Best Served Cold

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Best Served Cold Page 15

by Rebecca Deel

  “What’s up, Nate? I’m not finished running backgrounds on the marshals.”

  “Slowing down in your old age, Z?”

  “Calling yourself old, my friend? You have a year on me.”

  He chuckled. “I have information to share and another search for you to conduct, this one more specific.”

  “Okay. Shoot.”

  “Scratch the background search on Pete Kelly. He was murdered a few hours ago.”

  “Oh, man. How’s your girlfriend?”

  “Furious. The killer shot a good man and left him to bleed out.”

  “Cold. Feds want to pin this one on Stella as well?”

  “Tried and failed. We have an iron-clad alibi. Fortress security footage.”

  Zane laughed. “Bet that made the feds’ day.”

  “That’s why FBI Agent Craig Jordan accused me and the rest of Durango of being killers for hire in order to protect Stella.”

  “Jordan tangled with Durango before and lost. Maybe he’s out to make trouble.”

  “Z, I need you to run new names for me. These guys were protected witnesses. Three of them are dead. The fourth was targeted today along with his girlfriend. We know they grew up in the same town. There must be something connecting these guys besides proximity.”

  “We’ll find it. Give me the names.”

  “Milo Wall, Ken James, Chris Turner, and Luke Dyson. Luke was the target today along with his girlfriend, Natalie Fisher.”

  “Got it.”

  “Anything else popping up on Stella?”

  “Nothing aside from a warrant for her phone records.”

  That didn’t take long. “Will Riley strikes again. He confiscated her cell phone. He’s determined to find out if she erased implicating text messages.”

  “Want me to pull the messages?”

  He hesitated. Nate trusted her, but not the deputy director or the marshal feeding information to the enemy. Someone might edit the text to something more incriminating. “Do it. I want a copy of everything in case the texts are doctored. Z, can you monitor without sitting on it twenty-four hours a day?”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  “Thanks, man. I owe you.”

  “No debt between friends, Nate. Later.”

  As he slid his phone into his jeans pocket, the cabin door opened behind him. He knew Stella was behind him. “Come sit with me, sweetheart.”

  A huff of annoyance. “How did you know? I didn’t make any noise.”

  He chuckled. “I always know when you’re near. I guess you could say I’m turned in to you.” Nate shrugged. “I can’t explain it any better.”

  Stella sat on the step beside him. “You don’t have to.” She nudged his shoulder. “Being in the same room with you brings all my senses on alert, too. It’s like you flip a switch inside me when you’re near.”

  “Perfect description.” He grinned at Spenser’s barking inside the cabin. “He’s adjusting well.”

  “Alex is great with him. Spenser’s a very lucky dog. Alex and Ivy will spoil him. In fact, I think Durango may adopt him as your team mascot.”

  “Nice. He’ll have plenty of people to play with him.” His eyes narrowed. “In fact, we might train him for search and rescue. PSI has been approached about adding canine training.”

  “Deke used to be part of an S&R team.”

  Nate wondered how serious the marshal had been when he mentioned a possible job change. If PSI enticed him away from the marshal service, he and his teammates could add dog training. “Guess we need to have a talk with Deke.”

  “He loves his job, Nate.”

  “Doesn’t mean he won’t love something new. Let me talk to my teammates before we approach him.” He turned her face to his. “What will you do if he resigns?”

  “I want him to be happy and would never stand in his way.”


  “But I don’t know if I can trust my co-workers anymore. Without Deke at my back, I would be constantly on guard against the enemy and my friends.”

  He didn’t know if she could trust her people, either. And that scared him. The possibility of losing Stella gutted him. How ironic the man who built and defused bombs in the military with almost inhuman calm would be reduced to a bundle of anxiety worrying about the safety of his girlfriend. He wanted to encase her in layers of cotton and bubble wrap. But to do that would change the nature of their relationship. Nate wanted Stella to come to Otter Creek to be with him, because she chose him, not to soothe his fear. Maybe it was time to have that talk he’d put off, waiting for a better time. There might never be a better time.

  “Stella, I meant what I said while you were in the hospital. I’ve missed you the past few weeks.” He shifted his hand to cup her cheek. “I’m crazy about you and I need more than a long-distance relationship with you.”

  She turned enough to kiss the palm of his hand. “I feel the same way. I’ve missed you so much in the past month I feel like pieces are missing when we’re apart.”

  “I hope you mean that, baby, because I’m in love with you.” His heart pounded out a rapid rhythm as the silence lengthened. He prayed he wasn’t in a relationship this deep by himself. And look at him. The big, bad Delta warrior breaking into a cold sweat while he waited for his girlfriend’s response to a declaration of love.

  “Oh, Nate.” A smile curved her beautiful mouth, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight. She leaned forward and gave him a blistering kiss. When she eased away, she said, “I love you, too.”

  “Enough to marry me and make me the happiest man on the planet?”

  “Yes. Oh, yes.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. Long minutes later, she said, “What about my job?”

  “If you want to stay with the marshals, we’ll work it out, though I’ll ask you to think about transferring to another office. Military families handle separations all the time. I have to admit, being separated from you wouldn’t be my first choice, but I want you happy.”

  “And if I don’t want to remain a marshal?”

  “I’ll support whatever you decide to do instead.” He stroked her soft cheek. “I would love for you to live with me in Otter Creek, Stella. My teammates and I are partners in PSI, but you will always be my first priority. If I have to choose between you and PSI, I’ll choose you every time.”

  She dragged in a shaky breath. “You don’t know how much that means to me.”

  “We don’t have to decide anything tonight. We’ll talk more after your name is cleared.” He prayed they smoked out the killer soon. More people would die if they didn’t stop him.


  The morning of Ty’s funeral, Stella stared at her reflection in the mirror and this time didn’t flinch. Not perfect, but the swelling was gone and the bruises were fading fast. She applied makeup and studied the result. Only someone standing close to her would notice the aftermath of her attack.

  She shrugged into her black jacket and slid Nate’s backup Sig into the holster at her back. Brent had been happy to supply the holster along with dark suits for Durango. Micah Winter, the owner of the cabin, had stopped by late the night before to deliver everything and introduce himself. He was an interesting man, she mused. Though he’d been out of the secret service for a while, he still had situational awareness and conducted constant sweeps, despite being in his own home. Then again, he’d been surrounded by dangerous men and two U.S. marshals suspected of murder. She didn’t blame him for the wariness.

  A light tap sounded on her bedroom door. “Brunch is ready, sweetheart. Better hurry or the guys will inhale it all.”

  Stella’s heart squeezed at the sound of Nate’s voice. She was still stunned that he loved her and couldn’t wait for her parents to meet him.

  Thinking of her parents, her bubble of happiness deflated. She needed to call them. Ty’s murder must have been in the media by now. Her father, a thirty-year veteran of the police force, had been friends with Ty. She hadn’t watched the news feeds sinc
e her night in the hospital. Stella hoped the marshals hadn’t leaked her name to the press. That wouldn’t last much longer. Now Riley had her phone and her family couldn’t reach her if they wanted to talk. She better call before the funeral. At least she had good news to share. Both her parents wanted her to marry a good man and make them grandparents. On that happier note, she opened the door.

  “You look beautiful, baby.”

  Stella stepped into his open arms. “You’re biased, but thank you.”

  “Not biased, honest.” He wrapped his arms around her and captured her lips in a long, deep kiss.

  Oh, yes, she could get used to this on a daily basis. Nate Armstrong was a keeper.

  He loosened his hold. “Come on. Your green tea is steeping.”

  After a breakfast fit for royalty, Stella went to the porch and called her parents’ place. She couldn’t call it home since they had moved after she left for college. When her father answered, she said, “Hi, Dad.”


  Just that one word and she knew her name had been splashed across the media airwaves. “I can explain.” The last thing she wanted was to disappoint him or her mom.

  “Did you do it?”

  A ball of ice formed in her stomach. “No, I didn’t. Someone ambushed me in my apartment. Ty tried to help me and was shot by my attacker.”

  “He was killed with your weapon.”

  “I had no reason to kill him.” She waited, but her father didn’t say anything else. “Aren’t you going to ask if I’m okay?” she whispered.

  “The press is camped outside our home, Stella. People in town are whispering behind our backs. We can’t go anywhere without being mobbed.”

  The cold disdain in his voice hurt her more than anything. “I’m hunting for the real killer, Dad. I’ll be exonerated soon.”

  “I hope so. I will tell you this. If you are convicted of murder, don’t expect any prison visits from us.” For the first time, her father ended the call without telling her he loved her.

  Stella blinked rapidly to prevent the tears in her eyes from spilling down her cheeks. She slid the cell phone back into the pocket of her pants. Memories surged to the forefront of her dad’s pride in her when she’d joined the marshals. Law enforcement ran in their family, but she’d been the first to go federal. All these years he’d supported her. Now, when she needed him the most, he’d turned his back on her. Did her mother feel the same way? Whether she did or not, she wouldn’t go against her husband, not even to support their only daughter.

  Hard, warm hands wrapped around her upper arms. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “Don’t,” she choked out.

  “Don’t what?”

  “Be nice to me. I’ll break if you do.”

  “Tell me why you’re upset.”

  “I called my father. I was afraid my parents might be trying to reach me.”

  “And Riley has your phone. I take it your conversation didn’t go well.”

  “His first question was whether or not I’d killed Ty.” Her voice broke on her friend’s name.

  Nate turned her to face him and lifted her chin with the palm of his hand. His cheeks were flushed. “He was wrong, Stella. His first instinct should have been to defend you, not hang you out to dry. Did he know you were hurt?”

  She nodded. “He didn’t ask how I was or give me a chance to tell him about you.”

  “I’m sorry, honey.” He eased her against his chest and hugged her. After a few minutes, the tension leached from her body. “Your parents will come around.”

  “He’s been a cop all his adult life and so proud of me. Until now.”

  “Hey.” He waited until her gaze locked with his. “I love you, Stella.”

  A smile bloomed on her face. She’d never get used to hearing those words from his lips. “I love you, too.”

  “Have you talked to Del or Ivy?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Call them. They’re anxious to talk to you.”

  “Isn’t Ivy teaching this morning?”

  “Talk to our favorite bookseller. Del will know Ivy’s schedule.” He dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “We’ll be ready to leave in a few minutes.”

  Stella keyed in the number for Del’s cell phone.

  “This is Del.”

  “It’s Stella.”

  “How are you?”

  “Today is Ty’s funeral. By the way, the members of Durango resemble male models in their suits.”

  Her friend laughed. “Believe me, I know. I have to give women around town the warning eye when they look too long at my husband. How do you feel?”

  “Better. Bruises are fading and I can move easier. I covered the worst of the discoloration with makeup.”

  Del remained silent a few seconds. “Stella, what’s wrong?”

  She huffed out a laugh. “How did you know?”

  “I hear it in your voice. Tell me what’s going on.”

  Stella explained about Pete Kelly’s murder and the conversation with her father. She ended with, “My own father didn’t give me the benefit of the doubt. His first question was if I killed Ty. He never asked how bad I was hurt.”

  “I’m sorry, Stella. Is there anything good you can tell me?”

  Warmth bloomed inside her. Oh, yeah. She had some good stuff to share. She wished Del and Ivy were here in person. “Two very good things.”

  “Hmm. That sounds promising. Spill.”

  “My friend Pete had a blond Labrador retriever named Spenser who needs a new family to love him. Alex is bringing him home to Otter Creek and Ivy.”

  Del laughed. “Oh, boy. That’s perfect. I can’t wait to see Ivy’s face when she meets Spenser.”

  “Don’t tell her. I think Alex wants to surprise her.”

  “Their first meeting will be worth recording. What’s the second piece of good news?”

  “Nate asked me to marry him.”

  A squeal came from one of her best friends. “Congratulations! I knew he loved you. Ivy and I were wondering when he would cave and tell you. Have you decided when you’re getting married? As far as Ivy and I are concerned, the sooner, the better.”

  That made her smile. She agreed with her friend. “We haven’t had time to decide details.”

  “Have you talked about your job?”

  “Some.” She sighed. “We want to be together, Del. I don’t want a long-distance marriage. Nate’s willing to make it work. He says it will be similar to military families. I want to build a life with him and I know he’s tied to PSI and Durango. I won’t make him quit his job, either of them.”

  “You will do what’s best for both of you. May I tell Ivy?”

  “It will give her something to smile over. How was she on the drive home?”

  “My sweet cousin held her own with the two SEALs and called Alex because she missed him.”

  “She’s come a long way in a short time.”

  “We have Alex to thank for that. He builds her up and makes her confident in herself.”

  Funny. Come to think of it, Nate did the same for her. Through the speaker, Stella heard the cash register ringing and murmured conversations. “You’re busy. I should let you go.”

  “Stella, take care of yourself. Take care of Nate. Both of you come home to me safe. We’ll talk about the wedding after you bag the killer.”

  “Sounds like an excellent plan. Talk to you soon.”

  Inside the cabin, Spenser barked and male laughter rang out. The sounds made Stella smile, dispersing the charged emotions roiling in her gut on such a sad day. She was glad to have friends stand by her no matter how dire the circumstances.

  She returned to the living room and found Spenser playing tug-of-war with Rio. That beautiful dog would never lack for attention. Nate stood at her approach, studying her expression.


  Stella wrapped her arms around his waist. “Thanks for the suggestion.”

  “Did you speak to Del or Ivy?”
/>   “Del. Be prepared for a firestorm when you return home. She was thrilled at our news. It will spread through town before nightfall.”

  “What news?” Quinn asked.

  Her gaze locked onto Nate’s. He shook his head. He hadn’t told his teammates about their upcoming wedding.

  “It was late when Micah left and I wanted to make the announcement when we were together. Go ahead and tell them.”

  She glanced around at their friends. “Nate and I are engaged.”

  “About time you wised up, old man,” Rio said, a broad smile on his face.

  “Congratulations, Stel.” Deke tugged her into a tight hug. “I’m happy for both of you.”

  Nate’s teammates either kissed her cheek or hugged her. He was the recipient of several shoulder claps or light punches on the arm.

  “Time to load up,” Josh said. “Alex and I will ride together. Nate and Stella will take his SUV. Quinn, Rio, and Deke, take the third vehicle. Bring your Go bags. I doubt we’ll need them, but I’d rather be prepared.”

  Alex took Spenser out into the yard while the others loaded up. Stella knew without asking that each of them carried more than one weapon.

  On the drive into Nashville, Nate held her hand without saying much. He pulled into the packed church parking lot and shut off the engine. “You sure you want to do this?”

  “I have to do this. Ty was a good friend, Nate.” She scanned the crowd streaming into the church and wondered if one of the people at today’s service was a murderer.


  Nate escorted Stella into the foyer of the church. Some people milling around didn’t show any reaction to Stella. Most, though, were law enforcement personnel who recognized her. Glittering eyes and angry scowls greeted her.

  They weren’t alone. He was furious as well. Stella put her life on the line over and over, and this was the thanks she received? Assumption of guilt? Made him glad he’d chosen the Army over law enforcement.

  He clasped her hand and noted several hostile gazes shift his way. More than one dropped their eyes when he stared back. If these cops thought they could force him to distance himself from Stella, they were in for a surprise. Nothing and no one would induce him to let his future wife slip through his fingers. Nate didn’t know he could love someone so much this fast.


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