Ice Rift - Salvage: An Action Adventure Sci-Fi Horror in Antarctica

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Ice Rift - Salvage: An Action Adventure Sci-Fi Horror in Antarctica Page 29

by Ben Hammott

  After a few moments, when no crew came to see if he was okay, worry creased Richard's brow as his gaze swept the vessel. There was no sign of any crew. He struggled to his feet and turned to find out who was steering the barge. All he saw in the small wheelhouse was a patch of blackness that seemed to flow out of the door. Richard knew it was the shadow monster from the spaceship. He recoiled in fright and almost fell over the side when a face formed in the black, oil-wet mass and glowing eyes stared at him. The wind rippled the black form like a strong breeze blowing over a still pond.

  He tore his gaze away and his eyes desperately swept the churning sea for another vessel that might be able to save him, but the horizon was as bleak and empty as his immediate future. Richard stared at the approaching large block of ice; maybe he could jump onto it to escape the monster. Then what? There was still no chance of rescue and he would soon freeze to death if the wind and waves didn't sweep him into the freezing sea. He gazed over at the remaining part of the giant iceberg that had broken from the piece that had once entombed the ship and that the barge seemed to be on a collision course with. He assumed he would be dead before the two met. He sighed. After all his near death escapades, he was still going to die. He wondered how the monster would do it and if it would be a quick and pain-free death.

  He gazed out to sea as he thought of the things he had done. He wasn't a good man, he knew that, but he wasn't bad like a murderer bad. He was just a bit greedy and self-centered. Tears filled his eyes when he sensed the darkness was almost upon him. He wiped away the tears with his cold fingers. He wouldn't die crying. Richard's expression changed from shock to disbelief then from anger to realization and finally to the acceptance of his fate. He was no longer afraid. He turned to face his death head on and stared defiantly at the darkness that had formed into a large wolf-like creature that slowly padded towards him. Death moved slowly, purposefully.

  When something from out of the corner of his eye caught his attention, Richard glanced in that direction. Distant faint lights pierced the gloom. It was unmistakably a large ship. He directed his stare to the searchlight stretching out from something in the sky approaching the ship―a helicopter. His mind flicked through different scenarios. Maybe he wouldn't die aboard this boat after all. He turned to face the darkness again and was startled by how close it had come.

  Richard held up a hand. “Wait!”

  The darkness halted and stared, curiously it seemed, at its victim.

  “Can you understand me?” Richard shouted to make certain he was heard above the howling wind and crashing waves. Though the darkness made no response, it remained a short distance away. Whether it was or not, Richard chose this to be a good sign and continued voicing his plan with added arm movements to help the thing understand. “We are both stuck on this boat and will perish if we stay here, but I can help you.” He pointed at the lights of the distant vessel. “I can take you to that ship.” He pointed at the frightening dark form and then the distant vessel to hopefully enforce the meaning of his words. “There are lots of humans onboard you can kill and eat, or whatever it is you do with your victims. All I ask in return is you don't kill me.”

  EV1L stared across the ocean at the lights of the vessel for a few moments as if contemplating its victim's request. The creature wanted to go to the water vessel. If it could sneak aboard and hide until it arrived at another land, it would survive. It could also snack on others of the species type it had seen onboard to keep its strength up. EV1L returned its scary gaze back upon Richard as it changed form, rising up into a human shape, like a golem formed of black, greasy wet clay, and nodded its malevolent head.

  Giving the black golem, that seemed to have understood and accepted the deal, as wide a berth as the width of the barge would allow, Richard anxiously rushed to the stern and into the small wheelhouse. He ran his eyes over the sparse controls. It seemed simple enough, a throttle and a steering wheel. He powered down the vessel and grabbed the wheel, but it wouldn't turn. A frantic search revealed the pin that held it in place. He freed it and pushed the throttle forward halfway while turning the barge until the bow was lined up with the distant ship.

  EV1L watched Richard's every move until it was satisfied they were heading for the ship and then moved to the bow and stared out at the approaching vessel.

  Though frightened by the proximity of the boat's only other passenger, Richard relaxed slightly when it stopped staring at him and turned away. Death didn't seem so imminent now and he was hopeful he might actually survive this ordeal.

  Though Richard was naive at times, he wasn't stupid and knew by the barge being set adrift with the dark phantom as its only passenger, the ship's crew was probably aware of its presence and would take steps to prevent it boarding their vessel. Though he had no idea of what actions they would take, he imagined his life would bear little consideration with their preventative measures. He would have to think of a plan whereby he could be saved without seeming to endanger those on the ship.

  As he grew nearer to the vessel he was able to read its name, Spasatel Kuznetsov. It was Russian, not the American ship he had expected. That didn't bode well for his survival; the Russians would care even less about his life than the Americans or British. He needed a good and convincing plan if he was going to live through this. He gazed back at the dark form still focused on the approaching ship and wondered what its plans were. Whatever the unfathomable thoughts of the dark menace, Richard was confident pain and death to others played a prominent role and he didn't trust it not to include him in its killing spree when they were onboard. He looked across the waves at the helicopter drawing nearer to the large ship. He didn't have much time. It was his only means to escape from the dark presence.

  As his eyes desperately scanned the ship for a solution that would get him safely aboard, an idea formed that would result in the death of the dark golem and hopefully his survival. Though he saw a few Russians moving about the rolling deck, none looked in his direction. Richard altered course slightly to keep the bow pointed at the Russian vessel and flashed the deck lights on and off in the hope of attracting someone's attention.


  Showered and dressed in borrowed clothes a few sizes too large, Lucy exited the cabin she had been allowed to use. She placed her hands against the walls to steady herself against the rolling movements of the vessel as she headed along the corridor towards the galley. Though she had grabbed a quick snack before her shower, she was still famished. Now she had washed away every remnant of the alien grime, she felt like normality was beginning to return to her life that had been anything but recently.

  Babinski was tucking into his second helping of food when Lucy entered the galley. He smiled at her change of appearance. “You look better.”

  “I am thanks.” Her mouth watered at the sight and smell of food the men were eagerly consuming at the tables spaced around the room.

  Babinski indicated the empty chair beside him. “Come, sit and eat.”

  Lucy gratefully took him up on his offer.

  Babinski turned towards the man behind the counter of the galley kitchen. “A bowl of food for the lady, Gresol.”

  Gresol brought it over, placed it in front of Lucy with a smile and glared at Babinski. “I don't mind doing it for our pretty guest, but I'm a cook not your personal waiter, so next time you want something, get off your lazy arse and fetch it yourself.”

  Babinski smiled at the man. “And I was hoping for a private massage later.”

  Gresol rolled his eyes and returned to his kitchen.

  Lucy wolfed down the hot food, a type of meat stew with vegetables.

  A man popped his head into the galley. “Lucy, there's an American helicopter on the way to pick you up.”

  Unable to answer with her mouth full of food, Lucy nodded at the man.

  “I'll bring her up,” volunteered Babinski. “What's the ETA?”

  “It's already approaching off the port bow, so a few minutes.”

p; Lucy placed the spoon in the bowl and let out a satisfied sigh. “I'm ready.”

  Babinski found Lucy a waterproof jacket and led her out of the galley.


  Ivan Chersky glanced at Brusilov when he entered the bridge. “The American helicopter is on its way, Captain, ETA six minutes, but there's something else approaching from the opposite direction.”

  Brusilov crossed to the radar and peered at the unexpected blip moving through the slower moving blips that formed the newly created iceberg field.

  “I think it's the barge, Captain,” said Chersky.

  Brusilov glanced out across the sea in the direction of the detected blip and noticed a light flashing. He took a pair of binoculars from their place on the wall and walked out onto the small deck surrounding the front of the bridge. Ignoring the wind and snow that whipped around him, he placed the binoculars to his eyes and focused on the flashing lights. He was surprised to see Chersky proved correct; the barge headed straight for them. At first he blamed the wind and waves for altering its course, but as it drew nearer he saw a man leaning out of the wheelhouse waving. He wondered where he had come from, how he had gotten aboard the barge and what had happened to the evil menace; it couldn't still be aboard if the man was still alive. Brusilov swept the binoculars over the length of the deck and was shocked when he spied the dark form standing near the bow with its eyes focused on his ship. Though confused as to why it hadn't killed the man piloting the barge, he was well aware of the danger the dark entity presented if it managed to board the ship. He returned to the bridge, grabbed the radio, reset the frequency and pressed the talk button.


  Richard stopped waving at the Russian ship and turned when a voice crackled behind him.

  “This is Captain Brusilov from the Russian vessel the Spasatel Kuznetsov communicating with the man piloting the barge heading for my ship. I order you to turn away and keep a safe distance. If you approach you will be blown from the water.”

  Richard found the radio hanging on the back wall and pressed the talk button. “Captain Brusilov, this is Richard Whorley speaking from the barge. I am a British scientist working with the American salvage team and any aggression levied against me will likely be looked upon as an act of war. I am in trouble and need rescuing. This is an SOS. I repeat―this is an SOS.” He lifted his finger and waited.

  “Mr. Whorley, you are endangering everyone aboard this vessel by bringing that alien to us and I am within my rights to prevent that from happening. Approach any closer and you will be blown from the water and destroyed.”

  Richard scanned the ship and saw no sign of any weapons capable of blowing him out of the water. It seemed like a type of work or salvage vessel and definitely not a warship. It was a bluff. Richard looked back across the deck. The dark golem watched him and no doubt grew suspicious. “If I stop or alter course I'm as good as dead anyway, so I have nothing to lose, but I have an idea that may save us all. Do you have any explosives?”

  Brusilov, though confused by the man's question, nevertheless answered, “What if we do and why do you ask?”

  “I'll explain in a minute. What reach does your crane have?”

  Brusilov glanced out at the crane, wondering what the Englishman's plan was. “Twenty-six meters, why?”

  “If you extend the jib over the side and lower the cable with an explosive device on the end, I will make sure it destroys the alien and then use the crane to escape from the barge before it explodes. It's a win, win for everyone.”

  Brusilov raised his eyebrows; he was impressed. The man was obviously capable of thinking on his feet and had somehow managed to convince the black demon to spare his life. “I'll get back to you.” He placed the radio down and picked up the internal telephone. “Sergei Antonoff, report to the bridge immediately.”

  “I thought I recognized the name,” stated Chersky, picking up the Russian newspaper he had been reading earlier. “Richard Whorley is one of the scientists that first discovered the spaceship.” He handed the newspaper to Brusilov and pointed out the article.

  Brusilov stared at Richard's smiling face. “I wonder what he's doing back here.” He turned when Sergei entered.

  “Captain,” said Sergei.

  Brusilov quickly explained Richard's plan to kill the black phantom.

  “What do you think, Sergei, will it work and do we have enough explosives to fashion a bomb powerful enough to destroy the barge and everything onboard?”

  Sergei rubbed the stubble on his chin. “It's a crazy plan, Captain, but we have the explosives and it could work and put an end to that black devil. The only other option is to wait until the barge comes close enough and then throw the bomb onboard, but things could go wrong. A bad shot would toss it into the ocean or the explosion might damage the ship if it's too close. A distance of twenty-six meters shouldn't cause us any damage and even better if the man aboard could steer the barge away at the last moment so it heads away from us.”

  Brusilov nodded. “It's putting a lot of faith in the Englishman's capabilities.” He tapped Richard's newspaper image. “But he does seem to have the uncanny ability to survive. Let's go along with his plan for the moment and I'll get a backup plan ready in case it starts going wrong. Whatever happens, we can't let that alien get aboard this ship.”

  “I agree, Captain. I'll see to the preparations.” Sergei left the bridge.

  Not altogether certain the Russian captain would go along with his plan, Richard stared out worriedly at the ship drawing steadily closer and jumped when the captain's voice came over the radio.

  “Richard, I have decided to try your idea. Preparations are being made, but any mishap on your part and we will destroy the barge whether you are onboard or not,” warned Brusilov.

  “Understood Captain.”

  “Good luck, and turn the barge away from the ship before you disembark.”

  “I will try my best.” Richard hung the radio up and noticed the creature had moved nearer. He smiled nervously and held up a thumb to try and convey everything was okay.

  EV1L stared at Richard suspiciously, but as the vessel continued to head for the larger ship, it defrayed from taking any action. At the first sign of deceit it would pounce and kill him.


  Sergei hung the strap holding the bundle of explosives together over the crane's hook and set the timer for twenty seconds. All the Englishman had to do was press the red button to set the countdown in motion and lob it at the alien. He gave the signal to the crane operator that he had finished and watched the swaying bomb rise. The crane turned to the side of the ship and extended the boom out over the ocean to its full reach.

  Sergei walked past the group of men armed with assault rifles and grenades concealed behind a shipping container to hide their presence from the alien and ready to rush forward if required. If the Englishman failed this was their last line of defense. He joined Brusilov at the rail staring out at the approaching barge and noticed the captain had collected the alien pistol from his cabin.

  Brusilov glanced over at the bomb swinging from the crane's cable. “It's all up to the Englishman now.”

  Richard watched the crane swing out and adjusted course slightly to align with it. He had noticed the alien glance at the crane, but it seemed to pay it little interest. Aware speed would be the only thing that would save him, he had gone over the steps in his mind until he had everything worked out. When the bow of the barge was almost level with the hook dangling too high for the evil golem to reach, he turned the vessel sideways to the ship and inserted the pin to hold it on a course away from the Spasatel Kuznetsov. He rushed from the wheelhouse and climbed onto its roof as the hook lowered and came nearer. He grabbed it, unhooked the bomb, pressed the timer activation button and threw it at the alien rushing towards him. It sunk into its chest when it struck. Richard grabbed the cable, placed a foot in the crook of the hook, and let the boat's momentum drag him off the wheelhouse roof and swing him out over the col
d turbulent sea.

  EV1L reacted as soon it noticed the human move. It rushed forward but stopped when something struck its chest and sunk into its soft oily form. Strands, black and treacle thick, stretched out from its body when it tried tugging it free.


  As the helicopter approached the Spasatel Kuznetsov and Jack noticed the waves tossing the Russian vessel erratically, he knew it was going to be impossible to land safely. He glanced at Jane sitting beside him. “I'll have to do a fly around to find a safe place to hover so our passenger can climb onboard.”

  Jane nodded and looked down at the angry sea worriedly; if they ditched they wouldn't last long.

  Jack brought the helicopter lower and flew around the ship. The helipad presently occupied by the large Halo helicopter counted out the stern as a pickup point. As he rounded the ship something flew through the air towards them.

  Jane screamed in surprise.

  Jack dodged the helicopter clear.

  Jane stared at the man swinging from the end of the crane, who smiled at her. “I don't believe it! It's Richard.”

  When Jack had leveled off, he looked at the man swinging on the end of the cable, and grinned. “You have to give it to Richard. He never fails to make a surprising entrance.”

  “But what's he doing here and why is he hanging on the end of a crane?”

  Jack shook his head. “Who can fathom why the man does these crazy things?”

  Jack noticed two men at the ship's rail waving their arms at him and pointing at the black form on the barge he was about to fly over. He glanced at the evil black shape wrestling with something on its chest, and noticed the red blinking countdown on the object. He jerked the helicopter away sharply and increased power as an explosion lit up the sky. Pieces of metal debris ricocheted off the craft.


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