how hungry she was.

  “Chocolate shakes for everybody.” Deke slid the shakes to the people ranged around the table. Trent, Quinn, and Deke dragged chairs over and sat with the others.

  “Natalie, tell me how you and Luke met,” Brent said.

  She grinned. “Ninth grade homeroom. First day of school, I looked up and in walked the most handsome teenage boy I’d ever seen.”

  The male in question shook his head with a wry smile. “Don’t let her fool you. I was a total geek. Shy, pimple-covered face, thick glasses. And don’t get me started on the clothes my parents made me wear. I swore I’d never do that to my own kids.”

  Nate chuckled. “Sounds like my own questionable teen years.”

  “I don’t believe that,” Stella muttered. “I’ll bet you were born hot.”

  The guys all laughed as his ears turned red. Stella and Natalie exchanged knowing glances. Yep, in Stella’s mind, her boyfriend broke the record for attractiveness. The best thing about him, though, wasn’t his looks. The most attractive part of Nate was on the inside. His character, loyalty, and care for those around him. If you were part of his life, he’d go to the wall for you. Stella counted herself lucky to be part of Nate’s inner circle.

  “Sorry, Stella, but you’re blind.” Quinn blocked a half-hearted punch from Nate. “Only his mother could love that face.”

  The razzing and jokes continued throughout the rest of the meal. Stella noticed Brent interjected a comment whenever conversation died down and Natalie’s eating pace slowed. All the men made a concerted effort to keep the young woman’s mind off the circumstances and looming danger. Once she finished her meal, Brent and Trent gathered the trash and tossed it in the garbage.

  “Luke, Natalie, be ready to leave in a few minutes. Restrooms are down the hall to the right.” Brent glanced at Stella.

  She received the unspoken message. She stood. “I’ll go with you, Natalie.”


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